136 resultados para Tecnologia e desenvolvimento econômico


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This article is about the measures that were taken against the inflation in the final period of Estado Novo. Characterized by an inflationary pressure increasing in the end of World War II and the regime crisis. We stand for the idea that the measures concerning the end of the inflation were subordinate to the economic development. The struggle against inflation was mainly based on the control of the prices and measures to extend the supply. The anti-inflationary policy of Vargas’ mandate was directly conditioned by political disputes around the transition and the direction of the economy.


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The present article discuss how world economic transformations, meanly in the course of structural crisis, conditioned the development strategies of Latin America in the large period between the Great Depression in the 1930s and the 2007 open crisis in the USA. The article provides special attention to national development projects. This paper defends that the outbreak and crisis of developmentism, as well the neoliberal accumulation standard advent, may only be explained, not disregarding the great importance of internal factors, from the international division of labor transformations, the policies and actions of main countries, the geopolitical position of countries and the forces correlation in international scale.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The book-report Human Development: the reality beyond the numbers addresses issues related to the Development Index (IDH), of Brazil, in a general context, and the city of Bauru, in the local context. The “IDH” is a number that serves as a comparison between countries, in order to measure the degree of economic development and the quality of life offered to the population. The classification, if high, can be readily used as a means of aggrandizement national and if low, can be used to highlight the weaknesses national. Understanding the role of media as an agent capable of promoting social debates of great importance, this book-report aims to discuss the concept of human development beyond the numbers commonly reported, prompting debates on the issue of human development: whether in relation to social issues, public policy or the role of the media in the process of contributing to the formation of public opinion. The methodology used was the data collection and the research literature, besides journalistic techniques, such as interview, report and profile


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Este presente trabalho pretende compreender o papel dos bancos públicos brasileiros durante os anos 2000 a 2012 e sua relação com o desenvolvimento socioeconômico nacional. Adota-se a importância de estratégias nacionais de desenvolvimento, visando à atuação do Estado na economia para garantir o progresso econômico e social de toda a nação igualitariamente. Torna-se necessário separar o estudo em dois períodos, pré e pós crise econômica de 2008, a fim de observar a existência ou não da ação anticíclica dos bancos públicos no mercado de crédito brasileiro


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The work consists of the historical city of Guaratinguetá, as well as data on their quality of life, economic development and population, transportation in Brazil and the transportation system of the city serving as a basis to support the development of the urban network. The urban fabric of the city was raised with plants of the city in different years, documents obtained by the Museum and Hall of Frei Galvão Guaratinguetá well to check the form of land use and growth drivers of the city over time. We studied also the main access roads to the city by focusing on an approach that has been the subject of a proposed urban intervention. A direct interview was performed and recorded with one of those responsible for planning the urban fabric of the city in order to gather information on the historical development, the future possibilities of interventions in the urban as well as problems encountered and other curiosities. Through the study it was observed that the urban grid Guaratinguetá developing a planned since 1970 and that the highlights of most cities in the Paraíba Valley. The work is grounded in concepts of sustainable city and also in quantitative and qualitative data from sectors responsible


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The coffee crisis in the 1980s reached deeply municipality of Dracena, considering that the coffee had significant social and economic importance to the area. In this context, the research aimed to analyze the socioeconomic consequences that this crisis has provided small rural proprietors of the county. To achieve this goal we seek to articulate the theoretical reference, with data from secondary sources, interviews with the main responsible for the agricultural sector and an application questionnaire to 21 small rural proprietors of the county. It was found that, due to the dependence relationship with the coffee, the economy of the city suffered from the attack of said culture during the 1980s. Rural producers who cultivated such crops as the main, had to readjust productively to remain in the countryside, but the economic and social development that coffee was brought in earlier times was not rescued. As a consequence, there has been an intensification of evasion demographic of rural municipality, a process that had begun in the 1970s and was strongly reinforced by the crisis of the coffee culture. We note that from the 2000s, the situation became better for small rural proprietors in order that public policies implemented now serve, in part, the needs of those with greater efficiency. This situation can be evidenced by a slight reduction in the number of rural people dracenense. Despite improvements recorded since the 2000s, the situation is still not ideal, given that many small proprietors surveyed expressed dissatisfaction. In this context, we note that the performance and joint of federal, state and municipal government are essential so that public policies are efficient, thus providing decent conditions for social reproduction of small rural proprietors and their dependents in the countryside


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Desde fins da década de 70, com as crises do petróleo e a crise externa, ocorreram mudanças no sistema internacional de financiamento que levaram o sistema econômico brasileiro do “milagre econômico” à “década perdida”. Com isso, os anos 80 foram marcados por períodos de recessão, desequilíbrios internos, descontrole inflacionário, déficits no setor público, resultando em problemas macroeconômicos, os quais se tornaram herança para as próximas décadas. Sendo assim, nos anos 80, 90 e, parte dos anos 2000, a economia brasileira teve como principal foco políticas de visassem o ajuste econômico e a estabilização, deixando o crescimento econômico como segundo plano, fato que resultou em um baixo crescimento econômico, ou seja, baixas taxas do PIB real. Contudo, este fato foi contrariado a partir de 2004 quando o Brasil passou a apresentar taxas mais significativas de investimento, permitindo um crescimento do PIB superior a 5% a.a., sendo que para este período muitos economistas defendiam que a economia nacional poderia crescer de forma “sustentada”, sem causar pressões inflacionárias, a um nível de 4,5% a 5% ao ano. Assim sendo, nos dias atuais uma das abordagens com maior enfoque no ramo econômico é a questão do crescimento sustentável, o qual esteja dentro dos limites estruturais da economia brasileira, e com isso não gere pressões inflacionárias. Este questionamento ganhou força devido ao fato de que nos últimos anos o Brasil tem apresentado um crescimento acelerado, preocupando muitos economistas, os quais acreditam que este crescimento seja insustentável e contrariando outros, que defendem que, as taxas de crescimento do PIB (Produto Interno Bruto) se dão em níveis muito baixos, inferiores ao crescimento permitido pelo potencial estrutural do Brasil, devido ao controle que é aplicado a esta taxa em relação à meta de inflação determinada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This article conducted an analysis of Portal Brazil, specifically in the areas of “Education” and “Economy and Employment”, by according to the principles of e-engagement defined by the Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development (OECD). For understanding of this work, were elucidated concepts such as public communication - trajectory, principles and relations -, digital democracy, e-government and engagement and civic participation. Through this analysis was realized the importance of public communication in the processes of opinion formation and stimulus to citizen participation, as well as the performance of the internet as a facilitator instrument in the processes of relationship between State and Society


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This work proposes two optimization algorithms for the solution of the Berth Allocation Problem (PAB). Due to the economic development of the country, it became necessary for the improvement of means of transport, which mainly shipping. For this, you need a better system management port, you will receive a lot of ships carrying cargo. In this work the PAB is approached so that the goals are to reduce costs and time handling in ports. For this, we applied two computational techniques, genetic algorithms and optimization for cloud particles, to obtain the best results for this problem. The results obtained with each type of algorithm are compared to conclude which method is more efficient for the port system


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This paper examines different ways to perceive and understand the development. More precisely, it seeks to do so by authors who have alternative views about the economic variables as a development objective. The study deals with three different approaches, emphasizing the instruments and the public policy objectives of development that they propose. To do so, relies on original texts of important authors who have recently contributed to the production of different concepts related to the topic. Also use authors who comment them or clarify aspects of their approaches, as well as indexes and maps that show the important aspect of measurement present of these approaches. More specifically, the authors are Ha-Joon Chang, to highlight the important role of the state and history, Amartya Sen, to extend the concept of development and, finally, Herman Daly, to show the importance, increasingly the subject of environmental problems and sustainable development. Each chapter focuses on a recently published work of these authors that represents a major review of its aspects


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Create with the intention to protect, entire or part of the biodiversity, the Conservation Units is getting eminence when the matters is sustainable tourism. This work has as main purpose, demonstrate and analyze by a geography perspective the viability of the human being occupation and the economic develop at Núcleo ItutingaPilões of the Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar(PESM), through the develop of conscious tourism. Generator of socioeconomics benefits as like passive ambient, the sustentable develop of tourism at Núcleo ItutingaPilões , will be study from the bibliography survey about the theme, and the field work will helps the diagnoses of the actual situation of the consider area.


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The sugarcane agribusiness has expanded by Brazil in recent years, especially with government incentives, which funded the construction and expansion of distilleries and sugar mills and alcohol throughout the national territory, as well as the expansion of the cultivation of sugarcane sugar. The state of São Paulo is the main focus of expansion in the sector, and its municipalities impacted significantly. The Pontal do Paranapanema is one of the last frontiers of cane sugar in the state, so that the culture has brought transformations mainly from 2003. Thus, we take the case of the municipality of Martinópolis analysis, which investigated some transformations in economic dynamics from 2004, the year he began the deployment of Plant Athena. For this, we conducted interviews with several subjects and analyzed statistical data from IBGE, LUPA, MAPA and CANASAT. Aware that these changes are limited to the capitalist market economy, we analyze the benefits and disadvantages brought by the activity of the plant for the population as part of economic growth characteristic of this scenario, taking it to the very prospect of local subjects. Alongside this growth, all other forms of inequality and exploitation of surplus value also grow which is not understood or perceived by residents. Hence the need to confront views and discourses on development promoted by the alcohol sector