126 resultados para animal tracking and telemetry


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Two-hundred random pedigrees of cows and fifty of sires born in 1987 from the Gir herdbook of the Brazilian Association of Zebu Breeders were analized. The bull Chave de Ouro DGR no. 2851 was the most influential animal with a 7 % direct relationship to the breed. Total average inbreeding was 3.62 and 3.25 for the female and male sample, respectively. The subdivision of total inbreeding into current and non-current components resulted in values of 1.62, 1.25, 2.00 and 2.00 for the female and male sample, respectively. Long-term inbreeding was the principal component of non-current inbreeding, with values of 1.52 % and 1.26 %, respectively. Inbreeding due to strain formation strain due formation was less important (0.48 % and 0.74 %, respectively). The average generation interval was 8.02 years. The breed appears not yet to be subdivided into strains but this process may be starting. The average generation interval for the pedigree population was very high. Culling of old bulls could decrease this interval.


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Protein is one of the limiting factors in animal production, and the knowledge of protein requirements by livestock is crucial for the success of a commercial animal raising enterprise. Thirty-four castrated lambs, 17 of them F1 Ideal x lie de France wool lambs and the remaining ones were Santa Ines hair lambs, with homogeneous initial BW, were used in the experiment. Five animals from each genotype were slaughtered in the beginning of the experimental period and used as reference. Diets (D) were composed of concentrate mix (C) and Cynodon sp. c.v. Tifton 85 hay (R), combined in three different ratios: D1 =60CAOR; D2=40C:60R and D3=20C:80R. Animals of each group of three lambs, that showed simultaneously an initial BW of 20 +/- 0.14 kg at the beginning of the dietary regimen, were slaughtered when one of them reached 35 kg, what always happened to be the one fed with D1. Net requirements for BW gain in wool lamb, fleece-free, ranged from 101 to 110 g of protein/kg BW, and for hair lamb ranged from 1 10 to 118 g of protein/kg BW. Net protein requirements for wool production ranged from 634 to 642 g/kg of produced wool. Hair lambs presented a 7.8-9.5% higher estimated net protein requirements than wool lambs, according to BW and daily weight gain (DG). Total net protein requirements for Santa Ines and wool lambs, with 30 kg of initial B W and an approximate 200 g mean DG, were 48.5 and 45.4 g/day, respectively. Metabolizable protein requirements for Santa Ines and wool lambs, with 20 kg of initial BW and an approximate 200 g mean DG were 59.4 g and 76.5 -/day, respectively. Net protein requirements for wool production was 64g/100g of produced wool. Thus, under the conditions of this experiment, it is concluded that hair lambs showed a higher concentration of protein in the body, more efficient use of the ingested protein and a consequent additional BW gain when fed isoproteic diets as compared to F1 Ideal x Ile de France wool lambs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Genetic parameters for the relation between the traits of milk yield (MY), age at first calving (AFC) and interval between first and second calving (IBFSC) were estimated in milk buffaloes of the Murrah breed. In the study, data of 1578 buffaloes at first lactation, with calvings from 1974 to 2006 were analyzed. The MTDFREML system was used in the analyses with models for the MY, IBFSC traits which included the fixed effects of herd-year-season of calving, linear and quadratic terms of calving age as covariate and the random animal effects and error. The model for AFC consisted of the herd-year-season fixed effects of calving and the random effects of animal and error. Heritability estimates MY, AFC and IBFSC traits were 0.20, 0.07 and 0.14, respectively. Genetic and phenotypic correlations between the traits were: MY and AFC = -0.12 and -0.15, MY and IBFSC = 0.07 and 0.30, AFC and IBFSC = 0.35 and 0.37, respectively. Genetic correlation between MY and AFC traits showed desirable negative association, suggesting that the daughters of the bulls with high breeding value for MY could be physiological maturity to a precocious age. Genetic correlation between MY and IBFSC showed that the selection of the animals that increased milk yield is also those that tend to intervals of bigger calving.


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The aim of this study was to determine the role of head, eye and arm movements during the execution of a table tennis forehand stroke. Three-dimensional kinematic analysis of line-of-gaze, arm and ball was used to describe visual and motor behaviour. Skilled and less skilled participants returned the ball to cued right or left target areas under three levels of temporal constraint: pre-, early- and late-cue conditions. In the pre- and early-cue conditions, both high and low skill participants tracked the ball early in flight and kept gaze stable on a location in advance of the ball before ball-bat contact. Skilled participants demonstrated an earlier onset of ball tracking and recorded higher performance accuracy than less skilled counterparts. The manipulation of cue condition showed the limits of adaptation to maintain accuracy on the target. Participants were able to accommodate the constraints imposed by the early-cue condition by using a shorter quiet eye duration, earlier quiet eye offset and reduced arm velocity at contact. In the late-cue condition, modifications to gaze, head and arm movements were not sufficient to preserve accuracy. The findings highlight the functional coupling between perception and action during time-constrained, goal-directed actions.


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Data concerning genealogy, milk yield, lactation length, caving interval and lac at first calving, obtained from Murrah buffaloes on a farm In São Paulo state, Brazil, were studied in order to determine the presence of inbreeding in the herd and to evaluate its effects as well as the effects of some environmental factors on productive and reproductive traits. The mean inbreeding coefficient estimated for 2414 animals, born from 1965 to 1995 was 2.94%. of these animals, 47% mere considered inbred with a mean inbreeding coefficient equal 6.25%. Milk production, lactation length, calving interval and age at first calving averaged 1493.3 +/- 60.7 kg, 271.0 +/- 37.3 days, 385.0 +/- 53.4 days and 33.05 +/- 6.05 months, respectively. Among all four traits, only lactation length was affected by inbreeding.


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The quest for new control strategies for ticks can profit from high throughput genomics. In order to identify genes that are involved in oogenesis and development, in defense, and in hematophagy, the transcriptomes of ovaries, hemocytes, and salivary glands from rapidly ingurgitating females, and of salivary glands from males of Boophilus microplus were PCR amplified, and the expressed sequence tags (EST) of random clones were mass sequenced. So far, more than 1,344 EST have been generated for these tissues, with approximately 30% novelty, depending on the the tissue studied. To date approximately 760 nucleotide sequences from B. microplus are deposited in the NCBI database. Mass sequencing of partial cDNAs of parasite genes can build up this scant database and rapidly generate a large quantity of useful information about potential targets for immunobiological or chemical control.


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Economic losses caused by enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) have been of interest since World War II, when the neoplastic form of EEL increased dramatically in Europe. Olson (1974) and House et al. (1975) ed that animals with lymphosarcoma caused by the bovine leukosis virus (BLV) had reduced milk yields. a less efficient reproductive performance and high veterinary costs and mortality rates, while many carcasses were rejected at slaughter. However, the actual impact of BLV infection in cattle without lymphosarcoma is not; clear. The purpose of the study reported here was to compare some productive and reproductive responses of cattle that were antibody-positive (BLV+) or negative (BLV-) for BLV.Holstein dairy cows in commercial dairy farms were used in this study. Blood samples were collected and subjected to BLV serological examination by the agar gel immunodiffusion test of Miller & van der Maaten (1976). Animals were then grouped as BLV+ or BLV- according to their serological response to the BLV antigen. Productive and reproductive histories were obtained from individual animal records and the following factors were considered: milk production, calving interval and birth rate. For milk production, we had the daily milk yields of 547 animals, and for calving interval the time between two successive parturitions for 444 cows. These values were examined by ANOVA and when this was significant a Student's t test was carried out for each age group. Birth rates, the percentage of animals that calved in 1 gear, were available for 557 animals and were examined with the Z-two proportion test. For all analyses, P < 0.05 was considered significant.


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Three-dimensional kinematic analysis of line of gaze, arm and ball was used to describe the visual and motor behaviour of male adolescents diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The ADHD participants were tested when both on (ADHD-On) and off (ADHD-Off) their medication and compared to age-matched normal controls in a modified table tennis task that required tracking the ball and hitting to cued right and left targets. Long-duration information was provided by a pre-cue, in which the target was illuminated approximately 2 s before the serve, and short-duration information by an early-cue illuminated about 350 ms after the serve, leaving -500 ms to select the target and perform the action. The ADHD groups differed significantly from the control group in both the pre-cue and early-cue conditions in being less accurate, in having a later onset and duration of pursuit tracking, and a higher frequency of gaze on and off the ball. The use of medication significantly reduced the gaze frequency of the ADHD participants, but surprisingly this did not lead to an increase in pursuit tracking, suggesting a barrier was reached beyond which ball flight information could not be processed. The control and ADHD groups did not differ in arm movement onset, duration and velocity in the short-duration early-cue condition; in the long-duration pre-cue condition, however, the ADHD group's movement time onset and arm velocity differed significantly from controls. The results show that the ADHD groups were able to process short-duration information without experiencing adverse effects on their motor behaviour; however, long-duration information contributed to irregular movement control.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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P>In this study, Bayesian analysis under a threshold animal model was used to estimate genetic correlations between morphological traits (body structure, finishing precocity and muscling) in Nelore cattle evaluated at weaning and yearling. Visual scores obtained from 7651 Nelore cattle at weaning and from 4155 animals at yearling, belonging to the Brazilian Nelore Program, were used. Genetic parameters for the morphological traits were estimated by two-trait Bayesian analysis under a threshold animal model. The genetic correlations between the morphological traits evaluated at two ages of the animal (weaning and yearling) were positive and high for body structure (0.91), finishing precocity (0.96) and muscling (0.94). These results indicate that the traits are mainly determined by the same set of genes of additive action and that direct selection at weaning will also result in genetic progress for the same traits at yearling. Thus, selection of the best genotypes during only one phase of life of the animal is suggested. However, genetic differences between morphological traits were better detected during the growth phase to yearling. Direct selection for body structure, finishing precocity and muscling at only one age, preferentially at yearling, is recommended as genetic differences between traits can be detected at this age.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)