63 resultados para questionário impresso


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In relation to the changes that mark the trajectory of libraries catalogs, this paper aims to describe the challenges that go beyond the current status of librarians, in relation to use of the on-line catalog as the main tool storage and retrieval of documentary information. Using literature specialized is intended to contribute to the discussion of the topic, in order to understand the challenges and prospects of using this important tool for search and information retrieval.


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With the growing aging population will be an increase of chronic degenerative diseases such as dementia. Among the various forms of dementia Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most prevalent. In individuals with AD, there is a loss in the processing of sensory information, which may aggravate the imbalance and falls. As the disease progresses, the individual lose the ability to function independently, becoming dependent on a caregiver. This study aimed to analyze the balance of the mental state and quality of life of individuals with AD, to determine whether a correlation exists between these variables and analyze the influence on quality of life of caregivers. This study was conducted with thirty individuals (82.86 ± 9.07 years) with AD, both sexes, and their caregivers. The evaluation of the balance was accomplished by the Scale of Functional Balance of Berg (EEFB), the cognitive function for the Mini-exam of the Mental State (MEEM), and the quality of life (QV) for the scale “life Quality - Disease of Alzheimer “ (QdV - DA) that is composed for three versions: patient, caregiver and family The data were analyzed by coefficient of correlation of Spearman. The balance analyses (EEFB=32,17 ± 13,26 points) shows increased in the risk of falls in the elderly and negative correlation (R = - 0,55, p <0,01) with age and good correlation with MEEM (R=0,63 p <0,01). Already in relation of the MEEM and QV, can observed correlation between the familiar version and the MEEM ((R=0,40 p=0,02). In Relation the versions of the QV questionnaire, found significant correlation among: QdV-DA patient X caregiver (R=0,41 p=0,02), QdV-DA patient X family (R=0,40 p=0,03). In this way we can conclude that the individuals with DA, appraised in this study, present a deficit in the balance, so much related with the age as with to the cognitive decline, and the greater the cognitive decline worse the impression of caring about the QOL of their family, and still, that the worsening in the quality of the patient’s life contemplates in a worsening in the quality of your caregiver’s life.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi compreender, sob uma perspectiva evolucionista, os mecanismos, preferências e as diferenças sexuais subjacentes a uma análise as primeiras impressões em seres humanos. Investigamos: (1) ocorrências de diferenças sexuais na categorização social e na formação das primeiras impressões; (2) a influência do sexo e da cor de pele e (3) ocorrência de preconceitos (com relação ao sexo e/ou a cor de pele do sujeito estímulo) e suas influências na formação das primeiras impressões. Para isso, tratamos de expor uma amostra de 43 indivíduos ( 17 a 34 anos) à oito vídeos (4 perfis: homens negros e brancos, mulheres brancas e negras) com duração de 20’’ cada. Durante o procedimento experimental foi requerido que o participante respondesse a um questionário (escala likert; 0-6). Nesse, o participante avaliava a atratividade física, a competência, sucesso na carreira, agressividade, confiabilidade, atribuía uma nota para a cor da pele, e qualidade geral. Foi feito um teste GLM com medidas repetidas e post hoc teste t student pareado, a fim fazer uma análise mais detalhada das diferenças encontradas nas avaliações. Nossos resultados apontam que a característica que afeta mais a avaliação tanto de homens como das mulheres é a atratividade física, o que foi possível concluir que as outras características em análise é menos dependente da primeira impressão e construída ao longo do convívio. As mulheres tendem a fazer uma avaliação mais minuciosa, o que corrobora outros estudos sobre diferenças sexuais. Devido ao pequeno N, não possível analisarmos a influência da cor da pele do sujeito estímulo na avaliação, evidenciando a necessidade de ampliação futura desse projeto. A análise post hoc nos mostrou um ligeiro preconceito contra as mulheres negras, o que também corrobora... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This paper presents a study on the development of a manufacturing system of printed circuit boards through copper milling. An advantage of this system is the replacement of chemical processes by physical process presenting a sustainable solution. The paper uses programs that will generate G-code needed to establish the coordinates where the milling forms the tracks. After obtaining the code, it will be transformed into steps that will be sent through the serial port to the microcontroller and the serial communication control will be in software. After obtaining information the microcontroller will execute the movement of the stepper motors through their drivers, H-bridge, the microcontroller also drives the spindle motor responsible for rotating the grinding tool, using a driver with a optocoupler and TRIAC


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O objetivo do estudo foi validar o questionário proposto por Matthews (1999) para estimar VO2máx em mulheres idosas. Para isso participaram do estudo 10 mulheres idosas, escolhidas de forma aleatória através dos projetos de Programa de Atividade Física para a Terceira Idade – PROFIT e do Programa de Atividade Física para diabéticos e hipertensos em UBS e PSF, sem problemas de saúde, que foram aprovadas pelo questionário PAR-Q. Em sua visita ao laboratório foram aferidos primeiramente peso, estatura e idade. Logo após foi aplicado o questionário que consiste em, no máximo, 4 perguntas onde foram verificados o nível de intensidade de atividade física que a pessoa realiza e a freqüência com que ela realiza essa atividade. Após o questionário as idosas tiveram 5 minutos para aquecimento e familiarização com a esteira e, logo em seguida, realizaram um teste incremental em velocidade constante de 5,5km/h, sendo que, a cada 2 minutos a inclinação da esteira aumentava em 2%. O término do teste ocorreu quando as idosas atingiram a FC alvo, calculada da seguinte maneira: FCalvo = 195 – idade. Os valores de VO2máx obtidos pelo questionário e pelo teste incremental foram comparados utilizando a análise de correlação. Após análise dos dados obtivemos Pearson = -0,03, o que nos mostrou que não houve nenhuma correlação entre o VO2máx predito pelo questionário e o obtido pelo teste. Tal fato pode ter ocorrido por falhas na tradução ou aplicação do questionário. Outro motivo que pode ter causado isso foi a falta de entendimento por parte dos entrevistados na hora de responder as perguntas. Pudemos, então, concluir que não houve correlação através do questionário de Matthews (1999) e que mais estudos devem ser feitos para que se possam obter equações mais acuradas para essa determinada população.


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The improvements on the quality of life are causing the number of the elderly to grow on a global level, which is causing changes in our society. This new phenomenon demands that some actions are executed in several areas. On the communications field, it is needed to put the older people in the spotlight, so they can know themselves better and be included in the society. The goal of this work is to investigate if there is visibility for the elderly on Folha de São Paulo, using the daily cultural section (Ilustrada) and the weekly papers (the extinct Mais! and Ilustríssima) as a basis for the study. In order to find out the main aspects of the newspaper’s coverage, the Content Analysis is going to be used, a methodology that includes quantitative and qualitative techniques and which intent is to reveal the material’s implicit content. Through it, it will to be possible to understand how the elderly are treated on Folha de São Paulo, and what can be done to better their position in the newspaper


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In this work polymeric composites reinforced with cotton fibers, from the textile industry, were developed in order to manufacture printed circuit boards. It was used expanded polystyrene (EPS) as a thermoplastic matrix by melting it. For the obtention of 10% and 15% of fiber volume fraction in cotton fibers composites, it was used wasted cotton fibers as an incentive of recycling and reusing of the domestic and industrial wastes as well as for Expanded Polystyrene(EPS). The mechanical properties of the composites were evaluated by tensile and flexural strength from standardized test methods. Composites were characterized by a Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Thermogravimetry (TG/DTG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and dielectric analysis. The analysis of the results showed that fiber in the composite directly influenced in the thermal and mechanical properties


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In this work polystyrene composites reinforced with recycled sisal fibers were processed, in order to apply in the manufacture of printed circuit boards. A thermoplastic matrix of recycled polystyrene was used, this material came from waste expanded polystyrene (EPS) used in appliance's packages. Composites were prepared with 15% and 25% of sisal fibers. To obtain the composites, wasted EPS and natural sisal fibers were chosen, to encourage recycling and reuse of household waste and also the use of renewable resources. The composites were analyzed by standard tensile and flexural test, in order to verify the mechanical properties of the material. The characterization of the composite was done by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) , thermogravimetry (TGA / DTG) , differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dielectric analysis . The analysis of the results showed that the percentage of fibers in the composite influences directly the thermal and mechanical properties. Plates with a lower percentage of fibers showed superior properties at a higher percentage. The composite material obtained is easy to process and it's use is feasible for the confection of printed circuit boards, considering it's mechanical, thermal and insulative properties


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Numerous studies in physical education and music's area have been conducted to improve the quality of life and health of people, all of them under physiological, psychological and social fields. Thus, when properly analyzed, both Areas are connected, because the movement itself, main subject of physical education, has a close proximity to the rhythm, an essential element of music. That's why it is important to discover the benefits of this relationship, because, in many of its practices, physical education makes use of music, for example, in aerobic gymnastic and dance classes. As a consequence, this study aims to investigate, through literature, the influence of music in physical activities and its imprinting in the states of mind and body of practitioners, as well as clarify the criteria for choice of songs that are used in such practice. This research occurred under literary explore, done through theoretical analysis of the thematic. At first place, a contextualization of the auditory system and its relationship with the music and the perception of sound were made, then the main theme was explored. The music, even before generate and influence motor and psychic movements in the human body, is already moving in space, because it is formed through vibrations of molecules. It is decoded first as a movement from the ears, and then decoded as sound, when in the brain. It is important to worry about sounds at high intensities and also with those which are outside the hearing thresholds within physical activities involving music, because they may be harmful to health and also to states of mind. As far as music and movement is concerned, they are closely linked, and the human being has an instinctive sense of rhythm that can be seen when listening to music, because the motor cortex is also activated. Therefore, it is important to work the sound and body movement together, because in practice they are inseparable and they contribute greatly to...


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The changes on learning space where Dentistry Students stay in front of social reality, by university extension, represent a strategy to form dentists according to Brazilian Curricular Directresses. In Araçatuba Dental School (FOA-UNESP), one of alternatives to add students on real locals of dentistry practices is the “Always Smiling Project – Dental Attention for institutionalized elderly in Araçatuba City, São Paulo State – Brazil”. The aim of this study was to verify the self-perception of dentistry students about aging before and after participation in this Project during one school year. To data collection, an instrument with 3 opened questions was performed and applied on 45 students, in the beginning of activities in 2009 and after 8 months. The answers were analyzed by content categorization. The results showed that the perception of students about old people was negative relating them with frail person that needs help and the students’ expectations were higher about clinical aspects of attention. In the end of school year was clear the difference of students’ comprehension about aging and their thoughts demonstrated the empathy resulting from relation. Besides, students related knowledge gain and noted that health attention involve others aspects that are over than biological space. It was possible to conclude that insertion of students in “Always Smiling” contributed to reflection and learn about aging process and suggest that practices like these should be added in Brazilian Universities.


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In this paper we describe the stages of a quantitative questionnaire development that allows the investigation of conceptions about bioethical values inherent to the scientific activity. This questionnaire was statistically and semantically validated and developed according to the Likert scale. The relevance of this instrument is given by the fact that, unlike what happens in European countries, quantitative research in Brazil has little educational traditions. Therefore, this work is intended to subsidize the use of quantitative methods in Education research that lack such tools.


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)