351 resultados para línguas românicas


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Dans ce texte, nous avons abordé l'enseignement des langues selon une approche constructiviste, où le sujet qui apprend et l'objet de connaissance ne se polarisent pas, mais s'articulent. Ceci signifie que personne ni rien ne sort indemne d'un processus de formation : il y a des transformations chez le sujet (apprenant) et l'objet (langues). Nous critiquons par conséquent la conception du langage et donc de la langue en tant qu'instrument de communication.


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One of the most controversial issues in the history of Phonetics is the discussion about the typology of speech rhythm. Out of the Greek and Latin tradition on poetry versification, the notion of rhythm has been misunderstood as speech rate. In the early years of the 20th century, a dichotomy merged classifying the speech rhythm into stress-timed and syllable-timed languages, inspired by the old theory of poetic versification. Following the same old pattern, later on, a third type of language were proposed: the moraic languages, initially attributed only to Japanese. With the facilities to carry on acoustic research, in the second half of the 20th century, the typology of language rhythm came to a dead end. Different types of language were set out. This paper discusses these ideas, showing a great misunderstanding among researchers in relation to the characterization of a syllable-timed language. The notion of mora is revisited and its role in the study of speech rhythm is better defined.


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The language typology of speech rhythm has been investigated by many researchers in different languages. However, they have not reached a unanimous conclusion. Part of the misunderstanding is due to the methodology they used. In addition, there is some theoretical confusion on the definition of a syllable timed language. This paper refers to the last question, but without discussing others people works and theories. Instead, it points out some essential questions that have not been taken into consideration in the discussion.


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This study aims to discuss, by assuming the perspective of the Discourse Analysis, the social and cultural implications of the process of teaching Portuguese to foreigners in the virtual context of Teletandem. It also intends to evaluate the levels of Critical Language Awareness presented by the participants, in relation to the linguistic, discursive and social dimensions of the analysis. The data were collected in 2011 in interactions between students from Unesp/Assis and students from North-American universities. The research has been guided by the following questions: (a) how social and historical changes are reflected in language uses; (b) how these implications appear in the context of Teletandem; (c) how is it possible to evaluate the levels of Critical Language Awareness between the participants related to the social dimension of the discourse.


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This paper focuses on teletandem telecollaborative practice aiming at maximizing the teaching and learning foreign languages and investigating the spaces created for autonomy and reflection. Teletandem is a new context for learning languages in which students are paired up and help each other to learn the language. A qualitative ethnographic study was conducted from partnerships of Brazilian and American students. Based on e-mails, informal conversations, written reports and field notes taken at the Teletandem Laboratory, the results have shown that autonomy is gradually experienced by the partners as they take responsibility for their learning. Teletandem has also proved to be a context which fosters reflective actions.


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Over the last years, the new technologies have changed the way we relate to information and communicate with other people, which has brought on impact to foreign language teaching and learning, and, consequently, to the area of foreign language teacher education. The abbreviation CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) has been used to designate the processes of language teaching and learning with the use of computers, and language teacher education in CALL to name teacher education for and with the use of new technologies, since a number of authors point to the interdependence of both processes. We intend in this article to present an overview of the literature of the area of language teacher education in CALL nowadays and discuss issues related to the use of new technologies concerning its integration to teacher education and the functional and institutional roles to be taken. We also present two proposals of teacher education with the use of new technologies which are being implemented and at the same time studied in Brazil, which we believe have essential elements for the development of language teachers for and with the use of new technologies currently.


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This paper presents some reflections regarding Spanish/FL teachers professional development process, considering their experiences in the context of the project “Center for Languages and Teachers Development”, UNESP – Assis. The study aimed to develop a space for reflection and to identify the main concerns that the teachers-students have in their initial education trajectory. To do so, we use the qualitative approach principles and the narrative research method.


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This article aims to trace a historical development of language teacher education in Brazil and abroad, as well as to discuss the tenets of Vygotsky’s sociocultural perspective as a theoretical basis on which teacher development can be anchored in the contemporary world. Since learning to teach is now understood as a complex and long process of development, which results from the participation in social practices and contexts associated with teaching and learning, we intend to discuss how such a theory is in line with an interpretive view of reality and provides elements for the (re)construction and transformation of teaching practices. In this view, knowledge is understood as intimate and dynamically linked to experience, highlighting the role of human agency in our own development.


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PIBID's subproject from the Letras course at a public university from the interior of Sao Paulo has, as a vision, the teaching of languages in a different way, where the culture is something to be known, not only mentioned, and, because of that, students feel close to the language learning process, for the language is not something to be learned just as grammar, it is, in fact, to be learned as something more complex than that, making the connection between student and language and its values. The students have, as an objective the knowledge and formation in teaching, by participation in public schools where they could put the theory learned during the Letras course in the university in practice with students that could benefit from learning new languages. The public school, mentioned in this research, offered the opportunity for the PIBID students to participate in a project that already existed in this school, where the students were supposed to produce a script based in a tale, and with the script, they were supposed to produce a short movie and a trailer. In 2014, in the first year of the participation of PIBID in the project, PIBID students were asked to choose a tale in the languages that are currently part of the subproject, for the students could use as a base to the production of the short movie. This project is called Luz, Câmera… Action! and the main objective of this research was to verify the participation of PIBID in the project. For such, it was used a semi-structured open questionnaire, which sought to investigate how students and supervisors from the school understood and analyzed PIBID's participation in the project


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The objective of this work is to stimulate a debate about the idea of a possible foreign language policy. It seeks to do so from an overview of the structural changes of recent decades - those affecting the economy, information and communication technologies, geopolitics and identities - in order to draw attention to the renewed importance and the role that the language management issues are assuming in this new context. Considering the foreign language policy a theoretical and practical essential tool for the management of language in a globalized world, the focus of the discussion rests on four main aspects: the origins of the notion of foreign language policy; the relationship with the foreign policy of the State; its effectiveness through the intervention on corpus, status and acquisition of the language; and the possibility of their formulation by agents other than the State


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Estudiosos dos campos da Educação, da Linguística Aplicada e da Formação de Professores de Línguas insistem hoje na grande importância da inclusão de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) na formação inicial, bem como na necessidade de promover o desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico-reflexivo dos futuros professores. Tomando como pressupostos teóricos estudos acerca das características da sociedade de informação, dos ambientes virtuais e da formação de professores, este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir possibilidades oferecidas pela plataforma Moodle de aprendizagem na formação inicial de professores de alemão. Para tanto, apresentaremos diferentes formas de uso de ambientes virtuais e de ferramentas neles disponíveis, que demonstraram ser de grande valor no processo de formação de licenciandos, tanto em língua alemã, quanto durante suas práticas iniciais. As experiências apontam para um valor inestimável de ambientes virtuais no acompanhamento de licenciandos no processo de aprendizagem da língua e nas primeiras experiências com a docência.