123 resultados para pensamento político brasileiro


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O processo de institucionalização do MERCOSUL verificado nos últimos anos aumentou o peso da integração regional nas políticas internas dos Estados-membros. No caso brasileiro, o projeto de lei que regulamenta as eleições diretas para o Parlamento do MERCOSUL (Parlasul) em 2014 é um exemplo dessa influência, porque inclui aspectos que estão relacionados às discussões acerca da reforma do sistema político brasileiro, tema gerador de intenso debate e polêmica dentro do Congresso Nacional. Este artigo discute os possíveis impactos que a sua aprovação terá na condução da reforma política no Brasil, partindo da hipótese de que o referido projeto representa um transbordamento da reforma política brasileira para o plano regional. Supomos que sua aprovação pode se tornar um ensaio da reforma política planejada, ao executar no plano regional mudanças ainda em discussão no legislativo brasileiro. Lembramos que a decisão e aprovação dos critérios para realização das eleições diretas do Parlasul é de competência de cada Estado-membro.


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Este artigo pretende mostrar que a perda da autonomia municipal não se restringe apenas aos elementos vinculados à reforma tributária, mas possui raízes mais profundas, que se estendem à própria forma pela qual se organizou o sistema político brasileiro pós - 64.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper aims to analyze some aspects of Mao Tse -Tung’s revolutionary ideas, specially those related to his Organizational Theory and Peasantry. We use some approaches to interact with his ways of thinking, like an interlocution with some of his texts, as also dialogues with some analysts; and how his political ideals progressed in the Chinese scenery, redeeming several categories of country laborers, peasants. Nevertheless, this work also aims to evaluate the role of the Chinese Army in the process; not only because its creation started with the peasants, but also because the Institution was a crucial instrument for achieving the victory of the Revolution. Through its context, this essay is also a suggestion, as a component to be considered in this line of thinking.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The process of institutionalization of MERCOSUR in recent years has increased the weight of regional integration in the internal policies of the Member States. In the Brazilian case, the bill that regulates direct elections for the MERCOSUR Parliament (Parlasul) in 2014 is an example of this influence, because it includes aspects that are related to discussions on the reform of the Brazilian political system, generating intense debate and controversy within the Congress. This article discusses the possible impacts that its adoption will have on the conduct of political reform in Brazil, on the assumption that this project represents a spillover of political reform for Brazilian regional plan. We assume that its approval can become a test of political reform planned to perform at the regional changes still under discussion in the brazilian legislature. We remind that the decision and approval of the criteria for the Parlasul direct elections is a competence of each Member-State.


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This article aims to analyze the significant social and political aspects of the transition from the Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy to Federal and Presidential Republic, according to the literary work of the writer from Rio de Janeiro Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (1839-1908). Some of these aspects appeared in Machadian chronicles entitled Balas de Estalo, published in the daily newspaper Gazeta News between 1883 and 1887. These chronicles were signed by Lelio, one of the nicknames of Machado de Assis.


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Using the method of Social Networks Analysis, we’ll try to see if politicians swap votes between them seeking support for their projects, to this end, we’ll first map the behavior, activities and contacts of the Senators of the Brazilian Federative Republic within all the fixed committees which had some vote during the 52nd Legislature, then we can see the most popular and central Senators to each committee. After this analysis we wish to answer the following question: did logrolling exist in the Brazilian Senate? Previously the empirical analysis and response to the problems posed, we’ll present the necessary theoretical introduction understood by reviewing the literature on relevant subjects, whether they are purely theoretical with respect to the exchange of support, or analytical about the Brazilian political system.


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The present article starts from the initial consideration that, in the perspective of the investigations of the Brazil/Germany literary relations, not always the study of the presence of Brazilian literary works in Germany has been receiving sufficient attention in Brazil. Initially, the natural existence of mental paths is signalized. This fact, in a way, guides the general lines of the critical Brazilian thought in the consideration of aspects of the cultural and literary dialog here in question. This consideration favors the movement that goes from Germany to Brazil, which doesn’t give enough space for the study of the opposite movement. Finally, some historical literary elements are presented, which can base deeper studies of the literary relations Brazil/Germany in the sense that here is intended to be rescued, i.e., the one that goes from South America to Europe.


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O presente artigo analisa algumas das propostas de reformas na instituição escravocrata propugnadas pelo intelectual e político liberal Agostinho Marques Perdigão Malheiro (1824-1881). A defesa de uma reforma intelectual e moral da sociedade consubstanciada na universalização da instrução e a contestação da representação legal do escravo como inimigo doméstico e público eram temas centrais de um projeto de futuro que visava implantar ampla liberdade civil no Brasil monárquico da segunda metade do século XIX.


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This article aims to analyze some aspects os interpretations of Brazil listed in Tavares Bastos, André Rebouças and Oliveira Viana. In this context, the debate on the concepts of americanism and “iberismo” become fundamental to the analysis of the development of the modernization process which it lasted from the second half of the nineteenth century to the mid of the twenty century.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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The work presents an analytical study of the theme of the forms of government in the political thought of Girolamo Savonarola, based on his Thatawo circa il regimento e governo dela cimi. di Firenze (1498). Using Bobbio's methodology, the theme is analyzed from three simultaneous perspectives: the systematical, the axiological, and the teleological.