80 resultados para crise financière


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Between December 2007 and June 2009 the United States witnessed 18 months of recession that became known as the subprime crisis. Beginning in the housing market, the crisis moved into the banking and financial markets and spread throughout the entire economy through a domino effect, affecting the majority of other businesses. A major reflection of this was the large rise in unemployment rates due to business slashing jobs in an attempt to preserve cash. Although the crisis has officially ended, the unemployment rate reached over 10% in 2010 in the United States. American's continue to seek new jobs in a very difficult employment market, while attempting to manage the family household budget. American household income, which decreased either by pay cuts, job loss, and the effects of inflation, leads the majority of Americans to declare that the crisis had not yet ended. The crisis has spread to the world in varying degrees. Brazil was one of the countries least affected due to government policies and the large amount of foreign exchange. Although the crisis has affected Brazil only slightly, we will show how it reached this country and how the government solved this problem. This research paper will explain how the subprime crisis began, how it manifested itself in the U.S. economy and throughout the population. Also, it will show the crisis’ effects in Brazil and show some statements from Americans with their respective views and their experiences relative to the crisis


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This essay treats the government acting on the National Financial System (SFN) through the policy of directing credit, a common practice within industrialization attempts. In Brazil this policy occurred mainly through the principal instrument of the government on the financial system, the National Bank of Economic and Social Development (BNDES). It will be explained BNDES’ position within public finances and its ability to mobilize or act as an intermediary for mobilizing resources for the economy. Will also be addressed the countercyclical characteristics of BNDES’ disbursements in the Brazilian economy using as a backdrop the financial crisis that erupted in the overthrow of the mortgages in the USA, also known as the subprime crisis. Finally we will present the main ideas behind the criticism and praise that this model with strong state presence in the financial system suffers


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O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a situação financeira dos estados de São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul após a renegociação da dívida financeira com o governo federal. A renegociação da dívida foi efetivada mediante a aprovação de um Programa de Ajuste Fiscal com metas periodicamente reavaliadas. É realizada uma contextualização histórica da economia brasileira e da situação dos estados brasileiros. Em seguida, é estudado o Programa de Ajuste Fiscal do Estado de São Paulo, e o Programa de Ajuste Fiscal do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Por fim, são realizadas algumas considerações acerca dos Programas desenvolvidos e realizados pelos Estados


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Corporative media, represented by TV, radio, press and internet conglomerates, is responsible for the biggest portion of audience and public all over the world. The commercial media was built upon media concentration and monopoly strategies and this business aims society’s economic and political control. Unfortunately, they don’t represent the biggest portion of population’s interests and, because of that, corporative media faces a crisis moment while alternative means of communication rise from the initiative of professionals who are committed to society’s marginalized sectors. Radical media intends to express a variant vision about hegemonic policies, priorities and perspectives. Citizen journalism is one of radical media arms and this research proposition is to analyze the business model of commercial media in Brazil and in the world, its means of production, and compare them with citizen journalism methods. This work also intends to analyze radical media and how it is opposite to corporative media by studying Escola de Notícias, an educommunication project from São Paulo


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The growing need for organizations to make themselves present on the Internet, the study aimed to demonstrate the importance of public relations activity in crisis management and analysis of the crisis in Americanas.com site. It also aims to analyze the electronic scene, highlighting their implications for consumer relations in e-commerce. In addition, as a consequence of conflicts, settles a loss situation, financial and reputation. A crisis begins with planning and communication failures, it is clear that public relations is essential in business today, as interest in integrating their knowledge and opinions, and maintaining a global view of the environment in which it operates. The case study analysis provided confirmation that the public relations face a growing market, which requires qualified and updated to do crisis management, especially in the online environment


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Em um contexto globalizado, onde os acontecimentos possuem alcance mundial, torna-se necessário avaliar a eficiência do chamado Jornalismo Internacional na divulgação de informações. A singularidade do olhar jornalístico tem sido comprometida neste ramo, uma vez que a modalidade está cada vez mais ligada às agências de notícias, que apresentam uma cobertura pasteurizada dos assuntos em questão. O objetivo geral deste projeto foi contribuir para o enriquecimento das informações sobre a crise de origem econômica na Espanha, por meio da produção de conteúdo in loco, e retratar os reflexos deste contexto na vida da população europeia, nos âmbitos cultural, econômico, político e social, a fim de comprovar que é fundamental a presença do correspondente no local do assunto reportado. Além disso, constatou-se ser necessário reportar os efeitos da crise na vida comum dos habitantes da Espanha, uma vez que os meios de comunicação tradicionais se limitam a fornecer uma visão tecnicista do assunto, por meio de números e estatísticas. As notas, notícias, entrevistas, fotos e vídeos produzidos foram publicados em uma página experimental criada no Facebook, de modo a avaliar a eficácia das redes sociais enquanto novas plataformas do jornalismo digital


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar e discutir a crise dos alimentos, bem como seu impacto diferenciado entre os países. Para tanto, inicialmente se analisou a origem e gestação da crise alimentar, bem como todos os fatores causadores e/ou que intensificaram tal crise. Posteriormente, se discutiu o impacto desta crise, sobre a segurança alimentar nos países mais afetados e, por fim, foca-se sobre o pouco impacto da crise no caso do Brasil. Analisa-se, portanto, os meios que fizeram com que o Brasil, diferentemente de outros países, conseguisse passar “ileso” pela crise dos alimentos, com relação à economia e a segurança alimentar


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The coffee crisis in the 1980s reached deeply municipality of Dracena, considering that the coffee had significant social and economic importance to the area. In this context, the research aimed to analyze the socioeconomic consequences that this crisis has provided small rural proprietors of the county. To achieve this goal we seek to articulate the theoretical reference, with data from secondary sources, interviews with the main responsible for the agricultural sector and an application questionnaire to 21 small rural proprietors of the county. It was found that, due to the dependence relationship with the coffee, the economy of the city suffered from the attack of said culture during the 1980s. Rural producers who cultivated such crops as the main, had to readjust productively to remain in the countryside, but the economic and social development that coffee was brought in earlier times was not rescued. As a consequence, there has been an intensification of evasion demographic of rural municipality, a process that had begun in the 1970s and was strongly reinforced by the crisis of the coffee culture. We note that from the 2000s, the situation became better for small rural proprietors in order that public policies implemented now serve, in part, the needs of those with greater efficiency. This situation can be evidenced by a slight reduction in the number of rural people dracenense. Despite improvements recorded since the 2000s, the situation is still not ideal, given that many small proprietors surveyed expressed dissatisfaction. In this context, we note that the performance and joint of federal, state and municipal government are essential so that public policies are efficient, thus providing decent conditions for social reproduction of small rural proprietors and their dependents in the countryside


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Não disponível


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo compreender os impactos e os ajustes ocorridos nas finanças dos municípios do Estado do Piauí em decorrência da crise financeira mundial de 2008, desencadeada a partir do mercado de hipotecas sub-prime dos Estados Unidos. Para a análise desses impactos sobre os municípios do Piauí, pretendo estudar as principais características da crise financeira mundial de 2008, apresentar uma visão ampla do desenvolvimento econômico e social do estado do Piauí, elaborar um quadro geral das finanças dos municípios piauienses a partir de suas principais contas, montar indicadores fiscal-financeiros, do período pré e pós crise, avaliar os resultados obtidos e identificar se houveram estratégias de ajustes por parte destes municípios. Desta forma, farei uma reflexão não só de como, quanto e se sofreu o estado de menor renda per capita do País, mas também de quais foram as medidas tomadas pelas administrações municipais para o enfrentamento da crise


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This paper aims to understand so that organizations in times of crisis - exposed to social media, especially Facebook - they conceive strategies to minimize any factors that shake with your credibility, image and reputation. There for, the case study on the crisis experienced by Ades brand in March 2013 was chosen. The methodology of the work consists of bibliographic research and analytical as well as the presentation and case study, covering the concepts of Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media, Reputation Management and Image, Branding and Integrated Communication. This work was divided into four chapters that present the management of communication in the digital age, the presentation of the global Unilever brand and it brand Ades; exposure to the crisis and its repercussion and an analysis of the case under the stance of public relations, in this order


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Análise das relações entre o exercício da crítica literária/artística e o conceito de Kitsch na contemporaneidade.


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This article has as objective to discuss some topics concerning the supposed crisis of the society of the work and its consequences for the debate in social sciences and also for the work category contextualization in the secondary school curriculum. As the work has represented an important explanation category for the classic social thought, the contemporary paradigm of deep metamorphoses in the world of the work and the advent of the new question (CASTELS, 1995; ROSANVALLON, 1995) backward the necessity to rethink the theoretical shades that base the interpretation of the social life on the current context, when the center position of the work is being questioned. Having taken some theoretical references from the sociology of the work, we search to delineate on a brief way the quarrel about the dimensions of the social and political phenomena these days and the importance of this debate on the contextualization of the secondary school curriculum contents.