79 resultados para overall diet quality


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Two trials were carried out in the present study. Trial I evaluated the performance, carcass yield and breast meat quality, whereas Trial II evaluated the efficacy of utilizing prebiotics + probiotics on the control of Salmonella spp incidence in the carcasses of free-range broilers. In Trial I, 688 one-day-old male chicks of the Naked Neck Label Rouge strain were used, distributed in a randomized block design arranged according to a 2 x 2 factorial: control diet or diet supplemented with probiotics and prebiotics; and two rearing systems (confined or with access to paddocks - 3m²/bird), using four replicates with 35 birds each. The birds were reared until 84 days of age following the recommendations of management and nutrition for free-range strains, and had access to paddocks after 35 days of age. Water and food were given inside the experimental poultry house. Birds fed probiotics and prebiotics in the diet and the confined birds showed better performance, carcass yield and meat quality compared to the birds of the other treatments. In Trial II, 128 one-day-old male chicks of the free-range Naked Neck Label Rouge strain were used. The birds were distributed into four treatments: NCC (non-challenged control), NCS (non-challenged supplemented), CC (challenged control) and CS (challenged supplemented). There were no significant effects of adding probiotics and prebiotics in the diet in regard to Salmonella enteritidis recovery from the carcasses.


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Objective: To compare a customized imaging guide and a standard film holder for obtaining optimally projected intraoral radiographs of dental implants.Material and methods: Intraoral radiographs of four screw-type implants with different inclination placed in an upper or lower dental phantom model were recorded by 32 groups of examiners after a short instruction in the use of the RB-RB/LB-LB mnemonic rule. Half of the examiners recorded the images using a standard film holder and the other half used a customized imaging guide. Each radiograph was assessed under blinded conditions with regard to rendering of the implant threads and was assigned to one of four quality categories: (1) perfect, (2) not perfect, but clinically acceptable, (3) not acceptable, and (4) hopeless.Results: For the upper jaw, the same number of exposures per implant were made to achieve an acceptable image (P = 0.86) by the standard film holder method (median = 2) and the imaging guide method (median = 2). For the lower jaw, medians for the imaging guide method and the film holder method were 1 and 2, respectively (P = 0.004). For the imaging guide method, the first exposure was rated as perfect/acceptable in 62% of the cases and for the film holder method in 41% of the cases (P = 0.013). After <= 2 exposures, 78% (imaging guide method) and 69% (film holder method) of the implant images were perfect/acceptable (P=0.23). The implant inclination did not have a major influence on the outcomes.Conclusion: Perfect or acceptable images were achieved after two exposures with the same frequency either using a customized imaging guide method or a standard film holder method. However, the use of a customized imaging guide method was overall significantly superior to a standard film holder method in terms of obtaining perfect or acceptable images with only one exposure.


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This study aimed at evaluating and describing the QoL and its association with the severity of disease among Brazilian Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. In this cross-sectional study 68 PD patients were interviewed using the World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument Short Form (WHOQOL-BREF) and the Hoehn-Yahr (HY) scale. Analysis of variance, chi(2), Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U-tests, Spearman and Cronbach reliability coefficients were used to analyze the data. The results indicate: (1) physical capacity was the domain that showed the most deterioration; (2) severity of PD is associated with QoL measured by WHOQOL-BREF; (3) overall QoL, working capacity, activities of daily living (ADL) and self-esteem are affected in both transitional periods in the progression of PD (mild to moderate and moderate to advanced). Satisfaction with general health, pain, energy, positive feelings, personal relationship and satisfaction with home are affected in the first period of transition while mobility, body image, sexual activity and access to information are affected in the second. This study mainly shows specific facets that are affected depending on the specific periods of PD progression, which can help to understand the impact of the disease, the effectiveness of care, and the demand for health care resources. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objectives: the aim of this study was to compare the satisfaction and the quality of life in an elderly population using either mandibular conventional dentures or implant-retained overdentures.Materials and methods: A total of 34 patients were divided into two groups: group I-complete dentures users; group II - users of upper complete dentures opposed by implant-retained overdentures. The subjects were submitted to a questionnaire based on Oral Health impact Profile and oral health related quality of life to evaluate their satisfaction levels and quality of life with their prostheses. Data were evaluated using a non-parametric statistical analysis (Fischer test) with significant difference at alpha = 0.05.Results: There were no significant differences between the groups in relation to comfort, aesthetics, chewing ability, overall satisfaction, pain, functional, phonetic, social, and psychological limitations (p > 0.05). Comparing the stability of mandibular dentures, group II presented the better results (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Although the stability of the mandibular implant-retained overdenture was enhanced compared to a conventional denture, the quality of life and satisfaction levels were similar for both the groups.


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Purpose: This study evaluated the adhesive quality of simplified self-adhesive and conventional resin cements to Y-TZP in dry and aged conditions. Methods: Y-TZP ceramic blocks (N=192) (5 x 5 x 2 mm) were embedded in acrylic resin and randomly divided into two groups, based on surface conditioning: 96% isopropanol or chairside tribochemical silica coating and silanization. Conditioned ceramics were divided into four groups to receive the resin cements (Panavia F 2.0, Variolink II, RelyX U100 and Maxcem). After 24 hours, half of the specimens (n=12) from each group were submitted to shear bond strength testing (0.5 nun/minute). The remaining specimens were tested after 90 days of water storage at 37 degrees C and thermocycling (12,000x, 5 degrees C-55 degrees C). Failure types were then assessed. The data were analyzed using three-way ANOVA and the Tukey's test (alpha=0.05). Results: Significant effects of ceramic conditioning, cement type and storage conditions were observed (p<0.0001). The groups cleaned using alcohol only showed low bond strength values in dry conditions and the bond strength was reduced dramatically after aging. Groups conditioned using silica coating and silanization showed higher bond strengths both in dry and aged conditions. A high number of specimens failed prematurely prior to testing when they were cleaned using 96% isopropanol. Conclusion: Overall, silica coating and silanization showed higher, stable bond strengths with and without aging. The durability of resin-ceramic adhesion varied, depending on the adhesive cement type.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Growth, reproduction and biochemical composition were analyzed for the copepod Argyrodiaptomus furcatus fed on the alga Ankistrodesmus gracilis grown in different media. The ingestion of this copepod by larvae of two species of tropical fishes was also evaluated. The mean peak density of the copepod population was 1369 individuals 1-1 for all four diets used, and the highest was 1387 individuals 1-1 on diet ARV (algae + ration + vitamins). A small copepod, A. furcatus tends to have a short life span. The smallest females did not attain maturity in the shortest time on all diets used. Food quality may play a major role in the dynamics of the biochemical composition of this copepod. Argyrodiaptomus furcatus was a more important food item for larvae of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) than of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). However, it made up a large part of the gut contents of larvae of both species.


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Although the safety of living kidney donation has been well established, prospective studies examining the physical and psychosocial aspects of the donor's quality of life are still scarce. Thus, the purpose of this prospective work was to assess the quality of life of 50 consecutive donors before and after kidney transplantation. All donors were asked to respond to both a donor questionnaire and the short-form 36-item health survey (SF-36). Interviews were individually conducted before, three months after, and over one yr after transplantation. Donation was considered a positive experience by all patients and had no impact on any physical or psychosocial aspect of the donor's life. Improved self-esteem and better quality of life after donation were reported in 52% of the cases. All donors would donate again and encouraged donation. SF-36 data indicated improvement in post-donation mental and physical scores among living donors closely related to recipient. Overall, most donors had a positive experience, felt no changes in quality of life, experienced enhanced self-esteem, would donate again, and recommended donation. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Polar Regions are the most important soil carbon reservoirs on Earth. Monitoring soil carbon storage in a changing global climate context may indicate possible effects of climate change on terrestrial environments. In this regard, we need to understand the dynamics of soil organic matter in relation to its chemical characteristics. We evaluated the influence of chemical characteristics of humic substances on the process of soil organic matter mineralization in selected Maritime Antarctic soils. A laboratory assay was carried out with soils from five locations from King George Island. We determined the contents of total organic carbon, oxidizable carbon fractions of soil organic matter, and humic substances. Two in situ field experiments were carried out during two summers, in order to evaluate the CO2-C emissions in relation to soil temperature variations. The overall low amounts of soil organic matter in Maritime Antarctic soils have a low humification degree and reduced microbial activity. CO2-C emissions showed significant exponential relationship with temperature, suggesting a sharp increase in CO2-C emissions with a warming scenario, and Q10 values (the percentage increase in emission for a 10°C increase in soil temperature) were higher than values reported from elsewhere. The sensitivity of the CO2-C emission in relation to temperature was significantly correlated with the humification degree of soil organic matter and microbial activity for Antarctic soils. © 2012 Antarctic Science Ltd.


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Fifty-nine Nellore bulls from low and high residual feed intake (RFI) levels were studied with the objective of evaluating meat quality traits. Animals were slaughtered when ultrasound-measured backfat thickness reached 4. mm, and samples of Longissimus were collected. A mixed model including RFI as fixed effect and herd and diet as random effects was used, and least square means were compared by t-test. More efficient animals consumed 0.730. kg dry matter/day less than less efficient animals, with similar performance. No significant differences in carcass weight, prime meat cuts proportion, chemical composition, pH, sarcomere length, or color were observed between RFI groups. Shear force, myofibrillar fragmentation index and soluble collagen content were influenced by RFI, with a higher shear force and soluble collagen content and a lower fragmentation index in low RFI animals. Feedlot-finished low RFI young Nellore bulls more efficiently convert feed into meat, presenting carcasses within quality standards. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Egg quality of semi-heavy laying hens fed on low protein diets (14.0% CP) and on different lysine levels is evaluated, while maintaining the same ratio of digestible amino acids / digestible lysine. Four hundred and twenty commercial strain Isa Brown laying hens, 28 weeks old, were divided into 42 experimental plots. A completely randomized design with six treatments and seven replicates was employed in four production cycles of 28 days each. Treatments comprised Control - 16.92% CP; 0.750% digestible lysine. Treatments 1 to 5, with CP levels 14% and digestible lysine levels 0.600, 0.675, 0.750, 0.825 and 0.900% respectively. Levels of Treatments 1 and 2 (0.546 and 0.640% digestible Met + Cys / 0.600 and 0.675% digestible lysine) provided smaller egg size. On the other hand, eggs had higher shell percentage when compared to control diet. When compared to other digestible amino acids, digestible lysine requirement may be estimated at 0.750% in a diet with 14% CP, which corresponds to the average daily intake of 876 mg dig. lysine hen-1 day-1 and 798 mg dig. Met + Cys hen-1 day-1, without jeopardizing performance and eggs' internal and external quality.