84 resultados para shape from shading


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The atomic superradiant emission is treated in the single-particle mean-field approximation. A single-particle Hamiltonian, which represents a dressed two-level atom in a radiation field, can be obtained and it is verified that it describes the transient regime of the emission process. While the line-shape emission for a bare atom follows the sech2 law, for the dressed atom the line shape deviates appreciably from this law and it is verified that the deviation depends crucially on the ratio of the dynamic frequency shift to the transition frequency. This kind of deviation is observed in experimental results. © 1990 The American Physical Society.


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The model of development and evolution of complex morphological structures conceived by Atchley and Hall in 1991 (Biol. Rev. 66:101-157), which establishes that changes at the macroscopic, morphogenetic level can be statistically detected as variation in skeletal units at distinct scales, was applied in combination with the formalism of geometric morphometrics to study variation in mandible shape among populations of the rodent species Thrichomys apereoides. The thin-plate spline technique produced geometric descriptors of shape derived from anatomical landmarks in the mandible, which we used with graphical and inferential approaches to partition the contribution of global and localized components to the observed differentiation in mandible shape. A major pattern of morphological differentiation in T. apereoides is attributable to localized components of shape at smaller geometric scales associated with specific morphogenetic units of the mandible. On the other hand, a clinal trend of variation is associated primarily with localized components of shape at larger geometric scales. Morphogenetic mechanisms assumed to be operating to produce the observed differentiation in the specific units of the mandible include mesenchymal condensation differentiation, muscle hypertrophy, and tooth growth. Perspectives for the application of models of morphological evolution and geometric morphometrics to morphologically based systematic biology are considered.


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Lead lanthanum zirconate titanate (PLZT) thin films with (9/65/35) stoichiometry were prepared by dip coating from polymeric precursor method. The films deposited on silicon (100) substrates, were thermally treated from 450° to 700°C for 6 hours in order to study the influence of thermal treatment on the crystallinity, microstructure, grain size and roughness of the final film. X-ray diffraction results showed that PLZT phase crystallizes at low temperature (500°C) and present preferential orientation. It was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) that it is possible to obtain dense thin films at temperatures around 650°C. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies showed that the grain size and roughness are strongly influenced by the annealing temperature.


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Thirteen populations of Thorea were analyzed from central Mexico and south-eastern Brazil. All populations were considered as belonging to a single species [Thorea hispida (Thore) Desvaux], with wide variation of morphological features. Secondary branches varying in frequency were observed in several populations with an overlapping in the range of branch density for Thorea violacea Bory and T. hispida (0-9 and 11-41 per 30 mm, respectively). As this is the most distinguishing character and on the basis of the overlapping (within a same population or even a single plant), we regarded T. violacea as a synonym of T. hispida. 'Chantransia' stage in culture, as well as gametophyte and carposporophyte were described in detail. We confirmed the coexistence of asexual monosporangia with sexual reproductive structures (carpogonia and spermatangia) and carposporangia. Size, content, arrangement and chromosome number were the most distinctive characteristics among spermatangia, carposporangia and monosporangia. Monosporangia can be promptly differentiated from spermatangia by their granulated content and larger size but they are similar to carposporangia in shape and size; however, monosporangia are not arranged in fascicles. Structures resembling bisporangia were observed in female plants of some populations. Chromosome numbers were n = 4 for spermatangia and fascicle cells, and 2n ca8 for gonimoblast filaments, carpospores and the 'Chantransia' stage cells. The populations of Thorea from central Mexico and south-eastern Brazil corroborated the known world distribution for T. hispida, consisting dominantly of tropical to subtropical rainforests, sometimes extending into warm temperate areas. Thorea hispida occurred in warm (temperature 17.6-28.0°C), neutral to alkaline (pH 7.0-8.0), high ion content (specific conductance 59-2140 μS cm-1), moderate flowing (current velocity 17-43 cm/s) and shallow waters (depth <50 cm); these data are essentially similar to previous reports.


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This article presents a quantitative and objective approach to cat ganglion cell characterization and classification. The combination of several biologically relevant features such as diameter, eccentricity, fractal dimension, influence histogram, influence area, convex hull area, and convex hull diameter are derived from geometrical transforms and then processed by three different clustering methods (Ward's hierarchical scheme, K-means and genetic algorithm), whose results are then combined by a voting strategy. These experiments indicate the superiority of some features and also suggest some possible biological implications.


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A very simple and robust method for ceramics grains quantitative image analysis is presented. Based on the use of optimal imaging conditions for reflective light microscopy of bulk samples, a digital image processing routine was developed for shading correction, noise suppressing and contours enhancement. Image analysis was done for grains selected according to their concavities, evaluated by perimeter ratio shape factor, to avoid consider the effects of breakouts and ghost boundaries due to ceramographic preparation limitations. As an example, the method was applied for two ceramics, to compare grain size and morphology distributions. In this case, most of artefacts introduced by ceramographic preparation could be discarded due to the use of perimeter ratio exclusion range.


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Baccaconularia Hughes, Gunderson et Weedon, 2000, from the Furongian Series (Cambrian System) of the north-central USA, has been interpreted as a conulariid cnidarian, based on a suite of gross morphological similarities shared only with other post-Cambrian genera currently assigned to this group. Closely spaced, squarish to subrectangular facial nodes of Baccaconularia are aligned in distinct longitudinal files. Nodes also display a subtler, more or less rectilinear transverse alignment, though this pattern commonly is disrupted by offset parallel to the longitudinal files. In their shape and pattern of arrangement, the nodes of Baccaconularia are most similar to the squarish to elongate nodes of Pseudoconularia Bouček, 1939. Longitudinal node files of Baccaconularia may also be compared with the longitudinal facial ridges of Conularia cambria Walcott, 1890 from the Furongian of Wisconsin. Apical angles of Baccaconularia range from approximately 13° to 14.5°. Scanning electron imaging of B. cf. robinsoni shows that its thin, phosphatic skeleton is finely lamellar, with the thickness of individual lamellae measuring approximately 1 μm. The skeleton also exhibits microscopic circular pores and crater-like pits that range from approximately 5 to 10 μm in diameter. These pores and pits are similar in size, geometry, areal density and pattern of arrangement to those of many post-Cambrian conulariids. Microscopic circular pores are documented here for the first time in the genus Archaeoconularia Bouček, 1939 from the Upper Ordovician of the Czech Republic. Although the origin of the pores and pits is open to alternative interpretations, the discovery of these features and fine lamination in Baccaconularia strengthens the argument that this genus is a Cambrian conulariid. © 2006 Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS.


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This paper presents two case histories from Brazil where geophysical and resistivity piezocone tests were carried out to detect contamination. At the first one, the site investigation program was carried out to detect salt-water intrusions in a superficial sedimentary aquifer, at the Paranaguá harbor, in Paraná State. The second case history is a sanitary landfill from Bauru City, São Paulo State. In both sites, superficial geophysical tests were interpreted to detect and delineate the shape of contamination plume, helping to locate the resistivity piezocone tests. It was found that the interpretation of resistivity piezocone tests is straightforward to assess salt-water intrusion in sedimentary sands. For tropical soils, this technique presented some limitations since the groundwater table sometimes is deeper than the layer penetratable to the cone. Moreover, the genesis of those soils affects soil behavior and soil and water sampling is required to support interpretation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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During a recent inspection in the Paleontological Collection of the Institute of Geosciences, University of São Paulo, we have identifi ed some specimens of undescribed mollusk bivalves. These called our attention for the following reasons: a) all specimens are internal molds of conjugated and closed articulated valves, some of them presenting fragments of silicifi ed shells; b) all internal molds have similar general shape and internal characters, representing specimens of the same taxon; c) the internal molds and silicifi ed valves are well preserved, including fragile structures, which are hardly preserved, such as the internal mold of the external ligament and muscle scars; d) and equally important, according to the labels of all specimens, they were collected from rocks of the Passa Dois Group (Permian), Serrinha Member of the Rio do Rasto Formation. Although who collected the shells and the precise geographic location of the specimens are still unknown, the detailed study of these fossils brings us to the conclusion that they are morphologically distinct from any heretofore published genus of the endemic fauna of bivalves from Passa Dois Group. Based in its general shape, hinge structure and muscles scars, the new form can be classifi ed under the Family Megadesmidae Vokes, 1967, the most diverse group of Permian bivalves of the Paraná Basin. The specimens are referred as Beurlenella elongatella new gen. and sp. The shell shape and taphonomy indicate that this bivalve was a shallow, rapid, active burrower, suspension feeder, probably preserved in situ, in event deposits.


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Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is one of the most prevalent hematological diseases in the world. Despite the immense progress in molecular knowledge about SCD in last years few therapeutical sources are currently available. Nowadays the treatment is performed mainly with drugs such as hydroxyurea or other fetal hemoglobin inducers and chelating agents. This review summarizes current knowledge about the treatment and the advancements in drug design in order to discover more effective and safe drugs. Patient monitoring methods in SCD are also discussed. © 2011 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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Enamel pearls are ectopic structures observed mainly on the roots of permanent teeth and could be related to periodontal diseases. Aim: To evaluate the prevalence of enamel pearls in extracted human molars and characterize their structures using light and scanning electron microscopy. Methods: The study comprised 2,201 extracted human permanent molars. The teeth were analyzed and classified according to morphological features. The presence, location and shape of enamel pearls were investigated. Fifteen human molars with enamel pearls were embedded in acrylic resin and observed by light microscopy. Results: Seventy-one enamel pearls were identified on third molar root. Microscopically, most pearls were composed of prismatic irregular enamel and normal dentin. The dentinoenamel junction presented an irregular course. The number of dentinal tubules was normal and they presented curvature to continue within the root dentin of the carrier tooth. Dentinal tubules below the enamel pearls were closer to each other. Conclusions: Scanning electron microscopic analysis revealed that the enamel pearls were similar to coronal enamel.


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Erythrocharax altipinnis is described from the Serra do Cachimbo, Pará, Brazil. The new taxon is distinguished from all of the Characidae genera by having the pelvic bones firmly attached through the isquiatic processes; a nearly triangular hiatus in the musculature covering the anterior chamber of the swim bladder between the first and second pleural ribs (pseudotympanum); the pedunculate, notably expanded and distally compressed teeth in both jaws; circumorbital series represented by antorbital and four infraorbital bones with laterosensory canals not enclosed; a single tooth row in the premaxillary with the teeth perfectly aligned and similar in shape and cusp number; the first three branched dorsal-fin rays distinctly elongate in males; a bright red adipose and caudal fins in life; a conspicuous dark midlateral stripe extending from the opercle to the tip of the median caudal-fin rays; and by the absence of a humeral spot. The phylogenetic position of the new taxon is discussed using morphological and molecular datasets, with conflicting results of both approaches discussed. Additionally, a summarized discussion on the current problems in the Characidae taxonomy is presented and the principal biases in the morphological dataset are also discussed. © 2013 Netto-Ferreira et al.


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Processing of the YMn2O5 powder is very challenging, since it decomposes to YMnO3 and Mn3O4 at temperatures close to 1180 °C, while samples consolidation commonly demands high temperatures. The main goal of this work is to investigate a possibility to prepare thick films of YMn2O5, since their deposition generally requires significantly lower temperatures. Multiferroic YMn 2O5 was synthesized by the hydrothermal method from Y(CH3COO)3·xH2O, Mn(CH 3COO)2·4H2O and KMnO4 precursors. XRD, FE-SEM and TEM analysis showed that the obtained powder was monophasic, with orthorhombic crystal structure and columnar particle shape with mean diameter and length of around 20 and 50 nm, respectively. The obtained powder was suspended in isopropyl alcohol with addition of appropriate binder and deflocculant. This suspension was used for electrophoretic deposition of YMn2O5 thick films under the high-voltage conditions and electric fields ranging from 250 to 2125 V/cm. The films obtained at 1000 V/cm and higher electric fields showed good adhesion, particle packing, homogeneity and very low porosity. It was shown that the deposition in extremely high electric fields (KC=2125 V/cm) can influence the crystal orientation of the films, resulting in formation of preferentially oriented films. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.


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The water column overlying the submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) canopy presents difficulties when using remote sensing images for mapping such vegetation. Inherent and apparent water optical properties and its optically active components, which are commonly present in natural waters, in addition to the water column height over the canopy, and plant characteristics are some of the factors that affect the signal from SAV mainly due to its strong energy absorption in the near-infrared. By considering these interferences, a hypothesis was developed that the vegetation signal is better conserved and less absorbed by the water column in certain intervals of the visible region of the spectrum; as a consequence, it is possible to distinguish the SAV signal. To distinguish the signal from SAV, two types of classification approaches were selected. Both of these methods consider the hemispherical-conical reflectance factor (HCRF) spectrum shape, although one type was supervised and the other one was not. The first method adopts cluster analysis and uses the parameters of the band (absorption, asymmetry, height and width) obtained by continuum removal as the input of the classification. The spectral angle mapper (SAM) was adopted as the supervised classification approach. Both approaches tested different wavelength intervals in the visible and near-infrared spectra. It was demonstrated that the 585 to 685-nm interval, corresponding to the green, yellow and red wavelength bands, offered the best results in both classification approaches. However, SAM classification showed better results relative to cluster analysis and correctly separated all spectral curves with or without SAV. Based on this research, it can be concluded that it is possible to discriminate areas with and without SAV using remote sensing. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.