125 resultados para feed deprivation


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Amino acids are well metabolized by Streptomyces clavuligerus during the production of clavulanic acid using glycerol as main carbon and energy source. However, only a few amino acids such as arginine and ornithine are favorable for CA biosynthesis. The aim of this work was to optimize the glycerol:ornithine molar ratio in the feed medium containing only these compounds to maximize CA production in continuous cultivation. A minimum number of experiments were performed by means of a simple two-level full-factorial central composite design to investigate the combined effect of glycerol and ornithine feeding on the CA concentration during the intermittent and continuous process in shake-flasks. Statistical analysis of the experimental data using the response surface methodology showed that a glycerol-to-ornithine molar ratio of approximately 40:1 in the feed medium resulted in the highest CA concentration when fermentation was stopped. Under these optimized conditions, in bench-scale fermentor runs, the CA concentration reached more than double the concentration obtained in shake-flasks runs. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It has been proposed that the multiple-platform method (MP) for desynchronized sleep (DS) deprivation eliminates the stress induced by social isolation and by the restriction of locomotion in the single-platform (SP) method. MP, however, induces a higher increase in plasma corticosterone and ACTH levels than SP. Since deprivation is of heuristic value to identify the functional role of this state of sleep, the objective of the present study was to determine the behavioral differences exhibited by rats during sleep deprivation induced by these two methods. All behavioral patterns exhibited by a group of 7 albino male Wistar rats submitted to 4 days of sleep deprivation by the MP method (15 platforms, spaced 150 mm apart) and by 7 other rats submitted to sleep deprivation by the SP method were recorded in order to elaborate an ethogram. The behavioral patterns were quantitated in 10 replications by naive observers using other groups of 7 rats each submitted to the same deprivation schedule. Each quantification session lasted 35 min and the behavioral patterns presented by each rat over a period of 5 min were counted. The results obtained were: a) rats submitted to the MP method changed platforms at a mean rate of 2.62 ± 1.17 platforms h-1 animal-1; b) the number of episodes of noninteractive waking patterns for the MP animals was significantly higher than that for SP animals (1077 vs 768); c) additional episodes of waking patterns (26.9 ± 18.9 episodes/session) were promoted by social interaction in MP animals; d) the cumulative number of sleep episodes observed in the MP test (311) was significantly lower (chi-square test, 1 d.f., P<0.05) than that observed in the SP test (534); e) rats submitted to the MP test did not show the well-known increase in ambulatory activity observed after the end of the SP test; f) comparison of 6 MP and 6 SP rats showed a significantly shorter latency to the onset of DS in MP rats (7.8 ± 4.3 and 29.0 ± 25.0 min, respectively; Student t-test, P<0.05). We conclude that the social interaction occurring in the MP test generates additional stress since it increases the time of forced wakefulness and reduces the time of rest promoted by synchronized sleep.


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Foram comparados dois rebanhos Nelore, um selecionado para maior peso pós-desmame e outro controle, selecionado para a média de peso pós-desmame, para avaliar os efeitos de 29 anos de seleção sobre a eficiência alimentar. Sessenta machos Nelore com 205 kg e 267 dias de idade (41 selecionados e 19 controle), foram avaliados em baias individuais durante a prova de ganho de peso. O desempenho e o consumo de matéria seca foram utilizados para determinar as seguintes medidas de eficiência: conversão alimentar; consumo alimentar residual; ganho residual; eficiência parcial de crescimento; taxa de crescimento relativo; e taxa de Kleiber. Após o período experimental de 112 dias, os animais controle apresentaram menor peso vivo final em comparação aos selecionados, contudo, não diferiram quanto ao consumo de matéria seca (% do peso vivo), à área de olho-de-lombo e às espessuras de gordura subcutânea na altura da 12ª costela e na região da picanha. O consumo de matéria seca (kg/dia) e o ganho médio diário dos animais selecionados foram, respectivamente, 19,4 e 26,4% superiores aos dos controle. O maior ganho médio diário dos animais selecionados promoveu melhora significativa, em torno de 6%, na conversão alimentar; 70 g/dia no ganho residual; e de 17% na taxa de Kleiber. As demais medidas de eficiência (consumo alimentar residual, eficiência parcial de crescimento e taxa de crescimento relativo) não diferiram entre os rebanhos. Os 29 anos de seleção para peso pós-desmame não afetaram a eficiência alimentar de bovinos Nelore.


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O objetivo neste estudo foi determinar o melhor período de avaliação para medidas de desempenho, consumo e eficiência alimentar. Durante 112 dias, 60 machos da raça Nelore, recém-desmamados, submetidos à prova de ganho de peso, foram alimentados em baias individuais para determinação do consumo alimentar e do desempenho. O peso corporal dos animais foi determinado a cada 28 dias, depois de jejum de 16 horas de líquidos e sólidos. As alterações na variância, variância relativa e correlações de Pearson e Spearman entre os dados dos períodos de avaliação reduzidos (28, 56 e 84 dias) e período total (112 dias) foram usados para determinar a melhor duração do período de avaliação. A duração do período de avaliação para ganho médio diário, consumo de matéria seca, conversão alimentar e consumo alimentar residual pode ser reduzida para 84, 28, 84 e 84 dias, respectivamente, pois tal redução não diminui significativamente a confiabilidade das avaliações em animais alimentados em baias individuais.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar desempenho, parâmetros de eficiência e correlações fenotípicas entre medidas de eficiência energética de animais Nelore selecionados para peso pós-desmame e classificados quanto ao consumo alimentar residual, calculado pela diferença entre o consumo observado e o predito, com base no peso vivo médio metabólico e no ganho médio diário. Assim, os animais foram classificados em três grupos: alto (> média + 0,5 desvio-padrão; menos eficientes); médio (± 0,5 desvio-padrão da média); e baixo (< média - 0,5 desvio padrão; mais eficientes) consumo alimentar residual. Não foram observadas diferenças nos pesos vivos inicial e final, no ganho médio diário e no consumo de matéria seca entre os grupos. Animais com baixo consumo alimentar residual mostraram-se também com melhor eficiência alimentar, conversão alimentar e eficiência parcial de crescimento e não apresentaram diferenças em relação aos outros grupos quanto à taxa de crescimento relativo e taxa Kleiber. O consumo alimentar residual apresentou correlação significativa com eficiência alimentar (_0,25), conversão alimentar (0,25), eficiência parcial de crescimento (_0,37) e consumo de MS (0,16) e não apresentou correlação significativa com peso vivo (0,04), ganho médio diário (_0,02), taxa de crescimento relativo (_0,03) e taxa de Kleiber (_0,05). Foram encontradas correlações significativas entre conversão alimentar e peso vivo inicial (0,34) e ganho médio diário (_0,46). Eficiência parcial de crescimento apresentou correlação significativa comtodos os outros parâmetros de eficiência analisados. O consumo alimentar residual, em comparação às demais medidas de eficiência energética, apresenta grande potencial na eficiência produtiva, sendo independente de crescimento e tamanho dos animais.


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Two groups of rats with electrolytic lesions of the medial and upper septal area (MUL) or, alternatively, of the anteroventral portion of the third ventricle (AV3V) and a third group of sham-operated rats were water loaded and received three carbachol injections into the locus coeruleus according to the following schedule: 1) prelesion, 2) on the second postlesion day and 3) on the seventh postlesion day. Both MUL and AV3V lesions inhibited the carbachol-induced natriuresis on the second postlesion day. Recovery was almost complete after MUL but not after AV3V lesion on the seventh day. Water deprivation also reduced the carbachol-induced natriuresis but passive hydration of AV3V animals did not avoid the impairment induced by the lesion. Transient seizure phenomena such as clonic convulsions, salivation and analgesia subsequent to carbachol injection were not altered by the lesions.


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Feed-forward neural networks (FFNNs) were used to predict the skeletal type of molecules belonging to six classes of terpenoids. A database that contains the (13)C NMR spectra of about 5000 compounds was used to train the FFNNs. An efficient representation of the spectra was designed and the constitution of the best FFNN input vector format resorted from an heuristic approach. The latter was derived from general considerations on terpenoid structures. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In our country, the intensive culture of fish has been making progress due to the availability of extruded rations, which are characterized by the way they have been formulated to assist the nutritional demands of the tropical species and for facilitating a better practice of alimentary handling. This process checks the extruded product density and the desirable physical/chemical aspects to a diet that should be handled in the water, the critical factor of this activity. It is important to emphasize that this product stays to the surface of the water, facilitates the consumption control and the observation of the general aspects of the school of fish, as well as guaranteeing that no deterioration of the physical/chemical characteristics of the water occurs. The floating characteristic of the extruded ration is preferable for farmers because most of the tropical species feed at the surface of the water. In some cases, in the function of the alimentary habit, the thermal conditions of the water and the handling system produce granules with different densities. This is due to the humidity and the applied cooking heat, which modifies the time of hydration, and consequently the ability to float. To establish the physical presentation idea for a ration for tropical fishes, it is necessary that the pellets come in sizes, textures, humidities and densities in order to allow for the different phases of the lives of the fishes. This ration should be the result of characteristics of the species, such as the anatomophysiologics particularities, alimentary habits, digestive capacity and alimentary behavior. Only in this way is it possible to offer to those fishes a ration whose nutritious value and physical presentation facilitate the best biological and economic answers.Those aspects need to be reviewed because the tropical species that are cultivated in our country present selective behavior in relation to the size of the pellet. Generally, this has access to the digestive system without waste; the digestibility, therefore, is dependent upon the size of the particles and the physical aspects of the pellets. They should still consider that those granules could be less abrasive and softer. The extruded rations available in the national market present a qualitative reference to its proteic level, whose consequence allows us to infer that those are overestimated for the final phase of those fishes. Thus, the final cost of production is made unfeasible. In this point of view of the development of the national fish culture, and the growing adoption of the intensive system of production, it can link that such progress is a function of the availability of the rations in the extruded form. Although this technique of processing of rations has revolutionized the market in such a way that has been seen as preferable for farmers, some feel that there is a lack of products best suited for the initial phases of fingerlings production.


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A series of studies was conducted to establish a methodology for the accurate and efficient determination of betaine in different feed ingredients. The final methodology involves an extraction step in which the feed sample is heated for 3h in a methanolic KOH solution using a Goldfisch apparatus. Impurities are removed by the addition of activated charcoal and concentrated (36%) HCl. After centrifugation the extractant is passed through a strong cation exchange resin (Dowex 50W-X12, H+). The betaine retained in the column is eluted with 1.5 N HCl. A 2 nil aliquot of the elute is air dried and reconstituted with 1 ml of deionised water. HPLC separation with a cation exchange column (Partisil SCX-10) is used for the separation of betaine from other compounds. The mobile phase is kept constant at 50mm KH2PO4 in water, and eluted compounds are detected by UV absorbance (200nm). The flow rate is maintained at 1.5ml min(-1). This assay is very accurate over the range of betaine concentrations from 15 to 650 mug ml(-1), with a lower detection limit in feeds of approximately 500 mug g(-1) when 4g of sample is extracted. Recovery assays done with standard betaine hydrochloride and hard red wheat resulted in a consistent recovery of 80%. Betaine content was quantified in several feed ingredients, including alfalfa (1.77 mg kg(-1)), wheat (3.96 mg kg(-1)), wheat middlings (4.98 mg kg(-1)) and poultry meal (0.77 mg kg(-1)). Betaine in corn and soybean meal was not detectable by this method, even when 16g of sample was used (<125 mg kg(-1)). Betaine present in several feed ingredients should influence choline supplementation to animal feeds and may have implications for human health. (C) 2002 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Reports of the effect of desynchronized sleep (DS) deprivation on body temperature (Tb) of rats in the literature are contradictory. Since conspicuous body weight loss is common in such deprivation, the effect of food plus DS deprivation on Tb of adult male Wistar rats was studied. DS deprivation carried out by the small platform method with food ad libitum(N = 8) induced hyperthermia (Tb above 38.5 degrees C) in 1 to 3 rats daily until the 8th day, when a case of discrete hypothermia (Tb below 36.9 degrees C) appeared. Food deprivation alone started to induce hypothermia on the third day in one (20%) out of five rats. Fasting imposed from the 5th to the 8th day of DS deprivation (N = 12) caused hypothermia in 33% and 67% ofthe animals on the second and third day of starvation, respectively. DS compensatory manifestations in 6 starved rats intensified (N = 2) or precipitated (N = 2) hypothermia after the end of sleep deprivation. It is concluded that the hypothermia is not a primary effect of DS deprivation, and this state of sleep seems to have its particular functional role which is independent of thermoregulation.


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Adult male rats (n = 5-7 per group) were water deprived for 24 h with only food available. Then they had access to water for 2 h. At the end of the 2 h, 1.5% NaCl was offered to the animals and the intake was measured for another 2 h. The rats drank an average of 9.8 +/- 3.0 ml/120 min of 1.5% NaCl; water intake during this time was negligible (not more than 1.0 ml/120 min). Captopril injected IP at the doses of 12 and 24 mg/kg induced 60-90% inhibition of the intake. Losartan or PD123319 injected ICV induced 50-80% inhibition of the intake. Losartan (80 nmol) inhibited the intake at a lower dose than PD123319 (160 nmol). Neither losartan nor PD123319 inhibited 10% sucrose intake. The inhibition of 1.5% NaCl intake was not related to alterations in arterial pressure. The results show that the antagonism of the renin-angiotensin system inhibits the 1.5% NaCl intake induced by water deprivation. The inhibition induced by the angiotensin II antagonists suggest that this peptide is important for the control of salt intake induced by water deprivation.


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The effect of feed restriction and enzymatic supplementation on intestinal and pancreatic enzyme activities and weight gain was studied in broiler chickens. Quantitative feed restriction was applied to chickens from 7 to 14 d of age. An enzyme complex mainly consisting of protease and amylase was added to the chicken ration from hatching to the end of the experiment. Birds subjected to feed restriction whose diet was not supplemented showed an increase in sucrase, amylase, and lipase activities immediately after the restriction period. Amylase, lipase, and chymotrypsin activities were higher in chickens subjected to feed restriction and fed a supplemented diet than in those only subjected to feed restriction. Trypsin activity increased after feed restriction and after supplementation, but there was no interaction between these effects. Early feed restriction had no effect on enzyme activity in 42-d-old chickens. Chickens subjected to early restriction and fed the supplemented diet presented higher sucrase, maltase, and lipase activities than nonsupplemented ones (P < 0.05). There was no effect of early feed restriction or diet supplementation on weight gain to 42 d. Percentage weight gain from 14 to 42 d of age was equivalent in feed-restricted and ad libitum fed birds. Feed-restricted broilers fed a supplemented diet showed a higher percentage weight gain than nonsupplemented birds. We conclude that enzymatic supplementation potentiates the effect of feed restriction on digestive enzyme activity and on weight gain.