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The translation project of some short stories of the book Piccoli equivoci senza importanza, written by the Italian writer Antonio Tabucchi, was performed during the academic years. This thesis target is to analyze grammatical and stylistic issues of the short stories; to achieve this goal, parts of the original texts and their respective translations were used. The grammar section approaches important aspects as idioms, false cognates and different verb regencies between Portuguese and Italian. The stylistic part focuses on Tabucchi´s choices regarding the narrator, focalization, types of speech and interior monologues in his texts; these options characterize the Italian writer´s style and make his stories plots intense. As a conclusion it can be noticed that this work is relevant to give a forward step in the Italian literature studies field, because it contributes to an important author style study and provides the analysis of which choices compound the text and the effects they cause
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When writing Coraline, Neil Gaiman takes up some resources used by Lewis Carroll in his two major works, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, but still manages to write a unique novel, seemingly grim, filled with horror. In the 1960s, the theoretician Julia Kristeva conducted a study on the possible dialogue between the texts, concluding that every text contains parts of other texts, already written or that will be. Based on the theory of intertextuality she first proposed and which was subsequently discussed by several theoreticians, this paper aims to find points in the works in which this dialogue is present, as well as how Neil Gaiman appropriates these resources properly. It also tries to show elements where these points of intertextuality differ, proposing that this difference is because Gaiman resorted, directly, or indirectly, to insights drawn from the study of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory
The signal-to-noise ratio and image uniformity analysis parameters are very important in quality control of an MRI scanner. They are measured in regular tests with phantoms. In these tests, however, used to quadrature coil, which has been most widely used clinically, and, therefore, was replaced in the procedures for body coil. In order to understand the difference between these two parameters in these coils, the study aimed to analyze the images acquired from four different phantoms in the same equipment under the same conditions for comparison purposes. With these results, it can be concluded that the body coil signal-to-noise ratio has always smaller than the quadrature in any projection, whereas the image uniformity is larger
The ankle sprains represent the most common injuries in sports and basketball. In this sense, the use of ankle bracing and strength capacity analysis of the ankle evertor and invertor muscles, have been suggested as preventive measures and important tools for identifying risk factors associated with ankle sprains. However, questions still persist as to effect of the use ankle bracing on biomechanical variables related to the stability of the ankle. For this reason, this study aims to analyze the effect of the use of ankle bracing on peak torque (PT) of ankle evertor and invertor muscles and on eccentric evertor/concentric invertor torque ratio (EVEECC/INVCON), during the basketball match-play simulation. Ten healthy college basketball players, without mechanics or functional ankle instability performed a laboratory-based protocol representative of work rates observed during basketball match-play, in two different situations, with and without use of ankle bracing. The test was composed of a succession of intermittent physical effort equally distributed in four periods of 10 minutes each, considering the mechanical and physiological demands of a basketball match-play. Prior to the start of the trial (Evaluation 1) and after 2° (Evaluation 2) and 4° (Evaluation 3) periods, the subjects performed five maximal isokinetic concentric and eccentric contractions of ankle invertor and evertor muscles, separated by two minutes rest, at 60 °/s and 120 °/s. After testing for normality of data distribution with the Shapiro-Wilk test, was used the ANOVA repeated measures for two factors and post-hoc Bonferroni test for comparison of variables between assessments. Was adopted p < 0.05. There was no significant difference for PT and EVEECC/INVCON torque ratio between assessments. There was a decrease in PT EVEECC at 60º/s and 120º/s for the ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
A monografia aqui apresentada tem como foco o estudo do processo de estruturação do espaço urbano, com atenção para o papel dos shopping centers. Estes espaços de comercialização de bens e serviços são muito importantes para compreender tal processo e se trata de algo extremamente recente considerando-se o longo processo de urbanização, visto que sua expansão, como fenômeno urbano no Brasil é do inicio da década de 1980. O estudo privilegiou a caracterização e análise das cidades que apresentam população na faixa de 100 a 600 mil habitantes e que na sua estrutura urbana apresentem este empreendimento como um elemento que agregue ou não o poder de constituição e/ou (re)definição de centralidades, dinâmica esta bastante influenciada pela construção deste equipamento de lazer e consumo em uma cidade. Sendo assim, para o desenvolvimento deste estudo, procuramos nos nortear em questões que abarcassem qual a relação destes empreendimentos, quando existentes nas cidades, com a centralidade principal, para assim, tentarmos compreender se os mesmos desempenham a criação de novas centralidades, ou reforçam a centralidade principal já existente, concebida pela estruturação que o centro desempenha
The objective of this paper is to discuss the construction of the image of São Paulo state public schools teachers in the public sphere, by the media and the trade union press, and see how that image is formed in both of them, without making any comparisons, from the covering of 2010 strikes by newspapers Folha de S. Paulo and Jornal da Apeoesp. This paper uses as theoretical basis the study of Media Hegemony, the concept of Radical Media and Public Sphere, as well as the relationship between them and social movements. It also considers the observation of the history and characteristics of trade union press and the Standards of Manipulation by the Press, proposed by Perseu Abramo. The chosen method was the identification, selection and organization of stories about education published by Folha de S. Paulo during the period; the application of Abramo’s proposed manipulation standards on the stories about the strike; research, selection and observation of print publications (Jornal da Apeoesp and newsletters Apeoesp Urgente) about the strike, published by Apeoesp during the same period
This work has as objective to show the vibrational analysis as a method of predictive maintenance as an auxiliar procedure in the fail detection in equipments, most specifically in the rotative ones, and with that help the maintenance team to have conditions to foresee the right time to do the swap of the components of the systems, what would lead to failures. Knowing the exact moment the resources of people and money can be focused in the critic operations to the plant. This technic has been already studied for more then 30 years and was widely used in this work, not only as an equipment condition verification method, but also, after the equipment replacement, was used to prove that the new fan was operating under the best work conditions and with that maintenance could return to contol the vibration level of the equipment, not being necessary any kind of intervention
Due to the growing practice of recreational activities among enterprises, it became evident an increase in the possibilities of interdisciplinary action of Physical Education teachers as well as in the areas alike. However, just a few academic papers try to understand the relation involving recreational activities in the context of business companies, what motivated the attention of this study, which aims to investigate whether the games played in business trainings may somehow contribute for a better comprehension and development of actions between employees and employers and also, to analyze the acceptability of this resource in lectures or formal events, which are usual in trainings. This study – which has a qualitative approach – was developed and based on the union of both bibliographic and exploratory researches. Data were collected through a questionnaire with open and direct questions that was applied to an intentional sample of twenty-five employees from a company in the countryside of São Paulo. Those data were analyzed in a descriptive way, through Thematic Content Analysis Technique and they showed that the relationship among employees has improved, whereas the relationship between employers and employees hasn’t improved that much and that the training which was given with dynamics and recreational strategies had a very positive result, because the goals were reached and the acceptability of this kind of training was unanimous among all the participants, It is extremely important that recreational activities can be developed in business trainings because with them, it is possible to reach more successfully their goals and the acceptability by the participants.
Este trabalho tem por finalidade fazer uma análise do jornal Correio da Noroeste. Os cinco primeiros anos desse jornal (1930-35) de grande circulação na cidade de Bauru, localizada no oeste paulista, serão abordados através das questões urbanas, da sociedade local e da relação com as tendências jornalísticas do início do século XX. Sua importância consiste na explicitação da relação existente entre jornalismo e sociedade local, permitindo delinear os diversos posicionamentos políticos do jornal, bem como diante das transformações que ocorreram na cidade em que o diário circulava
A reestruturação do setor de telecomunicações brasileiro é o tema desse trabalho. Essa mudança veio acompanhada da privatização do SISTEMA TELEBRÁS, monopólio estatal organizado em diversas subsidiárias, que forneciam os serviços através de uma rede de telecomunicações interligada em todo o território nacional (PIRES, 1999). Segundo REED (1997), privatização pode ser entendida como um processo através do qual os governos vendem suas empresas estatais na totalidade ou em blocos de ações a investidores privados locais ou internacionais. Apesar de ter sido iniciada ainda nos anos 80, a privatização brasileira só ganhou destaque quando chegou aos serviços públicos na segunda metade da década de 90, trazendo implicações micro e macroeconômicas, tornando-se necessário melhorar as instituições e o sistema de regulação dos setores. O objetivo do estudo é analisar a mudança ocorrida no setor de telecomunicações no Brasil, desde a criação da Telebrás nos anos 70 até a sua privatização; o que promoveu a transformação de um sistema estatal sem regulamentação e freqüentemente ineficiente para um novo setor, que necessitaria de grandes investimentos e esforços para atingir as metas de desenvolvimento
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Itararé Group is the record of one of the most significant glaciation events of the Gondwana. Of neocarboniferous-eopermian age, this unit has facies associations interpreted as resulted from shallow marine settings with glacial and deglacial water influence. The role of glaciers on the tectonic-sedimentary processes of the Itararé Group is striking, as typical facies such as diamictites, tilites, shales and rhythmites with dropstones are generated, besides the existence of glacially striated and polished surfaces. This work had as main goal to contribute to the geological knowledge of the Itararé Group in the central eastern portion of São Paulo State, using as basis outcrops from Itu, Salto and Porto Feliz, and also pertinent bibliographic data and well profiles located in the surrounding areas. About the stratigraphic framework, genetic association and paleogeography of these deposits, this work concludes that the area studied comprises the basal section of the Itararé Group. The stacking of the facies recognized during the field work begins with the striated and polished surfaces of the basement, described in Salto, superposed by tilites and diamictites with glacial movement features. Over these are the turbidites from Itu, associated with the glacier retreat. The outcrops of Porto Feliz are at the top of this succession, with deposits generated by flows with lateral and vertical variations, sometimes with prevalence of tractive conditions, and sometimes with sediments transported largely by suspension. Paleocurrent measurements show main flow directions towards NW, the same as glacial striae, suggesting the influence of reworking of sediments by the meltwater during deglacial periods
Cette étude se propose à l'analyser la matière onirique dans les contes fantastique de Pierre Jules Théophile Gautier (1811-1872). En raison des singularités concernant à la période historique de l’auteur, c’est-à-dire à l’époque romantique, la fréquence thématique du rêve se montre essentielle à la compréhension de l'esprit de l'auteur, l’icône de mouvements postérieures, bien en raison de l'évolution artistique et stylistique qui lui a conduit à avoir des relations polémiques avec les idéaux du progrès bourgeois et avec la conception utilitariste de l'art de l’époque, contre laquelle il a opposé la théorie de « L’Art pour l’art ». On a comme l’objectif de montrer que la critique féroce de Théophile Gautier à l’idéal progressite de l’époque et aux limites de la condition humaine occupe une place importante dans ses récits de rêve, soit par la réorganisation des éléments du réel à travers le rêve, soit comme un des moyens d'échapper aux limites de la réalité qui n’était pas toujours vu positevement par les rationalisme
With the advent of a global economy, Lean Six Sigma meets the demand of new production process that creates products within the customer’s specification without any wastage. The objectives of this work is to use the concepts Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma parallel to minimize costs, increase the customer base, reduce the delivery time which implies an increase in the turnover of products on the shelves in a packaging company. We used the DMAIC method to continue working. The method DMAIC indicated the main failure modes that were fixed in the step improve. At this stage the tools of Lean Manufacturing gain tremendous value by optimizing processes with defects. The conclusion involves an increase in monthly billing, a corporate restructuring and, finally, a renewal in how to conduct the work of management