204 resultados para Vírus da Raiva


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Um estudo da ontogênese das caneluras induzidas em ramos de laranjeiras doces suscetíveis por isolados severos do vírus da tristeza dos citros (Citrus tristeza vírus - CTV) foi feito usando-se como modelo pedúnculos florais e de frutos. O menor calibre destes órgãos permite um melhor acompanhamento do processo. As observações foram feitas em laranjeira cv. Pêra infetada pelo isolado severo Capão Bonito do CTV. Cinco fases do processo de formação de caneluras puderam ser deduzidas pelas análises anatômicas. As primeiras alterações são representadas pelo aparecimento de células adensadas, hipertrofia e hiperplasia no parênquima e câmbio do floema e uma desorganização generalizada desta área. Segue-se uma atividade intensa do câmbio do floema adjacente e sua expansão em direção ao xilema. Esta invasão do xilema resulta na ruptura do anel do xilema pela massa celular do floema constituída de células recém formadas de parede celular delgada. Esta invasão do floema em direção ao xilema inicia um processo de degeneração dos vasos e parênquima do xilema. Finalmente há um colapso completo da região do xilema invadida, que é substituída pela massa do floema, resultando na canelura, notada ao se remover a casca.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência e os fatores de risco associados à infecção pelo Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) em parturientes admitidas no Hospital Estadual de Presidente Prudente, SP. MÉTODOS: Estudo epidemiológico transversal com 873 parturientes admitidas no Hospital Estadual de Presidente Prudente, SP, entre 1º de março de 2005 a 30 de dezembro de 2006. Foi aplicado um questionário semi-estruturado e obtidas informações em prontuários e carteiras de pré-natal. As variáveis foram sócio-demográficas, gestacionais, assistenciais do pré-natal e específicas da população reagente. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de parturientes com HIV foi de 2,1%, com escolaridades mais baixas e médias de idade e de gestações superiores às não reagentes. Os fatores de risco associados foram a residência fora do município de tratamento e a baixa escolaridade. Houve um aumento da prevalência do HIV em parturientes em relação a dados anteriores. CONCLUSÃO: Os fatores de risco encontrados podem estar envolvidos no aumento da prevalência e no comprometimento da profilaxia pré-natal para o HIV.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Amostras de vírus rábico isoladas de animais e humanos no período de 1989 a 2000 foram tipificadas antigenicamente com a utilização de um painel de anticorpos monoclonais contra a nucleoproteína viral, pré-estabelecido para o estudo da epidemiologia molecular do vírus rábico isolado nas Américas. As amostras testadas foram isoladas no laboratório de diagnóstico do Instituto Pasteur e outros centros de diagnóstico de raiva no Brasil. Além das cepas de vírus rábico fixo CVS-31/96-IP, mantida em cérebro de camundongos e a PV-BHK/97, mantida em cultura de células, cepas de vírus rábico isoladas de cães, gatos, bovinos, eqüinos, morcegos, ovinos, caprino, suínos, raposa, sagüí, coatí, guaxinim e humanos, totalizaram 330 amostras. Seis variantes antigênicas foram definidas, compatíveis com perfís observados no painel de anticorpos monoclonais pré-estabelecido utilizado, as de número 2 (cão), 3 (Desmodus rotundus), 4 (Tadarida brasiliensis), 5 (Vampiro da Venezuela), 6 (Lasiurus cinereus) e Lab (reagente a todos os anticorpos utilizados), além de outros seis perfís desconhecidos, não compatíveis com aqueles observados no painel utilizado. A maior variabilidade foi observada entre as amostras isoladas de morcegos insetívoros e a variante mais comum isolada entre as espécies foi a variante 3 (Desmodus rotundus). Estes fatos podem representar a existência de múltiplos ciclos de transmissão independentes, envolvendo diferentes espécies de morcegos.


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No presente estudo, foram vacinados 150 frangos de corte de um dia de idade com sorotipo H120, e, após 28 dias desafiados à vacinação com o sorotipo M 41 do vírus da bronquite infecciosa das aves. da mesma forma, foram obtidos 150 soros de aves não vacinadas para a análise. Os respectivos soros foram analisados 28, 34 e 46 dias após o desafio, examinados através das técnicas de ELISA indireto (ELISA-I), Sandwich ELISA (S-ELISA) e ELISA com bloqueio de fase líquida (ELISA-BFL) e comparados com a técnica padrão de soroneutralização (SN) para efeito de cálculo da especificidade e sensibilidade relativas, bem como os valores predictivos positivos e negativos. O cálculo do coeficiente de correlação também foi empregado para a análise de concordância. Assim, os valores da correlação encontrados foram r = 0.98 entre ELISA-BFL x SNT, r = 0.79 entre S-ELISA x SNT e r = 0.74 ELISA-I x SNT. No entanto, quando comparamos as técnicas de ELISA entre si, ELISA-BFL x S-ELISA, ELISA-BFL x ELISA-I e S-ELISA x ELISA-I os valores encontrados foram r = 0.75, r = 0.69 e r = 0.79. A técnica de ELISA-BFL demonstrou melhor sensibilidade relativa que as técnicas de S-ELISA e ELISA-I, mesmo 46 dias após o desafio com a estirpe heteróloga. Entretanto, apesar das técnicas de S-ELISA e ELISA-I apresentarem especificidade realtiva superiores, a melhor correlação observada foi entre as técnicas de ELISA-BFL e a SN.


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HTLV-1 is the virus that causes T cell lymphoma/leukemia in adults and a neurological disorder known as HTLV-associated myelopathy or tropical spastic paraparesis. One of the transmission means is through contaminated blood and its byproducts. Because of the risk of HTLV-associated infections, screening for HTLV was introduced for Brazilian blood donors in 1993. Most of the diagnostic kits used in the national blood banks are bought from foreign companies. Brazil does not have the technology to produce this material and there is a need to produce diagnostic systems with national technology. In this study, we show the expression of gp21/HTLV-1 in Escherichia coli and its reactivity towards monoclonal antibodies and the antibodies of infected patients. Expressing these proteins is the first step towards obtaining diagnostic kits with Brazilian biotechnology.


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Introduction: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is one of the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) of greatest incidence and prevalence worldwide, and it is presently considered to be a pre-neoplastic lesion. Human Papillomavirus infection has totaled 23.4% of the sexually transmitted diseases reported to the Department of Health, and it is currently the most common in our country. Many patients are asymptomatic carriers. Methods: Twenty patients who had been previously treated for HPV due to genital lesions were referred for the conduction of anuscopy and colposcopy of the perianal region. Results: Males (80%) prevailed over females (20%). Of the total number of patients, only 2 showed lesions as examined by anuscopy (10%). However, 3 other patients showed lesions by means of colposcopy, thus increasing to 5 (25%) the total number of asymptomatic patients who presented perianal lesions. Of the total number of patients with lesions, 4 were males and 1 was a female. Conclusion: The presence of perianal lesions was observed in 10% of the patients with genital lesions by means of simple anal inspection. This figure increased to 25% when anal colposcopy was associated, thus showing the importance of conducting such examination on all patients with increased risk factors for HPV infection in the anal region.


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Feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia represent important infectious diseases caused by retroviruses. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of infection by feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) in cats from the municipality of Araçatuba, São Paulo. Blood samples from 302 cats were collected and tested for the presence of antibodies against feline immunodeficiency virus and antigen of feline leukemia virus by ELISA ® Snap- Combo FIV-FeLV (IDEXX Laboratories). The frequency of FIV positivity was 5.63% (17/302) and of FeLV was 0.33% (1/302). Of the 17 cats infected with FIV, nine (52.94%) were symptomatic. There was a prevalence of FIV infection in males (p 0.0316) and cats aged between one and three years (p 0.0324).


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The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of propolis extracts diluted in different solvents against bacteria from Staphylococcus genus. The study was performed in the Immunology and Microbiology Laboratory from Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco. The propolis extracts were prepared using brown propolis diluted in different solvents such as chloroform, methanol, ethyl acetate and grain alcohol. In order to determine the antimicrobial potential of extracts, agar well diffusion method was used, with controls for each diluent. After that, Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) methods were used. All tests were performed in triplicate. In the agar well diffusion test, the measurements of the inhibition zone for propolis extract were as follows: grain alcohol and propolis (2.88mm), methanol and propolis (2.41mm), chloroform and propolis (2.40mm) and ethyl acetate and propolis (0.83mm). The MBC of propolis extracts in different solvents were 93.75 μg/mL for grain alcohol, 375 μg/mL for chloroform and methanol and 3,000 μg/ml for ethyl acetate. Statistically significant differences were achieved comparing the inhibition zones of propolis diluted in grain alcohol and ethyl acetate (2.88 and 0.83 mm, respectively). Considering the low cost of therapy and the activity of the propolis against caprine mastitis pathogens, other studies regarding in vivo activity and chemical characterization are necessary, in addition to evaluation of the toxicological aspects of propolis extracts.


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The most important pathogens in the bovine livestock nowadays in the virus of the viral diarrhea mainly for triggered clinical manifestations related to the reproductive sphere. The infection in pregnant females, may result in abortions, embryonic resorptions, fetal mummification, birth of weak and malformation of the cattle. Moreover, their birth with persistently infected and immunotolerant virus, which the source of infection and dissemination of their disease. Nowadays, the complexity of the diagnosis and consequently its pathogenesis are tilted in the genotypic differences agent. So, this study aimed to verify the occurrence of the BVDV-1 (SINGER) and BVDV-2 (VS-253) genotypes in cows and their respective fetuses, slaughtered in an abattoir in the State of Sao Paulo. Through blood serum, using virus neutralization technique. All in all, 52,51% (115/219) of the cows which were tested reacted, but no fetus (0/219) reacted, to its virus neutralization. Through this cross-examination we observed that 42% (92/219) of cows reacted for both BVDV-1 and BVDV-2. Furthermore 4,10% (9/219) of them reacted only to the genotype BVDV-1 and 6,39% (14/219) responded only to the genotype 2 of BVDV. Therefore it was noticed that both strains are widespread in the regions studied, which justifies the use of different antigens to avoid false-negative diagnosis. Finally antibodies showed no fetus or fetal abnormalities, it is already developed and can be considered immunocompetent, independent child born to a reagent.


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This study aimed at assessing the occurrence of antibodies against the caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV), Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum, as well as the associations between the presence of antibodies and the occurrence of reproductive failures in goats. Serum samples were collected from 923 goats of both sexes, over 3 months of age, from 17 dairy farms located in different municipalities of São Paulo State, Brazil. Infections by T. gondii, N. caninum and CAEV were evaluated by indirect methods of diagnosis based on indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT), Neospora agglutination test (NAT), and agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID), respectively. A survey was conducted on the farms to obtain information about reproduction dates (abortions, stillbirths and births of weak and premature kids) and zoosanitary management. Antibodies against CAEV, T. gondii and N. caninum was found in 37.81%, 23.62% and 17.23% respectively. There was no significant association between the presence of anti-CAEV antibodies and CAEV/T. gondii or CAEV/N. caninum co-infection, suggesting that CAEV does not predispose goats to infection by these agents. However, when CAEV/T. gondii (p<0.01) or CAEV/N. caninum (p<0.001) co-infection was present, the occurrence of reproductive failures was significantly higher what could indicate that CAEV-induced immunosuppression may predispose goats to develop the clinical symptoms of toxoplasmosis and neosporosis increasing the risks of the reproductive failures.


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Isolates of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) detected in serum samples of two persistently infected animals (PI) identified in a herd located in the southern state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, underwent genetic characterization trough partial nucleotide sequencing and analysis of the 5' Untranslated Region (5'UTR) of the viral genome. The isolates were characterized as belonging to genotype BVDV-1, subgenotype BVDV-1b. The results of this study suggest BVDV-1b as an agent of importance in the occurrence of bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) in the herds of the region. Moreover, the genotypic characterization of isolates of BVDV helps to better understand the epidemiology of the disease, as the genetic variability of BVDV interferes in the serological tests and has implications for the use of vaccines, whose majority is produced only with reference strains of BVDV. Therefore, the investigation on the genetic diversity of BVDV existing in Brazil is required for the improvement of the disease prevention and control measures.