102 resultados para Vein Extension
The gross anatomy of the portal vein (V. portae) and its tributaries was studied through anatomical methods, i.e. dissection, corrosion and diaphanization, in 45 opossums (Didelphis albiventris). In all animals the portal vein was formed by the junction of the cranial mesenteric, caudal mesenteric and lienal veins (V. mesenterica cranialis, V. mesenterica caudalis and V. lienalis, respectively). Many collateral tributaries were observed running into the portal venous trunk.
A decomposition of identity is given as a complex integral over the coherent states associated with a class of shape-invariant self-similar potentials. There is a remarkable connection between these coherent states and Ramanujan's integral extension of the beta function.
Background: Treatment of deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) with a once-daily regimen of enoxaparin, rather than a continuous infusion of unfractionated heparin (UFH) is more convenient and allows for home care in some patients. This study was designed to compare the efficacy and safety of these two regimens for the treatment of patients with proximal lower limb DVT. Methods: 201 patients with proximal lower limb DVT from 13 centers in Brazil were randomized in an open manner to receive either enoxaparin [1.5 mg/kg subcutaneous (s.c.) OD] or intravenous (i.v.) UFH (adjusted to aPTT 1.5-2.5 times control) for 5-10 days. All patients also received warfarin (INR 2-3) for at least 3 months. The primary efficacy endpoint Was recurrent DVT (confirmed by venography or ultrasonography), and safety endpoints included bleeding and serious adverse events. The rate of pulmonary embolism (PE) was also collected. Hospitalization was at the physician's discretion. Results: Baseline patient characteristics were comparable between groups. The duration of hospital stay was significantly shorter with enoxaparin than with UFH (3 versus 7 days). In addition, 36% of patients receiving enoxaparin did not need to be hospitalized, whereas all of the patients receiving UFH were! hospitalized. The treatment duration was slightly longer with enoxaparin (8 versus 7 days). There was a nonsignificant trend toward a reduction in the rate of recurrent DVT with enoxaparin versus UFH, and similar safety. Conclusions: A once-daily regimen of enoxaparin 1.5 mg/kg subcutaneous is at least as effective and safe as conventional treatment with a continuous intravenous infusion of UFH. However, the once daily enoxaparin regimen is easier to administer (subcutaneous versus intravenous), does not require aPTT monitoring, and leads to both a reduced number of hospital admissions and an average 4-day-shorter hospital stay. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Buff-fronted Owl Aegolius harrisii is a poorly known species. Field records are rare and sparse, with large gaps throughout its distribution. We present five new records of A. harrisii in south-east Brazil, in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, and the second ever nest description. In São Paulo, records from Franca are >300 km from previous records, while the new record in Minas Gerais is 600 km from the only previous state record. More nocturnal field work is required to better evaluate the true distribution of A. harrisii.
Herein I present a new geographical record of Ischnocnema verrucosa Reinhardt and Luetken, 1862 fro northeastern Brazil and briefly discuss the new record with a previous record of similar characteristics.
The Passarelli's Frog, Arcovomer passarellii Carvalho, 1954, was registered for the first time in the city of Santos, on the seacoast of São Paulo state, extending 160 km to southwest of the distribution previously known for this species. Here we show a distribution map for an up-to-date map for A. passarelli.
Studies the effects of investment in research and extension on total agricultural production and on production of individual crops. Some distributional effects are briefly discussed. Due to the lack of data, the first part of the analysis is restricted to the State of Sao Paulo, and the second part covers the entire country.-from Author