84 resultados para preconceitos


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Hepatitis C is a disease that affects approximately four million Brazilians. It is a rare disease with symptoms but with a treatment that involves marked secondary effects. The silence of their symptoms, however, socially projected, build the social imaginary figures that send feelings and prejudices, being born therefore the social stigma. This situation fundamentally affects the welfare of their subjects. In this aspect, this research traces a parallel between the situation experienced by patients with hepatitis C and the use for these individuals from the World Wide Web and its interactive tools on overcoming limits the disease and in the reconstruction of their social identities.


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The means of mass communication are powerful tools to the spread of a concept as persuasion is a strong characteristic of discourses that gather around the sphere of communication, especially in advertising discourses. By the end of the 90’s, the advertisement “Down: the worst syndrome is prejudice”, did great success approaching prejudice / pre-concept in a subtle and innovative way, due its outstanding purpose and style inserting two boys in a carousel, one is a street child, the other a Down syndrome patient. The advertisement reveals a speak project of diffusion and spread of ideas that down syndrome patients are capable of dealing and supporting a routine full of activities, making a opposition to the campaigns and ideas that, in spite of raising the respect towards these kids, only contributed with the attenuation of their handicaps. Our objective is to investigate the presence of these social values in the quoted audio-visual material, and for that we’ve searched the contextualization of the advertisement in its own time period. The theory and methodological aspects got their base in Bakhtinian studies and concepts; we used the concepts of discourse gender, chronotope and mainly dialogism and enunciation. We analyzed the style utilized in the advertisement, the dialogue between the politically correct and the prejudice speeches, the verbal discourse of the music that flows with the progress of the enunciation, the non-verbal discourse of the photography (nostalgic, producing effects of sense in its relation with memory), the chronotope present in the utilization of the carousel and its significations. We concluded that the accession of the recipient, in it responsive comprehension of the enunciation at hand, is an effect produced by the well-succeded addition of these different types of discourses


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In general, the early career is a period marked by crises. Hubermam (1992) points out that this period is considered by the teacher as one of life's most difficult professional teaching. According to Machado (2004), the physical education worked only in competitive perspective in school, does not contribute to the school to perform its social role. This approach encourages the use of stigmas, labels and prejudices, so common in school, that marginalize even more students from lower classes, and can make the sport of high performance within the school walls create students with low self-esteem and low motivation within other possible disorders . Thus, this study presents the fundamental importance to aid and support to novice teachers, so that they can understand, and address key emotional aspects that interfere in their practice. Thus, our aim was to identify the most recurrent emotional processes in novice teachers identify and also how these emotional states can influence the professional and personal attitudes of these teachers. Through a bibliographic we seek statements, reports and case studies that provide enough material to our analysis and interpretation in order to collaborate with the study area and proceed to proposals that are not unreasonable or tied to the current system. Among the emotional states reported in the literature, we highlight the main, more present and influent in the beginner teacher as listed as follow: Anxiety, Stress, Fear, Shame, Low Self Confidence and Motivation. Considering these states, Damasio (1996) reports that the United Emotional directly influenced the style and efficiency of cognitive processes, in other words, interfere with the performance of teachers in the teaching front. Thus, Machado (2006) points out that the teacher should have a set of techniques and procedures that drive their practice in a manner appropriate to the leading group. Therefore, the knowledge of Psychology of Physical...


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This study aimed at evaluating the perception of leprosy patients, the disease, with regard to its concept and self-care practice, as well as their knowledge concerning drug therapy. Fifteen patients participated in the study, of whom 11 were classified as multibacillary and 04 as paucibacillary. Semi-structure interviews containing six guiding questions were used for data collection, and the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) was utilized as a theoretical framework. Analysis was performed based on the Theory of Complexity. It showed that patients suffer pain, a fact that is reflected on the need to change habits and prevent disability. It also showed that patients have doubts and feel insecure about treatment and prognosis, and that they are also the target of social prejudice even thought the term leprosy has been replaced by Hansen‟s disease. As regards self-care, the subjects showed lack of autonomy, limitations and subjection to instructions from health care professionals, who, according to the discourse that emerged, are mostly responsible for transmitting the knowledge concerning self-care practice. This fact can be explained by evidence of self-knowledge deficit by the the subjects. Concerning polychemotherapy treatment, which is recommended by the Ministry of Health, it was observed that the knowledge concerning its action and adverse effects is precarious. This information is provided during consultation; however, CSD showed that the subjects do not apprehend it. Therefore, health care professionals must instruct their clients not only as regards conventional treatment practices, but they must also help them to know themselves and to improve their critical judgment so that they can choose the best form of living after being diagnosed with the disease, thus guiding self-care by taking such choice into account


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A prática do boxe olímpico cresce a cada ano, porém esse aumento poderia ser mais significativo se o esporte não trouxesse consigo tantos preconceitos, estigmas e dificuldade para inserção na sociedade. As mulheres que optam pela prática do boxe olímpico freqüentemente são associadas ao que a sociedade considera como ‗masculino‘. Esse trabalho possui o objetivo de pesquisar quais são as questões relativas às relações de gênero existentes em praticantes femininos de boxe. Para tanto, procura investigar quais são as dificuldades, os preconceitos, os estigmas e as vantagens da prática do esporte, buscando relacioná-los com o projeto de extensão Boxe Olímpico, ministrado na UNESP – Rio Claro, no qual a orientanda é monitora. Para tal feito, a metodologia utilizada será uma pesquisa bibliográfica, ou seja, desenvolvimento de um levantamento, análise e discussão da bibliografia sobre o tema, bem como a pesquisa participante nas aulas ministradas no projeto de extensão. Ainda é evidente o preconceito em relação a praticantes femininos do boxe. Novos projetos e perspectivas acerca da prática do boxe olímpico são um começo de uma nova visão, dessa vez, contextualizada socialmente, culturalmente e historicamente. Além de proporcionarmos vivências reais e experienciais aos alunos, podemos também contemplar a descoberta de praticantes interessados no esporte de rendimento, mostrando que todas as possibilidades (iniciação e rendimento esportivo) são encontradas no esporte. Concluímos, portanto, que a reflexão, a discussão e o aprendizado sobre o boxe olímpico é uma possibilidade para a superação de preconceitos e dificuldades diante da prática feminina no esporte. Abrir novas portas e dar espaço para projetos que proporcionem, além da vivência, uma elucidação correta sobre o esporte é dar oportunidade para o esporte se desenvolver com maior facilidade.


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The lexicon of a language shows the way the community views the world, in its different aspects. Hence, through the study of the lexicon we can get a clearer idea of the different forms of prejudice present in a society. The aim of this study is to present reflections and theories concerning obscene lexical items and linguistics taboos associated to them, and to discuss the linguistic prejudice that this kind of lexicon may suffer.


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In this paper, we tried to understand the place of taboo words and their importance in the language. We focused questions about the taboo and how words can be prohibited. We elected swear words as our object of research because these words have an important place in the lexicon of many speakers, and they are present in books and movies, as well as in the everyday speech. Therefore, we tried to show that they must be analyzed with attention and also free from prejudices. We found out that the use of bad words can be very different in the languages selected and they reflect thus the culture of the languages involved.


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The language in use in a society is product of a culture and reflects the way a community thinks. Therefore, the lexical units, through the meanings assigned by a social group, establish a specific look of the universe. We intend to demonstrate that for the denomination of the sexual organs of the human body it usual to avoid the official anatomical terminology – relegated to contexts of great formality – and to adopt other lexical items during informal situations. We intend, with this research, to demystify some prejudices related to the erotic-obscene lexicon, its use and its creation, besides stimulating reflections, in Portuguese and Italian.


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The language in use in a society is product of a culture and reflects the way a community thinks. Therefore, the lexical units, through the meanings assigned by a social group, establish a specific look of the universe. We intend to demonstrate that for the denomination of the sexual organs of the human body it usual to avoid the official anatomical terminology – relegated to the contexts of great formality – and to adopt other lexical items during informal situations. This paper reflects about some sociocultural aspects of the forbidden language, that encloses the erogene zones. Using as theory the studies of Lexicology and the obscene lexicon, we intend to verify this lexical typology based in our corpus, and stimulate reflections about the use and the substitution of the official terminology, showing that there are variations in relation to the age and gender of the speakers. We intend, with this research, to demystify some prejudices related to the erotic-obscene lexicon, its use and its creation and to stimulate reflections.


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Neste artigo procuramos compreender o lugar das palavras tabuizadas e sua importância na língua. Focamos questões sobre o tabu e sobre como as palavras sofrem algum tipo de proibição. Elegemos como objeto de pesquisa os palavrões pois observamos que essas palavras possuem um importante espaço no léxico de muitos falantes, e estão presentes em livros e filmes, além da fala cotidiana. Assim tentamos mostrar que devem ser analisados com atenção e livres de preconceitos. Verificamos que os palavrões podem ser muito diferentes nas línguas selecionadas, refletindo, desse modo, a cultura dos idiomas envolvidos.


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The current study aims to examine the training potential of an extension project, to work with the issue of sexuality in the daily school environment, as well as the redefinition of values and prejudices on the part of students. Sexuality relates to the pursuit of pleasure, manifested from birth to death. It is believed that the school environment is permeated with sexuality and the school can not deny its role in informing and training young people to experience it sensibly and safe. The extension project in question is intended to constitute as training space for Biological Sciences undergraduates at a public university, to provide conditions for reflection and subjectification of issues related to sexuality, favoring the training of more qualified teachers to deal with the subject in school environment. We used a qualitative methodology, using as instruments to collect data: questionnaires consisting of open-ended questions answered by members and former members of the design and analysis of mentoring records of supervision. It appears that participation in the project is perceived as significant and indicated as responsible for changes in conceptions, prejudices, stereotypes and attitudes regarding the theme of sexuality. Participants feel better prepared to work with the theme in their teaching practice.


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This article aims to discuss reports brought by the teacher the early years of public school in the training course in Gender and Diversity in School (GDS), with regard to the prejudices of gender and sexual diversity. The GDS training course was offered in 2009 and 2010, by the Open University of Brazil (UAB), in cooperation agreement with the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). In São Paulo the training centers were distributed in 09 municipalities. The course GDS was inserted in the modality teacher continuing education elementary education from the public schools, in the semipresencial way, and it was divided into five thematic modules: diversity, gender, sexuality and sexual orientation, race / ethnicity. In this article, we present the analysis of the memorials written by / the teacher / participants of the 1st GDE course, polo Jau, in the state of São Paulo, that link the learning which was experienced in the course. Were obtained reports about conflicts arising from the dissonance of personal beliefs and professional responsibilities; involvement of the life’s history of the teacher in his performance in the school (subjectivities); transposition of conceptual errors built out of school, between other aspects. It could be observed that the course has destabilized these teachers with some questions about their certainties. The difficulty in changing and transforming concepts and prejudices about sexual and gender diversity was clarified during the course. The course enabled the educators the contact with contemporary questions, reflect on their attitudes and conceptions of education, which can help to transform their practices in school, providing new perspectives on the issue of sexuality