206 resultados para resistant cultivars


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Foram estudadas 40 cultivares de batata-doce Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lamarck, objetivando avaliar a resistência ao ataque da broca Euscepes postfasciatus Fairmaire. Numa primeira fase da pesquisa foi medida a atratividade, a não-preferência para alimentação e oviposição em ramas e raízes. Dos resultados foram escolhidas oito cultivares resistentes e duas suscetíveis. Numa segunda fase utilizaram-se raízes das cultivares escolhidas para estudar a resistência a E. postfasciatus. Ramas e raízes foram oferecidas a adultos da broca em arenas com livre chance de escolha, com seis repetições. As avaliações foram feitas aos 5, 10, 30, 60 min., 3h e 24h após a liberação. O melhor tamanho de rama, entre os testados, a ser utilizado foi o de 35 cm. Os adultos da broca ao serem liberados nas arenas, dirigiram-se rapidamente para o material e atacaram as mais atrativas, prioritariamente nos ramos mais grossos ou na inserção das folhas. As cultivares com ramas menos atrativas foram: Rocha da Paz, Mineira, Lagartixa e Bom Nome, sendo que os tubérculos das cultivares Lagartixa e Bom Nome também foram menos danificados e juntamente com Caboatã, não preferidas para oviposição. As raízes e ramas das cultivares Granfina e UFRPE foram as mais atrativas e as mais danificadas portanto devem ser evitadas, enquanto que as cultivares Lagartixa e Bom Nome devem ser recomendadas pelo seu melhore desempenho.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a reação dos Clones 05; 10 e 15 de umezeiro (Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc.) e das cultivares Okinawa, Aurora-1 e Dourado-1 de pessegueiro [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] a Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood, em condições de casa de vegetação. As plantas foram mantidas em vasos de cerâmica contendo uma mistura de solo e areia (1:1, v/v), previamente autoclavada a 121ºC e 1kgf.cm-2 por 2 horas. Aos 60 dias após o plantio, cada planta foi inoculada com 2.000 ovos e juvenis de segundo estádio de Meloidogyne incognita. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 6 tratamentos (genótipos) e 9 repetições. Transcorridos 116 dias após a inoculação, as plantas foram colhidas para avaliação do sistema radicular. Foi possível verificar que o número de galhas por sistema radicular, o número de ovos e juvenis por 10g de raízes e por sistema radicular foi nulo ou praticamente nulo em todos os clones e nas cultivares estudadas, de forma que os respectivos fatores de reprodução foram todos inferiores a 1. Conclui-se que os Clones 05; 10 e 15 de umezeiro, assim como as cultivares Okinawa, Aurora-1 e Dourado-1 de pessegueiro são resistentes a Meloidogyne incognita.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo, quantificar a resistência à Phakopsora pachyrhizi em 50 genótipos de soja na região do cerrado. Foi conduzido em Uberlândia, MG , um experimento em casa de vegetação, durante o período de janeiro a julho de 2004. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros de resistência: período latente médio, número médio de pústulas por cm² e severidade da ferrugem. Com base nesses parâmetros, calculou-se a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença. Após, análise de variância e teste de médias que foram comparadas pelo teste de Duncan ao nível de 5% de probabilidade, utilizando-se o software ESTAT. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os genótipos de soja para os parâmetros estudados. As cultivares Emgopa 313 e Monsoy 8211 apresentaram menor período latente médio, menor número de pústulas, severidade e área abaixo da curva do progresso da doença, sendo classificadas como resistentes ao patógeno no experimento realizado.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Dentre as doenças causadoras de manchas foliares em algodoeiro, a mancha de ramulária (Ramularia areola Atk) tem se tornado importante em virtude das condições climáticas favoráveis para o desenvolvimento do patógeno, aliadas ao uso de cultivares suscetíveis, plantio consecutivo e extenso. Neste trabalho avaliaram-se os cultivares Delta Opal, Acala 90, Makina, Delta Penta e Sure Grow 821 quanto à resistência a R. areola, em condições de campo na FCAV-UNESP, no ano de 2006. A severidade da doença, que ocorreu por infecção natural das plantas pelo fungo, foi avaliada semanalmente em trinta plantas devidamente marcadas, utilizando-se uma escala descritiva de notas: 1 = 0%, 2 = até 5%, 3 = de 5,1 a 25%, 4 = de 25,1 a 50% e 5 = acima de 50% de área foliar com sintomas. Foram elaboradas curvas de progresso da doença para os cinco cultivares e o modelo monomolecular foi o que melhor se ajustou aos dados, em comparação com o logístico, o exponencial e o modelo de Gompertz. A análise dos dados indicou que houve diferença significativa entre os genótipos, sendo que Delta Opal, Makina e Sure Grow 821 mostraram-se mais suscetíveis e Delta Penta e Acala 90 mais resistentes ao fungo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study aimed to select peanut cultivars resistant to Spodoptera frugiperda, selecting non-oviposition and non-feeding preference in choice and no-choice tests. Peanut cultivars with upright growth habit (IAC 5, IAC 8112, IAC 22 and IAC Tatu ST) and runner growth habit (IAC 503, IAC 505, IAC 147, IAC 125, IAC Caiapo and IAC Runner 886) were evaluated. Tests of non-oviposition preference were conducted with newly emerged adults. Adults were fed a 10% honey solution, remaining in cages for 4 days until the start of the evaluations. The evaluations consisted of quantifying the number of eggs and egg masses, followed by calculating the number of eggs per egg mass. To perform non-feeding preference tests, leaf discs from different peanut cultivars were placed in disposable Petri dishes followed by releasing of a third-instar caterpillar for each cultivar. The attractiveness at 1, 5; 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 360, 720 and 1,440 minutes was evaluated by counting the caterpillars that were feeding on cultivars. The leaf area consumed was evaluated at the end of the experiment for each cultivar. In the tests of non-oviposition and non-feeding preference, with choice or no-choice, none of the cultivars of the upright growth and runner growth habit influenced the oviposition or food of S. frugiperda. Thus, the peanut cultivars showed no resistance of the non-feeding and non-oviposition types.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of the study was to evaluate the production of four tomato cultivars of determinate growth, in the field, with and without ground cover. The cultivars examined were: 'AP-533', 'AP-529', 'Hypeel 5131 and 'PS-41816', which were cultivated with a spacing of 1 m between rows and 0.4 m between plants. The experimental design utilized was that of subdivided parcels, where parcels were provided with and without a ground cover of black polyethylene, and subparcels consisted of the cultivars; eight repetitions were used. The eight central plants in the parcel were evaluated according to the following characteristics: fresh weight of fruit per plant and number of fruit per plant, separated by size. For the classification of fruit, the same plants were divided into classes based on the diameter of the fruit. The diameter size was as follows: class 1, 3 cm; class II, 4 cm; class III, 4.5 cm; and class IV, 5.5 cm. The results showed that there were no significant differences in production among the cultivars studied. Cultivars 'AP-533' and 'Hypeel 513' demonstrated greater production per plant, when ground cover was used, yielding 1474 and 1404 g/plant, respectively. When black polyethylene ground cover was not used, these cultivars produced 1258 and 1271 g of fruit per plant, respectively. The cultivars 'AP-529' and 'PS41818' showed a greater yield of fruit when cultivated without ground cover, with 1548 and 1663 g/plant, respectively. The cultivar 'Hypeel 513' had the highest percentage of fruit with the largest dimensions. An interaction was appeared between 'AP-529' and ground cover, where the production of this cultivar was lower with black polyethylene ground cover compared to bare ground. It is concluded that there are no significant differences in the cultivation of the tomato hybrids 'AP-533', 'Hypeel 513' and 'PS-41816' with and without ground cover, but that the cultivar 'AP-529' should be planted preferentially in soil without black polyethylene cover.


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Crosses between resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars were performed and the F2 populations were obtained to study the inheritance of soybean resistance to powdery mildew and to estimate the number and action of genes related to resistance. The reaction to powdery mildew was studied in a greenhouse and pots carrying plants with symptoms were distributed among the pots carrying the genotypes to be tested as a source of inoculum. Individual plants were scored according to the method of Yorinori (1997), with modifications, and classified as resistant or susceptible. The results showed that adult soybeans plants can present resistance to powdery mildew, which is controlled by one major gene with a dominant effect.


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Powdery mildew is one of the most serious diseases of soybean and is found in all producing countries. The purpose of this study was to validate microsatellite markers previously identified as associated with resistance to powdery mildew in soybean. The study was conducted in two F, parent populations with contrasting resistance to powdery mildew, In the analysis 10 SSR primers were used for the populations. and tour polymorphic markers were identified for cross I (MGBR95-20937 x IAC-Foscarin 31) and three for cross 2 (MGBR-46 x Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) 48). The Chi-square analysis of the phenotypic evaluation confirmed the expected segregation (3: 1) of a dominant gene related to resistance. The polymorphic markers also segregated as expected (1:2:1). The markers Sat 366 and Sat 393 in the crosses 1 and 2. respectively, located at 9.41 and 12.45 cM from the gene. were considered promising for marker-assisted selection for resistance to powdery mildew in soybean. at a selection efficiency of 92.7% and 60.3% respectively.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Onions (Allium cepa L.) are grown in different parts of the Brazilian territory and are considered the third most important vegetable crop cultivated in the country, only behind potatoes and tomatoes. The present work was carried out aiming to evaluate the postharvest quality of twelve different onion cultivars grown in the Southeast of Brazil. Onions of the cultivars; 'Adocicada', 'Branca', 'Picante' and 'Roxa' were harvested in commercial fields and the cultivars 'Princesa', 'Serrana', 'Bulbo duplo', 'Granex 33', 'XP 6803', 'XP 8418', 'RP 6010' and 'Superex' were obtained in experimental fields. After harvest, bulbs were taken to the postharvest laboratory and evaluated for total soluble solids, titratable acidity, and pungency (aliinase activity). For total soluble solids 'Superex' had the lowest sugar content (5.4 degrees Brix) whereas the cultivar named 'Picante' showed the highest Brix (11.0 degrees Brix) among the studied materials. For titratable acidity, it was verified that 'Serrana' had the lowest acid content (0.094 g piruvic acid.100 g(-1) FW) whereas 'Branca' showed the highest content of organic acids. When pungency was evaluated it was verified that aliinase activity varied from 1.37 pg piruvic acid.100 g(-1) FW for 'Adocicada' to 12.18 mu g piruvic acid.100 g(-1) FW for 'Roxa', which was considered to have hot pungency (high alliinase activity and low TSS/TA), whereas 'Bulbo duplo' was evaluated as pungent (high alliinase activity and TSS/TA). The combination of the studied characteristics indicated that an onion with high pungency must have high aliinase activity and titratable acidity, whereas sweet onions shall have high soluble solids contents and low aliinase activity. Based on this information, 'Branca' bulbs were considered acids (weak pungency and high acidity), whereas 'Adocicada', 'Princesa', and 'Serrana' bulbs are sweet, due to low alliinase activity and titratable acidity. 'Superex', 'XP 6803', 'Granex 33' and 'Picante' had a moderately pungent flavor (alliinase activity intermediate and low TSS/TA), but 'XP 8418' and 'RP 6010' flavor was evaluated as lightly pungent (low alliinase activity TSS/TA).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)