261 resultados para limb girdle muscular dystrophy 2A
As estatinas são utilizadas no tratamento das dislipidemias, com grande tolerância; no entanto, vários efeitos colaterais podem surgir, destacando-se miopatia. A prática regular do exercício físico (EF) produz modificações favoráveis no perfil lipídico; entretanto, pode gerar lesões musculares. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da associação entre exercício físico e estatinas na função muscular, pela análise histológica, em modelo experimental animal com dislipidemia. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 80 ratos machos Wistar, distribuídos em oito grupos, incluindo animais submetidos à dieta hipercolesterolêmica (DH), sinvastatina com (G1) e sem (G2) EF; DH e fluvastatina, com (G3) e sem EF (G4); alimentados com ração comercial (RC) na presença (G5) e ausência de (G6) EF; DH submetidos (G7) ou não (G8) a EF. A DH foi administrada por 90 dias, as estatinas e prática de EF em esteira rolante por oito semanas. Os animais foram sacrificados, e o músculo sóleo retirado para análise histológica. Aplicaram-se os testes t de Student pareado e análise multivariada, com nível significante para p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: As principais alterações histológicas encontradas foram fibras de diferentes diâmetros, atróficas, em degeneração, splitting, edema, infiltrado inflamatório. Essas alterações foram observadas em 90% dos animais do grupo G1, 80% do G2, 70% do G3, 30% do G4, 40% do G5 e 30% do G7. Nos grupos G6 e G8 identificaram-se fibras musculares com morfologia preservada. CONCLUSÕES: Na avaliação histológica muscular, a associação entre fluvastatina, sinvastatina e exercício físico acarreta alterações morfológicas com predomínio no uso da sinvastatina, variando de grau leve a grave, no músculo sóleo de ratos, induzidos pelos inibidores da HMG-CoA redutase.
Os esportes de alto nível determinam padrões corporais que extrapolam barreiras geopolíticas, sociais e culturais. Estas peculiaridades resultam em alterações posturais que estão associadas à eficiência do gesto desportivo, porém, em longo prazo, podem evoluir para processos mórbidos que limitam a prática de atividades físicas regulares. O objetivo da pesquisa foi descrever o perfil postural dos atletas que participam de provas de potência muscular e identificar processos anátomo-cinesiológicos responsáveis pelas principais alterações corporais. A casuística foi composta por 15 atletas do sexo masculino, especializados em provas de potência muscular. O protocolo para coleta de dados foi elaborado com base na proposta de: i) Kendall, para o exame físico e observacional, utilizando simetrógrafo e fio de prumo; ii) Souchard, para a análise postural em cadeia. As informações foram organizadas sob a forma de distribuição de freqüência absoluta e relativa. Os resultados apontaram que: i) o tornozelo em valgo (67%) foi a situação mais comum; ii) a rotação interna da pelve à direita (60%), seguida do lado oposto mais elevado (47%), pode estar relacionada com a corrida em curva que sobrecarrega a estrutura da pelve para a manutenção da velocidade com simultânea mudança de direção em função da força gravitacional; iii) a anteversão de pelve (73%) decorre da retração observada nos músculos flexores do quadril e extensores do joelho; iv) a alteração expressa no item iii contribui para a formação de hiperlordose lombar (73%) e desencadeia mecanismo compensatório de retração da cadeia posterior causando cifose torácica (53%) e cabeça em protrusão (73%). O diagnóstico precoce e a adoção de medidas profiláticas efetivas podem contribuir para o aumento da performance, bem como prevenir a ocorrência de lesões desportivas. Estudos envolvendo intervenção fisioterápica deverão avaliar se há redução dos efeitos crônicos que as alterações posturais decorrentes do treinamento causam ao atleta de alto nível.
Objective. - To describe the distribution of frequency of the injuries during adventure competition.Material and methods. - Fifty-five participants who underwent to the second stage of the Caloi Adventure Camp competition answered to a questionnaire about their personal characteristics, training status and injuries.Results. - The age of the athletes was 32 +/- 10 years old and the body mass index (BMI) 23.3 +/- 2.2 kg/m(2). The most frequent injuries occurred during trekking (61%), followed by mountain bike (24%). Abrasions (36.7%) and cuts (24.5%) were the most frequent injuries mentioned. Tissue level lesions occurred in 61.2% of the episodes. The most frequent injuries were contusions (16.3%) at muscular level, and sprain (6.1%) and fracture (6.1%) at osteoarticular system. Related to the body structure, the lower limb was the most affected (49%), mainly ankle (14.3%) and knee (12.2%). In the upper limb (30.6%), arm and forearm were more affected with cuts and abrasions. Neck and trunk were responsible for 20.4% of the injuries. Cramps (31%) and tendinitis (11%) were also mentioned.Conclusion. - The data suggest that it is necessary to create one training approach including prevention and logistics for participants rescue and rapid attendance during the tournament. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aim. Lower-limb traumatic injury associated with ischemia and followed by reperfusion (I/R) is a common severe situation in muscle lesions due to trauma and hypoxia followed by local and systemic injuries induced by oxygen-derived free radical release during reperfusion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the attenuating effects of trimetazidine (TMZ) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in such situation.Methods. The muscles at the root of the right hind limb of Wistar rats were cross-sectioned, preserving femoral vessels and nerves and clamping the femoral artery for four hours. The clamp was then released and the femoral artery has been reperfused for 2 hours. Rats were randomly divided in groups of ten as follows: Group 1: sham I/R, treated with saline; Group 2: I/R, treated with saline; Group 3: sham I/R, treated with TMZ (7.5 mg/kg/dose); Group 4: sham I/R, treated with NAC (375 mg/kg/dose); Group 5: I/R treated with TMZ (7.5 mg/kg/dose); Group 6: I/R treated with NAC (375 mg/kg/dose). All rats received two intravenous bolus injections of the drugs, one before ischemia and one before reperfusion. Oxidative stress in plasma (MDA, total, oxidized and reduced glutathione), creatinephosphokinase (CPK), optical and electron microscopy and pelvic extremity circumference and volume were studied.Results. No statistical differences were found between the groups for MDA or total and reduced glutathione. Oxidized glutathione increased significantly in groups 5 and 2. Limb circumference as well as limb volume increased in all groups over time, mainly in groups 5, 2 and 1. CPK increased in all groups, being highest in groups 5, 6 and 2. Histological lesions were present in all but sham groups, being less severe in group 6. Soleus muscle analyses at electron microscopy exhibit some degree of alteration in all groups.Conclusion. This experimental model simulated severe limb trauma associated with ischemia and reperfusion, and, as such, it was aggressive, causing severe injury and local inflammatory reaction. The model did not show antioxidant action from NAC, and possible antioxidant action from TMZ was insufficient to attenuate tissue injuries. [Int Angiol 2009;28:412-7]
Study objectives: This study was developed to investigate the influence of thoracic and upperlimb muscle function on 6-min walk distance (6MWD) in patients with COPD.Design: A prospective, cross-sectional study.Setting: the pulmonary rehabilitation center of a university hospital.Patients: Thirty-eight patients with mild to very severe COPD were evaluated.Measurements and results: Pulmonary function and baseline dyspnea index (BDI) were assessed, handgrip strength, maximal inspiratory pressure (Pimax), and 6MWD were measured, and the one-repetition maximum (1RM) was determined for each of four exercises (bench press, lat pull down, leg extension, and leg press) performed on gymnasium equipment. Quality of life was assessed using the St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ). We found statistically significant positive correlations between 6MWD and body weight (r = 0.32; p < 0.05), BDI (r = 0.50; p < 0.01), FEV, (r = 0.33; p < 0.05), PImax (r = 0.53; p < 0.01), and all values of 1RM. A statistically significant negative correlation was observed between 6MWD and dyspnea at the end of the 6-min walk test (r = -0.29; p < 0.05), as well as between 6MWD and the SGRQ activity domain (r = -0.45; p < 0.01) and impact domain (r = -0.34; p < 0.05) and total score (r = -0.40; p < 0.01). Multiple regression analysis selected body weight, BDI, Pimax, and lat pull down IRM as predictive factors for 6MWD (R-2 = 0.589).Conclusions: the results of this study showed the importance of the skeletal musculature of the thorax and upper limbs in submaximal exercise tolerance and could open new perspectives for training programs designed to improve functional activity in COPD patients.
The effect of increased protein intake on the muscle mass gain, nitrogen balance and N-15-glycine kinetics was studied in six young, healthy subjects practitioners of strength training (> 2 years), without use of anabolic steroids and in agreement with the ethical principles of the research. All athletes received adequate diet (0.88g protein/kg/day) during 2 weeks prior the study (D1), and thereafter with diet providing 1.5g of protein/kg/day and 30kcal/g of protein (D2 diet) for the subsequent 2 weeks. Later on, they all received diet with 2.5g of protein/kg/day (D3 diet) and 30 kcal/g protein for the last two weeks. Body composition, food intake, blood biochemistry, nitrogen balance (NB) and 15N-glycine kinetics were determined at the beginning, after D1 (M0) and in the last days of the D2 (M1) and D3 (M2). The results showed at the end of the study (4 weeks) significant increase in muscle mass (1.63 +/- 0.9kg), without difference between D2 and D3. The NB followed the protein/energy consumption (M0 = -7.8g/day; M1 = 5.6g/day and D3 = 16.6g/day), the protein synthesis followed the NB, with M0 < (M1= M2) (M1 = 49.8 +/- 12.2g N/day and M2 = 52.5 +/- 14.0g N/day). Protein catabolism rate was similarly kept among diets. Thus, the results of the NB and N-15-glycine kinetics indicate that the recommended protein intake for these athletes is higher than the one for sedentary adults (0.88g/kg) and lower than 2.5g/kg, around 1.5g of protein/kg/day, with adjustment of the energy consumption to 30 kcal/g of protein.
Há algum tempo o condicionamento físico vem sendo parte obrigatória no tratamento de portadores de DPOC. Estes pacientes apresentam comumente intolerância ao exercício de intensidade variável e relacionada à disfunção muscular esquelética. Neste sentido, o exercício físico apresenta-se como ramo mais importante no processo de reabilitação pulmonar. O exercício aeróbio e o treino de força com pesos são fundamentais no incremento de capacidade física e qualidade de vida, principalmente naqueles indivíduos que apresentam as formas moderada ou grave da DPOC. Além disso, espera-se atualmente maior desenvolvimento nas pesquisas em relação à aplicação de estimulação elétrica neuromuscular (EENM) e ao uso criterioso de substâncias ergogênicas tais como esteróides anabolizantes e creatina oral. Tendo em vista as repercussões negativas da disfunção muscular e a importância da reabilitação pulmonar no tratamento da DPOC, esta revisão tem como objetivo reunir informações de estudos relevantes acerca das principais estratégias para o recondicionamento muscular esquelético nestes pacientes nos últimos 15 anos.
OBJETIVO: analisar a influência da via de parto sobre a força muscular do assoalho pélvico (FM-AP). MÉTODOS: estudo clínico de corte transversal, para avaliar a FM-AP pelo teste da avaliação da força do assoalho pélvico (AFA) e uso do perineômetro em primíparas, entre 20-30 anos de idade, 4-6 meses pós-parto. A contração, medida pelos dois testes, foi classificada em: zero - ausência, um - leve, dois - moderada e três - normal, sustentada por 6 segundos. Avaliaram-se 94 mulheres, entre 20 e 30 anos, divididas em três grupos: pós-parto vaginal (n=32); pós-cesárea (n=32) e nulíparas (n=30). A variável independente foi a via de parto e a dependente, a FM-AP. A comparação entre os graus de contração foi realizada pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis e o teste de Dunn para comparações múltiplas; a influência da via de parto pelo teste chi2, o risco relativo (RR) para alteração da FM-AP e o coeficiente kappa para avaliar equivalência entre os testes. RESULTADOS: a mediana e 1º e 3º quartil da FM-AP foram menores (p=0,01) pós-parto vaginal (2,0;1-2) e intermediários pós-cesárea (2,0; 2-3) em relação às nulíparas (3,0;2-3), tanto analisadas pelo AFA como pelo perineômetro. Aumentou o RR de exame alterado pós-parto vaginal (RR=2,5; IC 95%: 1,3-5,0; p=0,002); (RR=2,3; IC 95%: 1,2-4,3; p=0,005) e pós-cesárea (RR=1,5; IC 95%: 0,94-2,57; p=0,12); (RR=1,3; IC 95%: 0,85-2,23; p=0,29) pelo PFSE e perineômetro, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: o parto vaginal diminuiu a força muscular do AP de primíparas quando comparado com os casos submetidos à cesárea e com as nulíparas.
There is substantial controversy in literature about human dermatomes. In this work, C5 and C6 superior limb dermatomes were studied. The method consisted of comparing clinical signs and symptoms with conduction studies, electromyographical data, neurosurgical findings, and imaging findings obtained by computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), for each patient. Data analysis from superior members in 18 patients suggests that C5 is located in the lateral aspect of the shoulder and arm, and C6 in the lateral aspect of the forearm and 1(st), 2(nd), and 3(rd) fingers. To our knowledge this is the first time that C5 and C6 human dermatomes have been studied by all the following methods together: clinical, electromyographical, CT and MR imaging, and surgical findings.
There is substantial controversy in literature about human dermatomes. We studied L4, L5, and S1 inferior limb dermatomes by comparing clinical signs and symptoms with conduction studies, electromyographical data, neurosurgical findings, and imaging data from computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). After analyzing 60 patients, we concluded that L4 is probably located in the medial aspect of the leg, L5 in the lateral aspect of the leg and foot dorsus, and S1 in the posterior aspect of the backside, tight, leg and plantar foot skin. This is the first time that these human dermatomes have been evaluated by combined analysis of clinical, electromyographical, neurosurgical, and imaging data.
Estudamos 6 pacientes, 2 cães e um coelho com intoxicação crotálica. Avaliamos a condução nervosa periférica sensitiva e motora, a transmissão neuromuscular e eletromiografias. As biópsias de músculo foram processadas por histoquímica. Os 6 pacientes apresentaram mononeuropatia sensitiva no nervo periférico adjacente ao local da inoculação do veneno e encontramos evidências histoquímicas de miopatia mitocondrial. Os defeitos da transmissão neuromuscular foram mínimos. A maioria dos autores admite que veneno crotálico determina síndrome miastênica. Nossos achados indicam que ptose palpebral, facies miastênico e fraqueza muscular observados após acidente crotálico, correspondem provavelmente a miopatia mitocondrial, muitas vezes transitória e reversível.
Study Design. Case-control study.Objective. To evaluate respiratory muscle force in children with myelomeningocele. Summary of Background Data. Myelomeningocele is a common spinal cord malformation with limitations linked to central nervous system lesions and abnormalities in respiratory movements. Despite this, little attention has been given to evaluating respiratory muscle force in these patients.Methods. Children with myelomeningocele aged between 4 and 14 years ( myelomeningocele group; MG, n = 20) were studied and compared with healthy children ( control group; CG, n = 20) matched for age and gender. Respiratory muscular force was evaluated by maximum inspiratory ( Pimax) and expiratory ( Pemax) pressures.Results. Groups were similar for age [ CG = 8 ( 6 - 13) = MG = 8 ( 4 - 14), P > 0.05]; gender, and body mass index [ CG = 17.4 ( 14.1 - 24.7) x MG = 19.2 ( 12.6 - 31.9), P > 0.05]. The lumbosacral region was predominantly affected ( 45%). Maximum respiratory pressures were significantly higher in CG than MG ( Pimax = CG: similar to 83 +/- 21.75 > MG: -54.1 +/- 23.66; P < 0.001 and Pemax = CG: + 87.4 +/- 26.28 > MG: + 64.6 +/- 26.97; P = 0.01). Patients with upper spinal lesion ( UL) had lower maximum respiratory pressure values than those with lower spinal lesion ( LL), [Pimax ( UL = - 38.33 +/- 11.20 cm H2O x LL = - 60.85 +/- 24.62 cm H2O), P < 0.041 and Pemax ( UL = + 48 +/- 20.82 cm H2O x LL + 71.71 +/- 26.73 cm H2O), P = 0.067]).Conclusion. Children with myelomeningocele at the ages studied presented reduced respiratory muscle force with more compromise in upper spinal lesion.
Clostridial myositis is an acute, generally fatal toxemia that is considered to be rare in pet animals. The present report describes an unusual canine clostridial myositis that was diagnosed by a new multiplex-PCR (mPCR) designed for simultaneous identification of Clostridium sordellii, Clostridium septicum, Clostridium perfringens type A, Clostridium chauvoei, and Clostridium novyi type A. A ten-month-old male Rottweiler dog, that had displayed lameness and swelling of the left limb for 12 h, was admitted to a veterinary hospital. The animal was weak, dyspneic and hyperthermic, and a clinical examination indicated the presence of gas and edema in the limb. Despite emergency treatment, the animal died in only a few minutes. Samples of muscular tissue from the necrotic area were aseptically collected and plated onto defibrinated sheep blood agar (5%) in anaerobic conditions. Colonies suggestive of Clostridium spp. were submitted to testing by multiplex-PCR. Impression smears of the tissues, visualized with Gram and also with panoptic stains, revealed long rod-shaped organisms, and specimens also tested positive using the fluorescent antibody technique (FAT). The FAT and mPCR tests enabled a diagnosis of C. septicum myonecrosis in the dog. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.