163 resultados para micellar medium
We study the elastic scattering of positronium atoms by hydrogen atoms at medium energies using partial-wave Born-Oppenheimer (BO) exchange amplitudes and report accurate BO cross sections in the energy range 0 to 60 eV. The present BO results agree with a 22-state R-matrix and a five-state coupled-channel model potential calculation, but disagree strongly with a conventional close-coupling calculation as well as its input BO amplitudes at medium energies.
We study the problem of the evolution of the free surface of a fluid in a saturated porous medium, bounded from below by a. at impermeable bottom, and described by the Laplace equation with moving-boundary conditions. By making use of a convenient conformal transformation, we show that the solution to this problem is equivalent to the solution of the Laplace equation on a fixed domain, with new variable coefficients, the boundary conditions. We use a kernel of the Laplace equation which allows us to write the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator, and in this way we are able to find an exact differential-integral equation for the evolution of the free surface in one space dimension. Although not amenable to direct analytical solutions, this equation turns out to allow an easy numerical implementation. We give an explicit illustrative case at the end of the article.
Quark-model descriptions of the nucleon-nucleon interaction contain two main ingredients, a quark-exchange mechanism for the short-range repulsion and meson exchanges for the medium- and long-range parts of the interaction. We point out the special role played by higher partial waves, and in particular the (1)F(3), as a very sensitive probe for the meson-exchange pan employed in these interaction models. In particular, we show that the presently available models fail to provide a reasonable description of higher partial waves and indicate the reasons for this shortcoming.
Using the numerical solution of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation and a variational method, it is shown that (3+1)-dimensional spatiotemporal optical solitons, known as light bullets, can be stabilized in a layered Kerr medium with sign-changing nonlinearity along the propagation direction.
We derive the formal expressions needed to discuss the change of the twist-two parton distribution functions when a hadron is placed in a medium with relativistic scalar and vector mean fields. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Amino acids are well metabolized by Streptomyces clavuligerus during the production of clavulanic acid using glycerol as main carbon and energy source. However, only a few amino acids such as arginine and ornithine are favorable for CA biosynthesis. The aim of this work was to optimize the glycerol:ornithine molar ratio in the feed medium containing only these compounds to maximize CA production in continuous cultivation. A minimum number of experiments were performed by means of a simple two-level full-factorial central composite design to investigate the combined effect of glycerol and ornithine feeding on the CA concentration during the intermittent and continuous process in shake-flasks. Statistical analysis of the experimental data using the response surface methodology showed that a glycerol-to-ornithine molar ratio of approximately 40:1 in the feed medium resulted in the highest CA concentration when fermentation was stopped. Under these optimized conditions, in bench-scale fermentor runs, the CA concentration reached more than double the concentration obtained in shake-flasks runs. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cancer development is a long-term multistep process which allows interventional measure before the clincial disease emerges. the detection of natural substances which can block the process of carcinogenesis is a important as the identification of anti-tumoral drugs since they might be used in chemoprevention of cancer in high-risk groups. In vivo rodent models of chemical caecinogenesis have been used to study plant-derived inhibitors of carcinofenesis such as indols, coumarins, isothiocyanates, flavones, phenols and allyl-sulfides. Since the standard in vivo rodent bioassay is prolonged and expensive, shorter reliable protocols are needed. Two in vivo medium-term protocols for evaluation of modifiers of carcinogenesis are presented, one related to liver and the other to bladder cancer. Both protocols use rats, last 8 and 36 weeks and are based on the two-step concept of carcinogenesis: initiation and promotion. The protocols use respectively the development of altered foci of hepatocytes expressing immunochistochemically the placental form of gluthation S-transferase and the appearence of pre-neoplastic urothelium and papillomas as the end-points. the use of these protocols for detection of plantpderived inhibitors of carcinogenesis appear warranted.
Muitos fungos termofílicos são conhecidos como sendo produtores de lipases e o potencial dessas enzimas nas reações de esterificação (reação inversa à hidrólise), há muito tem sido reconhecida. O aspecto do micélio e diversas observações microscópicas foram efetuadas em Thermomyces lanuginosus cultivado em Placas de Petri com meios de culturas YpSs (extrato de levedura + amido + agar) e mais quatro variações na fonte de carbono neste meio. As matérias-primas usadas e avaliadas foram pentaeritritol, ácido oléico e dioleato de pentaeritritol como possíveis fontes de carbono disponíveis ao microrganismo são comumente encontradas na indústria química como intermediários clássicos na síntese de diversos ésteres. Com o crescimento de Thermomyces lanuginosus em todos os meios propostos e a manutenção da capacidade de reprodução mostramos ser esse fungo altamente promissor em futuros trabalhos de biocatálise com microrganismos vivos.
A espectroscopia fotoacústica obtém informações sobre amplitude e fase, da resposta de um sistema submetido a excitação por luz. Este artigo apresenta estudos do ângulo de fase no processo de transfereência de elétrons entre octaetilporfirina (OEP) e derivados de quinona ambos dispersos em uma matriz polimérica. Observou-se uma tendência no comportamento da fase para valores menores na região espectral próximo de 620 nm. Enquanto que para comprimentos de onda menores este efeito não foi apresentado. Estas medidas sugerem que a transferência de elétrons para o aceitador ocorreu com a participação do estado singleto excitado da octaetilporfirina.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Do total de 622 amostras de fezes, sendo 200 de suínos, 220 de bezerros e 202 de cães, Campylobacter foi isolado em 178 amostras. Destas, o agente foi identificado em 64 (36%) amostras, isoladas somente em meio seletivo de Butzler (MSB); em 34 (19%) o microorganismo foi isolado a partir da técnica de filtração (TF) e em 80 (45%), através de ambos os procedimentos (MSB+TF). A comparação entre as proporções de positividade, pelas diferentes técnicas, revelou significância (c2 = 9.184; p > 0,001) sendo a MSB (36%) a mais eficiente comparada com a TF (19%) O uso associado de ambos os procedimentos proporcionou a positividade mais elevada de isolamento com 45%.
The authors wish to report a simple medium for the isolation and cultivation of Ureaplasma urealyticum starting from clinical materials. This medium induced growth in eleven of the twelve different serotypes of Ureaplasma urealyticum studied.
The growth of the yeast Cryptococcus laurentii in complete broth for yeast and in liquid and semi-solid sugar cane vinasse media supplemented with several nitrogen and phosphorus sources was analysed in order to evaluate its potential utilization as biomass producer from vinasse. The trials were performed in a 1-liter fermentor, at 30-degrees-C, under magnetic agitation for 48 hours, and initial pH 5.0 for the liquid media. The parameters analysed were biomass, protein, and final pH. For the semi-solid media, agitated flasks under rotational agitation for 24 hours, at 30-degrees-C, and initial pH 5.0 were used. The results obtained showed that the yeast did not grow well in liquid sugar cane vinasse media, both supplemented or not, in comparison to the complete broth for yeast. The protein content was also lower in liquid sugar cane vinasse media. The medium pH did not alter markedly during the cultivation. The best results were obtained in semi-solid sugar cane vinasse media with supplementation, probably due to the known polysaccharide production by this species, which allows a better survival to solid substrates.
This paper describes 2 alternative methodologies for the determination of selected aldehydes (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, acrolein, and benzaldehyde) by capillary electrophoresis (CE), the first approach is based on the formation of aldehyde-bisulfite adducts and employs free solution CE with reversed electroosmotic flow and indirect detection, using 10 mmol/L 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid (pH 4.5) containing 0.2 mmol/L cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as the electrolyte. This novel methodology showed a fairly good sensitivity to concentration, with detection limits with respect to a single aldehyde on the order of 10-40 mu g/L, a reasonable analysis time (separation was achieved in <8 min), and no need for sample manipulation. A second approach was proposed in which 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine derivatives of the aldehydes were detected in a micellar electrolyte medium (20 mmol/L berate buffer containing 50 mmol/L sodium dodecyl sulfate and 15 mmol/L beta-cyclodextrin). This latter methodology included a laborious sample preconcentration step and showed much poorer sensitivity (0.5-2 mg/L detection limit, with respect to a single aldehyde), despite the use of sodium chloride to promote sample stacking. Both methodologies proved adequate to evaluate aldehyde levels in vehicular emissions. Samples from the tailpipe exhaust of a passenger car vehicle without a catalytic converter and operated with an ethanol-based fuel were collected and analyzed; the results showed high levels of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde (0.41-6.1 ppm, v/v). The concentrations estimated by the 2 methodologies, which were not in good agreement, suggest the possibility of striking differences in sample collection efficiency, which was not the concern of this work.