71 resultados para giardia duodenalis
In the period from July 2009 to October 2010, fecal samples from 61 animals and 154 humans from the municipality of Aracatuba (São Paulo State, Brazil) were studied. Fecal samples from animals were collected in the Municipal Animal Shelter and the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Estadual Paulista. Human fecal specimens were collected in playschools in the outskirts of the city by the private network of clinical analysis laboratories of the municipal. Diagnosis was done by optical microscopy using the Faust and Hoffmann, Pons and Janer techniques. The genotypes of Giardia intestinalis were characterized by PCR-RFLP and confirmed by sequencing the ß-giardin gene. Human specimens were positive in 25.3% (39/154) of the cases with 26.8% (36/134) of the specimens from children and 15% (3/20) from adults being positive. The frequency of G. intestinalis among the animals was 23.0% (14/61). A total of 32 isolates of G. intestinalis obtained from human feces and six from dogs and cats were characteristic of the A genotype (AI and AII/AIII). The results of this study in respect to frequency of giardiasis are similar to reported in most studies in Brazil. The prevalence observed in animal populations conforms to worldwide infection rates. G. intestinalis genotypes considered zoonotic were detected in both pets and humans from the city of Aractuba, suggesting a possible zoonotic transmission of the parasite in the northwestern region of São Paulo State. The absence of these genotypes in farm animals may imply that they are not involved in the chain of transmission to humans in this region.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study applied a socioeconomic questionnaire designed to evaluate the frequency of intestinal parasites and characterize epidemiological, nutritional, and immunological variables in 105 HIV/AIDS patients - with and without parasitic infections, attending the Day Hospital in Botucatu, UNESP, from 2007 to 2008. Body mass index was calculated and the following tests performed: parasitological stool examinations; eosinophil, IgE, CD4(+) T and CD8(+) T lymphocyte cell counts; albumin test; viral load measure; and TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-2, IL-5 and IL-10 cytokine levels. Results were positive for parasitic intestinal infections in 12.4% of individuals. Most patients had good socioeconomic conditions with basic sanitation, urban dwellings, treated water supply and sewage, good nutritional and immunological status and were undergoing HAART. Parasites were found at the following frequencies: Entamoeba - five patients (38.5%), Giardia lamblia-four (30.7%), Blastocystis hominis-three (23.0%), Endolimax nana-two (15.4%), and Ascaris lumbricoides - one (7.7%). There were no significant differences between the two groups for eosinophils, albumin, IgE, CD4(+) T and CD8(+) T lymphocytes, INF-gamma, IL-2, or IL-10. Most patients also showed undetectable viral load levels. Significant differences were found for TNF-alpha and IL-5. These results show the importance of new studies on immunodeficient individuals to increase understanding of such variables.
The purpose of this study was to verify the occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in fecal samples from cats of the Andradina city, SP. This work was carried out from March to November of 2007, and used 51 cats delivered to the Center of Zoonoses Control of that city. Techniques of Willis and Faust were used in the fecal examination and resulted in detection of Ancylostoma spp. in 96.1% of the animals; Toxocara spp. in 43.1%; Cystoisospora spp. in 43.1%; Dipylidium caninum in 21.6% and Giardia spp. in 5.9% samples. Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts were detected in 3.9% fecal samples by the use of malachite green negative stain. There was no significant association between the occurrence of endoparasites and consistency of fecal samples. The results confirm that these cats represent important hosts of parasites, some of those with high zoonotic potential.
The prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in stray dogs, and dogs with owners was investigated by fecal examinations from 271 dogs employing sedimentation, simple flotation and centrifugation-flotation methods. The centrifugation-flotation method, when compared to simple flotation or sedimentation methods was generally more accurate in the diagnosis of all intestinal parasites, but statistical differences were detected only in relation to Giardia spp. and Cystoisospora spp. (synonym Isospora spp.). The following parasites, with their respective prevalence, were diagnosed in the fecal samples: Ancylostoma spp. (23.6%); Toxocara canis (5.5%); Trichuris vulpis (4.8%); Spirocerca lupi (1.9%); Dipylidium caninum (0.7%); Giardia spp. (12.2%); Hammondia heydorni (2.6%); Cystoisospora spp. (8.5%); and Sarcocystis spp. (2.2%). The prevalence of most parasites was similar for dogs of mixed-breed and for dogs of a defined-breed, except for Cystoisospora spp. and T canis which showed a significantly higher prevalence in mixed-breed dogs. The prevalence of Ancylostoma spp. (17.1%) was significantly lower in stray dogs than in those with an owner (31.9%) and the prevalence of Giardia spp. and Cystoisospora spp. was higher in stray dogs (P < 0.05). No effect of season on the occurrence of the different parasite genera could be observed, except for Ancylostoma spp., for which an increase in the percentage of dogs shedding eggs was observed at the beginning of Summer with a peak occurrence during April and May (Autumn). The prevalence of Ancylostoma spp., T canis, T vulpis, Giardia spp. and Cystoisospora spp. was higher in adult males than in adult females, but significant differences between the two groups occurred only with Giardia spp. Young animals were found to more frequently shed Nematode eggs in feces than adult animals. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of present study was to compare the efficiency of a commercial assay and two conventional methods for fecal concentration in detecting canine gastrointestinal parasites. Fecal samples from 254 dogs were processed by centrifugation-sedimentation (CS), centrifugation-flotation (CF) and a commercial assay for fecal concentration (TF-test (R)). The following parasites were detected: Ancylostoma (37.8%), Giardia (16.9%), Toxocara canis (8.7%), Trichuris vulpis (7.1%), Isospora (3.5%), and Sarcocystis (2.7%). The calculated analytical sensitivity indicated that CF was more accurate (P < 0.01) in detecting Ancylostoma, T. canis, T. vulpis and Giardia infections. However, CF showed significantly higher sensitivity only for Ancylostoma, compared to the other two methods. The kappa index value of diagnostic agreement between TF-test and CF was high for T. canis (83%) and moderate for Giardia (72%) and Ancylostoma (63%). The advantages and limitations of each method were assessed for individual diagnosis and epidemiological investigation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coprological examination was used to estimate the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in stray and domiciled dogs from Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. Risk factors for dog infection were assessed in relation to demographic, husbandry and management data. The dog owners completed a questionnaire survey on some aspects of dog parasitism such as parasite species, mechanisms of infection, awareness of zoonotic diseases and history of anthelmintic usage. Parasites were found in the faeces of 138 dogs, with an overall prevalence of 54.3%. Dogs harbouring one parasite were more common (31.4%) than those harbouring two (18.5%), three (3.2%) or four (1.2%). The following parasites and their respective frequencies were detected: Ancylostoma (37.8%), Giardia (16.9%), Toxocara canis (8.7%), Trichuris vulpis (7.1%), Dipylidium caninum (2.4%), Isospora (3.5%), Cryptosporidium (3.1%) and Sarcocystis (2.7%). Stray dogs were found more likely to be poliparasitized (P < 0.01) and presented higher prevalence of Ancylostoma, T. canis and Giardia (P < 0.01) than domiciled ones. Toxocara canis was detected more frequently in dogs with < 6 months of age (P < 0.05) and no effect of sex or breed could be observed (P > 0.05). Except for Ancylostoma, that showed a significantly higher prevalence in dogs living in a multi-dog household (P < 0.01), parasite prevalences were similar in single- and multi-dog household. The answers of dog owners to the questionnaire showed that the majority does not know the species of dog intestinal parasites, the mechanisms of transmission, the risk factors for zoonotic infections, and specific prophylactic measures. The predominance of zoonotic species in dogs in the studied region, associated with the elevated degree of misinformation of the owners, indicates that the risk of zoonotic infection by canine intestinal parasite may be high, even in one of the most developed regions of Brazil.
A sample of 471 pre-school children who frequented schools and creches in a poor district of Manaus (Amazonas), Brazil, were randomly submitted to faecal parasitological tests. Two-hundred-and-forty children from both sexes between the ages of 3 and 7 years with Ascaris lumbricoides and/or Giardia lamblia were selected. The objective of the study was to determine the possible influence of these two intestinal parasites and vitamin A and/or zinc supplementation on the serum retinol levels of primary school children. The children were submitted to clinical and anthropometric examinations, dietary interviews and biochemical examinations of retinol and carotene in the serum and of zinc in the hair. The parasitic incidence was 85.0% and about 54% of the children were polyparasitic. During the pretreatment phase, the retinol and carotene serum levels were 36% and 57%, respectively, below the normal levels. Using the Waterlow classification, the anthropometric analyses revealed that 88% of the children showed normal growth. A significant effect was observed of the anti-parasitic medicine on the serum retinol levels.
The objective of this study was to verify the prevalence of intestinal parasites and/or commensals in the neoplastic patients undergoing chemotherapy. Stool samples were analyzed by the method of Lutz (1919) and Rugai (1954), in triplicate. This work was composed of three groups, the first one (GI) formed by neoplastic patients that are not undergoing chemotherapy, the second (GII) comprised patients who were undergoing chemotherapy, and the third group (GIII) consisting of patients who completed chemotherapy. A total of 30 patients (GI-5, GII-18 and GIII-7) were screened at the Assis Regional Hospital of the Unified Health System of Assis, São Paulo. Additional information on antiparasitic treatment and tumor type were obtained by questionnaire. The positivity was 66.7% (20 cases) for intestinal parasites and/or commensals. The helminths were Ascaris lumbricoides (36.7%), Hookworms (20%) and Hymenolepis diminuta (3.3%). Among the highlights are protozoan Giardia lamblia (46.7%), Entamoeba coli (6.7%), E. histolytica/dispar (3.3%), Endolimax nana (3.3%) and Iodameba butschlii (3.3%). The high frequency of intestinal parasites and/or commensals in the neoplastic patients can be attributed to poor personal hygiene and lack of immunity to reinfection and poor knowledge of the prophylaxis of infection by protozoa and helminths. The results indicate the necessity of adopting a new criterion for neoplastic patients undergoing chemotherapy, primarily performing parasitological diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of cure of intestinal parasitic infections in this risk group.
Considering the high prevalence of the parasitic diseases in Brazil and its close relationship with the socio-economic and cultural levels of the population, aimed to establish the occurrence of enteroparasites in children of six Centers of Education Child (CEIs) of the municipality of Patos of Minas (MG). Were collected three samples of faeces of 161 children from zero to six years of age. Were used the Lutz and Baermann-Moraes' methods, to the detection of cysts of protozoa, eggs and larvae of helminths. Coproparasitological analyses showed positivity of 73%. The most frequent helminths were: Ascaris lumbricoides (50%), hookworm (22%) and Enterobius vermicularis (0.6%). Among the protozoa highlighted were: Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar (22%) and Giardia lamblia (32%). The high occurrence of enteroparasites evidenced the need for an effective health policy in the CEIs of the municipality of Patos of Minas to the fight against intestinal parasites.
Infestation by protozoa and/or helminths is considered to be extremely rare in infants. We therefore reviewed the records of all infants up to 12 mth of age attending the Paediatric Department from January 1973 to June 1977, in order to assess the frequency of stool examinations for parasites within this age group, the percentage of positive results in these examinations, and some personal characteristics which propitiated parasitic infestation. Some characteristics of the investigated infants were compared to those of a representative sample of the total number of infants attending during the same period. Stool examinations were realized in 11.8% of the 1,162 attending patients and of those, 15.3% were positive. The proportion of positive cases became 24.0% when the infants in whom there was a history of parasites being passed were included. Ascaris lumbricoides and Giardia lamblia were the parasites most frequently found, respectively in 42.8% and 37.1% of the positive cases. The only detected difference between the control group and the group of infants who had parasitologic examinations was the presence of diarrhea, significantly more frequent in the investigated group. The proportion of positive cases was significantly greater in girls, in infants older than 6 mth and when diarrhea was present for up to 15 days, than in boys, in infants up to 6 mth of age and in chronic diarrhea, respectively. Our results show that parasites were investigated in only a small percentage of infants under 1 yr of age, but that in this age group already, parasitic infestation does occur with a certain frequency. As investigated cases were selected, mainly due to the presence of diarrhea, the real prevalence of parasitism in infants under 1 yr of age was impossible to evaluate.
The prevalence of intestinal parasitosis was investigated in a primary school located in Rubiao Junior, a peri-urban district of Botucatu, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, in order to assess the effect of treatment and practical measures of prophylaxis in the control of parasitic infections among 7-to-18-year-old school children of a low socio-economic status. The first series of parasitological examinations included 219 school children, of which 123 (56.1%) were found to be infected with one or more parasite species. Eighty-four children carrying pathogenic parasites were submitted to various anti-parasitic treatment schedules. We re-evaluated 75 (89%) students after 4 to 6 months postchemotherapy. The results indicate that the combination of treatment with prophylactic measures has been successful in the control of parasitic infections, since reinfection rates were generally low (≤5.3%), except for Giardia lamblia infections (18.6%), and a marked reduction on the prevalence rates was observed with a significant percentage of cure (≤73.1%) in children infected with most parasite species. The reasons for the apparent failure in the control of infections caused by Hymenolepsis nana and Strongyloides stercoralis are discussed.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA