338 resultados para cholesterol blood level


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The aim of this study was to analyze the risk factors related to the cardiovascular diseases (CVRF) in elderly type 2 diabetics. A cross-sectional observational study was carried out on 100 elderly patients attending the Rehabilitation Center of Araraquara (CRRA), São Paulo State, Brazil, from March to December, 2004. The majority were married, female, white, with a low income and low educational level. Regarding habits and style of life, the subjects had an adequate diet, were sedentary, non-smoking and non-drinking. In the population of 100, 42% were overweight, 42% obese, 71% had above-normal waist measurements and 84% high waist-to-hip ratios. Concerning the CVRF, it was observed that more than half had hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia. 84% had high values of LDL-cholesterol and 59% HDL-cholesterol levels below the reference values, 78% high levels of fasting glycemia, 76% glycohemoglobin and 57% fibrinogen and thus subject to cardiovascular risk. The results showed a high frequency of cardiovascular risk factors, differing according to sex and the age.


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Background: The pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in hemodialysis is still unclear. The aim of thisstudy was to identify the risk factors associated with the presence of PH in chronic hemodialysis patients and toverify whether these factors might explain the highest mortality among them.Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of hemodialysis patients who started treatment from August 2001to October 2007 and were followed up until April 2011 in a Brazilian referral medical school. According to theresults of echocardiography examination, patients were allocated in two groups: those with PH and those withoutPH. Clinical parameters, site and type of vascular access, bioimpedance, and laboratorial findings were comparedbetween the groups and a logistic regression model was elaborated. Actuarial survival curves were constructed andhazard risk to death was evaluated by Cox regression analysis.Results: PH > 35 mmHg was found in 23 (30.6%) of the 75 patients studied. The groups differed in extracellularwater, ventricular thickness, left atrium diameter, and ventricular filling. In a univariate analysis, extracellular waterwas associated with PH (relative risk = 1.194; 95% CI of 1.006 1.416; p = 0.042); nevertheless, in a multiple model,only left atrium enlargement was independently associated with PH (relative risk =1.172; 95% CI of 1.010 1.359;p = 0.036). PH (hazard risk = 3.008; 95% CI of 1.285 7.043; p = 0.011) and age (hazard risk of 1.034 per year of age;95% CI of 1.000 7.068; p = 0.047) were significantly associated with mortality in a multiple Cox regression analysis.However, when albumin was taken in account the only statistically significant association was between albuminlevel and mortality (hazard risk = 0.342 per g/dL; 95% CI of 0.119 0.984; p = 0.047) while the presence of PH lost itsstatistical significance (p = 0.184). Mortality was higher in patients with PH (47.8% vs 25%) who also had astatistically worse survival after the sixth year of follow up.Conclusions: PH in hemodialysis patients is associated with parameters of volume overload that sheds light on itspathophysiology. Mortality is higher in hemodialysis patients with PH and the low albumin level can explain thisassociation.© 2012 Greenfield et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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C-reactive protein (CRP) is an acute phase protein whose levels are increased in many disorders. There exists, in particular, a great deal of interest in the correlation between blood serum levels and the severity of risk for cardiovascular disease. A sensitive, label-free, non-amplified and reusable electrochemical impedimetric biosensor for the detection of CRP in blood serum was developed herein based on controlled and coverage optimised antibody immobilization on standard polycrystalline gold electrodes. Charge transfer resistance changes were highly target specific, linear with log. CRP. concentration across a 0.5-50. nM range and associated with a limit of detection of 176. pM. Significantly, the detection limits are better than those of current CRP clinical methods and the assays are potentially cheap, relatively automated, reusable, multiplexed and highly portable. The generated interfaces were capable not only of comfortably quantifying CRP across a clinically relevant range of concentrations but also of doing this in whole blood serum with interfaces that were, subsequently, reusable. The importance of optimising receptor layer resistance in maximising assay sensitivity is also detailed. © 2012.


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Low-grade chronic systemic inflammation is often associated with chronic non-communicable diseases, and its most frequently used marker, the C-reactive protein (CRP), has become an identifier of such diseases as well as an independent predictor for cardiovascular disorders and mortality. CRP is produced in response to pro-inflammatory signaling and to individual and behavioral factors, leading to pathological states. The aim of this study was to rank the predicting factors of high CRP concentrations in free-living adults from a community-based sample. We evaluated 522 adults (40-84 years old; 381 women) for anthropometric characteristics, dietary intake, clinical and physical tests, and blood analysis. Subjects were assigned to groups, according to CRP concentrations, as normal CRP (G1;<3.0 mg/L; n = 269), high CRP (G2; 3.0-6.0 mg/L; n = 139), and very high CRP (G3; >6.0 mg/dL; n = 116). Statistical comparison between groups used one-way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis tests, and prediction of altered values in increasing CRP was evaluated by proportional hazard models (odds ratio). CRP distribution was influenced by gender, body mass index, body and abdominal fatness, blood leukocytes, and neutrophil counts. The higher CRP group was discriminated by the above variables in addition to lower VO2max, serum metabolic syndrome components (triglycerides, glucose, and HDL cholesterol), higher insulin, homeostasis assessment of insulin resistance, uric acid, gamma-GT, and homocysteine. After adjustments, only fatness, blood leukocytes, and hyperglycemia remained as independent predictors for increased serum CRP concentrations. Intervention procedures to treat low-grade chronic inflammation in overweight women would mainly focus on restoring muscle mass and functions in addition to an antioxidant-rich diet. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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It is now commonly accepted that chronic inflammation associated with obesity during aging induces insulin resistance in the liver. In the present study, we investigated whether the improvement in insulin sensitivity and insulin signaling, mediated by acute exercise, could be associated with modulation of protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP-1B) in the liver of old rats. Aging rats were subjected to swimming for two 1.5-h long bouts, separated by a 45 min rest period. Sixteen hours after the exercise, the rats were sacrificed and proteins from the insulin signaling pathway were analyzed by immunoblotting. Our results show that the fat mass was increased in old rats. The reduction in glucose disappearance rate (Kitt) observed in aged rats was restored 16 h after exercise. Aging increased the content of PTP-1B and attenuated insulin signaling in the liver of rats, a phenomenon that was reversed by exercise. Aging rats also increased the IRβ/PTP-1B and IRS-1/PTP-1B association in the liver when compared with young rats. Conversely, in the liver of exercised old rats, IRβ/PTP-1B and IRS-1/PTP-1B association was markedly decreased. Moreover, in the hepatic tissue of old rats, the insulin signalling was decreased and PEPCK and G6Pase levels were increased when compared with young rats. Interestingly, 16 h after acute exercise, the PEPCK and G6Pase protein level were decreased in the old exercised group. These results provide new insights into the mechanisms by which exercise restores insulin signalling in liver during aging. © 2013 Moura et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Accumulating evidence suggests an association between body volume overload and inflammation in chronic kidney diseases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of dialysate sodium concentration reduction on extracellular water volume, blood pressure (BP), and inflammatory state in hemodialysis (HD) patients. In this prospective controlled study, adult patients on HD for at least 90 days and those with C-reactive protein (CRP) levels ≥ 0.7 mg/dL were randomly allocated into two groups: group A, which included 29 patients treated with reduction of dialysate sodium concentration from 138 to 135 mEq/L; and group B, which included 23 HD patients not receiving dialysate sodium reduction (controls). Of these, 20 patients in group A and 18 in group B completed the protocol study. Inflammatory, biochemical, hematological, and nutritional markers were assessed at baseline and after 8 and 16 weeks. Baseline characteristics were not significantly different between the two groups. Group A showed a significant reduction in serum concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-α, and interleukin-6 over the study period, while the BP and extracellular water (ECW) did not change. In Group B, there were no changes in serum concentrations of inflammatory markers, BP, and ECW. Dialysate sodium reduction is associated with attenuation of the inflammatory state, without changes in the BP and ECW, suggesting inhibition of a salt-induced inflammatory response. Copyright © 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between blood lactate and glucose during an incremental test after exercise induced lactic acidosis, under normal and acute β-adrenergic blockade. Eight fit males (cyclists or triathletes) performed a protocol to determine the intensity corresponding to the individual equilibrium point between lactate entry and removal from the blood (incremental test after exercise induced lactic acidosis), determined from the blood lactate (Lacmin) and glucose (Glucmin) response. This protocol was performed twice in a double-blind randomized order by ingesting either propranolol (80 mg) or a placebo (dextrose), 120 min prior to the test. The blood lactate and glucose concentration obtained 7 minutes after anaerobic exercise (Wingate test) was significantly lower (p<0.01) with the acute β-adrenergic blockade (9.1±1.5 mM; 3.9±0.1 mM), respectively than in the placebo condition (12.4±1.8 mM; 5.0±0.1 mM). There was no difference (p>0.05) between the exercise intensity determined by Lacmin (212.1±17.4 W) and Glucmin (218.2±22.1 W) during exercise performed without acute β-adrenergic blockade. The exercise intensity at Lacmin was lowered (p<0.05) from 212.1±17.4 to 181.0±15.6 W and heart rate at Lacmin was reduced (p<0.01) from 161.2±8.4 to 129.3±6.2 beats min-1 as a result of the blockade. It was not possible to determine the exercise intensity corresponding to Glucmin with β-adrenergic blockade, since the blood glucose concentration presented a continuous decrease during the incremental test. We concluded that the similar pattern response of blood lactate and glucose during an incremental test after exercise induced lactic acidosis, is not present during β-adrenergic blockade suggesting that, at least in part, this behavior depends upon adrenergic stimulation.


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OBJETIVO: Investigar os níveis séricos de retinol de 218 adolescentes de ambos os sexos com idade entre 10 e 19 anos, matriculados em colégio da rede privada de ensino da cidade de São Paulo, foi o objetivo deste trabalho. MÉTODOS: Para a avaliação da condição nutricional dos adolescentes, utilizaram-se as medidas antropométricas de peso e altura e também a história dietética. A dosagem de retinol foi realizada pela técnica de espectrofotometria, considerando como níveis séricos inadequados valores <1,05µmol/L (30µg/dL). RESULTADOS: A média de ingestão, de acordo com a faixa etária, foi maior que a recomendação, porém com altos valores de desvios padrão, em ambos os sexos. A prevalência de adolescentes com níveis séricos de vitamina A abaixo do adequado foi de 30% em ambos os sexos e a análise da correlação de Índice de Massa Corporal com os níveis séricos de retinol não mostrou significância, como também a análise da correlação entre a densidade de ingestão de vitamina A e níveis séricos de retinol. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados deste estudo sugerem a necessidade da realização de mais investigações sobre vitamina A no período da adolescência, para verificar se o nível sérico baixo desse nutriente é um fator de risco para a saúde do adolescente ou é reflexo da captação acelerada que ocorre para atender necessidades metabólicas.


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Avaliaram-se os efeitos de três dietas e dois regimes alimentares sobre o desempenho e as características de carcaça de cordeiros em confinamento. Trinta e seis cordeiros com peso inicial de 18,7 ± 2,4 kg foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 3 × 2 e receberam dietas sem inclusão de lipídio e com inclusão de grãos de girassol ou gordura protegida. Seis cordeiros de cada dieta foram submetidos a restrição alimentar e posterior ganho compensatório, enquanto a outra metade foi alimentada à vontade por todo o período de confinamento. Foram avaliados o consumo de matéria seca, o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar, os níveis de ureia e colesterol sanguíneos, as características de carcaça e os subprodutos do abate. No período de realimentação, o consumo dos cordeiros que passaram por restrição alimentar não diferiu do consumo dos animais alimentados sempre à vontade. Também não foi afetado pela dieta, no entanto, ao final desse período, o consumo acumulado foi 11,8% menor que nos animais submetidos previamente à restrição. O consumo até o peso de abate não foi alterado pelo regime alimentar. No período de restrição, o nível de colesterol sanguíneo nos cordeiros em restrição alimentar foi 24% superior ao daqueles sem restrição, mas, durante o período de realimentação, não houve diferença. A composição lipídica da dieta aumentou o colesterol sanguíneo em ambos os períodos, de restrição e de realimentação, e reduziu a ureia durante o período de realimentação. O desempenho avaliado ao peso de abate foi prejudicado pela restrição alimentar. Não houve efeito de regime alimentar ou da dieta sobre os parâmetros de carcaça. Fontes de lipídios elevaram a proporção de gorduras totais e reduziram o conteúdo do trato gastrintestinal. O regime alimentar com restrição prejudica o ganho e a conversão alimentar de cordeiros até o abate.


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The effects of prolonged oral administration (21 days) of fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)) and aflatoxin B(1) (AFB(1)) were evaluated on male Wistar rats. The animals were housed in individual metabolic cages and submitted to the following treatments: 1-0 mug AFB(1) + 0 mg FB(1)/100g bw.; 2-72 mug AFB(1)+ 0 mg FB(1)/100 g bw; 3-0 mug AFB(1) + 0.5 mg FB(1) g bw; 4-0 mug AFB(1) + 1.5 mg FB(1)/100 g bw; 5-72 mug AFB(1) + 0.5 mg FB(1)/100g bw; 6-72 mu gAFB(1) + 1.5 mg FB(1)/100g bw. on day 21, the rats were sacrificed for evaluation. The results showed that treated animals presented differences in body weight and absolute/relative weights of liver and kidney as well as altered hepatic function and cholesterol blood levels. Rats fed with the greatest doses of AFB(1) and FB(1) gained less weight (2.79 g/day) at the end of the experimental period; their blood concentrations of liver enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (AP) were above control levels (130.35 mu /l and 471.00 mu /l, respectively). Blood cholesterol increased in the groups treated with the highest dose of FB(1) or FB(1) associated with AFB(1). Histopathology revealed the occurrence of apoptosis in the liver of rats exposed to FB(1). The association of aflatoxin B(1) with fumonisin B(1) at higher dose probably potentiated the effects of the higher dose of fumonisin B(1)acting singly.


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The influence of Fentanyl, Droperidol and Innovar on renal function and electrolytes (sodium and potassium) were studied on 18 dogs. Fentanyl disturbs kidney function and decreases plasmatic potassium. Droperidol and Innovar do not disturb the main renal function but decrease plasmatic potassium. The results obtained point out the importance of associate employment of Fentamyl and Droperidol, since the latter seems to establish the renal disorders occasioned by Fentanyl, probably owing to its adrenergic α blocking action.


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Plasma and red cell zinc was assayed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in three groups of male rats, 58 days old, weaned in the 30th day of life. Control group (20 rats) was fed with normal lab diet while the kwashiorkor group (20 rats) received a protein-free diet and the marasmic group (15 rats) received a protein calorie deficient diet. The clinical and biochemical data obtained in the different groups agreed with the nutritional state. A lower and similar concentration of Zinc in plasma and red cells was observed among both malnourished groups. In this paper the authors discuss the results and present a review of the literature concerning the role of zinc in nutrition.