76 resultados para organ and inter-specific patterns


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a thermally dimorphic fungus, and causes the most prevalent systemic mycosis in Latin America. Infection is initiated by inhalation of conidia or mycelial fragments by the host, followed by further differentiation into the yeast form. Information regarding gene expression by either form has rarely been addressed with respect to multiple time points of growth in culture. Here, we report on the construction of a genomic DNA microarray, covering approximately 25% of the genome of the organism, and its utilization in identifying genes and gene expression patterns during growth in vitro. Cloned, amplified inserts from randomly sheared genomic DNA (gDNA) and known control genes were printed onto glass slides to generate a microarray of over 12 000 elements. To examine gene expression, mRNA was extracted and amplified from mycelial or yeast cultures grown in semi-defined medium for 5, 8 and 14 days. Principal components analysis and hierarchical clustering indicated that yeast gene expression profiles differed greatly from those of mycelia, especially at earlier time points, and that mycelial gene expression changed less than gene expression in yeasts over time. Genes upregulated in yeasts were found to encode proteins shown to be involved in methionine/cysteine metabolism, respiratory and metabolic processes (of sugars, amino acids, proteins and lipids), transporters (small peptides, sugars, ions and toxins), regulatory proteins and transcription factors. Mycelial genes involved in processes such as cell division, protein catabolism, nucleotide biosynthesis and toxin and sugar transport showed differential expression. Sequenced clones were compared with Histoplasma capsulatum and Coccidioides posadasii genome sequences to assess potentially common pathways across species, such as sulfur and lipid metabolism, amino acid transporters, transcription factors and genes possibly related to virulence. We also analysed gene expression with time in culture and found that while transposable elements and components of respiratory pathways tended to increase in expression with time, genes encoding ribosomal structural proteins and protein catabolism tended to sharply decrease in expression over time, particularly in yeast. These findings expand our knowledge of the different morphological forms of P. brasiliensis during growth in culture.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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G- and C- banding patterns of seven species of the bat family Molossidae, Eumops glaucinus, E. perotis; Molossops abrasus, M. remminckii, Molossus ater, M. molossus, and Nyctinomops laticaudatus, were identified. Comparisons among the karyotypes of these species showed extensive homologies between E. perotis, M. ater, M. molossus, M. abrasus, and N. laticaudatus, demonstrating inter- and intrageneric conservatism, and a lesser degree of homologies in M. temminckii and glaucinus, reflecting intrageneric variation, Chromosomal variation was due to inversions, Robertsonian rearrangements, translocations, and variations in the location of constitutive heterochromatin and nucleolus organizer regions. The chromosome corresponding to No. 5 in the M. ater karyotype is discussed. We suggest that the Nyctinomops and Molossops karyotypes represent the primitive condition and that Molossus and Eumops have derived karyotypes.


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Two simple methods were developed to determine, 11 pesticides in coconut water, a natural isotonic drink rich in salts, sugars and vitamins consumed by the people and athletes. The first procedure involves solid-phase extraction using Sep-Pak Vac C-18 disposable cartridges with methanol for elution. Isocratic analysis was carried out by means of high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection at 254 nm to analyse captan, chlorothalonil, carbendazim, lufenuron and diafenthiuron. The other procedure is based on liquid-liquid extraction with hexane-dichloromethane (1:1, v/v), followed by gas chromatographic analysis with effluent splitting to electron-capture detection for determination of endosulfan, captan, tetradifon and trichlorfon and thermionic specific detection for determination of malathion, parathion-methyl and monocrotophos. The methods were validated with fortified samples at different concentration levels (0.01-12.0 mg/kg). Average recoveries ranged from 75 to 104% with relative standard deviations between 1.4 and 11.5%. Each recovery analysis was repeated at least five times. Limits of detection ranged from 0.002 to 2.0 mg/kg. The analytical procedures were applied to 15 samples and no detectable amounts of the pesticides were found in any samples under the conditions described. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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In order to study the divergence of teleost sex chromosomes, subtractive cloning was carried out between genomic DNA of males and females of the rainbow trout (XX/XY) and of Leporinus elongatus (ZW/ZZ). Inserts cloned in a plasmid vector were individually tested on Southern blots of DNA of males and females for sex specificity. No sex-specific insert was obtained from trout, but two out of ten inserts cloned from L. elongatus showed sex-specific patterns in this species: one corresponds to a sequence present on both Z and W chromosomes, while the other is W specific. Sequences of these two inserts show neither clear homology with other known sequences, nor an open reading frame. They cross-hybridize with the genomic DNA of Leporinus friderici, but without sex-specific patterns. Twenty-four L. elongatus adults were sexed by gonadal observation, chromosomed examination and Southern hybridization with one or the other insert. Ten males and 11 females had chromosomes and hybridization patterns typical of their sex. One ZW female was recognized as a male with the W-specific probe. This was also the case for two unusual ZW males, one having a male hybridization pattern with the other probe. These three atypical individuals may result from single genetic exchanges between four regions of the Z and the W, giving rise to three atypical W chromosomes. Finding males with such atypical heterochromosomes in a female heterogametic species may indicate that a gradual transition occurs between the heterogametic systems.


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1. A survey has been carried out on the blood constituents of penguins from the Pygoscellidae family, Pygoscellis antartica, P. papua and P. adeliae, and of skuas (Chataracta maccormicki).2. Glucose, non-protein nitrogen compounds, proteins, lipids and inorganic compounds and the electrophoretic patterns for hemoglobin, serum proteins and lipoproteins were studied.3. The values obtained for glucose partition in the blood, glycosylated hemoglobin and non-protein nitrogen compounds, are discussed.


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Ectothermic vertebrates have a well-developed system of melanin-containing cells, which localize in several organs and tissues and compose an extracutaneous pigmentary system. This research aimed at characterizing histological and ultrastructural patterns of pigmented cells in the testes of the anura Eupemphix nattereri (Steindachner, 1963), including the stereological and quantitative evaluation of this cell type in the gonads. Ten adult males were collected in Nova Itapirema, São Paulo, Brazil, and submitted to morphological studies with light and transmission electron microscopy. The testis presents a great number of large cells with many brown granules and long cytoplasmic processes. The pigmented cells found in the testis are structurally similar to melanocytes, characterized by large amounts of melanosomes. The cells may be in intimate contact with the same cell type, with myoid cells surrounded by a large amount of collagen fibers, Leydig cells, and next to fibroblasts. The distribution and amount of extracutaneous melanocytes is variable when other organs and membranes are analyzed, allowing the establishment of species-specific patterns for the extracutaneous pigmentary system.


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Adolescents usually exhibit late sleep phase and irregular sleep patterns. As a result, they do not get enough sleep and report daytime sleepiness. This condition could be aggravated in working students who have a more limited time for sleep. In this survey, we investigated the impact of evening classes and employment on the sleep patterns of adolescents. We compared female (n = 17) and male (n = 14) non-worker students to female (n = 28) and male (n = 20) worker students who attended the same high school. The volunteers (aged 17.4 years +/- 11 months) answered a sleep log during a 16-day period. Worker students slept and woke up earlier, had a shorter nocturnal sleep length and a shorter daily (nocturnal plus diurnal) sleep length compared to non-working pupils. The four groups of students delayed sleep onset time on weekends, but only worker students delayed wake-up time on Sundays. The wake-up time was similar among groups on Sundays. While student workers tended to increase the sleep length in the weekends, non-working students increased it on Mondays and/or Tuesdays. The results showed that sleep schedules and sleep length were different according to the work status. Going to bed later on Saturday by the four groups of students suggests the influence of social activities, while a later wake-up time on Sundays could result from a shorter sleep length on workdays.


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Genetic analyses of sex determination have identified sex chromosomes in many teleost fish species. However, there are several cases for which sex ratios do not fit perfectly with the expectations of heterogametic systems, suggesting the influence of either minor sex determining genes or environmental influences on the process of sex differentiation. The frequent absence of sex chromosome markers makes the identification of minor sex-determining genes very difficult. It is easier to test first the hypothesis of environmental sex determination (ESD) by studying the temperature effect, since temperature-dependent sex determination has been demonstrated to occur in several vertebrate groups including 1 fish species. To contribute to a better understanding of fish sex determination, we have tested the effects of high temperatures on sex ratios of Oreochromis niloticus, and have attempted to isolate sex chromosome molecular markers in Leporinus elongatus. Treatments of O. niloticus fry at 36 degrees C applied for 10 days and more, and starting 1 week after fertilization markedly increased the proportion of males, and progeny-testing these males confirmed that some of them are sex-reversed genetic females. Two non-coding sequences of L. elongatus Z and W chromosomes were cloned by genomic subtraction. They cross-hybridized with the genome of a close species without providing sex-specific patterns. A collection of L. elongates individuals was subjected to gonadal and chromosomal sexing, and DNA hybridization with both sequences. These analyses revealed 3 individuals having atypical W chromosomes. Interestingly, 2 of these were males having a ZW karyotype. We assume that these atypical sex chromosome arise by exchanges between Z and W chromosomes, and that a transition between female and male heterogamety is underway in this species.


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This work aims to analyse the composition, abundance and distribution of the Penaeidea species which occur in the Ubatuba Bay (23 degrees 26'S and 45 degrees 02'W). The samples were monthly collected from October/1992 to September/1993. Each collect was composed of two parallel radials: the first (radial ''A'') was carried out in the mid region of the bay and the second one (radial ''B'') in the bay mouth. The trawls took one hour in a boat equipped with one otter-trawl (10 mm of mesh). The registered environmental factors were depth, bottom water temperature, granulometric composition and organic content of the sediment. After the trawls, the shrimp were separated from other marine organisms and counted. Eight species of shrimp were obtained: Xiphopenaeus kroyeri; Artemesia longinaris; Penaeus (L.) schmitti; P. (F.) brasiliensis; Trachypenaeus; constrictus; Sicyonia typica; S. dorsalis and Pleoticus muelleri. The most abundant species were X. kroyeri, A. longinaris, P. muelleri and T. constrictus. It was verified a very strong seasonality among the species. The X. kroyeri species occurred in both radials along the months but its abundance decreased from a November to March. Such fact is attributed to the temperature which reached a minimum value of 20 degrees C during this period. The species A. longinaris and P. muelleri were more frequent in the radial B which was caracterized by 14 +/- 1.3 m of depth, low organic content in the sediment (2.97%) and granulometric composition of medium sand. The distribution and abundance of these shrimps in the bay, beyond the hydrological features can be related to biotic factors as food availability, migration, inter and intra specific relations (competition, predation, etc.).


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An HPLC-PAD method has been developed in order to evaluate simultaneously the main secondary metabolites, flavonoid glycosides and styrylpyrones, of leaves of Cryptocarya moschata. The sample preparation, consisting of extraction, liquid-liquid extraction and centrifugation, requires minimum sample manipulation but produces high yields with reproducibility, selectivity and simplicity. HPLC on a C, column presents each class of metabolites grouped and with good resolution of the main compounds. The experimental conditions can be used to study inter- and intra-specific variability of secondary metabolites in Cryptocarya spp. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley A Sons, Ltd.


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Water intake was studied in albino rats with lesions in the lateral preoptic area, in the subfornical organ, and in both the lateral preoptic area and the subfornical organ. Drinking was induced by cellular dehydration, hypovolemia, hypotension (isoproterenol or caval ligation), and water deprivation. The animals with lesions in both areas showed a significant reduction in their water intake in response to cellular dehydration. Drinking due to extracellular dehydration was reduced in the animals that received only subfornical organ lesions, and was reduced even further in the animals with both areas ablated. The lesions in the subfornical organ were sufficient to reduce the thirst induced by caval ligation. The lesions in both areas inhibit water intake induced by caval ligation. Water intake induced by deprivation was reduced when both areas were destroyed. These findings demonstrate that both the lateral preoptic area and the subfornical organ are necessary for normal drinking in response to cellular dehydration, hypovolemia, and hypotension. There is further evidence that the lateral preoptic area and subfornical organ interact in the control of water intake induced by a variety of thirst challenges.


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Larvae of an estuarine grapsid crab Chasmagnathus granulata Dana 1851, from temperate and subtropical regions of South America, were reared in seawater (32 ‰) at five different constant temperatures (12, 15, 18, 21, 24 °C). Complete larval development from hatching (Zoea I) to metamorphosis (Crab I) occurred in a range from 15 to 24 °C. Highest survival (60% to the first juvenile stage) was observed at 18°C, while all larvae reared at 12°C died before metamorphosis. The duration of development (D) decreased with increasing temperature (T). This relationship is described for all larval stages as a power function (linear regressions after logarithmic transformation of both D and T). The temperature-dependence of the instantaneous developmental rate (D-1) is compared among larval stages and temperatures using the Q10 coefficient (van't Hoff's equation). Through all four zoeal stages, this index tends to increase during development and to decrease with increasing T (comparing ranges 12-18, 15-21, 18-24 °C). In the Megalopa, low Q10 values were found in the range from 15 to 24 °C. In another series of experiments, larvae were reared at constant 18°C and their dry weight (W) and respiratory response to changes in T were measured in all successive stages during the intermoult period (stage C) of the moulting cycle. Both individual and weight-specific respiration (R, QO2) increased exponentially with increasing T. At each temperature, R increased significantly during growth and development through successive larval stages. No significantly different QO2 values were found in the first three zoeal stages, while a significant decrease with increasing W occurred in the Zoea IV and Megalopa. As in the temperature-dependence of D, the respiratory response to changes in temperature (Q10) depends on both the temperature range and the developmental stage, however, with different patterns. In the zoeal stages, the respiratory Q10 was minimum (1.7-2.2) at low temperatures (12-18 °C), but maximum (2.2-3.0) at 18-24 °C. The Megalopa, in contrast, showed a stronger metabolic response in the lower than in the upper temperature range (Q10 = 2.8 and 1.7, respectively). We interpret this pattern as an adaptation to a sequence of temperature conditions that should typically be encountered by C. granulata larvae during their ontogenetic migrations: hatching in and subsequent export from shallow estuarine lagoons, zoeal development in coastal marine waters, which are on average cooler, return in the Megalopa stage to warm lagoons. We thus propose that high metabolic sensitivity to changes in temperature may serve as a signal stimulating larval migration, so that the zoeae should tend to leave warm estuaries and lagoons, whereas the Megalopa should avoid remaining in the cooler marine waters and initiate its migration towards shallow coastal lagoons.


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Forest dynamics will depend upon the physiological performance of individual tree species under more stressful conditions caused by climate change. In order to compare the idiosyncratic responses of Mediterranean tree species (Quercus faginea, Pinus nigra, Juniperus thurifera) coexisting in forests of central Spain, we evaluated the temporal changes in secondary growth (basal area increment; BAI) and intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) during the last four decades, determined how coexisting species are responding to increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Ca) and drought stress, and assessed the relationship among iWUE and growth during climatically contrasting years. All species increased their iWUE (ca. +15 to +21 %) between the 1970s and the 2000s. This increase was positively related to Ca for J. thurifera and to higher Ca and drought for Q. faginea and P. nigra. During climatically favourable years the study species either increased or maintained their growth at rising iWUE, suggesting a higher CO2 uptake. However, during unfavourable climatic years Q. faginea and especially P. nigra showed sharp declines in growth at enhanced iWUE, likely caused by a reduced stomatal conductance to save water under stressful dry conditions. In contrast, J. thurifera showed enhanced growth also during unfavourable years at increased iWUE, denoting a beneficial effect of Ca even under climatically harsh conditions. Our results reveal significant inter-specific differences in growth driven by alternative physiological responses to increasing drought stress. Thus, forest composition in the Mediterranean region might be altered due to contrasting capacities of coexisting tree species to withstand increasingly stressful conditions. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.