241 resultados para consciência mítica


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The chapter “Asylum for the homeless” is crucial to the construction of Siegfried Kracauer´s Die Angestellten (The salaried masses) In it, the “canera eye” of the inquisitive observer reveals the cultural-ideological mechanisms responsable for the constructions of “false consciouness” of the emergent salaried class during the twilight of the Weimar Republic – the fundation of Kracauer´s interpretation of the methods of totalitarian propaganda and mass manipulation, wich he developed in the exile after 1933.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Understanding consciousness is one of the most fascinating challenges of our time. From ancient civilizations to modern philosophers, questions have been asked on how one is conscious of his/her own existence and about the world that surrounds him/her. Although there is no precise definition for consciousness, there is an agreement that it is strongly related to human cognitive processes such as: thinking, reasoning, emotions, wishes. One of the key processes to the arising of the consciousness is the attention, a process capable of promoting a selection of a few stimuli from a huge amount of information that reaches us constantly. Machine consciousness is the field of the artificial intelligence that investigate the possibility of the production of conscious processes in artificial devices. This work presents a review about the theme of consciousness - in both natural and artificial aspects -, discussing this theme from the philosophical and computational perspectives, and investigates the feasibility of the adoption of an attentional schema as the base to the cognitive processing. A formal computational model is proposed for conscious agents that integrates: short and long term memories, reasoning, planning, emotion, decision making, learning, motivation and volition. Computer experiments in a mobile robotics domain under USARSim simulation environment, proposed by RoboCup, suggest that the agent can be able to use these elements to acquire experiences based on environment stimuli. The adoption of the cognitive architecture over the attentional model has potential to allow the emergence of behaviours usually associated to the consciousness in the simulated mobile robots. Further implementation under this model could potentially allow the agent to express sentience, selfawareness, self-consciousness, autonoetic consciousness, mineness and perspectivalness. By performing computation over an attentional space, the model also allows the ...


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This article introduces the concepts of self-organization and autonomy as presented by the thought of Michel Debrun and Edgar Morin and their relationship to the development of a bioethical conscience by means of the school educational process. The proposal aims to contribute to the development of autonomy of students and thus be conducive to their self-organization as “responsible ethical subjects”.


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The purpose of this research is to present de narrative techniques of the Stream of Consciousness in the novel Ask the dust, by American writer John Fante, as well as analyzing the technique applying it to the character/narrator Arturo Bandini. Among others, the emphasys was given to the interior monologue technique, for its large and intense use throughout the analyzed novel. This research was based specially on O Fluxo da consciência (1976), by Robert Humphrey, and Foco narrativo e fluxo da consciência (2012), de Alfredo Leme Coelho de Carvalho, both important researchers in the studied theme. This research, therefore, intends to demonstrate the geniality of the still little-known John Fante and point out the peculiarities of the so-called 'psychological fiction', that in the early 20th century united literature and psychology studies, becoming very popular in modern literature, with exponents like Virginia Woolf and James Joyce


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This article presents a theoretical search and aims to introduce the main categories of historical-cultural theory and discuss its implications for the physical education teacher's work inside the school and also emphasizes this theory and its methodological proposal as an important way to build the scholar physical education in a critical perspective aiming to change the school and the students conscious and personality. The Vigotskian school of human development it is taken as an important reference to understand the scholars in their vital process of development and helps the teachers in general, and physical education teachers in specific, to consider the activity ( vital activity) as important instrument to get the humanization and liberty of human being, inside the school and inside the contemporary society.


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Trata-se do relato de uma experiência desenvolvida em cursos de pós-graduação, sobre o processo de investigação e desenvolvimento de um programa para a disciplina Didática Geral. Descreve: 1) o objetivo - transformação do fazer docente na Universidade; 2) o conteúdo - fundamentos teóricos do ensino superior e planejamento de ensino; 3) o método - tomada de consciência e micro-aulas. 4) a avaliação - diagnóstica, formativa e somativa.


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Ayant comme but la notion nietzschéenne de moralité des moeurs (Sittlichkeit der Sitte), ce travail a l' intention de mettre en évidence la notion stratégique de la réflexion sur l' origine des valeurs morales dans la critique que Nietzsche fait à la métaphysique traditionnelle ainsi que le caractère spécifique de la contribution de ce philosophe pour le débat de ce thème.


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Ao interpretar o marxismo como unidade entre teoria e prática, Rosa Luxemburg lança os fundamentos da sua teoria da ação revolucionária, palavras com que poderíamos sintetizar o seu pensamento político, elaborado numa polêmica ininterrupta com o determinismo economicista da II Internacional.