105 resultados para crustacean larviculture


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Sexual maturity, temporal reproductive pattern, and recruitment of juveniles were examined for the shrimp Rimapenaeus constrictus at three different bays in the Ubatuba region (Mar Virado, Ubatuba, and Ubatumirim), State of São Paulo (23°S 45°W). Monthly samples were taken from January 1998 to December 1999. The presence or absence of mating plugs (associated with mating and insemination) and ovarian maturity were used to examine breeding in adult females. The whole sample comprised 3863 females and 1468 males. Estimates of size (carapace length) at the onset of sexual maturity were 7.0 mm and 7.8 mm for males and females, respectively. Higher percentage of females bearing ripe gonads was observed during spring and summer over the course of the study, contrasting to the low proportion in fall 1998 and winter 1999. Juvenile shrimps were sampled year-round. These results suggest a continuous reproductive pattern for R. constrictus. Mating, spawning, and juvenile recruitment took place mostly in shallow waters up to 20-m depths in the study region. Warm to mild temperatures may favour the spawning pattern observed in this species. The classical paradigm of continuous reproduction at lower latitudes, with increased seasonality of breeding period at higher latitudes, seems to apply to this species.


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In this study, the costs and gross income related to the production of pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus juveniles were evaluated. This evaluation took into consideration a semi-intensive rearing, with direct stocking of the larvae into fertilized ponds (IL 0), or an initial intensive larviculture system, in which the larvae were fed in the laboratory for 3 (IL 3), 6 (IL 6), or 9 days (IL 9) before being transferred to the ponds. After 45 days of rearing, a gradual increase in production costs was observed as intensive larviculture time increased. Gross income also increased due to better survival rates (11.0, 25.3, 45.4, and 54.0% for IL 0, IL 3, IL 6, and IL 9, respectively). Therefore, increased profits were obtained under intensive larviculture (US$ 0.27, US$ 6.07, US$ 11.99, and US$ 13.16 per one thousand larvae in treatments IL 0, IL 3, IL 6, and IL 9, respectively). In a larger scale production simulation, the results obtained with initial intensive larviculture also showed evident economic advantages, confirming the feasibility of this system in comparison with the direct stocking of larvae in ponds for the production of pacu juveniles. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of ammonia and pH levels on giant river prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae were evaluated to provide science-based information on safe levels of ammonia and pH for larviculture. Survival rate, developmental stage, and larval weight gain were determined for larvae kept in water with total ammonia (NH4-N) concentrations of 0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 mg\L and pH 7, 8, and 9. The trials were conducted in two phases: phase 1, larvae from stages I through VIII and phase 2, larvae from stage VIII until metamorphose. Oxygen consumption was determined for larvae in stages I and VIII at total ammonia concentrations of 0, 4, and 8 mg/L and pH 8. Survival rate up to stage VIII varied from 86 to 98% and did not differ for total ammonia concentrations in pH 7 and 8 and for 0 mg/L NH4-N in pH 9. Survival rate was significantly lower (0-20%) for total ammonia concentrations from 1 to 8 mg/L (0.43-3.41 mg/L of unionized ammonia) in pH 9. Larval stage indexes (7.9-8.0 range) and weight gain (1.572-2.931 mg range) of larvae at the end of phase 1 of the experiment did not differ for the different ammonia concentration solutions, but were significantly lower in pH 9. In phase 2, no parameter differed among treatments for pH 7 and 8; however there was total mortality at pH 9 until 96h. Respiration rates diminished when larvae were exposed to total ammonia concentrations of 4 and 8 mg/L (0.28 and 0.55 mg/L of unionized ammonia), but development remained unaltered. Therefore, M. rosenbergii larvae tolerate high levels of total ammonia, while toxicity depends primarily on unionized ammonia concentrations. In addition, alkaline pH (9) acted directly on the larvae, curbing development and causing severe mortality. Larval tolerance to high ammonia and pH levels decreases for the last zoeal stages. © Copyright by the World Aquaculture Society 2005.


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The population structure of the penaeidean shrimp Xyphopenacus kroyeri was studied in Ubatuba Bay, Ubatuba, Sd̃ao Paulo, Brazil. The period and site of juvenile recruitment were monitored using a monthly sampling design with eight fixed areas (transects) from September 1995 to August 1996. The population structure was assessed using size frequency distributions (based on carapace length) for each month and sampling area. Females were significantly larger than males, suggesting a differential growth between sexes. The very low occurrence of large adults in the Bay can be related to offshore migration for reproduction. Recruitment occurred throughout the year, with a peak during the summer, when the highest recruitment rates were obtained along inshore transects. The present investigation revealed valuable information on the biology of the species mainly in the study region, which is considered a nursery ground for juveniles of X. kroyeri. The species showed an important variation from the typical life cycle that it is assumed to hold over its entire range and X. kroyeri should be classified as having a life cycle different from that proposed previously in the literature, i.e. the juveniles prefer inshore areas instead of estuaries. Some suggestions for the seabob fishery management are proposed as an alternative for minimising the impact during the harvest period and adjusting the protection schedule.


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The influence of luminosity and of the use of refuges on the initial development of Steindachneridion sp. Garavello (Siluriforme: Pimelodidae) larvae was evaluated. A thousand larvae 18.02 mm high and 62.2 mg weight were used in an entirely randomized design, with five treatments and four replicates, in 35 L-aquarium during 22 days. The treatments consisted on the following environments: darkness without refuges, clear with artificial refuge, darkness with artificial refuge, clear with natural refuge and clear without refuge. All larvae received the same feeding during the experiment. The best survival rates were found for darkness without refuges, clear with artificial refuge and clear without refuge, with 84, 76 and 70%, respectively. The best development was in darkness and without refuges. The treatment darkness with artificial refuge provided significant differences in relation to the other treatments as far as survival and weight are concerned, showing high heterogeneity for weight. Environment without refuges are the most appropriate for the larval development of this specie.


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This study is intended to characterize the ovarian development and hemolymph vertebrate-type steroids concentration during the reproductive cycle of the freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. A five-stage classification based on the external observation of the ovary's size and color as seen through the tegument was used. The results showed the existence of a direct correspondence between the ovarian stages and the gonadosomatic index, the oöcyte diameter, and the characteristics of ovarian histology. In each stage total bleeding of the prawns was conducted and the hemolymph concentrations of 17β-estradiol (E 2), testosterone (T) and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP; conjugated and unconjugated) were determined by solid-phase radioimmunoassay (RIA). High levels of unconjugated 17-OHP, relatively constant concentrations of unconjugated T, and null concentration of unconjugated E 2 were found throughout the five stages considered. Nonetheless, low levels of E 2 were determined in all stages, in conjugated (glucoronide) form. The highest levels were obtained in stage II and III (18.14 ± 14.52 pg/ml hemolymph) and progressively declined in the other stages (7.53 ± 6.76 pg/ml hemolymph). These results point out the possible involvement of vertebrate-type steroids in the endocrine regulation of the Macrobrachium rosenbergii's ovarian cycle. To our knowledge this is the first study concerning the vertebrate-like steroid levels throughout the ovarian cycle and is a step needed to characterize the hemolymph profile of these steroids in order to elucidate the possible role in the regulation of the reproductive crustacean cycle.


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In this work are presented data for mean abundance, prevalence and mean intensity of infection in 34 specimens of Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, commonly called cacharas. Fish were captured using nets in the Aquidauana river during March, September and November 2003, October 2004 and October 2005. All analyzed fish were infected. Nineteen species of parasites were collected - seven of them were proteocephalid cestodes, three monogeneans, one species of digeneans, three nematodes, one acanthocephalan, one crustacean, one pentastomid and two species of myxosporeans. The first records of Harriscolex kaparari and Megathylacus travassosi in P. fasciatum in the Aquidauana river were observed. Monogeneans featured the highest prevalence (100%), followed by cestodes (91.18%) and nematodes (58.82%).


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A stressful environment induces cortisol that might affect fish breeding and reproduction. In the present work, which aimed to mimic aquacultural conditions of the jundia (Rhamdia quelen) hatcheries in southern South America, females were submitted to normal or stressful handling and the effects of cortisol on serum levels of 17β-estradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) were determined. In addition, the effect of stress on reproductive parameters such as eggs and swim-up fry production was also measured. Eight females from a group submitted to stressful handling (SH) conditions and eight females from a group with normal handling (NH) conditions were captured for blood sampling at D 0 and at D 1, 10, 20, 30, and 40 of the experiment. A typical cortisol response was observed in the SH females group in that they presented higher cortisol level in contrast to the NH female group, in all days sampled, except at D 0. In the 10th and 20th d, the E2 levels were lower in SH females, but cortisol levels were higher, suggesting an effect of cortisol on E2 production and/or release. Stressful handling appeared to affect both the number and the quality of the gametes because a lower number of oocytes was stripped from SH females, and from SH fertilized eggs, a lower number of viable swim-up fry was obtained to be transferred to earthen larviculture ponds. Taken together, the results indicated that stressful handling of broodstock impairs R. quelen reproduction. © Copyright by the World Aquaculture Society 2008.


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The spatio-temporal distribution of the soft bottom dwelling shrimp Nematopalaemon schmitti and the effect of environmental conditions (sediment characteristics, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen) on its abundance were studied at Ubatuba Bay, south-eastern coast of Brazil. Surveys were conducted monthly from September 1995 to August 1996. Each sampling set comprised eight different transects distributed within the bay. Comparisons of CPUE of shrimp among sampling stations demonstrated that the abundance of N. schmitti was the greatest during winter, when average water temperature within the bay was considerably lower than during the rest of the year. Most shrimps (more than 95%) were collected at a single transect located at the northernmost side of the bay, demonstrating the extremely patchy distribution of this species. A multiple regression analysis using data only from this northernmost transect indicated that temperature was the most relevant factor affecting the abundance of N. schmitti during the year. Copyright © 2009 Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.


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The Cladocera assemblages in two cascade reservoirs located in the Paranapanema River in Brazil were studied during two consecutive years. Upstream Chavantes Reservoir is an accumulation system, with a long water retention time, high depth and oligo-mesotrophic status. The downstream Salto Grande Reservoir is a small, run-of-river reservoir, with a short water retention time, shallow depth and meso-eutrophic status. The goal of this study was to determine the inter- and intra-reservoir limnological differences with emphasis on the Cladocerans assemblages. The following questions were posed: (i) what are the seasonal dynamics of the reservoir spatial structures; (ii) how dynamics, seasonally, is the reservoirs spatial structure; and (iii) are the reservoir independent systems? A total of 43 Cladoceran species were identified in this study. Ceriodaphnia silvestrii was the most abundant and frequent species found in Chavantes Reservoir, while C. cornuta was most abundant and frequent in Salto Grande Reservoir. The Cladoceran species richness differed significantly among sampling sites for both reservoirs. In terms of abundance, there was a significant variation among sampling sites and periods for both reservoirs. A cluster analysis indicated a higher similarity among the deeper compartments, and the intermediate river-reservoir zones was grouped with the riverine sampling sites. For the smaller Salto Grande Reservoir, the entrance of a middle size tributary causes major changes in the system. A distinct environment was observed in the river mouth zone of another small tributary, representing a shallow environment with aquatic macrophyte stands. A canonical correlation analysis between environmental variables and Cladoceran abundance explained 75% of the data variability, and a complementary factorial analysis explained 65% of the variability. The spatial compartmentalization of the reservoirs, as well as the particular characteristics of the two study reservoirs, directly influenced the structure of the Cladoceran assemblages. The conditions of the lacustrine (dam) zone of the larger Chavantes Reservoir were reflected in the upstream zone of the smaller downstream Salto Grande Reservoir, highlighting the importance of plankton exportation in reservoir cascade systems. The comparative spatial-temporal analysis indicated conspicuous differences between the two reservoirs, reinforcing the necessity of considering tropical/subtropical reservoirs as complex, multi-compartmental water systems. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.


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The prawn genus Macrobrachium belongs to the family Palaemonidae. Its species are widely distributed in lakes, reservoirs, floodplains, and rivers in tropical and subtropical regions of South America. Globally, the genus Macrobrachium includes nearly 210 known species, many of which have economic and ecological importance. We analyzed three species of this genus (M. jelskii, M. amazonicum and M. brasiliense) using RAPD-PCR to assess their genetic variability, genetic structure and the phylogenetic relationship between them and to look for molecular markers that enable separation of M. jelskii and M. amazonicum, which are closely related syntopic species. Ten different random decamer primers were used for DNA amplification, yielding 182 fragments. Three of these fragments were monomorphic and exclusive to M. amazonicum or M. jelskii and can be used as specific molecular markers to identify and separate these two species. Similarity indices and a phylogenetic tree showed that M. amazonicum and M. jelskii are closest to each other, while M. brasiliense was the most differentiated species among them; this may be attributed to the different habitat conditions to which these species have been submitted. This information will be useful for further studies on these important crustacean species.


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We evaluated the population dynamics of Acetes americanus Ortmann, 1893 focusing on sex ratio, individual growth, longevity, and the juvenile recruitment period. Samples were collected monthly from January 2006 to June 2007 in the bay of Ubatuba, Brazil. Specimen growth was identified for each gender, and the chosen cohorts were fitted in a von Bertalanffy Growth Model (VBGM); longevity was estimated by the von Bertalanffy inverse equation, considering 99% of the asymptotic length. A total of 6881 individuals (2343 males and 4538 females) were captured. On average the body size (total length) was greater in females (14.64 ± 3.34 mm) than in males (12.27 ± 1.86 mm). The mean growth curves (obtained by grouping the cohorts for each sex), provided estimates of TL∞ = 19.33 mm, k = 0.02 and t0 = -0.12 days for females and TL∞ = 15.13 mm, k = 0.03 and to = -0.07 days for males, where TL∞ is the asymptotic length, k is coefficient of growth and to is the theorical age when the size is equal to 0. Longevity was estimated at 0.61 years for females and 0.50 years for males. The sex ratio tended to favor females, which corroborates with others studies of sergestids. Our finding that males of A. americanus have higher values of k and therefore achieve a smaller size relative to females has been observed in other penaeids. We concluded that this differential growth pattern between the sexes is found across Dendrobranchiata. The life cycles of penaeids have an average duration of approximately 1-2 years, but our results corroborate other studies that estimate a shorter longevity for Acetes, as species of this genus are typically smaller in size. We found continuous recruitment with two main peaks observed during the study period, corroborating previous studies of Acetes. © The Crustacean Society, 2013. Published by Brill NV, Leiden.


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The objective of this study was to investigate morphological variation in traits of systematic relevance and the phylogenetic position, ecology, and reproductive biology of the shrimp Lysmata rauli Laubenheimer and Rhyne, 2010 (Caridea: Hippolytidae), described based only on a single specimen collected in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. We analyzed a total of 89 specimens from Camamu Bay, Bahia (n = 88) and from S3o Vicente estuary, São Paulo (n = 1). Considerable morphological variation was detected in the rostral spine series, number of segments on the carpus and merus of pereiopod 2, number of spiniform setae on the ventrolateral margin of merus and on the ventral margin of propodus of pereiopods 3-5. Importantly, L rauli can be distinguished neither using morphology, nor coloration from the Indo-Pacific L. vittata (Stimpson, 1860). Furthermore, molecular phylogenetic analyses (using the 16S mt DNA fragment) did not reveal any considerable genetic dissimilarities between L rauli and L vittata. Thus, our results clearly indicate that L rauli is not a new species but a junior synonym of L vittata. The high density observed within the structures of oyster farming indicates that the invasive L vittata lives in crowds in Brazil. The studied population was composed of males, hermaphrodites, and transitional individuals (having characteristics of males and hermaphrodites). The above information suggests that L rauli is a protandric simultaneous hermaphrodite, as it has been observed in all species of Lysmata that have been investigated. Lysmata vittata has invaded the southwestern Atlantic and is present in Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and S3o Paulo, Brazil. © The Crustacean Society, 2013. Published by Brill NV, Leiden.


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Two new species of Diaptomidae were found in the Middle Paraná River. The new species are referred to as Diaptomus curvatus sp. nov. and Diaptomus frutosae sp. nov. Important character states in Diaptomus curvatus include: right fifth leg with a well-developed endopod and with the lateral spine of the second exopod segment curved and longer than the segment on which it is inserted, plus the presence of a large dorsal process on urosomite 4 of the male. For Diaptomus frutosae they include: a differentiated hook-like process on segment 20 with chitinous protuberances at base of male right antennule; the last segment of the right leg 5 of male is triangular, and the lateral spine inserted distal to mid-level of this segment. Both species are placed in Diaptomus sensu lato as a temporary placement. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FECDD6C4-C0AC-4043-ADDD-F29539B451F0. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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In the northwestern region of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, the freshwater crab Dilocarcinus pagei Stimpson, 1861 is usually sold as bait for several fish species for sport fishing. Thus, knowledge of the reproductive biology of this species is essential to provide information for maintaining natural stocks and implementing future farming initiatives. The objective of this study was to investigate the population dynamics of the red freshwater crab D. pagei, focusing on reproductive and juvenile recruitment periods, sex ratio, and individual growth. Sampling was performed monthly from October 2005 to September 2007 in the Marimbondo-Fumas Hydroelectric Plant reservoir, Rio Grande, municipality of Icém in northwestern São Paulo state. The individuals were sexed, carapace widths were measured, and the gonads were examined macroscopically. In total, 1002 individuals were analyzed, consisting of 568 males and 434 females, of which 4 were ovigerous and 35 carried early juveniles in the incubatory chamber. The largest numbers of reproductive individuals of both sexes were recorded during the winter and spring months before spawning, which occurred in the spring. Intense juvenile recruitment and the highest rainfall levels were observed during the Southern Hemisphere summer. The results indicate that spawning can be considered seasonal, and the simultaneous emergence of juveniles with high rainfall levels is probably the result of the higher availability of food and potential sites for protection against predators. The skewed sex ratio (♂ 1:0.76 ♀) may be associated with growth rates, mortality, food restriction, behavioral differences, migration, and differential habitat use between the sexes. The similar maximum size (CW∞) and growth constant (k) for males (k = 1.78 y-1, CW = 61.43 mm) and females (k = 1.67 y-1, CW = 60.66 mm) may be associated with different energy investment strategies between the sexes. Additionally, a closed season is proposed for the species. © The Crustacean Society, 2013. Published by Brill NV, Leiden.