162 resultados para hydroxyapatite


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Avaliou-se a hidroxiapatita com alandronato e hidroxiapatita com colágeno na aceleração da consolidação óssea do rádio de cadelas adultas submetidas à ovariossalpingo-histerectomia (OSH). Utilizaram-se 14 cadelas adultas, distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: grupo-controle e grupo OSH (submetidas à OSH). Quatro meses após a OSH, as cadelas dos dois grupos foram submetidas à cirurgia para produção de uma falha óssea de 4mm de diâmetro nos terços distal e proximal do rádio. No terço distal do membro direito, foi utilizada a hidroxiapatita com alandronato e, no membro esquerdo, a hidroxiapatita com colágeno; no terço proximal, não se utilizou nenhum biomaterial. Houve retardo na consolidação das falhas ósseas nas cadelas submetidas à OSH comparadas com as não submetidas. A hidroxiapatita com alandronato acelerou o processo de reparação e, em todos os animais dos dois grupos, a densidade óssea foi significativamente maior no terço distal onde foi implantada. Os dois biomateriais apresentaram biocompatibilidade, constatada pela ausência de reação inflamatória ou outra reação indesejável.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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FUNDAMENTO: A hipertensão arterial é uma desordem caracterizada por alterações relevantes no tecido ósseo. O alendronato sódico tem indicação no tratamento de doenças ósseas, por causa de sua afinidade pela hidroxiapatita, inibindo as reabsorções ósseas. OBJETIVO: Analisar a ação local do alendronato sódico na reparação óssea de ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR). MÉTODOS: Um defeito ósseo foi criado no fêmur esquerdo de 80 ratos. de acordo com o material utilizado no local, criaram-se quatro grupos: controle (C), amido (Am), alendronato 1 mol (A1) e alendronato 2 mol (A2). Após 7 e 21 dias, os animais foram sacrificados. Foram realizadas análises histológicas e histomorfométricas e os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância (ANOVA) e teste de Tukey (5%). RESULTADOS: Aos 7 dias, observou-se, na área do defeito, tecido conjuntivo com hemorragia e inflamação em todos os grupos. Alguns apresentavam matriz osteóide. Os grupos A1 e A2 apresentaram, ainda, uma rede de fibrina. Aos 21 dias, as trabéculas ósseas fechavam praticamente a extensão do defeito nos grupos C e Am. No grupo A1 de animais machos, observaram-se trabéculas que se irradiavam do canal medular até a área do defeito. Nos grupos A1 e A2, constatou-se apenas a presença de tecido conjuntivo com mínima deposição de osteóide. Um achado histológico marcante foi a formação de tecido ósseo extracortical subperiosteal nos animais dos grupos A1 e A2. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que a administração do alendronato sódico não contribuiu para o reparo ósseo nos ratos SHR, mas possivelmente tenha sido responsável pelas formações ósseas extracorticais observadas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Avaliou-se o uso de biomaterial de origem bovina na regeneração de defeitos ósseos segmentares empregando-se 12 coelhos, fêmeas, da raça Norfolk, com idade de seis meses e pesos entre 3 e 4,5kg. Realizou-se falha segmentar bilateral de um centímetro de comprimento na diáfise do rádio, com inclusão do periósteo. No membro direito, o defeito foi delimitado por membrana de pericárdio liofilizada, contendo em seu interior mistura de proteínas morfogenéticas ósseas adsorvidas a hidroxiapatita, colágeno liofilizado e osso inorgânico. No membro esquerdo, o defeito não recebeu tratamento. Radiografias foram obtidas ao término do procedimento cirúrgico e aos sete, 30, 60, 90, 120 e 150 dias de pós-operatório. Após eutanásia de seis coelhos aos 60 dias e seis aos 150 dias de pós-cirúrgico, os resultados radiográficos e histológicos mostraram que a regeneração óssea foi inibida nos defeitos segmentares tratados com o biomaterial.


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The objectives of this study were, through a literature review, to point the differences between orbital implants and their advantages and disadvantages, to evaluate prosthesis motility after orbital implants are inserted, and to point the implant wrapping current risks. Sixty-seven articles were reviewed. Enucleation implants can be autoplastics or alloplastics and porous (including natural and synthetic hydroxyapatite [HA]) or nonporous (silicone). Hydroxyapatite is the most related in the literature, but it has disadvantages, too, that is, all orbital implants must be wrapped. Exposure of the porous orbital implant can be repaired using different materials, which include homologous tissue, as well as autogenous graft, xenograft, and synthetic material mesh. The most used materials are HA and porous polyethylene orbital implant. The HA implant is expensive and possibly subject corals to damage, different from porous polyethylene orbital implants. Porous implants show the best prosthesis motility and a minimum rate of implants extrusion. Implant wraps can facilitate smoother entry of the implant into the orbit and allow reattachment of extraocular muscles. They also serve as a barrier between the overlying soft tissue and the rough surface of the implant, protecting implants from exposure or erosion.


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The purpose of this Study was to evaluate Soft tissue response to rnaxillo-mandibular counter-clockwise rotation, with TMJ reconstruction and mandibular advancement using TMJ Concepts (R) total joint prostheses, and maxillary osteotomies in 44 females. All patients were operated at Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas TX, USA, by one Surgeon (Wolford). Eighteen patients had genioplasties with either porous block hydroxyapatite or hard tissue replacement implants (Group 2) 26 had no genioplasty (Group 1). Surgically, the maxilla moved forward and upward by counter-clockwise maxillo-mandibular rotation with greater horizontal movement in Group 2. Vertically, both groups showed diversity of maxillo-mandibular mean movement. Group I showed a consistent 1:0.97 ratio of hard to soft tissue advancement at pogonion; Group 2 results were less consistent, with ratios between 1:0.84 and 1:1.02. Horizontal changes in upper lip morphology after maxillary advancement/impaction, VY closure, and alar base cinch sutures showed greater movement in both groups, than observed in hard tissue. Counter-clockwise rotation of the maxillo-mandibular complex using TMJ Concepts total joint prostheses resulted in similar soft tissue response as previously reported for traditional maxillo-mandibular advancement without counter-clockwise rotation of the occlusal plane. The association of chin implants, in the present sample, showed higher variability of soft tissue response.


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The purpose was to evaluate the cytotoxicity of two novel formulations (alpha and beta) of calcium phosphate cements. Positive control, represented by a commercial hydroxyapatite cement, and negative control were included for comparative purposes. A continuous lineage of fibroblastic cells was used, and the effect of the tested materials on both cell proliferation and viability was assessed by counting cell number on hemocytometer and by the trypan blue exclusion test, respectively. Study design attempted to simulate clinical use by allowing direct and indirect contact of cells and cements. Results were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis test and indicated that the beta formulation was extremely cytotoxic (P < 0.001), because this material induced the greatest reduction on cell proliferation and viability. The alpha formulation behaved similarly to the positive control regarding its effect on cell proliferation and viability. Thus, it is concluded that alpha formulation has promise for further evaluation of its behavior in vivo.


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Background: the aim of this study was to evaluate the progression of experimental peri-implantitis in dogs using implants with different surface coatings.Methods: Thirty-six dental implants with four different surface coatings, commercially pure titanium (cpTi), titanium plasma-sprayed (TPS), hydroxyapatite (HA), and acid-etched (AE), were placed in six mongrel dogs. Five months after implantation, peri-implantitis was induced by cotton ligatures to facilitate plaque accumulation for 60 days. After 60 days, the ligatures were removed and supragingival plaque control was initiated for 12 months. Probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), vertical bone level (VBL), horizontal bone level (HBL), and mobility were obtained at baseline, and 20, 40, 60 (acute phase), and 425 days (chronic phase) after ligature removal.Results: PD and CAL changed around all implant surfaces after ligature placement (P < 0.0001). However, the means of PD and CAL were not statistically significant among the different surfaces (P > 0.05). The range of CAL variation, calculated between baseline and 60 days (acute phase) and between 60 and 425 days (chronic phase), decreased (P < 0.05). Bone loss increased during the entire experiment (P < 0.0001). The HA surface showed the greatest bone loss measurement (5.06 +/- 0.38 mm) and the TPS showed the smallest bone loss (4.27 +/- 0.62 mm). However, statistical significance was not assessed for different coatings (P > 0.05).Conclusions: the clinical data at the initial phase showed rapid and severe peri-implant tissue breakdown. However, removal of ligatures did not convert the acute destructive peri-implant phase to a non-aggressive lesion and the progression of peri-implantitis was observed at chronic phase. The,experimental peri-implantitis in dogs may be a useful model to evaluate the progression of peri-implantitis.


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The present study compares the biologic behavior of BioGran and Calcitite as fillers for surgical cavities in the mandibles of 4 adult monkeys (Cebus apella). The surgical cavities were prepared through both mandibular cortices, with a diameter of 5 mm, in the angle region. Two cavities were prepared on the right side and 1 on the left and divided into 3 groups: R-1 sites were filled with bioglass (BioGran), R, sites were not filled, and L sites were filled with hydroxyapatite (Calcitite). After 180 days the animals were sacrificed and the specimens were removed for histologic processing. Results showed no bone formation in group R, (empty cavities). BioGran-treated sites showed bone formation and total repair of the bone defect, and the bioglass particles were almost totally resorbed and substituted by bone. The few remaining crystals were in intimate contact with newly formed bone. Calcitite did not allow bone formation, and granules inside the cavities were involved by connective tissue. Based upon those results, the authors concluded that bioglass resulted in total obliteration of the surgical cavity with bone and hydroxyapatite was present in a large amount and involved by connective tissue, without bone formation.


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The aim of this study was to assess vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression and microvessel density (MVD) in maxillary sinus augmentation with autogenous bone and different graft materials for evaluating their angiogenic potential.Biopsies were harvested 10 months after sinus augmentation with a combination of autogenous bone and different graft materials: hydroxyapatite (HA, n = 6 patients), demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA, n = 5 patients), calcium phosphate (CP, n = 5 patients), Ricinus communis polymer (n = 5 patients) and control group - autogenous bone only (n = 13 patients).In all the samples, higher intensities of VEGF expression were prevalent in the newly formed bone, while lower intensities of VEGF expression were predominant in the areas of mature bone. The highest intensity of VEGF expression in the newly formed bone was expressed by HA (P < 0.001) and CP in relation to control (P < 0.01) groups. The lowest intensities of VEGF expression in newly formed bone were shown by DFDBA and polymer groups (P < 0.05). When comparing the different grafting materials, higher MVD were found in the newly formed bone around control, HA and CP (P < 0.001).Various graft materials could be successfully used for sinus floor augmentation; however, the interactions between bone formation and angiogenesis remain to be fully characterized.


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Background:Bone graft procedures have been used commonly in buco-maxillo-facial surgery. For this reason, many researchers have evaluated the bone substitutes.Purpose:The present study evaluated soft and hard tissue reactions to two different hydroxyapatites HAs (synthetic HA and natural HA) and bioactive glass implanted into the sockets immediately after extraction.Materials and Methods:First and third upper and lower premolars, on both sides, were extracted from six female dogs. The alveolar sockets were randomly assigned to four groups: Group 1 - control (unfilled), Group 2 - filled with synthetic hydroxyapatite, Group 3 - filled with bovine bone mineral (natural HA), and Group 4 - filled with bioactive glass. The animals were euthanized at 4 weeks (n = 2), 8 weeks (n = 2), and 28 weeks (n = 2) after extraction. The mandible and maxilla of each animal were removed for histological analysis to determine soft tissue reactions, newly formed bone, bone characteristics, and presence or absence of implanted materials.Results:Most particles of synthetic hydroxyapatite had bone formation on their surface, although some particles showed a layer of fibrous connective tissue. The bovine bone mineral group exhibited particles partially replaced with bone formation. The bioactive glass group showed particles with a thin layer of calcified tissue, but was absent in some specimens, suggesting complete resorption.Conclusion:All biomaterials had similar behavior. Bovine bone mineral, compared to synthetic hydroxyapatite and bioactive glass, showed a larger number of particles covered with osseous tissue. All biomaterials interfered with the socket repair process.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)