823 resultados para Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso


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Têm-se preocupado cada vez mais com a saúde do trabalhador manual, que vem sendo prejudicada com as altas demandas de trabalho repetitivo sem a devida recuperação, aumentando os riscos de lesão. A fadiga muscular tem se mostrado um importante fator responsável pelo aumento do risco de lesão, pois deixa a musculatura enrijecida e com pouca resistência muscular para suportar a demanda de trabalho. Este estudo pretende evidenciar a diminuição da força de resistência muscular devido ao acúmulo de fadiga residual do trabalho, através da dinamometria manual. Foram escolhidos 16 sujeitos, funcionários do Restaurante Universitário e da administração do Instituto de Geociências (IGCE) da UNESP campus Rio Claro, que realizam trabalho manual repetitivo. Entre os 16 sujeitos, haviam 11 mulheres (com média de idade 48,8 ± 12,4, e média de IMC 26,9 ± 4,8) e 5 homens (com média de idade 45,9 ± 14,8 e média de IMC 25,3 ± 6,5). Foi realizado o teste de preensão manual onde os sujeitos realizavam 10 contrações rápidas e de máxima força, com intervalo de 3 segundos entre cada contração, mas foram utilizadas para análise as contrações 1, 5 e final.. O teste foi realizado com ambas as mãos na Segunda-feira e na Sexta-feira, no período da manhã e da tarde. Analisando-se os resultados obtidos para a mão não-dominante, pudemos observar uma queda nos valores de média de força manual ao longo das contrações, sendo que na sexta-feira a queda é maior que na segunda-feira, e à tarde a queda é maior que no período da manhã. Para a mão dominante, essa queda maior ocorreu na sextafeira à tarde, momento de maior acúmulo de fadiga residual. Podemos concluir com este estudo, que a fadiga residual do trabalho interfere na queda de desempenho de força dos funcionários, sendo a mão não-dominante mais influenciada pela fadiga...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Nowadays, in any area that acts within the veterinary medicine, we talk a lot of specialists. Specialists in neurology, cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, finally, more specialized in a subject, better is the veterinarian. However, on one hand to deepen the knowledge helped in the discovery of new diagnostics and treatments, secondly, a bit lost sight of the patient as a whole. Traditional Chinese medicine, one of whose branches is acupuncture, is aimed at exactly this approach to be fully alive, where all body is interconnected and the disease is not seen as the imbalance of one system, but, as the imbalance between our being and the environment external. Acupuncture is an alternative in the treatment of many diseases, among them Cauda Equina Syndrome, and consists of stimulating specific points on the body surface, which help the body return to its natural harmony. A Cauda Equina Syndrome is a frame subsequent to a neuromuscular spinal cord at the level of the spinal canal of the lower lumbar spine and sacral, whose treatment is almost always surgical. This study aims to show the relevance of acupuncture treatment in this condition and report the importance of the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine nowadays, even when their arms are not in the treatment of choice


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This work focuses on analyzing the organization of the Workers Cooperative Recyclable Products of Presidente Prudente (COOPERLIX) and selective collection of municipal service. Aiming to analyze the issue of solid waste and the work of collectors of recyclable materials in an organized Economic Development Outreach (ESS). Throughout the work was carried out theoretical approaches on the issue of solid waste, the precarious work of scavengers, some laws, among others, were conducted several field studies over the years 2011 and 2012 in COOPERLIX, with the realization meetings and debates on various subjects; tools were also used Geographic Information Systems mainly in the production of selective collection of municipal map, now at 100% of the urban area of Presidente Prudente. Finally, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of the situation of the productive and financial COOPERLIX during those two years, checking their capability and weaknesses


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Escolher uma profissão e pensar sobre a inserção no mundo do trabalho tem se tornado tarefa cada vez mais difícil para os jovens. Vários são os fatores que podem influenciar na decisão como: as características pessoais, habilidades específicas em determinada área, o contexto histórico e o ambiente sociocultural em que o indivíduo vive, entre outros (GATTI, 2009). A decisão de uma profissão irá influenciar de forma direta ou indireta sua vida financeira, pessoal, familiar, entre outras áreas. (SANTOS, 2005). Dentre as diversas profissões existentes, no presente trabalho destacaremos a carreira docente, tendo como objetivos: 1. Investigar junto aos alunos do curso de Pedagogia da UNESP de Rio Claro as razões para a escolha da docência como profissão e; 2. Identificar no âmbito desse curso os dilemas e as perspectivas que são apontadas por esses estudantes no universo de sua formação e futura profissão. Optamos pela pesquisa qualitativa, tendo como paradigma o construtivismo social, pois parte-se do pressuposto de que as pessoas agem em função de seus valores, crenças, sentimentos e percepções. Na coleta de dados utilizamos como instrumentos o questionário, a entrevista semiestruturada e análise de conteúdo no tratamento dos dados, tendo como participantes 60 estudantes de Pedagogia na aplicação do questionário e 12 participantes escolhidos para a entrevista, sendo três discentes de cada ano). Entre os resultados encontrados observamos a forte influência que a família, os professores e a escola desempenham no jovem que está em processo de decisão profissional. Em relação a escolha do curso de Pedagogia, vimos que a motivação principal apontada pelos estudantes ficou no campo da satisfação pessoal, o gostar da profissão/área da educação apesar dos autores apontarem a docência como sendo pouco atrativa pelos jovens por diversos fatores... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The inclusive classroom, focused on individual differences, it is becoming more frequent and constant within mainstream schools. For this practice to be successful, there must be a different work by teachers, methodology, teaching procedures, adapted equipment and materials. Thus, the teacher who works directly with students with disabilities, find factors that facilitate and hinder this practice, making it essential to study of such factors, so we can understand and contribute to assessment and implementation of strategies to minimize the need that this pedagogical practice imposes. This varying needs, from the simple as using different materials to work in the classroom to the broader and more complex, as the reform in schools. Thus, these aimed to survey and analyze the conceptions of teachers on facilitating and hindering aspects of the schooling of students with disabilities in the regular classroom as well as check their training needs. The method used was ruled a quantitative approach to data collection was through a closed questionnaire containing 35 questions with Likert scale. The study included 904 teachers who underwent a course of Improvement in Inclusive Educational Practices, the same was applied when students entered the course, but had not had contact with the course content. The result showed that most teachers agree that all students with disabilities have behavior problem, dividing the assertion that the disabled student disrupts the class of the colleague who has a disability. It is also believed that in the view of most participants, students with disabilities are not able to study and that the inclusion of students with disabilities is hampered by...


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This research shows an investigation on teaching formation in regards to the TICs. Our interest in this subject is due to the fact that new generations of students who attend school require that the classes make use of technology in the classroom environment. By following the phenomenological orientation we have carried out a study which involved a field research at the College of Engineering in Guaratinguetá using the graduate as well as senior students of the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics of this university. We have analyzed the data under the light of texts of the following authors: Filho (2007), Valente (1993), Miskulin (2006), Borba and Penteado (2001) among others in order to understand the teacher`s formation process to act using technologies in the classroom and its relevance. The data that has been analyzed was obtained in interviews which were conducted with the students of this university. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed according to the rigor of phenomenological research procedures involving ideographic and nomothetic analysis. This analysis has led us to three open categories: 1) Mathematics learning through TICs; 2) Technologies that have been used; 3) Teacher`s role. By understanding the open categories we have been able to grasp that the students -future teachers- admit feeling capable of using technology in their classes, however their testimonies in regards to the TIC`s have led us to believe that there would be a reproduction of the content studied at their time at college without using further reflection upon the subject or autonomy in order to create new projects for teaching Mathmatics using these TICs


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In this work it was made analysis of a simple pressure vessel, using the analytical development studied in Mechanics of Materials disciplines, and then using the standard required by ASME. Following the simulation was realized using Autodesk Mechanical Simulation software to calculate the principal stresses in a pressure vessel. The simulation was done in a single vessel without nozzles, compared with the analytic calculation. After that, the simulation of another fictitious pressure vessel was done by adding three nozzles to verify the influence of the nozzles in the principal stresses and compared with the analytical results. After the simulation, it was found that the principal are bigger in the pressure vessel with nozzles, but they decrease at a small distance from the nozzle becoming equal to the stresses in the vessel without nozzles. The analytical results calculated according to the ASME agree with simulated results


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This paper presents reflections on a survey on the participation of women seated in the Food Acquisition Program in the city of Wenceslas President / SP. From discussion of the issue of gender in the Brazilian countryside and along the beneficiary populations of land reform policies, evaluates the invisibility of the economic contribution of women - with generally restricted operations to the care of household activities and production for self - which is changing both due to the mobilization of women as the different public policies implemented in the last decade. One of these, the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) is analyzed in its operation. Although not gestated for this specific purpose, this program has contributed to the visibility of women's productive work in the settlements. The research was made through the verification of female participation in the mandatory documents for inclusion in the EAP, revealing a percentage that over ix the years has been superimposed, making women acquire economic autonomy and even in a limited way conquering empowerment


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The female identity in relation to the multiplicity of roles of contemporary women and their evolution in the labor market is the focus of the work that is developed from studies of French line Discourse Analysis refered to Michel Pêcheux and Michel Foucault. The objective is to reflect on the discursive mechanisms of print media, focusing on Veja magazines covers, which, by its verbal and visual language, constructs meaning effects and disseminates certain social thruths about the female changes. Considering that this media aspect plays an important role on society's opinion formation, it is worth to investigate, analyse and describe the elements present on the covers, as seduction and persuasion objects. The work analysis material is formed by six covers published by Veja magazine in the period of 1968-2012, which raise the theme of women in the labor market and show us their evolution and the changes in the representations about the female universe and the work in society


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This paper revisits the work Vidas Secas, by Graciliano Ramos, in search of a literary analysis, observing the narrative aspects of time, space and characters, from the myth of Sisyphus's perspective, the existentialist philosophy of Sartre and Camus and theory the eternal return of Nietzsche. With the use of these special lenses, intended to show how this work is able to generate the effect of absurdity in the reader, through a narrative construction that brings out the absolute lack of meaning and purpose of those lives, but still, unlike than one would tend to conclude, builds characters who pass by a mere determinism of the environment and act in the world through freedom possible within all disturbing limitations imposed on them


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The initial teacher training can be enhanced with the participation of undergraduates in specific programs aimed at the relationship between the university and the primary education system, such as Pibid and Education Center, promising initiatives that aim to strengthen the transition from student paper the teacher. Given the importance of such programs, we analyzed in this study the impacts of the partnership between university and public school in initial teacher training of undergraduates and graduates of UNESP in Bauru, specifically in the Faculty of Education. The programs selected as objects of study of this research to draw together teaching, research and extension to enhance the link between licensing and school environment promoting the experience of concrete situations of teaching even during training, are seeking to consolidate a horizontal relationship between university and public school to both involved understand and contribute in some way to solve the dilemmas faced by the education system. In addition to identifying the similarities and singularities between programs and analyze the contributions of those in initial formation, we attempted to verify what challenges and solutions were experienced by students during the participation in the projects. In general, it can be said that participation in programs such as Pibid and Education Center are key to improving the quality of initial teacher training


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This research analyses the positives and/or negatives of external reviews to work's organization developed at the/and by the school. It should be noted that it's a qualitative case of empirical research, and it takes the pattern of case's study, because we held the investigation just in one school, which in turn, belongs to the education's public network by the state, and is located at the São Paulo northwest. The tools employed at this research for the data's collect were the observation, restricted to times of Pedagogical Work Activities Collective from the school, and the semi structured interviews with educational coordinators and the teachers too. We choose educational coordinators and teachers because they are closer with the education and learning methods, as well as their activities have more responsibility in relation to the main function developed by school, that is to teach, in other words, educational processes. This research also concerns an investigation about the educational coordinators and teachers conceptions, in relation to system's implantation external reviews at the schools. The results indicate to incidence of significant interference of the external reviews to/in the organization school's work, as, a teaching practice reorientation from results arising these reviews, or, modifications in the internal rating, since they have followed a tendency towards becoming more similar with their own external reviews. In what concerns the subjects investigated, we can emphasize that mostly submitted alienation with respect to negative effects of the external reviews for school. They showed that are conformed with the reality that they are inserted and in your mostly they proved perceive the positive effects by the implantation of external reviews. We can also add that the data obtained in the research allow us declare that the work of the educational coordinators of this school in presence of external reviews don't...


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Esta pesquisa teve por objetivos: efetuar a analise de três textos da literatura infantil com o intuito de evidenciar qual conceito de justiça permeia as ações das personagens e, a partir da analise, discutir sobre como o educador pode utilizar este recurso pedagógico visando a organização didática do trabalho com a evolução da sanção expiatória para a sanção por, no enredo do texto, reciprocidade. Deste modo, as reflexões foram feitas a partir do referencial teórico piagetiano sobre o desenvolvimento moral da criança e apresenta sugestões sobre como o educador pode preparar um ambiente adequado para tal intervenção pedagógica, partindo do dialogo sobre as intenções e julgamentos das ações das personagens