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A mathematical model and a methodology to solve the transmission network expansion planning problem with security constraints are presented. The methodology allows one to find an optimal and reliable transmission network expansion plan using a DC model to represent the electrical network. The security (n-1) criterion is used. The model presented is solved using a genetic algorithm designed to solve the reliable expansion planning in an efficient way. The results obtained for several known systems from literature show the excellent performance of the proposed methodology. A comparative analysis of the results obtained with the proposed methodology is also presented.


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It is argued, contrary to various claims and expectations, that the phase shifts calculated via variational principles for the t matrix involving complex algebra may exhibit anomalous behavior. These anomalies are numerically demonstrated in the case of the complex Kohn and the Newton variational principles for the t matrix and are expected to appear for other similar variational principles for the t matrix, such as the Takatsuka-McKoy variational principle.


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An analytical approximate method for the Dirac equation with confining power law scalar plus vector potentials, applicable to the problem of the relativistic quark confinement, is presented. The method consists in an improved version of a saddle-point variational approach and it is applied to the fundamental state of massless single quarks for some especial cases of physical interest. Our treatment emphasizes aspects such as the quantum-mechanical relativistic Virial theorem, the saddle-point character of the critical point of the expectation value of the total energy, as well as the Klein paradox and the behaviour of the saddle-point variational energies and wave functions.


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Within the approach of supersymmetric quantum mechanics associated with the variational method a recipe to construct the superpotential of three-dimensional confined potentials in general is proposed. To illustrate the construction, the energies of the harmonic oscillator and the Hulthen potential, both confined in three dimensions are evaluated. Comparison with the corresponding results of other approximative and exact numerical results is presented. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A constructive heuristic algorithm to solve the transmission system expansion planning problem is proposed with the aim of circumventing some critical problems of classical heuristic algorithms that employ relaxed mathematical models to calculate a sensitivity index that guides the circuit additions. The proposed heuristic algorithm is in a branch-and-bound algorithm structure, which can be used with any planning model, such as Transportation model, DC model, AC model or Hybrid models. Tests of the proposed algorithm are presented on real Brazilian systems.


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A method for optimal transmission network expansion planning is presented. The transmission network is modelled as a transportation network. The problem is solved using hierarchical Benders decomposition in which the problem is decomposed into master and slave subproblems. The master subproblem models the investment decisions and is solved using a branch-and-bound algorithm. The slave subproblem models the network operation and is solved using a specialised linear program. Several alternative implementations of the branch-and-bound algorithm have been rested. Special characteristics of the transmission expansion problem have been taken into consideration in these implementations. The methods have been tested on various test systems available in the literature.


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We report on a metastable light-induced volume expansion in Ge25+xGa10-xS65 glasses under irradiation with band gap (UV) light, which can result in recording of relief gratings on their surface in the case of irradiation with two interfering beams. We propose a mechanism for the expansion, which is based on the light-induced change in the polarizability of secondary (van der Waals type) bonds and the effect of this change on primary (covalent type) bonds of the glass. The effect is suggested to be due to an interference of electrons, which belong to a chalcogen atom and participate in the formation of secondary and primary bonds, respectively. We suggest that a minimum point of the Lennard-Jones potential, which corresponds to the equilibrium position of a chalcogen atom is shifted in the course of irradiation to a larger interatomic distance. This shift causes a volume expansion and allows a diffusion of chalcogen atoms into the irradiated area. We show that light-induced polymerization of the glass network is an important attribute of the light-induced volume expansion.


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An algorithm is presented that finds the optimal plan long-term transmission for till cases studied, including relatively large and complex networks. The knowledge of optimal plans is becoming more important in the emerging competitive environment, to which the correct economic signals have to be sent to all participants. The paper presents a new specialised branch-and-bound algorithm for transmission network expansion planning. Optimality is obtained at a cost, however: that is the use of a transportation model for representing the transmission network, in this model only the Kirchhoff current law is taken into account (the second law being relaxed). The expansion problem then becomes an integer linear program (ILP) which is solved by the proposed branch-and-bound method without any further approximations. To control combinatorial explosion the branch- and bound algorithm is specialised using specific knowledge about the problem for both the selection of candidate problems and the selection of the next variable to be used for branching. Special constraints are also used to reduce the gap between the optimal integer solution (ILP program) and the solution obtained by relaxing the integrality constraints (LP program). Tests have been performed with small, medium and large networks available in the literature.


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The transmission network planning problem is a non-linear integer mixed programming problem (NLIMP). Most of the algorithms used to solve this problem use a linear programming subroutine (LP) to solve LP problems resulting from planning algorithms. Sometimes the resolution of these LPs represents a major computational effort. The particularity of these LPs in the optimal solution is that only some inequality constraints are binding. This task transforms the LP into an equivalent problem with only one equality constraint (the power flow equation) and many inequality constraints, and uses a dual simplex algorithm and a relaxation strategy to solve the LPs. The optimisation process is started with only one equality constraint and, in each step, the most unfeasible constraint is added. The logic used is similar to a proposal for electric systems operation planning. The results show a higher performance of the algorithm when compared to primal simplex methods.


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An optimisation technique to solve transmission network expansion planning problem, using the AC model, is presented. This is a very complex mixed integer nonlinear programming problem. A constructive heuristic algorithm aimed at obtaining an excellent quality solution for this problem is presented. An interior point method is employed to solve nonlinear programming problems during the solution steps of the algorithm. Results of the tests, carried out with three electrical energy systems, show the capabilities of the method and also the viability of using the AC model to solve the problem.