323 resultados para planejamento do uso da terra


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Due to an intense process of population growth and urban density in Americana (SP), mainly due to the development of the local textile industry after 1970, there was, concomitant to the occupation of the margin of rivers and streams, soil sealing that increased the level of superficial runoff, triggering frequent floods. Based on the analysis of these processes we investigate the conditions of one densely urbanized area of the county, the Córrego do Parque, in three time series, 1977, 1996 and 2008. Taking as the starting the characterization and spatial distribution of landscape physiography, we prepared thematic letters and synthetic maps digital scale 1:10,000 from photointerpretation of aeroframes. The thematic maps were produced by scanning with subsequent edition using the software Auto-Cad Map. Checking the data and of geographic coordinates with GPS (Global Positioning System). Regarding land use classes, we used the description of the Soil Conservation Service (1975) which allowed us to get the Curve Number parameter, which will be used in hydrologic modeling for verification of flooding (Tucci, 1989). For the process of hydrologic modeling, we used models based on Methodology Object Oriented Modeling Applied to Water Resource Systems, Viegas Filho (1999), using the computer program called IPHS1, which uses models of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS , 2004), for conversion of rainfall-runoff and the spread of excessive rain. The results indicate that increased waterproofing generated by the change in use and occupation over the past decades promoted the increased surface runoff and drainage system overload, increasing the intensity of floods


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The development of cities is initially nearby rivers and with the intensification of the urbanization process occurs the soil sealing, leading to an increased level of water runoff, and, consequently, in a greater number of floods. The main goal of this study is to verify the interference of land occupation in the floods of the Lavapés Stream basin, Rio Claro (SP), in five temporal series, 1962, 1972, 1988, 1995 and 2014. The characterizations of land use were made from photo-interpretation and, thus, were produced thematic maps on scale 1: 20.000. The description of the Soil Conservation Service, 2007 was the basis for the classification of land use, thus achieving the CN parameter (Curve Number) used in hydrologic modeling done in IPHS1 program. The results indicate that soil sealing associated with the growth of the city of Rio Claro are responsible for increasing of the discharge in the Lavapés Stream basin and floods in this watershed


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The present work sought to discriminate, to map and to quantify the areas of soil use of the Stream Monte Belo watershed - Botucatu (SP), obtained by digitale images. The cartographic bases were the shart planialtimetric, edited by IBGE (1969) and the satellite images LANDSAT - 7, passages of 21/01/1999, 08/01/2003 and 23/10/2006. The Software Idrisi Andes 15.0 were used for conversion of the analogical information for digital and for determination of the vegetable coverings areas. The results allowed to verify that the SIG - IDRISI Andes 15.0 were efficient in the quantification of the areas with soil use and that the analysis of the data showed a cash progress of the areas of reforestations to the detriment of the areas of pastures, especially from 1999, 2003 to 2006, when the field areas were substituted by the forestry in his totality. In spite of that progress, the forest areas that you correspond to the Permanent Preservation Areas, They are considerably preserved. That result comes to the encounter of the tendency of expansion of the forestry, especially after the installation of cellulose industries in the area, what worsened the environmental problems originating from of the practice of the monoculture.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The understanding of the geo-morphological characteristics allows the identification of flood areas and instability slopes among others important features for land use planning. The study of the hydrological net and the analysis of morphometric parameters help in the geomorphologic characterization, providing specific physics indicators that quantify the risks for environmental damages. The present work used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and carried out the morphometric analysis of two watersheds in the Alto Rio Sorocaba, municipality of Ibiuna (SP). Using digitalized topographic bases in the scale 1:50,000, the main morphometric parameters were extracted and the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was obtained. Hence the slope, ground illumination, hill orientation and relief feature maps were elaborated. The characteristics for the two watersheds were quite similar, both have low risks for floods and landslides. Therefore, the concave feature is the predominant hill shape for both watersheds. The morphometric parameters directly related to the river density of the watersheds showed some differences, because the Sorocabuçú watershed presents higher value, resulting in a higher level of relief development. Thus, with this characterization it is possible to provide subsidies for environmental planning actions to the area.


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Water erosion is one of the main processes responsible for soil degradation, resulting in loss of parcels of land suitable for agriculture, to the loss of agricultural inputs and the resulting drift of pesticides and excess sediment to rivers, causing phenomena such as the siltation and eutrophication of water bodies. Such a scenario makes it necessary to perform work of a technical and scientific to provide subsidies to land-use planning, in order to protect natural resources biotic and abiotic. To develop this work is necessary to find a unit of analysis capable of integrating the different elements of the landscape, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere and lithosphere. Therefore we adopt for this work the watershed as main unit studies. From this question, this project will focus on the assessment of surface water erosion through MEUPS (Equation Modified Universal Soil Loss) predictive model. With the aid of maps, remote sensing products, and the use of geotechnology, this study aims to evaluate for the for Natural Erosion Potential the basin of the Jacutinga river, located in Rio Claro - SP


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The study aimed to obtain the land use of the watershed Ribeirão Santo Antonio - São Manuel (SP), through the thematic map of the satellite image. The cartographic databases were planialtimetric letter in digital format used in georeferencing and the satellite image. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) -IDRISI Andes 15.0 was use to perform the image georeferencing and to do the thematic map obtained from the visual interpretation the satellite image. The map of land use showed that the culture of sugar cane occupies most of the area (81.00%), when analyzing the satellite image. This result show us the predominance of agricultural occupation in the region. The thematic map obtained by the classification screen, using GIS, allowed the mapping of land use, generating data that will assist in future planning area recovery. The results of the study showed the efficiency, speed and reliability of the tools used, these being very useful for future projects.


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The use of geographic information systems (GIS), combined with advanced analysis technique, enables the standardization and data integration, which are usually from different sources, allowing you to conduct a joint evaluation of the same, providing more efficiency and reliability in the decision-making process to promote the adequacy of land use. This study aimed to analyze the priority areas of the basin agricultural use of the Capivara River, Botucatu, SP, through multicriterial analysis, aiming at conservation of water resources. The results showed that the Geographic Information System Idrisi Selva combined with advanced analysis technique and the weighted linear combination method proved to be an effective tool in the combination of different criteria, allowing the determination of the adequacy of agricultural land use less subjective way. Environmental criteria were shown to be suitable for the combination and multi-criteria analysis, allowing the preparation of the statement of suitability classes for agricultural use and can be useful for regional planning and decision-making by public bodies and environmental agents because the method takes into account the rational use of land and allowing the conservation of hydrics resources.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)