92 resultados para Ulisses


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The objects of this study are three manganese ore deposits and one mine derived from lateritic weathering of gondites (spessartine quartzites). These deposits are associated with Mn-rich garnet metasediments of the Itapira Group (Paleoproterozoic) and the reserves were estimated at approximately 2.0 × 10 6 tons with an average grade of 23% MnO 2. The ore minerals are cryptomelane, pyrolusite, lithiophorite, spessartine and psilomelane. Several crystal shapes and textural characteristics were identifi ed in this study, which are related to the degree of liberation, as confi rmed by heavy media separation method. In this study, we determined the main characteristics of the liberation of manganese, which is concentrated in the fi ne grain-size fraction and is lost during ore dressing. Therefore, the low average content of MnO 2 (28%) is due to this loss, whereas at grain size of minus 0.074 mm, contents near 40% MnO 2 were observed. This suggests that the ore can be used for manufacturing manganese sulphate fertilizers. A comparative study with the ore deposits located at Ouro Fino (MG), mainly with the Caneleiras mine, showed that higher degree of liberation occurs in the coarse grain-size fractions (0.84 to 0.074 mm with MnO 2 content of 38%). As a consequence, the ore can be used for manufacturing Fe-Si-Mn alloys.


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The Irrigameter is aevapotranspiration measuring device used in irrigation management to optimize water. However, its use requires a prior adjustment to weather conditions where it will be used. The objective of this study was identify the corresponding height of water level inside the evaporimeterIrrigameter that estimate reference evapotranspiration in climate of the plateau of Vitoria da Conquista - BA, in different seasons. The experiment was a completely randomized design with five treatments and three replications. For each treatment was determined an average coefficient for the Irrigameter called K I, calculated as the ratio of estimated evapotranspiration in Irrigameter (ET I) and reference evapotranspiration (ET 0). The ET 0 was obtained by the Penman-Monteith - FAO 56. The results showed that the coefficients of Irrigameter increased exponentially with increasing water level inside the evaporimeter, and the equipment must be operated with the water level equal to 5.2 cm for better estimation of ET 0. The remaining heights observed in different seasons showed no significant difference when compared to annual average used as a reference in this study.


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The drift is intimately linked to inappropriate use of pesticides and an important factor for reducing it, is the correct selection of spray nozzles and adjuvants. The objective of this work was to evaluate the drift potential in wind tunnel with different spray nozzles and different concentrations of adjuvants. The experiment was composed by six spray solutions (vegetable oil (in three concentrations), mineral oil, surfactant and reducing drift), which were applied with two nozzles, one pre-orifice flat fan (DG 8003 VS) and other with air induction (AI 8003 VS), totaling 12 treatments, with three repetitions. The equipment used was a wind tunnel, where the drift collections were made at different points. The treatments averages were compared using Confidence Interval at 5% probability. The analysis of the percentage of drift showed that the treatments had different behaviors. The nonylphenol ethoxylate adjuvant presented the highest drift when applied with the nozzle of pre-orifice and the lowest drift when applied with the air induction. The behavior of these nozzles when the oil-based adjuvant was used showed apposite results to those obtained for the surfactant. For the DG nozzles the lowest percentage of drift, at all analyzed distances, was observed to the treatment with vegetable oil (1.0%) and with the AI nozzles the lower drift was found for the treatment with nonylphenol ethoxylate (0.0625%), for the four distances in the collection. The result showed that both the spray nozzles and adjuvants alter directly the drift potential. There was no proportionately between the concentration of the oil-based adjuvant and the drift percentage.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As sequências metavulcano-sedimentares na serra do Espinhaço Meridional apresentam dificuldades para separação, principalmente do Supergrupo Rio das Velhas, até o presente. Apesar da grande similaridade, é possível distingui-lo do Grupo Rio Mata Cavalo. Esta é constituída por uma unidade metamáfica-ultramáfica derivada de basaltos toleíticos, e uma sequência de cobertura clasto-química, além de apresentar mineralizações de ouro e Minerais/Elementos do Grupo da Platina associados, principalmente a Formações Ferríferas Bandadas. Origem hidrotermal é atribuída à concentração destes metais nobres. Campanhas de prospecção e pesquisa mineral, na área estudada, foram realizadas para ouro. Os resultados até o presente permitem sugerir o emprego de uma Unidade Superior composta pelos sedimentos clasto-químicos e uma Unidade Inferior, que compreende as rochas vulcânicas, ambas compondo o Grupo Mata Cavalo. Desta forma, este Grupo apresenta em sua Unidade Superior rica em níveis de BIF compostas principalmente por magnetita com concentrações de ouro associadas a enriquecimento supérgeno. Palavras-chave: sequência metavulcano-sedimentar, mineralização de ouro, hidrotermalismo, Grupo Rio Mata Cavalo, Serra do Espinhaço. Meridional.


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A presente invenção se refere a um sistema que realiza a pressurização de pesticidas em separado da pressurização do diluente, facilitando sua aplicação. O sistema é composto de um reservatório de pesticida (1), uma unidade de bombeamento (2), reguladores de pressão (3) e restritores de fluxo (4), sendo a capacidade do reservatório (1) definida em função da dosagem do pesticida e da capacidade operacional do pulverizador.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Each year, there is an increase in pesticide consumption and in its importance of use in the large-scale agricultural production, being fundamental the knowledge of application technology to the activity success. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of working pressure on the drift generated by different spray nozzles, assessed in wind tunnel. The treatments were composed of two spray nozzles AXI 110015 and AXI 11002 with pressure levels of 276 and 414 kPa. The spray solution was composed by water and NaCl at 10%. The applications were conducted at wind speed of 2.0 m s-1, being the drift collected at 5.0; 10.0 and 15.0 m away from the spray boom and at heights of 0.2; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8 e 1.0 m from the tunnel floor. To both spray nozzles, the greatest drift was collected at the smallest distance to the spray-boom and at the lowest height. The AXI 11002 nozzle gave a smaller drift relative to the AXI 110015 nozzle for the two tested pressures and for all the collection points. Regardless of the nozzle, a rise in the working pressure increases the spray drift percentage at all distances in the wind tunnel.