89 resultados para Transgenic maize
Sowing is a critical time in the cycle of a crop and the seeds are frequently exposed to adverse conditions that may compromise the establishment of seedlings in the field. on this basis, the objective of the present study was to determine the effect of types of environmental stress on the emergence of sunflower, maize and soybean seeds with different levels of vigor. High vigor seeds were artificially aged in order to obtain medium and low vigor seeds and then they were sown in clay soil in plastic boxes and submitted to the following types of environmental stress during the germination process : 1) high temperature (35degreesC), 2) low temperature (15 or 18degreesC), 3) water excess (Psi > -0.0001 MPa), 4) water deficiency (Psi approximately equal to -1.1; -1.2 and -0.6 MPa for sunflower, maize and soybean, respectively), 5) sowing at a depth of 7 cm and 6) pathogenic infection of sunflower seeds with Alternaria helianthi, of maize seeds with Fusarium moniliforme and of soybean seeds with Colletotrichum dematium, var. truncata. The results were compared to those obtained with controls sown under optimal condition. It was concluded that: 1) the effect of seed vigor on emergence depends on the type of enviromental stress to which the seeds are exposed, 2) the stress to which the the seeds demonstrated highest sensitivity varied with species and 3) high temperature stress was the one that most impaired the emergence of the three species.
The objective was to determine the effect of a mouse metallothionein/bovine growth hormone transgene on resting metabolic rate (RMR), cold-induced thermogenesis, and beta-agonist stimulated nonshivering thermogenesis in mice. Non-transgenic littermates were used as controls. Open-circuit indirect calorimetry was used to assess RMR and cold-induced thermogenesis in 64 mice. Air temperature in the chamber was set at 31 degrees C for RMR and was decreased to 28, 25, 21, or 17 degrees C to determine cold-induced thermogenesis. Response to the beta-agonist isoproterenol was evaluated by monitoring changes in colonic temperature of 34 mice upon injection of the drug or saline. Despite the fact that RMR tended to be lower in transgenics than in nontransgenics, at 31 degrees C transgenic mice were able to regulate colonic temperature at the same level as nontransgenics, but colonic temperature decreased in transgenics relative to nontransgenics as air temperature was reduced. For each degree decrease in air temperature between 31 and 17 degrees C, nontransgenic mice increased heat production by 1.03 +/- .10 watt/kg, whereas transgenic mice increased it by only .56 +/- .08 watt/kg, indicating that the thermogenic response of transgenics to cold was inferior. The magnitude of the maximal increase in colonic temperature after isoproterenol injection was similar for both groups, but the response was slower in transgenics. We suggest that lean body mass and substrate availability for shivering thermogenesis are reduced in transgenics relative to total body weight, and that they allow colonic temperature to decrease to conserve energy.
Although mineral nutrition affects maize (Zea mays L.) yield by controlling starch deposition in kernels, the mechanisms involved are largely unknown. Our objectives were to examine this relationship by nutritionally and genetically altering starch production in the endosperm. Kernels of W64A and two starch-deficient mutants, shrunken-1 and brittle-2, were grown in vitro with varying supplies of N (0-50 mM) or P (0-6 mM) to produce different degrees of endosperm starch production, and the levels of enzyme activities and metabolites associated with carbohydrate and N metabolism were examined. In vitro grown kernels exhibited the expected starch phenotypes, and a minimum level of media N (25 mM) and P (2 mM) was required for optimal growth. However, increasing the availability of N or P could not overcome the genetically induced decrease in starch deposition of the mutants. Nitrogen deficiency enhanced sugar accumulation, but decreased amino acid levels, soluble protein, enzyme activity, starch synthesis, and endosperm dry weight. Phosphorous deficiency also decreased starch production and endosperm dry weight, but with only a minimal effect on the activities of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase and alanine transaminase. Genotypic differences in endosperm starch, and the increases induced by N and P supply, Here closely associated with the level of endosperm N, but not endosperm P. Thus, while both N and P are crucial for optimal yield of maize grain, they appear to act by different means, and with different importance in governing starch deposition in the endosperm.
The CERES-Maize model was used to estimate the spatial variability in corn (Zea mays L.) yield for 1995 and 1996 using data measured on soil profiles located on a 30.5 m grid within a 3.9 ha field in Michigan. The model was calibrated for one grid profile for the 1995 and then used to simulate corn yield for all grid points for the 2 yrs. For the calibration for 1995, the model predicted corn yield within 2%. For 1995, the model predicted yield variability very well (r(2) = 0.85), producing similar yield maps with differences generally within +/- 300 kg ha(-1). For 1996, the model predicted low grain yields (1167 kg ha(-1)) compared with measured (8928 kg ha(-1)) because the model does not account for horizontal water movement within the landscape or water contributions from a water table. Under nonlimiting water conditions, the model performed well (average of 8717 vs. 8948 kg ha(-1)) but under-estimated the measured yield variability.
Final plant population in maize crop was used as a basis to identify the technology level of a given farmer. Final population of 50,000 plants/hectare was considered as an indication of a high technology level farmer; 35,000 of a medium, and 20,000 of a low technology level farmer. These populations were artificially obtained for the hybrids HT-2X, BR-201, and BR-205 from small, medium and large seeds. The results showed the triple cross hybrid HT-2X to be the most indicated for low technology level regions, due to its lesser sensitivity to variations in seed size and also to its significant outyielding of the other two hybrids. The double cross hybrids BR-201 and BR-205 exhibited much higher sensitivity to variations in seed size so that if they have to be used in a low technology region, the most recommended procedure would be to make use of the largest possible seeds. In conclusion, genotype and seed size seem to be factors capable of compensating for plant population reductions in maize crops. The more prolific hybrids and the largess seeds are more indicated for low technology level regions.
Winter cover crops can affect N nutrition of the following maize crop. Although legumes have been recommend for maize rotations, in tropical areas grasses may be more interesting because they provide a longer protection of soil surface. Legumes can add N to the system and grasses can compete with maize for the available nutrient. An experiment was conducted in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, to study N dynamics in the soil surface straw-maize system as affected by N fertilization management and species included in the no-till rotation. Treatments were fallow, black oat (Avena strigosa), pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), white lupins (Lupinus albus), black oat fertilized with N. and pearl millet fertilized with N. Maize was grown afterwards in the same plots, receiving 0.0, 60.0 and 120.0 kg ha(-1) of N sidedressed 30 days after plant emergence. Soil, straw and maize samples were taken periodically. The highest corn yields were observed when it was cropped after pearl millet fertilized with N. Nitrogen side dressed application up to 120 kg ha(-1) was not able to avoid corn yield decrease caused by black oat. Grasses can be recommended in maize rotations in tropical areas, provided they receive nitrogen fertilizer and show no allelopathy. Due to its higher ON ratio and dry matter yield they are better than legumes, protecting the soil surface for a longer period. Pearl millet is particularly interesting because it enhances N use efficiency by the following maize crop. For a better N availability/demand synchronism, the cover crops should be desiccated right before maize planting.
Analytical methods for sweetpotato, cassava and maize were developed. In orange and salmon-fleshed sweetpotatoes, (all-E)-beta-carotene predominated and results of spectrophotometric screening and HPLC quantification did not differ significantly. In yellow-fleshed sweetpotato and cassava, however, spectrophotometric screening overestimated the HPLC values because of the presence of several minor carotenoids. Aside from (all-E)-beta-carotene, Z-isomers were present in cassava in appreciable amounts. For both crops, extraction with acetone or tetrahydrofuran: methanol. (1: 1), using a mortar and pestle or a Polytron homogenizer, gave equivalent results. Rehydration of dry maize at room temperature for 30 min or at 85 degrees C for 5, 10 or 15 min gave equivalent results. Concentrations obtained with the C18 and C30 columns did not differ significantly for zeaxanthin, lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene in the all-E-configuration, but their Z-isomers were difficult to locate in the chromatogram obtained with the C30 column. Extraction with tetrahydrofuran:methanol (1:1) gave significantly lower results for zeaxanthin and lutein. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aluminum toxicity is one of the major constraints for plant development in acid soils, limiting food production in many countries. Cultivars genetically adapted to acid soils may offer an environmental compatible solution, providing a sustainable agriculture system. The aim of this work was to identify genomic regions associated with Al tolerance in maize, and to quantify the genetic effects on the phenotypic variation. A population of 168 F-3:4 families derived from a cross between two contrasting maize inbred lines for Al tolerance was evaluated using the NSRL and RSRL parameters in nutrient solution containing toxic level of aluminum. Variance analyses indicated that the NSRL was the most reliable phenotypic index to measure Al tolerance in the population, being used for further QTL mapping analysis. RFLP and SSR markers were selected for bulked segregant analysis, and additional SSR markers, flanking the polymorphisms of interest, were chosen in order to saturate the putative target regions. Seven linkage groups were constructed using 17 RFLP and 34 SSR markers. Five QTLs were mapped on chromosomes 2, 6 and 8, explaining 60% of the phenotypic variation. QTL(4) and marker umc043 were located on chromosomes 8 and 5, close to genes encoding for enzymes involved in the organic acids synthesis pathways, a widely proposed mechanism for Al tolerance in plants. QTL(2) was mapped in the same region as Alm2, also associated with Al tolerance in maize. In addition, dominant and additive effects were important in the control of this trait in maize.
Physicochemical properties of maize starch obtained under different steeping conditions by intermittent milling and dynamic steeping process (IMDS) were studied. Brazilian dent maize (hybrid XL 606) was milled using a 2x2x3 factorial experimental design with two lactic acid levels (0.0 and 0.55%, v/v), two SO2 levels (0.05 and 0.1%, w/v), and three temperatures (52, 60, and 68degreesC). Properties of starch obtained by conventional wet-milling process (36 hr at 52degreesC, 0.55% lactic acid, and 0.2% SO2) were used for comparison. Starch protein content and solubility increased with presence of lactic acid, while swelling power decreased. Higher SO2 concentration (0.1%) had the same effect as lactic acid on some properties. Steeping temperatures of 60 and 68degreesC increased solubility and most of the thermal properties but reduced swelling power, suggesting stronger starch annealing during IMDS at these temperatures. Some thermal changes on starch granules were visualized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at 60 and 68degreesC. Amylose content as well as pasting properties were affected by steeping factors and interactions. Starches from IMDS and conventional wet-milling processes were similar in most properties, indicating that IMDS provides starch with quality similar to that from conventional milling.
Yields and starch pasting characteristics obtained from wet milling of maize samples with low and high levels of defect grains were compared to those from sound samples. Defect grain groups ere established taking into account the defect degree. Thus the first group consisted of fermented, molded, heated and sprouted grains and the second of insect damaged. hollow, fermented (up to 1/4) grains and those injured by other causes. The grain groups, if present at low levels in the samples, 10% for first group and 17% for second group did not affect the chemical composition of starch and its pasting properties. obtained by the rapid visco analyser. Samples with high levels of grain groups (up to 100%). affected wet milling yields and starch viscosity. Samples with 100% of grains in the first group decreased starch, germ yield and peak viscosity and increased gluten yield. Samples with 100% of grains in the second group decreased germ and fiber yield but increased starch yield. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Lysine-ketoglutaratc reductase catalyzes the first step of lysine catabolism in maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm. The enzyme condenses L-lysine and α-ketoglutarate into saccharopine using NADPH as cofactor. It is endosperm-specific and has a temporal pattern of activity, increasing with the onset of kernel development, reaching a peak 20 to 25 days after pollination, and thereafter decreasing as the kernel approaches maturity. The enzyme was extracted from the developing maize endosperm and partially purified by ammonium-sulfate precipitation, anion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, and affinity chromatography on Blue-Sepharose CL-6B. The preparation obtained from affinity chromatography was enriched 275-fold and had a specific activity of 411 nanomoles per minute per milligram protein. The native and denaturated enzyme is a 140 kilodalton protein as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme showed specificity for its substrates and was not inhibited by either aminoethyl-cysteine or glutamate. Steady-state product-inhibition studies revealed that saccharopine was a noncompetitive inhibitor with respect to α-ketoglutarate and a competitive inhibitor with respect to lysine. This is suggestive of a rapid equilibriumordered binding mechanism with a binding order of lysine, α-ketoglutarate, NADPH. The enzyme activity was investigated in two maize inbred lines with homozygous normal and opaque-2 endosperms. The pattern of lysine-ketoglutarate reductase activity is coordinated with the rate of zein accumulation during endosperm development. A coordinated regulation of enzyme activity and zein accumulation was observed in the opaque-2 endosperm as the activity and zein levels were two to three times lower than in the normal endosperm. Enzyme extracted from L1038 normal and opaque-2 20 days after pollination was partially purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. Both genotypes showed a similar elution pattern with a single activity peak eluted at approximately 0.2 molar KCL. The molecular weight and physical properties of the normal and opaque-2 enzymes were essentially the same. We suggest that the Opaque-2 gene, which is a transactivator of the 22 kilodalton zein genes, may be involved in the regulation of the lysine-ketoglutarate reductase gene in maize endosperm. In addition, the decreased reductase activity caused by the opaque-2 mutation may explain, at least in part, the elevated concentration of lysine found in the opaque-2 endosperm.
The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the safety of mixer/loaders and applicators of paraquat to maize crop by knapsack sprayers and to determine the efficacy of safety measures applied to the sprayers. Potential dermal exposure (PDE) was evaluated in 22 worker body parts. The Cu2+ cation of a copper-based fungicide was used as tracer in the spray solution. Sanitary pads and cotton gloves were used to collect the pesticide solution on the sampled body parts. It was observed that paraquat application in front of the applicator's body (0.5 and 1.0 m lance) is unsafe because PDE was 1,979.8 ml/day (for 0.5 m lance) and 1,290.4 ml/day (for 1.0 m lance) and needs 50-80% and 37-69% control of PDE respectively. Control can be achieved by the use of protective garment on the legs and feet only, which received 92-93% of the PDE. Switching the spray nozzle to the back of the operator reduced the PDE by 98% and was sufficient to make working conditions safe, while maintaining the efficiency of application and making the work lighter and more comfortable. Mixer/loaders received 86% of the PDE to the hands and the work condition was safe (MOS > 1), however impermeable gloves could be used as a further safety measure.