98 resultados para electrospray


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Phytochemical investigations of the stems of a specimen of Alibertia macrophylla led to the isolation and characterization of the new diterpene ent-kaurane-2β,3α,16α-triol (1), along with triterpenes 2-8, iridoids 9-12, and phenolic acids 13-15. The structure of 1 was established based on spectroscopic studies (1H- and 13C-NMR, IR, and HR-ESI-MS). This is the first report of the isolation of a diterpene from the Alibertia genus in Rubiaceae. © 2007 Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta AG.


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This paper describes a chemical investigation (by high-speed counter-current chromatography) of an extract in methanol of the capitula (flower-heads) of the endemic Brazilian herb Leiothrix flavescens (Bong.) Ruhland (Eriocaulaceae). Fractionation of this extract by preparative chromatography and identification of the isolated compounds by spectrometric methods (IR, UV, ESI-MS, NMR) led to the identification of flavones (apigenin, luteolin and 6-methoxyluteolin) and 1,3-di-O-feruloyl glycerol. The antioxidant activity of the extract was determined by DPPH reduction and the total phenolic content by the Folin-Ciocalteau assay. It was found that the methanolic extract of L. flavescens possesses strong antioxidant activity. Additionally, the chemical profile provided useful data for a discussion of the taxonomy of the Eriocaulaceae.


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This paper reports the purification and biochemical/pharmacological characterization of two myotoxic phospholipases A2 (PLA2s) from Bothrops brazili venom, a native snake from Brazil. Both myotoxins (MTX-I and II) were purified by a single chromatographic step on a CM-Sepharose ion-exchange column up to a high purity level, showing Mr ∼ 14,000 for the monomer and 28,000 Da for the dimer. The N-terminal and internal peptide amino acid sequences showed similarity with other myotoxic PLA2s from snake venoms, MTX-I belonging to Asp49 PLA2 class, enzymatically active, and MTX-II to Lys49 PLA2s, catalytically inactive. Treatment of MTX-I with BPB and EDTA reduced drastically its PLA2 and anticoagulant activities, corroborating the importance of residue His48 and Ca2+ ions for the enzymatic catalysis. Both PLA2s induced myotoxic activity and dose-time dependent edema similar to other isolated snake venom toxins from Bothrops and Crotalus genus. The results also demonstrated that MTXs and cationic synthetic peptides derived from their 115-129 C-terminal region displayed cytotoxic activity on human T-cell leukemia (JURKAT) lines and microbicidal effects against Escherichia coli, Candida albicans and Leishmania sp. Thus, these PLA2 proteins and C-terminal synthetic peptides present multifunctional properties that might be of interest in the development of therapeutic strategies against parasites, bacteria and cancer. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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(Figure Presented) Mixed micelles of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr) or dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTABr) and the α-nucleophile, lauryl hydroxamic acid (LHA) accelerate dephosphorylation of bis(2,4-dinitrophenyl) phosphate (BDNPP) over the pH range 4-10. With a 0.1 mole fraction of LHA in DTABr or CTABr, dephosphorylation of BDNPP is approximately 10 4-fold faster than its spontaneous hydrolysis, and monoanionic LHA - is the reactive species. The results are consistent with a mechanism involving concurrent nucleophilic attack by hydroxamate ion (i) on the aromatic carbon, giving an intermediate that decomposes to undecylamine and 2,4-dinitrophenol, and (ii) at phosphorus, giving an unstable intermediate that undergoes a Lossen rearrangement yielding a series of derivatives including N,N-dialkylurea, undecylamine, undecyl isocyanate, and carbamyl hydroxamate. © 2009 American Chemical Society.


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A rapid, robust and economical method for the analysis of persistent halogenated organic compounds in small volumes of human serum and umbilical cord blood is described. The pollutants studied cover a broad range of molecules of contemporary epidemiological and legislative concern, including polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), polychlorobenzenes (CBs), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), DDTs, polychlorostyrenes (PCSs) and polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Extraction and clean-up with n-hexane and concentrated sulphuric acid was followed with analysis by gas chromatography coupled to electron capture (GC-ECD) and GC coupled to negative ion chemical ionisation mass spectrometry (GC-NICI-MS). The advantages of this method rest in the broad range of analytes and its simplicity and robustness, while the use of concentrated sulphuric acid extraction/clean-up destroys viruses that may be present in the samples. Small volumes of reference serum between 50 and 1000 μL were extracted and the limits of detection/quantification and repeatability were determined. Recoveries of spiked compounds for the extraction of small volumes (≥300 μL) of the spiked reference serum were between 90% and 120%. The coefficients of variation of repeatability ranged from 0.1-14%, depending on the compound. Samples of 4-year-old serum and umbilical cord blood (n = 73 and 40, respectively) from a population inhabiting a village near a chloro-alkali plant were screened for the above-mentioned halogenated pollutants using this method and the results are briefly described. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.


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The pyrH-encoded uridine 5′-monophosphate kinase (UMPK) is involved in both de novo and salvage synthesis of DNA and RNA precursors. Here we describe Mycobacterium tuberculosis UMPK (MtUMPK) cloning and expression in Escherichia coli. N-terminal amino acid sequencing and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry analyses confirmed the identity of homogeneous MtUMPK. MtUMPK catalyzed the phosphorylation of UMP to UDP, using ATP-Mg 2+ as phosphate donor. Size exclusion chromatography showed that the protein is a homotetramer. Kinetic studies revealed that MtUMPK exhibits cooperative kinetics towards ATP and undergoes allosteric regulation. GTP and UTP are, respectively, positive and negative effectors, maintaining the balance of purine versus pyrimidine synthesis. Initial velocity studies and substrate(s) binding measured by isothermal titration calorimetry suggested that catalysis proceeds by a sequential ordered mechanism, in which ATP binds first followed by UMP binding, and release of products is random. As MtUMPK does not resemble its eukaryotic counterparts, specific inhibitors could be designed to be tested as antitubercular agents. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objective: This case-control study analyzed mass spectrometry fingerprinting patterns of culture media samples used for embryo culture to predict embryo implantation. Methods: The culture medium harvested after embryo transfer of 22 embryos from 13 patients was used for the experiments. After embryo transfer, the remaining culture media were collected and samples were split in positive (n=8) and negative (n=14) implantation groups according to implantation outcomes (100% or 0% of implantation). Samples were individually diluted and injected directly to the Electrospray ionization (ESI) MS coupled to a Quadrupole Time-of-flight MS (Q-ToF-MS).Ions relative intensities of each spectrum were considered. Data analysis was conducted in MatLab 7.0 version using Partial Least Squares - Discriminant Analysis toolbox. Results: There were 3027 observed ions at 100% and 0% implantation groups by ESI-Q-ToF-MS. The statistical model could categorize the samples in two clusters, based on their positive and negative implantation outcomes. Less intense ions present in the mass spectra with statistical significance have contributed to the major differences to group distinction. Conclusions: Positive and negative implantation embryos showed a specific biochemical pattern present in culture media, which could be detected as a fast, simple and non-invasive way. This biochemical profile could help the selection of the most viable embryo, improving single embryo transfer and thus eliminating the risk and undesirable outcomes of multiple pregnancies. © Todos os direitos reservados a SBRA - Sociedade Brasileira de Reprodução Assistida.


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Peptides isolated from animal venoms have shown the ability to regulate pancreatic beta cell function. Characterization of wasp venoms is important, since some components of these venoms present large molecular variability, and potential interactions with different signal transduction pathways. For example, the well studied mastoparan peptides interact with a diversity of cell types and cellular components and stimulate insulin secretion via the inhibition of ATP dependent K + (K ATP) channels, increasing intracellular Ca 2+ concentration. In this study, the insulin secretion of isolated pancreatic islets from adult Swiss mice was evaluated in the presence of synthetic Agelaia MP-I (AMP-I) peptide, and some mechanisms of action of this peptide on endocrine pancreatic function were characterized. AMP-I was manually synthesized using the Fmoc strategy, purified by RP-HPLC and analyzed using ESI-IT-TOF mass spectrometry. Isolated islets were incubated at increasing glucose concentrations (2.8, 11.1 and 22.2 mM) without (Control group: CTL) or with 10 μM AMP-I (AMP-I group). AMP-I increased insulin release at all tested glucose concentrations, when compared with CTL (P < 0.05). Since molecular analysis showed a potential role of the peptide interaction with ionic channels, insulin secretion was also analyzed in the presence of 250 μM diazoxide, a K ATP channel opener and 10 μM nifedipine, a Ca 2+ channel blocker. These drugs abolished insulin secretion in the CTL group in the presence of 2.8 and 11.1 mM glucose, whereas AMP-I also enhanced insulin secretory capacity, under these glucose conditions, when incubated with diazoxide and nifedipine. In conclusion, AMP-I increased beta cell secretion without interfering in K ATP and L-type Ca 2+ channel function, suggesting a different mechanism for this peptide, possibly by G protein interaction, due to the structural similarity of this peptide with Mastoparan-X, as obtained by modeling. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Azo dyes, the most widely used family of synthetic dyes, are often employed as colorants in areas such as textiles, plastics, foods/drugs/cosmetics, and electronics. Following their use in industrial applications, azo dyes have been found in effluents and various receiving waters. Chemical treatment of effluents containing azo dyes includes disinfection using chlorine, which can generate compounds of varying eco/genotoxicity. Among the widely known commercial azo dyes for synthetic fibers is C.I. Disperse Red 1. While this dye is known to exist as a complex mixture, reports of eco/genotoxicity involve the purified form. Bearing in mind the potential for adverse synergistic effects arising from exposures to chemical mixtures, the aim of the present study was to characterize the components of commercial Disperse Red 1 and its chlorine-mediated decoloration products and to evaluate their ecotoxicity and mutagenicity. In conducting the present study, Disperse Red 1 was treated with chlorine gas, and the solution obtained was analyzed with the aid of LC-ESI-MS/MS to identify the components present, and then evaluated for ecotoxicity and mutagenicity, using Daphnia similis and Salmonella/microsome assays, respectively. The results of this study indicated that chlorination of Disperse Red 1 produced four chlorinated aromatic compounds as the main products and that the degradation products were more ecotoxic than the parent dye. These results suggest that a disinfection process using chlorine should be avoided for effluents containing hydrophobic azo dyes such commercial Disperse Red 1. © 2012 Elsevier B.V..


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A HPLC-ESI-IT-MSn method, based on high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray negative ionization multistage ion trap mass spectrometry, was developed for rapid identification of 24 flavonoid and naphthopyranone compounds. The methanol extracts of the capitulae and scapes of P. chiquitensis exhibited mutagenic activity in the Salmonella/microsome assay, against strain TA97a. © 2013 by the authors.


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Molecules containing the guanidinic nuclei possess several pharmacological applications, and knowing the preferred isomers of a potential drug is important to understand the way it operates pharmacologically. Benzoylguanidines were synthesized in satisfactory to good yields and characterized by NMR, Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS) and Fourrier Transform InfraRed Spectroscopy techniques (FTIR). E/Z isomerism of the guanidines was studied and confirmed by NMR analysis in solution (1H-13C Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence (HSQC) and Heteronuclear Multiple-Bond Correlation (HMBC), 1H-15N HMBC, 1H- 1H Correlation Spectroscopy (COSY) and Nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy (NOESY) experiments) at low temperatures. Compounds with p-Cl and p-Br aniline moiety exist mainly as Z isomer with a small proportion of E isomer, whereas compounds with p-NO2 moiety showed a decrease in proportion of isomer Z. The results are important for the application of these molecules as enzymatic inhibitors. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A new tropane alkaloid, named the 7β-acetoxy-3β,6β- dibenzoyloxytropane (1), was isolated from a methanol extract of Erythroxylum rimosum O.E. Schulz leaves. Other known compounds were detected, including quercetin, kaempferol-3-O-α-l-arabinofuranoside, (+)-catechin, epicatechin, quercetin-3-O-α-arabinofuranoside, quercetin-3-O-α- arabinopyranoside, quercetin-3-O-β-arabinopyranoside, quercetin-3-β- glucopyranoside, kaempferol, quercetin-3-O-β-galactopyranoside, β-sitosterol, α-amyrin, β-amyrin, and the ester derivatives of these two amyrins. Compound 1 exhibited weak inhibition of acetylcholinesterase. Structural identification was performed using IR, ESIHRMS and one- and two-dimensional NMR data analyses and confirmed by comparison with literature data. © 2013 Phytochemical Society of Europe.


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A rational and selective method using on-line high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with electrospray quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-QToF-MS/MS) was established for the dereplication of phenolic derivatives from Qualea grandiflora and Qualea cordata. The selection of the extracts was based on the antioxidant capacity measured by in vitro DPPH assay. The HPLC-ESI-QToF-MS/MS analysis was conducted by on-flow detection, using high-resolution mass/ratio ions as well as collision induced MS/MS experiments for selected protonated ions. The dereplication of the EtOAc fraction from the hydro alcohol extract from the stem bark of Q. grandiflora allowed the detection of the flavonoids: 3',4',5',5,6,7-hexahydroxy- 8 methylflavanone, 8-methyl-naringenine and 3',7-dimethoxy-8 methyl-4',5,7- trihydroxyflavanone, as well as a benzophenone derivatives: bis(4,6-dimethoxy-2- hydroxy-3-methylphenyl)- metanone, 3',4'-dimethoxy-8-methyl-5,6,7 trihydroxyflavanone, 7-methoxy-6-methyl- 3',4',5 trihydroxyflavanone, 6,8-dimethyl-3' methoxy-4',5,7 trihydroxyflavanone and 3',5'-dimethoxy-6,8- dimethyl-4',5,7 trihydroxyflavanone were detected in the EtOAc fraction from the hydro-alcohol extract from the leaves of Q. cordata. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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Introduction Jatropha gossypifolia has been used quite extensively by traditional medicine for the treatment of several diseases in South America and Africa. This medicinal plant has therapeutic potential as a phytomedicine and therefore the establishment of innovative analytical methods to characterise their active components is crucial to the future development of a quality product. Objective To enhance the chromatographic resolution of HPLC-UV-diode-array detector (DAD) experiments applying chemometric tools. Methods Crude leave extracts from J. gossypifolia were analysed by HPLC-DAD. A chromatographic band deconvolution method was designed and applied using interval multivariate curve resolution by alternating least squares (MCR-ALS). Results The MCR-ALS method allowed the deconvolution from up to 117% more bands, compared with the original HPLC-DAD experiments, even in regions where the UV spectra showed high similarity. The method assisted in the dereplication of three C-glycosylflavones isomers: vitexin/isovitexin, orientin/homorientin and schaftoside/isoschaftoside. Conclusion The MCR-ALS method is shown to be a powerful tool to solve problems of chromatographic band overlapping from complex mixtures such as natural crude samples. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Extracts from J. gossypifolia were analyzed by HPLC-DAD and, dereplicated applying MCR-ALS. The method assisted in the detection of three C-glycosylflavones isomers: vitexin/isovitexin, orientin/homorientin and schaftoside/isoschaftoside. The application of MCR-ALS allowed solving problems of chromatographic band overlapping from complex mixtures such as natural crude samples. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Sofrito is a key component of the Mediterranean diet, a diet that is strongly associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular events. In this study, different Mediterranean sofritos were analysed for their content of polyphenols and carotenoids after a suitable work-up extraction procedure using liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisation-linear ion trap quadrupole-Orbitrap-mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-LTQ-Orbitrap- MS) and liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisation tandem triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS-MS). In this way, 40 polyphenols (simple phenolic and hydroxycinnamoylquinic acids, and flavone, flavonol and dihydrochalcone derivatives) were identified with very good mass accuracy (<2 mDa), and confirmed by accurate mass measurements in MS and MS2 modes. The high-resolution MS analyses revealed the presence of polyphenols never previously reported in Mediterranean sofrito. The quantification levels of phenolic and carotenoid compounds led to the distinction of features among different Mediterranean sofritos according to the type of vegetables (garlic and onions) or olive oil added for their production. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.