82 resultados para definitive accent


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As neutropenias persistentes podem ser decorrentes de alterações na granulopoiese, causadas por efeitos supressivos ou tóxicos à medula óssea, predispõem o paciente a infecções comprometendo sua sobrevida. As neutropenias intensas decorrentes de toxicidade por quimioterápicos podem requerer a suspensão temporária ou permanente do medicamento, podendo gerar resistência das células neoplásicas ao tratamento. O uso de fatores de crescimento hematopoiético recombinantes em animais tem aumentado muito nos últimos anos, devido a sua crescente disponibilidade na medicina humana. O fator estimulante de colônia para granulócitos recombinante humano (rhG-CSF) age aumentando o número de neutrófilos circulantes e possui grande potencial para amenizar ou reverter quadros de neutropenia associada a condições de mielotoxicidade e mielosupressão em cães e gatos.


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Hiperidrose palmar idiopática é doença frequente, que tem grande impacto na qualidade de vida dos pacientes, e seu tratamento definitivo (simpatectomia) associa-se a risco cirúrgico e efeitos adversos. Fármacos, como onabotulinumtoxinA, podem ser veiculados percutaneamente por iontoforese ou fonoforese e contribuir no tratamento da hiperidrose. Os autores apresentam quatro casos em que houve melhora objetiva e subjetiva da sudorese após dez sessões consecutivas de iontoforese ou fonoforese, sem evidências de efeitos adversos. Os resultados clínicos mantiveram-se por 16 semanas de observação após a interrupção do tratamento. Técnicas de veiculação percutânea de medicamentos devem ser percebidas como opções nos tratamentos dermatológicos.


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Os parasitas do gênero Schistosoma situam-se entre os primeiros metazoários que desenvolveram sexos separados, determinado cromossomicamente no ovo fertilizado. Apesar da ocorrência de cromossomos sexuais específicos, as fêmeas de Schistosoma não atingem a maturidade somática e sexual sem a presença dos machos. Na verdade, um dos aspectos mais controversos e, ao mesmo tempo, mais fascinantes, envolvendo o desenvolvimento sexual das fêmeas está em se desvendar a natureza do estímulo que controla e mantém tal processo. Muito embora a natureza do estímulo (físico ou químico) seja motivo de controvérsia, concordam os mais diferentes autores que o acasalamento é um requisito indispensável para que ocorra a maturação e migração das fêmeas para o sítio definitivo de permanência no sistema vascular do hospedeiro vertebrado. Admite-se, ainda, que o estímulo não é espécie-específico e, em alguns casos, nem mesmo gênero-específico. Não obstante a existência de um número considerável de artigos dedicados ao tema, não há um consenso sobre o processo (ou processos) que controla(m) o encontro de machos e fêmeas no sistema circulatório do hospedeiro vertebrado, bem como está por ser determinada a natureza do estímulo, oriundo dos machos, que controla e mantém o desenvolvimento somático e sexual das fêmeas. Ao longo dos anos os machos de Schistosoma têm sido considerados, por vezes pejorativamente, os irmãos, os músculos ou o fígado das fêmeas. em síntese, resta saber se a natureza do estímulo responsável pelo desenvolvimento das fêmas envolve a transferência de hormônios, nutrientes, a mera estimulação tátil ou a combinação de dois ou mais desses fatores


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Cet article propose, à travers une expérience pratique, présenter et discuter le groupe psychothérapeutique dans le référentiel psychanalytique théorique et éthique de Jacques Lacan en mettant l'accent sur la question de l'interprétation. Nous proposons une réflexion et la redéfinition des possibilités et des modes d'accueil dans le contexte de la Santé Collective. Le groupe psychothérapeutique proposé ici, qui applique la psychanalyse, correspond à une possibilité parmi les dispositifs de production de sens pour les impasses de subjectivation de la clinique contemporaine, surtout dans la Santé Publique. La pratique présentée et analysée dans cet article est une petite contribution à une proposition de psychothérapie de groupe fondée sur la théorie de Jacques Lacan, dont le but est de repenser et redéfinir les formes d'accueil de groupe en Santé Collective.


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CONTEXTO: A síndrome de Alport é responsável por aproximadamente 5% dos pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica. Nessa doença, anormalidades no sistema de condução cardíaco são mais freqüentes que na população em geral. OBJETIVO: Relatar caso de síndrome de Alport que desenvolveu bloqueio atrioventricular total durante um transplante renal. RELATO DE CASO: Paciente masculino, 21 anos de idade, com insuficiência renal crônica secundária à síndrome de Alport, foi submetido a transplante renal sob anestesia peridural. Durante o procedimento anestésico-cirúrgico apresentou bloqueio atrioventricular total, que foi tratado rapidamente, e com sucesso, usando-se um marcapasso transcutâneo. O bloqueio simpático extenso pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de distúrbios no sistema de condução cardíaco, particularmente em pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica em esquema de diálise. Mesmo em pacientes com eletrocardiograma pré-operatório normal e sem distúrbios de condução, graus variáveis de bloqueio atrioventricular, incluindo bloqueio atrioventricular total, podem ocorrer. Nesse caso, o uso de marcapasso transcutâneo é tratamento rápido e efetivo na sala de operação até o final da cirurgia, quando o tratamento definitivo pode ser planejado.


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An unidentified isolate of a Sarcocystis falcatula-like parasite was obtained from the lungs of budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) fed sporocysts from a naturally-infected South American opossum, Didelphis albiventris from Brazil. Four captive budgerigars fed sporocysts from the opossum intestine died of acute sarcocystosis 8, 10, and 12 days after oral inoculation (DAI); one budgerigar was killed 12 DAI when it was lethargic. Schizonts and merozoites found in the lungs of the budgerigars reacted mildly with polyclonal S. falcatula antibody. The parasite was isolated in equine kidney cell cultures inoculated with lung tissue from a budgerigar that was killed 12 DAI. Two budgerigars inoculated subcutaneously with 100,000 culture-derived S. falcatula merozoites developed acute sarcocystosis and S. falcatula-like schizonts were found in their lungs 15 and 16 DAI. Four budgerigars kept as unfed controls in the same environment remained free of Sarcocystis infection. The parasite underwent schizogony in African green monkey kidney cells and bovine turbinate cells. Merozoites divided by endopolygeny, often leaving a residual body. Polymerase chain reaction studies using primers JNB33/JNB54 and Hinf I and Dra I digestion indicated that the isolate was not S. falcatula. Results of this study indicated that the South American opossum, D. albiventris, is a definitive host for yet another S. falcatula-like parasite.


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1. Adrenal ectopic tissue has been detected in the paragonadal region of normal women. In patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase (21-OH) deficiency, the manifestation of hyperplasia of paragonadal accessory adrenal tissue has been usually reported to occur in males. Probably, this is the first report of a female with 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3beta-HSD) deficiency with ectopic adrenal tissue in ovaries. However, the occurrence of hyperplasia of adrenal rests among women with classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia may not be rare, especially among patients with a late diagnosis.2. We report a woman with 3beta-HSD deficiency whose definitive diagnosis was made late at 41 years of age immediately before surgery for the removal of a uterine myoma. During surgery, exploration of the abdominal cavity revealed the presence of bilateral accessory adrenal tissue in the ovaries and in the para-aortic region. The patient had extremely high levels of ACTH (137 pmol/l), DHEA (901.0 nmol/l), DHEA-S (55.9 mumol/l), androstenedione (70.2 nmol/l), testosterone (23.0 nmol/l) and 17alpha-hydroxypregnenolone (234.4 nmol/l) suggesting 3beta-HSD deficiency.3. In view of these elevated androgen levels, with an absolute predominance of DHEA and DHEA-S, we evaluated the effect of this hormonal profile on carbohydrate tolerance and insulin response to glucose ingestion.4. The patient presented normal glucose tolerance but her insulin response was lower than that of 14 normal women (area under the curve, 3beta-HSD = 17,680 vs 50,034 pmol/l for the control group over a period of 3 h after glucose ingestion).5. These results support recent data suggesting that patients with increased serum DHEA and DHEA-S levels do not present resistance to insulin.


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Neuston samples collected from the Charleston Bump region off the coast of South Carolina, U.S.A., during the summers of 2002 and 2003 consistently included a decapod species of undetermined identity with a large brachyuran megalopa. Despite their resemblance to some calappids, it was impossible to make a definitive identification based solely on general morphology. Therefore, additional neuston tows were taken on the continental shelf near Charleston, during the summer of 2004 to obtain these living megalopae. These were raised successfully through five juvenile stages at the Southeastern Regional Taxonomic Center (SERTC) laboratory. The morphology of the juveniles provided evidence that they are megalopae of Calappa tortugae Rathbun, 1933. Comparisons with megalopae of Hepatus epheliticus (Linnaeus, 1763), H. pudibundus (Herbst, 1785), Calappa flammea (Herbst, 1794) and Cryptosoma balguerii (Desbonne, 1867) are presented here. This is the first complete description of the megalopa morphology of a member of the genus Calappa Weber, 1795 from the Western Atlantic, and it is helpful for taxonomic, systematic and ecological purposes.


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Statement of problem. Prosthetic restorations that fit poorly may affect periodontal health and occlusion. Studies that have evaluated the accuracy of fit of ceramic restorations before and after cementation assessed primarily intracoronal restorations.Purpose. This in vitro study evaluated the effect of different finish lines, ceramic manufacturing techniques, and luting agents on the vertical discrepancy of ceramic copings.Material and methods. Two stainless steel molars were prepared for complete crowns with 2 different finish lines (heavy chamfer and rounded shoulder); each molar was duplicated to fabricate 90 copings. A total of 180 copings generated 18 groups (n=10 for each finish line-coping material-luting agent combination). Luting agents tested included zinc phosphate, resin-modified glass ionomer (Fuji Plus), and resin composite cements (Panavia F). A metal frame was developed on which to screw the stainless steel model and a ceramic coping; the distance (mum) between 2 predetermined points was measured before and after cementation by a profile projector under a torquing force. A 4-way ANOVA with repeated measurements was performed to assess the influence of each factor in the vertical marginal discrepancy: 3 between-coping factors (finish line-coping material-luting agent) and 1 within-coping factor (before and after cementation) (alpha=.05).Results. Procera copings presented the lowest mean values (P<.05) of vertical marginal discrepancy before and after cementation (25/44 mum) when compared to Empress 2 (68/110 mum) and InCeram Alumina copings (57/117 mum), regardless of any combinations among all finish lines and luting agents tested.Conclusion. Considering each factor separately, the ceramic manufacturing technique appeared to be the most important factor tested for the definitive vertical discrepancy of all-ceramic copings, with lower mean values for Procera copings.


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Background: the paradentat cyst is an odontogenic lesion of inflammatory origin that has few clinical signs and symptoms apart from recurring acute episodes. A well-defined radiolucency associated with the roots or distal to the crown may be seen radiographically. The purpose of this article is to report on different aspects of two cases involving paradental cysts. In the first case, the patient complained about recurring pericoronitis. A semilunar-shaped radiolucency on the distal aspect of the mandibular third molar was noted on the periapical radiograph. In the second case, the patient's main complaint was chronic trauma of the overlying mucosa. Radiographs revealed an enlarged pericoronal space.Methods: In both cases, the mandibular third molar was extracted due to a lack of space. Lesional samples were sent for histopathologic analysis.Results: In the first case, the drainage of cystic fluid and a regular concavity were found during tooth removal. In the second case, a nodular lesion was found adhering to the disto-buccal surface of the tooth arising from the distal wall of a periodontal pocket. The histopathologic analysis revealed a hyperplastic stratified squamous epithelium with arcading lining a fibrous capsule with inflammatory infiltrate, resulting in a final diagnosis of a paradental cyst.Conclusions: the presence of a paradental cyst should be considered when recurrent inflammatory periodontal processes are associated with partially erupted vital teeth, even when characteristic radiographic findings are absent. Definitive diagnosis requires a clinicopathologic correlation incorporating surgical, radiographic, and histologic findings.


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Elephant-grass is known like a great feed to dairy and beef cattle al tropical regions. Its agricultural aspects have been very observed. However, its botanical, mainly anatomical characteristics are few studied. The objective of this work was to investigate the anatomical changes occurred in stems of three elephant-grass cultivars (ROXO, EMPASC 307 TESTO and EMPASC 309 AREIA) at three stages of plant development (4, 8 and 16 weeks after sprouting). The anatomical features were similar among cultivars. When stems were young (4 weeks), a disorganization of vascular bundles were detected. However, at 8 weeks stage the were organized as a definitive form. Was observed a magnified of lignification as the stems age, mainly caused by the increased of bundles sheaths that surrounds all vascular bundles.


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Statement of problem. The accuracy of assessing maxillomandibular relationships for trial bases and dentures using phonetic and swallowing methods has not been compared to that observed with definitive prostheses. Thus, there is no evidence to prove whether measurements obtained through such methods remain the same after adaptation to dentures.Purpose. This study investigated changes in the closest speaking space, interocclusal rest space, and interocclusal distance during deglutition in edentulous patients during and after complete denture treatment.Material and methods. Eighteen edentulous subjects participated in this study and measurements were performed after 7 Intervals of time: (1) with occlusion rims and record bases following creation of the maxillomandibular relationship record, (2) with trial dentures, (3) at Insertion of definitive complete dentures, (4) 1 week, (5) 2 weeks, (6) 1 month, and (7) 3 months after insertion. Recordings of interocclusal distances were made with a mandibular kinesiograph. Closest speaking space was measured during the pronunciation of the word 'seis'. The distance between postural rest position and centric occlusion, or interocclusal rest space, was measured using a kinesiograph. Interocclusal distance during deglutition was tested by recording the closest mandibular position recorded during swallowing of 20 mL of water. Data were analyzed using repeated-measure ANOVA, followed by the Student-Newman-Keuls test (alpha=.05).Results. A significant (P <.01)reduction in the mean closest speaking space was found when it was evaluated using occlusion rims and record bases (4.6 mm) compared with other stages (3.0 to 3.4 mm). No significant differences were found in mean interocclusal rest space and interocclusal distance during deglutition among the time periods evaluated.Conclusions. The presence of occlusion rims can influence mandibular position during pronunciation of the /s/ sound. The arrangement of artificial teeth changes the closest speaking space. However, rest position and deglutition were not affected, either during denture fabrication or short-term use.


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The orofacial characteristics of ectodermal dysplasia include anodontia or hypodontia, hypoplastic conical teeth, underdevelopment of the alveolar ridges, frontal bossing, a depressed nasal bridge, protuberant lips, and hypotrichosis. Patients with this disease often need complex prosthetic treatment. The options for a definitive treatment plan may include fixed, removable, or implant-supported prostheses, singly or in combination. However, financial constraints and other priorities can prevent patients from choosing the most desirable treatment. This clinical report describes the diagnosis and treatment of ectodermal dysplasia in an 18-year-old man. The treatment included interim removable partial dentures fabricated to establish an acceptable therapeutic occlusal vertical dimension, followed by definitive overlay removable partial dentures and composite restorations.


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Placentae of three hystricimorph rodents-capybara, agouti and paca-were examined by conventional histology, immunohistochemistry for cytokeratin and vimentin, and TUNEL staining. The placentae were divided into lobules of labyrinthine syncytium separated by interlobular and marginal trophoblast. The subplacenta comprised cytotrophoblasts, supported on lamellae of allantoic mesoderm, and syncytiotrophoblast. The central excavation was still apparent in the definitive placenta of capybara. In agouti and paca, the decidua of the junctional zone formed a mesoplacenta comprising a capsule and a pedicle. Towards term the pedicle formed a tenuous attachment between placenta and uterine wall comprising a few maternal vessels surrounded by degraded tissue. In paca placenta, it was shown by TUNEL staining that breakdown of this tissue occurred by apoptosis. The visceral yolk sac was highly villous and, in agouti, the yolk sac villi were extremely long. Lateral to its attachment to the placenta, the fetal surface was covered with non-vascular yolk sac endoderm. A layer of spongiotrophoblast cells was interposed between the endoderm and the marginal trophoblast. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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dThis article describes a variation of the split-cast mounting technique wherein the border of the definitive cast is wrapped with masking tape to form a container for the dental plaster normally used to affix the cast to the articulator. The entire inferior surface of the cast is coated with a thin film of petroleum jelly, and the cast is mounted in the articulator. After the dental plaster has set, the cast is retained by means of the masking tape. The cast is separated from the dental plaster simply by removing the masking tape.