111 resultados para glycoproteins and pathological findings
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
OBJECTIVE: A giant fusiform aneurysm in the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) is rare, as is fenestration of the PCA and basilar apex variation. We describe the angiographic and surgical findings of a giant fusiform aneurysm in the P1-P2 PCA segment associated with PCA bilateral fenestration and superior cerebellar artery double origin.CLINICAL PRESENTATION: A 26-year-old woman presented with a 2-month history of visual blurring. Digital subtraction angiography showed a giant (2.5 cm) fusiform PCA aneurysm in the right P1-P2 segment. The 3-dimensional view showed a caudal fusion pattern from the upper portion of the basilar artery associated with a bilateral long fenestration of the P1 and P2 segments and superior cerebellar artery double origin.INTERVENTION: Surgical trapping of the right P1 -P2 segment, including the posterior communicating artery, was performed by a pretemporal approach. Angiograms performed 3 and 13 months after surgery showed complete aneurysm exclusion, and the PCA was permeated and filled the PCA territory. Clinical follow-up at 14 months showed the patient with no deficits and a return to normal life.CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first report of a giant fusiform aneurysm of the PCA associated with P1-P2 segment fenestration and other variations of the basilar apex (bilateral superior cerebellar artery duplication and caudal fusion). Comprehension of the embryology and anatomy of the PCA and its related vessels and branches is fundamental to the decision-making process for a PCA aneurysm, especially when parent vessel occlusion is planned.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Background: Spontaneous gastrointestinal neoplasms in non-human primates are commonly seen in aged individuals. Due to genetic similarities between human and non-human primates, scientists have shown increasing interest in terms of comparative oncology studies.Case presentation: The present study is related to a case of an intestinal leiomyoma in a black crested macaque (Macaca nigra), kept on captivity by Mateca a Zoo, Pereira City, Colombia. The animal had abdominal distension, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea and behavioral changes. Clinical examination showed an increased volume in the upper right abdominal quadrant caused by a neoplastic mass. The patient died during the surgical procedure. Necropsy revealed several small nodules in the peritoneum with adhesion to different portions of the small and large intestines, liver, stomach and diaphragm. Tissue samples were collected, routinely processed and stained by H&E. Microscopic examination revealed a mesenchymal tumor limited to tunica muscularis, resembling normal smooth muscle cells. Neoplastic cells were positive for alpha-smooth muscle actin and vimentin, and negative for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 by immunohistochemistry. Those morphological and immunohistochemical findings allowed to diagnose the intestinal leiomyoma referred above.Conclusion: Neoplastic diseases in primates have multifaceted causes. Their manifestations are understudied, leading to a greater difficulty in detection and measurement of the real impact provides by this disease.
Malacoplakia is a granulomatous inflammatory disorder clinically and ultrasonographically very similar to prostatic adenocarcinoma. Symptoms and physical findings are similar to prostatism and in half of the patients the differential diagnosis includes malignancy, mainly because of the presence of a hard nodule on digital rectal examination. Additionally, cases of malacoplakia can show hypoechoic nodes on transrectal ultrasound mimicking adenocarcinoma. We report a case of malacoplakia of the prostate with emphasis on its similarities and differences with prostate adenocarcinoma.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Sarcoidosis is a rare equine skin disease characterized primarily by an exfoliative and granulomatous dermatitis but also presenting granulomatous inflammation of multiple systems. The current report presents the clinical and histopathological findings of sarcoidosis in a 16-year-old American Quarter Horse gelding with nested polymerase chain reaction Mycobacterium spp. DNA detection within hepatic and skin samples. Mycobacterium spp. may play a role in the pathogenesis of equine sarcoidosis as has been proposed for human sarcoidosis.
The pathological findings in a 2-years-old Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) with a cutaneous myxosarcoma are described. Grossly, there was a large cutaneous mass in the right cervical region. Microscopical evaluation revealed a myxosarcoma characterized by pleomorphic, fusiform cells loosely arranged, randomly distributed, and presenting a moderate amount of basophilic amorphous stroma. There were hemorrhagic areas within the tumor. The basophilic amorphous stroma was positive to Alcian blue confirming the presence of a mucopolysaccharide matrix. Immunohistochemically, the neoplastic cells expressed vimentin, and were negative for cytokeratin or glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP).
This is a case report of enteric protothecosis caused by Prototheca zopfii in an eight-year-old male mixed breed dog with a history of chronic bloody diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight loss. Algae were isolated from rectal scrapings in defibrinated sheep blood agar and dextrose Sabouraud agar. Cytological evaluation showed the presence of globular and cylindrical organisms with a defined capsule and variable number of endospores, characteristic of the genus Prototheca, in the rectum of the animal. Scanning electron microscopy of P. zopfii strains at different development stages confirmed the diagnosis of algal infection. Molecular identification using a conserved 18S rDNA gene sequence determined that the strain belonged to genotype 2. This report describes success on treatment of canine protothecosis, diagnosed based on clinical, cytological, microbiological, scanning electron microscopy and genotypical findings. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Horses are very sensitive to Gram-negative bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) which, when introduced into the blood stream, induce several responses mediated by endogenous pro-inflammatory mediators originating from bacteriolysis or granulocyte disintegration. Intraperitoneal LPS injection was used to mimic the proposed route of endotoxin travel in clinical cases. The clinical signs and laboratory findings demonstrated a dose- dependent effect and were more consistently observed with 500 ng/kg of LPS. We conclude that intraperitoneal injection of LPS produces the same endotoxic status as obtained by systemic injection of LPS, even during the initial phase.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Investigar as alterações laríngeas e vocais em pacientes com sintomas de refluxo gastroesofágico e correlacioná-las com o exame de phmetria. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo que incluiu os pacientes atendidos nos ambulatórios de Distúrbios da Voz da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu no período de cinco anos com sintomas vocais e gastroesofágicos. Os pacientes foram submetidos à videolaringoscopia, às análises vocais perceptivo-auditivas, a analise vocal acústica computadorizada e ao exame de pHmetria de dois canais com monitorização durante 24 horas. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 57 pacientes (entre 21 a 65 anos; 45 mulheres e 12 homens). Desses, 18 apresentavam pHmetria normal (31,6%) e 39 alterada (68,4%). As videolaringoscopias registraram diversas lesões laríngeas tanto nos pacientes com pHmetria normal como alterada, sendo mais relevantes neste último grupo, destacando-se a paquidermia posterior. As avaliações vocais perceptivo-auditivas identificaram alterações vocais de diversas intensidades em ambos os grupos, mais importantes nos pacientes com pHmetria alterada. Todos os parâmetros acústicos, exceto Fo, mostraram-se alterados em ambos os grupos, quando comparados aos controles. CONCLUSÕES: Alterações vocais perceptivas e acústicas, e lesões laríngeas foram registradas tanto nos pacientes com phmetria normal como alterada, sinalizando para a importância da historia clínica e dos achados videolaringoscópicos no diagnóstico das laringites ácidas.