69 resultados para human gait analysis


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Objective: In vitro analysis of caries resistance of dental enamel under caries simulation after irradiation with Er:YAG laser. Background Data: More susceptible to caries development spots at adjacent hard tissues from cavity preparations of dental tissues using burrs or lasers are quite common. Methods: Thirteen caries-free third permanent human molars were distributed as follows: G1: sound control and caries control; G2: Er:YAG 100, 200, 300, or 400 mJ/ 10 Hz/ 3 sec.; G3: the same parameters of G2 followed by artificial caries simulation, through dynamic model of demineralization and remineralization (DE/RE). Caries resistance analysis was evaluated through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Ca/P rate (X-Rays spectroscopy - EDX). Results: Photomicrographs showed that the Er:YAG laser created craters with rough aspect which became more evident as the energy per pulse was increased, but without change of regular morphology of enamel prisms. Significant statistical changes among the irradiated and control groups was observed considering the Ca/P ratio. Conclusion: Irradiated groups showed higher caries resistance than control groups. However, it is not possible to affirm that the enamel surface accidental irradiation could be a benefit to caries resistance for other situations can be considered, as biofilm deposit, which could increase the caries susceptibility.


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Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is a disease associated with tobacco and alcohol abuse. There is evidence that the oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) may also be a risk for upper aerodigestive tract cancers. High-risk HPVs encode two early proteins, E6 and E7, that can bind to p53 and pRb, respectively, and induce its degradation or inactivation. The TP53 gene has a single polymorphism at codon 72 of exon 4 that encodes either arginine (Arg) or proline (Pro). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of HPV infection and TP53 polymorphism in head and neck cancer. We analyzed 50 tumors, as well swabs of oral mucosa front 142 control individuals, with a polymerase chain reaction technique. The prevalence of HPV in controls was 10.6% and in cancer specimens 16%. The frequency distribution of genotypes in controls was 50% Arg/Arg, 43% Arg/ Pro and 7% Pro/Pro; in tumors, it was 52% Arg/Arg, 32% Arg/Pro, and 16% Pro/Pro. Contrary to the results of some studies on cervical cancer, no association between any TP53 genotype or allele and the development of head and neck cancer was observed, regardless of HPV status, except for the Pro/Pro genotype, which is associated with the absence of HPV. The arginine allele appears to protect against head and neck cancers. Also, the data showed that HPV infection results in no increased risk of developing head and neck tumors. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, initial crystallographic studies of human haemoglobin (Hb) crystallized in isoionic and oxygen-free PEG solution are presented. Under these conditions, functional measurements of the O-2-linked binding of water molecules and release of protons have evidenced that Hb assumes an unforeseen new allosteric conformation. The determination of the high-resolution structure of the crystal of human deoxy-Hb fully stripped of anions may provide a structural explanation for the role of anions in the allosteric properties of Hb and, particularly, for the influence of chloride on the Bohr effect, the mechanism by which Hb oxygen affinity is regulated by pH. X-ray diffraction data were collected to 1.87 Angstrom resolution using a synchrotron-radiation source. Crystals belong to the space group P2(1)2(1)2 and preliminary analysis revealed the presence of one tetramer in the asymmetric unit. The structure is currently being refined using maximum-likelihood protocols.


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OBJECTIVE: To carry out a retrospective study to determine whether human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and immunohistochemical expression of p53 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) are related to the risk of oral cancer. STUDY DESIGN: Fifty-seven oral biopsies, consisting of 30 oral squamous papillomas (OSPs) and 27 oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs) were tested for the presence of HPV 6/11 and 16/18 by in situ hybridization using catalyzed signal amplification and in situ hybridization. p53 And PCNA expression was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and evaluated quantitatively by image analysis. RESULTS: Nineteen of the 57 oral lesions (33.3%) were positive for HPV. HPV 6/11 was found in 6 of 30 (20%) OSPs and 1 of 27 (3.7%) OSCCs. HPV 16/18 was found in 10 of 27 (37%) OSCCs and 2 of 30 (6.7%) OSPs. Sixteen of the 19 HPV-positive cases (84.2%) were p53 negative; 5 (9%) were HPV 6/11 and 11 (19%) HPV 16/18, with an inverse correlation between the presence of HPV DNA and p53 expression (P=.017, P < .05). PCNA expression appeared in 18 (94.7%) of HPV positive cases, showing that HPV 16/18 was associated with intensity of PCNA expression and with OSCCs (P=.037, P < .05). CONCLUSION: Quantitative evaluation of p53 by image analysis showed an inverse correlation between p53 expression and HPV presence, suggesting protein degradation. Image analysis also demonstrated that PCNA expression was more intense in HPV DNA 16/18 OSCCs. These findings suggest involvement of high-risk HPV types in oral carcinogenesis.


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Genomic sequence comparison across species has enabled the elucidation of important coding and regulatory sequences encoded within DNA. Of particular interest are the noncoding regulatory sequences, which influence gene transcriptional and posttranscriptional processes. A phylogenetic footprinting strategy was employed to identify noncoding conservation patterns of 39 human and bovine orthologous genes. Seventy-three conserved noncoding sequences were identified that shared greater than 70% identity over at least 100 bp. Thirteen of these conserved sequences were also identified in the mouse genome. Evolutionary conservation of noncoding sequences across diverse species may have functional significance, and these conserved sequences may be good candidates for regulatory elements.


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The aim of this study was to analyze, under scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the morphologic characteristics of root surfaces after application of CarisolvTM gel in association with scaling and root planing (SRP). Sixty periodontally compromised extracted human teeth were randomly assigned to 6 groups: 1) SRP alone; 2) passive topical application of CarisolvTM + SRP; 3) active topical application of CarisolvTM + SRP; 4) multiple applications of CarisolvTM + SRP; 5) SRP + 24% EDTA; 6) topical application of CarisolvTM + SRP + 24% EDTA. CarisolvTM gel was applied to root surfaces for 30 s, followed by scaling and root planing, consisting of 50 strokes with Gracey curettes in an apical-coronal direction, parallel to the long axis of the tooth. The only exception was group 4, in which the roots were instrumented until a smooth, hard and glass-like surface was achieved. All specimens were further analyzed by SEM. The results showed that the treatment with CarisolvTM caused significant changes in root surface morphology of periodontally compromised teeth only when the chemical agent was actively applied (burnishing technique). CarisolvTM failed to remove the smear layer completely, especially with a single application, independently of the method of application. Multiple applications of CarisolvTM were necessary to achieve a smear layer reduction comparable to that obtained with 24% EDTA conditioning.


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A morphological and histochemical study of the human vestibular fold was carried out using routine histological techniques. Seven μm-thick histological sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and Calleja showed the presence of elastic collagen fibers and seromucous glands in the vestibular fold. Muscle fibers forming the ventricular muscle were also identified. Ultrastructural analyses of the epithelial layer by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed ciliated cells and gland ducts opening on the epithelial surface. Histochemical analyses were performed on ventricular muscles submitted to nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH-TR), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase (mATPase) reactions. Based on these reactions, it was observed that the muscle is formed by three types of muscle fibers: slow-twitch oxidative (SO), fast-twitch oxydative glycolytic (FOG) and fast-twitch glycolytic (FG) fibers distributed in a mosaic pattern. The fiber frequency was 22.7%, 69.9% and 7.4%, respectively. The higher frequency of SO and FOG fibers characterized the muscle as having aerobic metabolism and resistance to fatigue. The ventricular muscle was considered fast. The study of the neuromuscular junctions performed after nonspecific esterase reaction showed that they are of the en-plaque type and have multiple occurrences in the ventricular muscle.


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Since bovine teeth have been used as substitutes for human teeth in in vitro dental studies, the aim of this study was to compare the radiographic density of bovine teeth with that of human teeth to evaluate their usability for radiographic studies. Thirty bovine and twenty human teeth were cut transversally in 1 millimeter-thick slices. The slices were X-rayed using a digital radiographic system and an intraoral X-ray machine at 65 kVp and 7 mA. The exposure time (0.08 s) and the target-sensor distance (40 cm) were standardized for all the radiographs. The radiographic densities of the enamel, coronal dentin and radicular dentin of each slice were obtained separately using the histogram tool of Adobe Photoshop 7.0 software. The mean radiographic densities of the enamel, coronal dentin and radicular dentin were calculated by the arithmetic mean of the slices of each tooth. One-way ANOVA demonstrated statistically significant differences for the densities of bovine and human enamel (p < 0.05) and for bovine and human coronal dentin (p < 0.05). No statistically significant differences were found for the bovine and human radicular dentin (p > 0.05). Based on the results, the authors concluded that: a) the radiographic density of bovine enamel is significantly higher than that of human enamel; b) the radiodensity of bovine coronal dentin is statistically lower than the radiodensity of human coronal dentin; bovine radicular dentin is also less radiodense than human radicular dentin, although this difference was not statistically significant; c) bovine teeth should be used with care in radiographic in vitro studies.


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Aim: Nowadays, research on orthopedic and dental implants is focused on titanium alloys for their mechanical properties and corrosion resistance in the human body environment. Another important aspect to be investigated is their surface topography, which is very important to osseointegration. With laser beam irradiation for roughening the implants surface an easier control of the microtopography is achieved, and surface contamination is avoided. The aim of this study was to assess human bone marrow stem cells response to a newly developed titanium alloy, Ti-15Mo, with surface topography modified by laser beam irradiation. Materials and methods: A total of 10 Ti machined disks (control), 10 Ti-15Mo machined disks and 10 Ti-15Mo disks treated by laser beam-irradiation were prepared. To study how Ti-15Mo surface topografy can induce osteoblast differentiation in mesenchymal stem cells, the expression levels of bone related genes and mesenchymal stem cells marker were analyzed, using real time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction. Results: In Test 1 (comparison between Ti-15Mo machined disks and Ti-machined disks) quantitative real-time RT-PCR showed a significant induction of ALPL, FOSL1 and SPP1, which increase 20% or more. In Test 2 (comparison between Ti-15Mo laser treated disks and Ti-machined disks) all investigated genes were up-regulated. By comparing Test 1 and Test 2 it was detected that COL1A1, COL3A1, FOSL1 and ENG sensibly increased their expression whereas RUNX2, ALPL and SPP1 expression remained substantially unchanged. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that laser treated Ti-15Mo alloys are promising materials for implants application.


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Dosage and frequency of treatment schedules are important for successful chemotherapy. However, in this work we argue that cell-kill response and tumoral growth should not be seen as separate and therefore are essential in a mathematical cancer model. This paper presents a mathematical model for sequencing of cancer chemotherapy and surgery. Our purpose is to investigate treatments for large human tumours considering a suitable cell-kill dynamics. We use some biological and pharmacological data in a numerical approach, where drug administration occurs in cycles (periodic infusion) and surgery is performed instantaneously. Moreover, we also present an analysis of stability for a chemotherapeutic model with continuous drug administration. According to Norton & Simon [22], our results indicate that chemotherapy is less eficient in treating tumours that have reached a plateau level of growing and that a combination with surgical treatment can provide better outcomes.


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Introduction: The aim of this study is to evaluate the serum activity of metalloproteinases (MMPs) -2 and -9 as predictors of pressure ulcer (PU), gait status and mortality 6 months after hip fracture. Methods: Eighty-seven patients over the age of 65 admitted to the orthopedic unit from January to December 2010 with hip fracture were prospectively evaluated. Upon admission, patient demographic information, including age, gender and concomitant diseases, was recorded. Blood samples were taken for analysis of MMP -2 and -9 activity by gel zymography and for biochemical examination within the first 72 hours of the patient's admission, after clinical stabilization. The fracture pattern (neck, trochanteric or subtrochanteric), time from admission to surgery, surgery duration and length of hospital stay were also recorded. Results: Two patients were excluded due to the presence of pathological fractures (related to cancer), and three patients were excluded due to the presence of PU before admission. Eighty-two patients, with a mean age of 80.4 ± 7.3 years, were included in the analysis. Among these patients, 75.6% were female, 59.8% had PU, and 13.4% died 6 months after hip fracture. All patients underwent hip fracture repair. In a univariate analysis, there were no differences in serum MMP activity between hip fracture patients with or without PU. In addition, the multiple logistic regression analysis models, which were adjusted by age, gender, length of hospital stay and C-reactive protein, showed that the pro-MMP-9 complexed with neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin form (130 kDa) was associated with gait status recovery 6 months after hip fracture. Conclusions: In conclusion, serum pro-MMP-9 is a predictor of gait status recovery 6 months after hip fracture. © 2013 Gumieiro et al.


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Vampire bats are notorious for being the sole mammals that strictly feed on fresh blood for their survival. While their saliva has been historically associated with anticoagulants, only one antihemostatic (plasminogen activator) has been molecularly and functionally characterized. Here, RNAs from both principal and accessory submaxillary (submandibular) salivary glands of Desmodus rotundus were extracted, and ~. 200. million reads were sequenced by Illumina. The principal gland was enriched with plasminogen activators with fibrinolytic properties, members of lipocalin and secretoglobin families, which bind prohemostatic prostaglandins, and endonucleases, which cleave neutrophil-derived procoagulant NETs. Anticoagulant (tissue factor pathway inhibitor, TFPI), vasodilators (PACAP and C-natriuretic peptide), and metalloproteases (ADAMTS-1) were also abundantly expressed. Members of the TSG-6 (anti-inflammatory), antigen 5/CRISP, and CCL28-like (antimicrobial) protein families were also sequenced. Apyrases (which remove platelet agonist ADP), phosphatases (which degrade procoagulant polyphosphates), and sphingomyelinase were found at lower transcriptional levels. Accessory glands were enriched with antimicrobials (lysozyme, defensin, lactotransferrin) and protease inhibitors (TIL-domain, cystatin, Kazal). Mucins, heme-oxygenase, and IgG chains were present in both glands. Proteome analysis by nano LC-MS/MS confirmed that several transcripts are expressed in the glands. The database presented herein is accessible online at http://exon.niaid.nih.gov/transcriptome/D_rotundus/Supplemental-web.xlsx. These results reveal that bat saliva emerges as a novel source of modulators of vascular biology. Biological significance: Vampire bat saliva emerges as a novel source of antihemostatics which modulate several aspects of vascular biology. © 2013.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA), the Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS) 2002 and the American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Score (ASA) as predictors of gait status and mortality 6 months after hip fracture. A total of eighty-eight consecutive patients over the age of 65 years with hip fracture admitted to an orthopaedic unit were prospectively evaluated. Within the first 72 h of admission, each patient's characteristics were recorded, and the MNA, the NRS 2002 and the ASA were performed. Gait status and mortality were evaluated 6 months after hip fracture. Of the total patients, two were excluded because of pathological fractures. The remaining eighty-six patients (aged 80·2 (sd 7·3) years) were studied. Among these patients 76·7 % were female, 69·8 % walked with or without support and 12·8 % died 6 months after the fracture. In a multivariate analysis, only the MNA was associated with gait status 6 months after hip fracture (OR 0·773, 95 % CI 0·663, 0·901; P= 0·001). In the Cox regression model, only the MNA was associated with mortality 6 months after hip fracture (hazard ratio 0·869, 95 % CI 0·757, 0·998; P= 0·04). In conclusion, the MNA best predicts gait status and mortality 6 months after hip fracture. These results suggest that the MNA should be included in the clinical stratification of patients with hip fracture to identify and treat malnutrition in order to improve the outcomes.


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There are few studies about the distribution of natural molecular variants of low-risk HPVs. Our aim was to evaluate the E6 early gene variability among HPV-6 and HPV-11 isolates detected in recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) samples obtained in a cohort of Brazilian patients. We also performed a phylogenetic analysis in order to compare nucleotide sequences identified in our study with previously reported isolates from different anatomic sites (laryngeal papillomas, genital warts, cervical cancer and anal swabs) obtained from other parts of the world to determine the phylogenetic relationships of variants detected in Brazil. The complete coding region of the E6 gene of 25 samples was cloned and sequenced: 18 isolates of HPV-6 (72%) and 7 isolates of HPV-11 (28%). A total of four different HPV-6 genomic variants and two HPV-11 genomic variants was identified. It was not possible to correlate specific variants with disease severity. Phylogenetic trees for both HPV types were constructed enclosing both E6 sequences detected in our study and formerly published sequences. In both phylogenetic trees, the sequences from Brazil did not group together. We could not establish a geographical association between HPV-6 or HPV-11 variants, unlike HPV-16 and HPV-18. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.