119 resultados para 1995_03270452 TM-46 4501706


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A região onde está inserida a área de estudo, tem sofrido explorações predatórias e má utilização do solo. Áreas antes ocupadas por cerrados, campos sujo e limpo foram substituídas pelos reflorestamentos com eucalipto, devido aos incentivos fiscais e a instalação de companhias reflorestadoras na região, pelo baixo valor das terras e baixa fertilidade do solo; mas com um grande potencial para o desenvolvimento de essências florestais. O presente trabalho visou a elaboração do Diagnóstico Físico Conservacionista da bacia do rio Capivara - Botucatu (SP), baseada no parâmetro ambiental “Coeficiente de Rugosidade”, tendo-se por unidade de estudo 10 microbacias. Os resultados obtidos com a metodologia utilizada, no estudo da bacia do rio Capivara - Botucatu (SP), para o diagnóstico físico conservacionista permitiram mostrar que o grau de deterioração físico ambiental para a bacia foi 44,34%, muito acima do limite de 10% aceitável. O alto valor do grau de deterioração, provavelmente, foi devido ao mau uso da terra que vem provocando erosões, assoreamentos de reservatórios e cursos d’águas. O parâmetro ambiental médio “coeficiente de rugosidade” para as dez microbacias do rio Capivara, permitiu classificá-las para utilização com agricultura e urbanização, pecuária e reflorestamento; ou seja, indicou que a vocação principal desta é para uso com pecuária (Classe B); as classes de declive de 0 a 12% (Classe III) e de 12 a 20% (Classe IV), respectivamente, predominaram em 62,95% e 27,00% da área total das microbacias estudadas, ocorrendo em na sua maior parte nas unidades de solo LVA (46,56%) e RQ (19,86%). A predominância de florestas, capoeiras e pastagens nas microbacias, provavelmente é reflexo da predominância de solos de baixa fertilidade. - As imagens do Sensor TM do LANDSAT 5, permitiram o mapeamento do uso da terra da bacia de maneira rápida, que segundo o índice Kappa foi de boa qualidade (0,45), além de fornecer um banco de dados para futuros planejamentos nessa área. O SIG - IDRISI permitiu constatar através de seus diferentes módulos para georreferenciamento, classificação digital do uso da terra e modelo matemático, as áreas de uso da terra com rapidez. Os parâmetros, coeficientes de forma e circularidade mostraram que as microbacias apresentam baixo perigo de enchentes devido ao seu formato, bem como, o coeficiente de rugosidade permitiu classificar as microbacias 1, 2, 3, 4 e 8 com vocação para agricultura; as 6 e 7 para pecuária; a 5 para pecuária e reflorestamento e as 9 e 10 para floresta e reflorestamento.


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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The study of information behavior of graduate students is important because it reveals aspects of the search and information use that will impact the performance of future researchers and other professionals. Earlier studies on the UNESP, campus of Marilia (São Paulo State, Brazil), indicated that the graduate students in the areas of Applied Social Sciences and Humanities little use information sources traditionally used for bibliographic and restricted to the sources indicated by their teachers, contrary to expectations for a student with this level of training. Continuing the theme, we investigate the information behavior of students in postgraduate programs in the field of Education with five and six notes in the latest assessment of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). This research aimed to characterize the information behavior of Brazilian post-graduate in Education; identify factors that may influence the information behavior of the participants; investigate whether there are significant differences in behavior between masters and doctoral students; check the influence of gender in information behavior of post-graduate students. Data collection was performed in two stages: the establishment of a focus group with group of 11 participants for raising subsidies for the next step, which consisted in the application of electronic questionnaire to 16 graduate regular student of programs of excellence in the Brazil. Participated in the survey 493 post-graduates, 54% doctoral students and 46% of masters students and 75% women and 25% of men. The results showed that most subjects did not participate in formal instruction to search in databases. They are open to new ideas and do not restrict your search only to information that confirms their view on the research topic. Respondents are concerned not to overlook details and have the habit of regularly seeking information on their research and were willing to...


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Introdução:Os resultados alcançados pelos transplantes renais nas últimas décadas têm melhorado progressivamente. Objetivo:A fim de determinar a extensão desse progresso, conduzimos uma análise dos resultados obtidos em nosso programa de transplantes através de três períodos diferentes. Métodos:Avaliamos os 600 transplantes renais realizados no HC FMB-UNESP até dezembro de 2011, subdividindo-os em três eras, de acordo com a imunossupressão vigente. Era 1: de 1987 a 2000 (n = 180); associação de ciclosporina e azatioprina. Era 2: de 2001 a 2006 (n = 120); associação de ciclosporina e micofenolato e Era 3: de 2007 a 2011 (n = 300); associação de tacrolimus e micofenolato. Resultados:Os resultados mostram aumento da idade média do receptor, da prevalência de diabetes e do número de transplantes com doador falecido (60%) na terceira era. O uso de terapia de indução foi de 75% era atual contra 46,6% (Era 2) e 3,9% (Era 1), p < 0,0001. Os dados de sobrevida geral por tipo de doador mostram dados semelhantes à literatura. Houve progressivo aumento da sobrevida do enxerto com doadores falecidos em 5 anos, saindo de 13,7% (Era 1) para 81,9% (Era 3). Conclusão:Houve significativas diferenças ao longo do tempo, culminando com aumento do volume de transplantes na atual era (média de 14 transplantes/ano na Era 1 para 75 transplantes/ano na Era 3). Inverteu-se o perfil de transplantes na era atual com predomínio de doador falecido. A melhor sobrevida com doador falecido da atual era foi atribuída a maior experiência do centro e aos esquemas de imunossupressão baseados na combinação de tacrolimus com micofenolato associados a esquema de indução.


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Algae bloom is one of the major consequences of the eutrophication of aquatic systems, including algae capable of producing toxic substances. Among these are several species of cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, that have the capacity to adapt themselves to changes in the water column. Thus, the horizontal distribution of cyanobacteria harmful algae blooms (CHABs) is essential, not only to the environment, but also for public health. The use of remote sensing techniques for mapping CHABs has been explored by means of bio-optical modeling of phycocyanin (PC), a unique inland waters cyanobacteria pigment. However, due to the small number of sensors with a spectral band of the PC absorption feature, it is difficult to develop semi-analytical models. This study evaluated the use of an empirical model to identify CHABs using TM and ETM+ sensors aboard Landsat 5 and 7 satellites. Five images were acquired for applying the model. Besides the images, data was also collected in the Guarapiranga Reservoir, in São Paulo Metropolitan Region, regarding the cyanobacteria cell count (cells/mL), which was used as an indicator of CHABs biomass. When model values were analyzed excluding calibration factors for temperate lakes, they showed a medium correlation (R²=0.81, p=0.036), while when the factors were included the model showed a high correlation (R²=0.96, p=0.003) to the cyanobacteria cell count. The empirical model analyzed proved useful as an important tool for policy makers, since it provided information regarding the horizontal distribution of CHABs which could not be acquired from traditional monitoring techniques.


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Cardiovascular diseases are a growing public health problem that affects most people over the age of 65 years and abdominal obesity is one of the risk factors for the development of these diseases. There are several methods that can be used to measure body fat, but their accuracy needs to be evaluated, especially in specific populations such as the elderly. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of anthropometric indicators to estimate the percentage of abdominal fat in subjects aged 80 years or older. A total of 125 subjects ranging in age from 80 to 95 years (83.5 ± 3), including 79 women (82.4 ± 3 years) and 46 men (83.6 ± 3 years), were studied. The following anthropometric indicators were used: body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-hip ratio (WHR), and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR). The percentage of abdominal fat was measured by DEXA. Sensitivity and specificity were analyzed using an ROC curve. The sensitivity, specificity and AUC were 0. 578, 0. 934 and 0. 756 for BMI, respectively; 0.703, 0.820 and 0.761 for WC; 0.938, 0.213 and 0.575 for WHR, and 0.984, 0.344 and 0.664 for WHtR. BMI and WC were the anthropometric indicators with the largest area under the curve and were therefore more adequate to identify the presence or absence of abdominal obesity.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Valuable genetic material can be preserved by the cryopreservation of epididymal sperm. This study evaluated the viability of pre-freezing and post-thawed sperm samples recovered from the epididymal cauda of buffaloes. Epididymides from eight Murrah buffaloes with 18 months of age were used. Semen samples were diluted in two different freezing extenders: Botu-bov (BB) and Tris (TRIS). Immediately after slaughter, both testicles from each animal were collected and transported at 4 degrees C for six hours interval. In laboratory, the removed epididymides were flushed to obtain sperm and the fractions were diluted in both freezing extenders (BB and TRIS). Semen doses were analyzed before and after frozen at -196 degrees C. BB and TRIS pre-freezing results were 38.54 +/- 22.33%(b) and 14.17 +/- 12.78%(a) for total motility (TM), 25.00 +/- 16.12(a) and 9.44 +/- 9.11(a) for progressive motility (PM), 7.21 +/- 0.98(a) and 5.09 +/- 2.65(a) for percentage of rapid cells (RAP), 91.08 +/- 12.53(b) and 63.33 +/- 31.47(a) for velocity of trajectory (VAP), 73.54 +/- 20.17(b) and 49.50 +/- 9.11(a) for linear progressive velocity (VSL), 172.21 +/- 24.55(a) and 116.94 +/- 59.48(a) for curvilinear velocity (VCL), respectively (P < 0.05). BB and TRIS post-thawing results were 42.25 +/- 21.50(b) and 17.62 +/- 19.46(a) for TM, 27.25 +/- 24.86(a) and 18.00 +/- 13.68(a) for PM, 7.35 +/- 0.98(a) and 6.26 +/- 1.13(a) for RAP, 91.42 +/- 16.86(a) and 75.96 +/- 13.17(a) for VAP, 67.96 +/- 12.13(a) and 60.04 +/- 10.42(a) for VSL, 177.54 +/- 23.53(b) and 141.29 +/- 24.97a for VCL, respectively (P < 0.05). The sperm recovered from the epididymal cauda, after 6 h storage of epididymides at 5 degrees C ensures sperm preservation demonstrating that the diluent Botu-bov had higher total motility both pre-and post-freezing when compared with TRIS. Additionally, the sperm frozen with the diluent Botu-bov showed higher values of VSL at post-thawing. These findings may reflect in improvement of conception rates.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)