83 resultados para 040601 Geomorphology and Regolith and Landscape Evolution


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Some Arachis species are widely used as commercial plants, e.g. the groundnut A. hypogaea, an important source of good quality protein and oil, and A. pintoi and A. glabrata, that are utilized as forage species. Germplasm of most Arachis species is available in germplasm banks. However, little it is known about the genetic attributes of this germplasm, and mainly about its genetic variability, which is very important for its maintenance. In the present study RAPDs were used to assay the genetic variation within and among 48 accessions of five sections of the genus Arachis and to establish the genetic relationships among these accessions. Ten of 34 primers tested were selected for DNA amplification reactions since they yielded the largest numbers of polymorphic loci. A dendrogram was constructed based on data from the 10 primers selected. Eighty RAPD polymorphic bands were analyzed among the accessions studied. The relationships among species based on RAPDs were similar to those previously reported based on morphological, cytological and crossability data; demonstrating that RAPDs can be used to determine the genetic relationships among species of the different sections of the genus Arachis. In general, wide variation was found among accessions and low variation was found within the accessions that had two or more plants analyzed. However, higher polymorphism was found in the section Trierectoides and in one accession of A. major, indicating that generalizations should be avoided and each species should be analyzed in order to establish collection and maintenance strategies.


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Transposable elements (TE) are major components of eukaryotic genomes and involved in cell regulation and organism evolution. We have analyzed 123,889 expressed sequence tags of the Eucalyptus Genome Project database and found 124 sequences representing 76 TE in 9 groups, of which copia, MuDR and FAR1 groups were the most abundant. The low amount of sequences of TE may reflect the high efficiency of repression of these elements, a process that is called TE silencing. Frequency of groups of TE in Eucalyptus libraries which were prepared with different tissues or physiologic conditions from seedlings or adult plants indicated that developing plants experience the expression of a much wider spectrum of TE groups than that seen in adult plants. These are preliminary results that identify the most relevant TE groups involved with Eucalyptus development, which is important for industrial wood production. Copyright by the Brazilian Society of Genetics.


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Gingivitis is the first manifestation of periodontal disease, and is characterized by painless and slow evolution. Early diagnosis and intervention must be done to avoid the possibility of precocious periodontitis during the childhood or teenage years. The enzymatic BANA test (N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-naphthylamide) was used to evaluate subgingival samples from 54 children between 6 and 9 years of age. Plaque index (PI) and gingival index (GI) were assessed according to the criteria recommended by Löe (1967). Subgingival plaque was collected from the region that featured the greatest periodontal alteration, represented by a higher gingival index. Resulting data were grouped individually according to visible and non-visible plaque and bleeding and non-bleeding gingiva. Results showed that there was no statistically significant correlation between the presence of visible plaque and the positivity of the BANA test, nor was there a statistically significant correlation between the presence of bleeding and the positivity of the BANA test in subgingival samples obtained from children. This study concluded that the BANA test is not an ideal diagnostic test to be applied to children.


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Fluvial morphometry is method of great value regarding neotectonic analysis of extensive areas because streams, besides representing one of the main agents in the relief modeling, quickly adjust their thalwegs to even the most gentle crustal deformations. The purpose of this paper is to present the application of some morphometric techniques in the Santo Anastácio River hydrographic basin in order to identify recent tectonic deformations. Additionally, we show liquefaction structures identified in the basin and interpreted here as seismites linked to ancient earthquakes (magnitudes greater than 5). The morphometric survey includes longitudinal stream profile analysis, RDE (declivity versus stream length) index application, and the sinuosity study of the Santo Anastácio River channel. Geologic substrate comprises Cretaceous siliciclastic rocks of the Caiuá and Bauru groups, locally covered by Cenozoic sediments (alluvial plains, terrace deposits, colluvial aprons, as well as in situ regoliths). Considering that liquefaction structures affect dark clay layers of 32.340±320 year BP age (14C dating), a lower age limit for the ancient earthquake is triggered in that region. The authors believe that neotectonic understanding of the Western São Paulo State Plateau is important to the geologic and geomorphologic evolution of that landscape and to the consequent territorial planning and occupation.


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In an evermore competitive environment, power distribution companies need to continuously monitor and improve the reliability indices of their systems. The network reconfiguration (NR) of a distribution system is a technique that well adapts to this new deregulated environment for it allows improvement of system reliability indices without the onus involved in procuring new equipment. This paper presents a reliability-based NR methodology that uses metaheuristic techniques to search for the optimal network configuration. Three metaheuristics, i.e. Tabu Search, Evolution Strategy, and Differential Evolution, are tested using a Brazilian distribution network and the results are discussed. © 2009 IEEE.


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In Brazil, the degradation of soil and landscape by urban and agricultural frontiers expansion leads to the need for comprehensive studies and consider the diverse biological activities generated from different interventions in the landscape, becoming an instrument for assessing the impacts and the decision for its environmental management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different forms of occupation of the landscape, considering ecological elements and their interactions. The work was carried out on the Instituto Agronômico in the county of Jundiai, in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The area under study has been subjected to different use and occupancy for a period of about 40 years. During this period the landscape has been transformed, with the current scenario can be classified as a degraded area mining; grassy area; Araucaria forest and pasture. These areas were evaluated by means of a transect, from which ten sampling sites were selected for the description of diverse biological activities, which included: evaluation and description of ground cover, identifying the presence of fungus and insect species. Furthermore, we evaluated in these points the pH, fertility and porosity of the topsoil (0-0.10 m). The results showed a variation of the elements analyzed and a relationship between the use and occupation of land in the different scenarios of the current landscape. The biological activity was more diverse in the Araucaria forest, reflected by the abundance of litter, higher content of organic matter and soil nutrients, demonstrating the effectiveness of the technique for assessing the level of degradation of the landscape used, which is expeditious and inexpensive.


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The family Loricariidae with 813 nominal species is one of the largest fish families of the world. Hypostominae, its more complex subfamily, was recently divided into five tribes. The tribe Hypostomini is composed of a single genus, Hypostomus Lacépède, 1803, which exhibits the largest karyotypic diversity in the family Loricariidae. With the main objective of contributing to a better understanding of the relationship and the patterns of evolution among the karyotypes of Hypostomus species, cytogenetic studies were conducted in six species of the genus from Brazil and Venezuela. The results show a great chromosome variety with diploid numbers ranging from 2n=68 to 2n=76, with a clear predominance of acrocentric chromosomes. The Ag-NORs are located in terminal position in all species analyzed. Three species have single Ag-NORs (Hypostomus albopunctatus (Regan, 1908), H. prope plecostomus (Linnaeus, 1758), and H. prope paulinus (Ihering, 1905)) and three have multiple Ag-NORs (H. ancistroides (Ihering, 1911), H. prope iheringi (Regan, 1908), and H. strigaticeps (Regan, 1908)). In the process of karyotype evolution of the group, the main type of chromosome rearrangements was possibly centric fissions, which may have been facilitated by the putative tetraploid origin of Hypostomus species. The relationship between the karyotype changes and the evolution in the genus is discussed. © Anderson Luis Alves et al.


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Despite important progress on Amazonian floodplain research, the flooded forest of the Negro River igapó has been little investigated. In particular, no study has previously focused the linkage between fluvial geomorphology and the floristic variation across the course of the river. In this paper we describe and interpret relations between igapó forest, fluvial geomorphology and the spatial evolution of the igapó forest through the Holocene. Therefore, we investigate the effect of geomorphological units of the floodplain and channel patterns on tree diversity, composition and structural parameters of the late-successional igapó forest. Our results show that sites sharing almost identical flooding regime, exhibit variable tree assemblages, species richness and structural parameters such as basal area, tree density and tree heights, indicating a trend in which the geomorphologic styles seem to partially control the organization of igapó's tree communities. This can be also explained by the high variability of well-developed geomorphologic units in short distances and concentrated in small areas. In this dynamic the inputs from the species pool of tributary rivers play a crucial role, but also the depositional and erosional processes associated with the evolution of the floodplain during the Holocene may control floristic and structural components of the igapó forests. These results suggest that a comprehensive approach integrating floristic and geomorphologic methods is needed to understand the distribution of the complex vegetation patterns in complex floodplains such as the igapó of the Negro River. This combination of approaches may introduce a better comprehension of the temporal and spatial evolutionary analysis and a logic rationale to understand the vegetation distribution and variability in function of major landforms, soil distributions and hydrology. Thus, by integrating the past into macroecological analyses will sharpen our understanding of the underlying forces for contemporary floristic patterns along the inundation forests of the Negro River. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)