58 resultados para Surround
This work aims to identify the rootmetaphor of John Dewey’s philosophical and educational discourse, by means of rhetorical analyses parameters. This methodology is founded in Aristotle and in the works of Chaïm Perelman and other contemporary authors involved in the revision of Aristotelian philosophy. The article examines the essays “The philosophical work of Herbert Spencer” and “The influence of darwinism on philosophy”, published by John Dewey respectively in 1904 e 1909. They were written in the early years of Dewey in Columbia University, which intellectual environment was not dominated by Pragmatism, and for this reason they can be considered seminal in the structuring of the author’s arguments. The analysis reveals that Dewey is favorable to Darwinian evolutionism thesis and opposite to Spencer’s one. This positioning suggests that Dewey’s discourse is bound to the metaphor “undetermined route” because it situates evolution as a process devoid of previously listed purposes at a pre-determined plan, subject only to the relations that are established, so unpredictable, between organisms and the environmental conditions that surround. Analyzing Dewey’s ideas about education, the article concludes that “undetermined route” is the rootmetaphor of Dewey’s discourse, hypothesis that can contribute to discuss Dewey in the context of contemporary philosophy.
In this essay, we sustain the idea that structuralist thinking is part of spontaneous criticism against the reductionisms that surround psychology. We depart from the radical split-up between the scientific viewpoint and that of metaphysics, expressed in the end-19th century scientific psychology projects. Next, we highlight the importance of the structuralist perspective in the review of the antinomic relations between the subjective and objective, operated at the heart of psychology throughout the 20th century. We show that the rejection of unilineal causality in favor of network causality curbed the advancement of unilateral or reductionist theories in psychology. Moreover, we consider the idea of structure as a point of convergence between psychology and philosophy. More than its explanatory nature, the notion of structure reveals an epistemological register capable of re-approximating psychology to the relativization of the ideal of scientific neutrality. The importance of structuralist thinking in psychology makes us consider the history of psychological knowledge as a type of research that belongs to cultural history.
This study aims to reflect the organization of the mental health services in primary care from a new organizational arrangement to health work, defined as Matrix Support (Campos, 1999), which aims to build technical and educational support in the relationship between health professionals from mental health professionals in the Family Health Strategy. The methodology used in the Matrix Support the “Wheel” method, which is mediated by a supporter who, through questions and reflections, points out possibilities for case discussions, promotes links between the health teams, discusses the concept of link between professionals and users, strengthens the co-responsability for the actions of health and tries to break the logic related with the services organized by referrals. So the wheels when they occur in health services enables the interdisciplinary, and through it, it is expected to talk about the complexity of the phenomena that surround each subject, so that they overcome the dichotomy between individual and collective, social and biological revealing new values to be incorporated into health practices. In front of this analysis that is theoric and conceptual, allied with the experience from a nursisn area professional that worked in this work method, can be concluded that this experience related here, eas strategic for the health care actions for strengthen based on the Unique Health system and Psych Rebuild principles.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work aimed to point out the major changes in post-graduation and their implications on professor's well-being. For this proposal, exploratory research was carried out using books and periodicals, indexed in SciELO and Web of Science. We tried to emphasize research published in the last decade. The subject is difficult to bound, as the definition of quality of life itself depends on geographical and cultural aspects. Thus, the main aspects that surround this controversial issue were selected, with no claim to exhaust it. It is pretty clean that university managers believe that the university must meet the productivist requirements. Therefore, university and undergraduate, which in the recent past were spaces of thinking, became a series production space. In this scenario it is not enough pure research and long-term, but the rapid and direct research. Also, some studies already show the relationship between the work of public universities and health issues. It is believed that the deleterious relationship between the productivist pressure and the teacher's quality of life will be quite evident in a near future
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Próteses sobre implantes esteticamente favoráveis estão diretamente relacionadas com a condição dos tecidos moles e duros que as envolvem. A preservação dos tecidos mucogengivais ao redor de implantes dentários instalados na maxila anterior propicia um sorriso harmonioso, com uma estética bastante agradável. No entanto, em alguns casos, isso não ocorre principalmente pela grande reabsorção tecidual na região, na qual deveria ter sido realizado enxerto ósseo, antes mesmo da instalação dos implantes. Desse modo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar uma solução reabilitadora estética para essas possíveis falhas durante o planejamento com reabilitações sobre implantes, por meio de gengiva artificial cerâmica.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Considering the defi nition of Environmental Education as a human development process that seeks the transformation of the relationship between society and environment, this paper – collectively written by the members of the research group – discusses the theoretical framework of our studies, understanding them not as ’straitjackets’ that force us to repeat and reproduce predetermined analysis, but as a pathway, a method to interpret reality, a method to look for the essence of the studied phenomena, the real world. The theoretical framework we present helps us, therefore, to overcome the fragmented feature of the construction of knowledge proposed by methodologies in whose epistemological axis are located empiricism, positivism and idealism, as well as to fi nd out the laws of the phenomena whose study concerns us. It also helps us to capture in detail the details of the problems, to analyze their evolution and track the connections between phenomena that surround them. That is the Historical, Dialectical and Materialistic method formulated by Marx and those who came after him, also known as the philosophy of praxis. Based on this reference, we discuss here the relationship between environmental education and sustainability, bringing the concepts of sustainable development and sustainability into the debate, concluding that for the critical perspective explained here, environmental education for sustainability is a process that joins theory and practice for the transformation of the relationships between societies and the environment. This is the critical dimension of environmental education as we comprehend it.
Nowadays, there is an increasing demand for subjective aspects of the interface between human beings and the products and systems that surround them, whether in the workplace or at home. This study addresses the association of age and the perception of difficulty during a simulation of opening process PET bottles for soft drinks. During the activities, the subjects exerted their maximum torque forces, trying to open five different models of these packages, and then they assigned scores for perception in a scale. The results indicate that for some models, there were differences between levels of perceived difficulty between age groups.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The main objective of this study focuses on investigate how the style of the Conhecimento Prático Língua Portuguesa magazine, from Escala publisher, reveals a materialization, in its wordings, of social values that surround our society regarding the teaching class. Besides, we thought about the construction of an other - teacher - by means of the I speech (the enunciator). Furthermore, we reflected on how happens the genre opinion article handling and whether there is, when aimed to the teaching class. All these questions were discussed under the perspective of Bakhtin's theory, focusing our analysis in the wording notions, dialogism, style and speech genres. Our analysis indicates a materialization of social values in syntactic issues and a hybridization of genres when the addressee is a teacher