77 resultados para Sustentável


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The inclusion of sustainability practices in the construction is a growing trend. This propensity to sustainability takes place from the 1980’s due to the concern about the scarcity of natural resources and damages caused by the men to the environment. Another upward sector in the architecture business is the environmental psychology. The understanding of the environment and it’s planning and adaptation to meet the real user’s needs are essential factors to build an widely used and comfortable environment. An environment can only be considered complete when it meets the real user’s needs. Sustainability related themes as well as environmental psychology are highlighted in the discussions about the projects as fundamental factors to the environment’s quality. This work seeks the development of an kindergarten school, conceptually grounded in researches and analysis of school environments, playful projects and sustainability in the built environment, aiming its use in the city of Bauru. The project will be built from the understanding of the human behavior and in search of an sustainable architecture


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Due to the great impact caused by construction, the university has a major role in the development of alternative projects and studies aimed at sustainable development. This project presents the advantages and importance of building in a sustainable manner from the beginning to end of the Center of Experiences at UNESP, Rio Claro / SP. It will be presented alternative building materials that have high environmental performance and that bring the least negative impacts as possible. Providing a Center of Experiences through a sustainable building is in need of the university to renovate the new trends of society in which the construction is in harmony with the environment in which it is inserted. This sustainable building will serve as a model for students and residents of Rio Claro, since the building itself will serve as a way of learning to the audience goer, as well as for the other campuses of UNESP. Thus, this project will serve as a guide for decision makers facing the huge amount of building materials available in the market


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This paper presents a proposal for the creation and revitalization of the IAPI neighborhood in the city of Guaratinguetá, in order to create a relationship of respect between the citizens and students Guaratinguetaenses, improving the quality of life of the entire population of the city. In addition, the presentation of the integration of educational institutions in the city's historical context is important to understand the situation in which the municipality has developed


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One of the majors concerns in society today is to decrease the environmental impact caused by human activities and natural resource exploration. From this need to be more careful with the environment arose, in the field of civil construction, the term sustainable building. Projects that use natural resources rationally, without ceasing to bring comfort and functionality for customers, are becoming more a reality. This paper presents the share of electric energy in a sustainable building, with the analysis of the available renewable energies used in a project, presentation of new constructive techniques and technologies that are constantly emerging to achieve greater energy efficiency, with an appropriate use of energy received, also a decrease of the energy consumed by some devices present in a residence or business


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A escassez de água para a manutenção dos processos naturais ou para abastecimento humano e em empreendimentos seja em quantidade ou qualidade, corrobora a necessidade e a urgência de comprometimento efetivo de responsabilidade do ser humano com os recursos hídricos e com o ambiente. Falar em Gestão Ambiental (GA), entretanto, especialmente no Brasil, tornou-se lugar comum no discurso de diversos segmentos da sociedade, e em muitos casos desprovido de sentido efetivo. No meio empresarial, ações e discurso ambiental veiculados são reflexo da atuação de diferentes perfis de profissionais, com diferentes tipos de treinamento, e regidos por interesses que nem sempre remontam preocupação com o meio. A regulamentação sobre como devem ser exercida a atuação na área de ambiental, entretanto, bem como monitoramento institucional desta atuação, ainda se encontram em estágio de construção. Mas, a crescente pressão da demanda socioeconômica na iniciativa privada responde por crescente consumo de água e produção de águas residuárias. Para que o desenvolvimento atingido seja sustentável nestes empreendimentos é, portanto, urgente que haja disseminação de informação a gestores ambientais e a comunidade, disponibilizando ferramentas para um gerenciamento mais adequado – com entendimento da situação, de alternativas para amenizar impactos gerados, de como o empreendimento se insere neste cenário e com acompanhamento do desenvolvimento institucional. Assim, este trabalho tem como proposta a produção de material de referência na contextualização da situação dos mecanismos da gestão de recursos hídricos superficiais no estado de São Paulo para empreendimentos, dentro do foco do saneamento básico. Isso foi realizado através de revisão bibliográfica em livros e artigos científicos, teses acadêmicas, levantamento...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Create with the intention to protect, entire or part of the biodiversity, the Conservation Units is getting eminence when the matters is sustainable tourism. This work has as main purpose, demonstrate and analyze by a geography perspective the viability of the human being occupation and the economic develop at Núcleo ItutingaPilões of the Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar(PESM), through the develop of conscious tourism. Generator of socioeconomics benefits as like passive ambient, the sustentable develop of tourism at Núcleo ItutingaPilões , will be study from the bibliography survey about the theme, and the field work will helps the diagnoses of the actual situation of the consider area.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Não disponível


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar questões sociais e econômicas do cotidiano de quatro comunidades quilombola (Cedro, Pedra Preta, Ribeirão Grande e Terra Seca) residentes da Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Quilombos de Barra do Turvo (Vale do Ribeira/SP), e levantar o debate acerca da questão da luta pelo reconhecimento da posse da terra frente à saída dos mais jovens da comunidade para as grandes cidades. Através dos dados coletados por meio de levantamento bibliográfico a respeito do tema e entrevistas semiestruturadas com representantes das famílias das quatro comunidades, foi possível discorrer a respeito da problemática da saída dos jovens, que afeta diretamente o futuro dessas comunidades tradicionais, bem como a sugestão de alternativas que visando geração de renda para essas famílias e a inserção e o futuro estabelecimento desses jovens no cotidiano das comunidades. Os resultados deste trabalho mostram que esses quilombolas, bem como seus antepassados, formam comunidades essencialmente rurais e agrícolas, com dinâmica fortemente ligada ao meio natural circundante. Quanto às suas práticas agrícolas, as famílias se dividem em dois grupos: os praticantes da agricultura tradicional, também chamada de “coivara”, e a agroecologia, com Sistemas Agroflorestais bem estabelecidos, onde os agricultores são organizados através de uma cooperativa agroflorestal. Essa divisão agrícola, como mostrado na pesquisa, tem reflexo direto na organização social e econômica das comunidades, bem como no processo de preservação do patrimônio cultural desses grupos. A pesquisa apontou ainda para um grande êxodo dos indivíduos mais jovens das quatro comunidades rumo aos grandes centros urbanos, pela falta de interesse destes na cultural local, ou pela busca por empregos regulares, levantando o questionamento sobre a preservação da cultura e do território quilombola de Barra do Turvo


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This study aims to assess the evolution of the environmental debate, starting by the contextualization of its first appearance, and perform a theoretical and methodological analysis of its ramifications, especially regarding the two main lines of thought in economics: environmental economics and ecological economics. Once confirmed the incompatibility of economic growth per se with the environmental limits, the degrowth proposal will be presented, its theoretical basis and especially the means by which its creators aim to promote a economic, politic and social restructuring. Finally, the challenges regarding the degrowth implementation on both the developed Northern economies and the third-world or emerging Southern countries will be exposed


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The current problematic of the construction and demolition (C&D) waste faced for the Brazilian cities, is one of the main degradation factors of the environment, over all about the promise of the urban ambient quality. This scenery must mainly to the unsustainable management adopted by the great majority of the Brazilian cities. Therefore, this work aims at to offer subsidies for medium cities, having as study object the city of Rio Claro-SP, (Brazil), in the elaboration of plans and integrated programs of sustainable management of the construction and demolition waste, in accordance with CONAMA Resolution nº 307/2002, that’s set up a sustainable management system of C&D waste. In this direction, the diagnosis of the management was elaborated for the city of Rio Claro, (generation, collects, transport and disposal) and the public administration of the construction and demolition waste, as well as of the study of the related aspects with C&D waste recycling plant. Later, was suggested a plan of improvements for the public manager of C&D waste: areas of temporary disposal to facility the appropriating destination, appropriated areas of final disposal, incentives to the recycling of C&D waste, new legislations, education and orientation programs and adequacy the agents of C&D waste management (generating, transporting, addressee and public manager), directing for an environmental, economic and social sustainability.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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From its foundation until nowadays, the city of São Paulo has undergone major transformation processes, one of the responsibles for these changes is the presence of efficient transportation ; From construction of roads and routes for the animal traction transportation, railroads, expansion and improvements to the introduction of the automobiles, highways, subway system, among others, all these changes are related to greater flow of people and goods. However nowadays has been reflected issues such as quality of life and development of society in a sustainable way, once we have the construction and reconstruction of space in benefit of capital, and therefore the valuation of individual motorized transport. The overuse of individual motor vehicles are generating an urban chaos, making it increasingly difficult to transit in big cities, the use of bicycles is presented as a viable modal alternative, allowing the flow, and enhancing the health of society and quality of the air