100 resultados para Stress degradation studies


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This was a study on the oxidative stress due to ischaemia (I) and reperfusion (R) in skeletal muscle tissue. Using a tourniquet, groups of rats were submitted to ischaemia for 4 h, followed by different reperfusion periods. The animals were divided in four groups: control; 4 h of ischaemia (IR); 4 h of ischaemia plus 1 h reperfusion (IR-1 h); 4 h of ischaemia plus 24 h reperfusion (IR-24 h); and 4 h of ischaemia plus 72 h reperfusion (IR-72 h). At the end of the procedures, samples of soleus muscle were collected and frozen in n-hexane at -70 degrees C. Cryostat sections were submitted to haematoxylin-eosin, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-tetrazolium reductase (NADH-TR) stains. An additional muscle sample was processed for electron microscopy. No alterations were found in control animals. IR group showed fibres had normal aspect besides some round, acidophilic and hypertrophic fibres. There were several fibres with angular outlines and smaller diameters in this group compared with control group. NADH-TR/SDH reaction was moderately intense in most fibres. In some fibres, cytoplasm showed areas without activity and other fibres had very intense reactivity. IR-1 h group showed oedema hypercontracted fibres with disorganized myofibrils, mitochondria with focal lesions and dilated sarcoplasmic reticulum. NADH-TR/SDH reaction was moderate to weak. IR-24 h showed intense inflammatory infiltrate in the endomysium and perimysium. NADH-TR/SDH reaction was similar to IR-1 h. IR-72 h showed necrotic fibres, areas with inflammatory infiltrate, reduced muscle fibres at different stages of necrosis and phagocytosis, and many small round and basophilic fibres characterizing a regeneration process. NADH-TR/SDH reaction was weak to negative. Our results suggest that ischaemia and the subsequent 1-, 24- and 72-h reperfusions induced progressive histological damage. Although progressive, it may be reversible because there were ultrastructural signs of recovery after 72-h reperfusion. This recovery could in part be due to the low oxidative stress identified by the morphological and histochemical analysis.


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The present study examined the interaction of hypercaloric diet (HD) and physical exercise on lipid profile and oxidative stress in serum and liver of rats. Male Wistar rats (60-days-old) were fed with a control (C) and hypercaloric diet (H). Each of the two dietary groups (C and H) was divided into three subgroups (n = 8), sedentary (CS and HS), exercised 2 days a week (CE2 and HE2) and exercised 5 days a week (CE5 and HE5). The swimming was selected as a model for exercise performance. After 8-weeks exercised rats showed decreased lactate dehydrogenase serum activities, demonstrating the effectiveness of the swimming as an aerobic-training protocol. Exercise 5-days a week reduced the body weight gain. Triacylglycerol (TG) and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL-C) were increased in HD-fed rats. HE5 and CE5 rats had decreased TG, VLDL-C and cholesterol. HE2 rats had enhanced high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C) in serum. No alterations were observed in lipid hydroperoxide (LH), while total antioxidant substances (TAS) were increased in serum of exercised rats. HD-fed rats had hepatic TG accumulation. Superoxide dismutase activities were increased and catalase was decreased in liver of exercised rats. The interaction of HD and physical exercise reduced TAS and enhanced LH levels in hepatic tissue. In conclusion, this study confirmed the beneficial effect of physical exercise as a dyslipidemic-lowering component. Interaction of HD and physical exercise had discrepant effects on serum and liver oxidative stress. The interaction of HID and physical exercise reduced the oxidative stress in serum. HD and physical exercise interaction had pro-oxidant effect on hepatic tissue, suggesting that more studies should be done before using physical exercise as an adjunct therapy to reduce the adverse effects of HD. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study examined whether sucrose-rich diet (SRD)-induced hyperglycaemia, dyslipidemia and oxidative stress may be inhibited by N-acetylcysteine (C5H9-NO3S), an organosulfur from Allium plants. Male Wistar 40 rats were divided into four groups (n = 10): (C) given standard chow and water; (N) receiving standard chow and 2 mg/l N-acetylcysteine in its drinking water; (SRD) given standard chow and 30% sucrose in its drinking water; and (SRD-N) receiving standard chow, 30% sucrose and N-acetylcysteine in its drinking water. After 30 days of treatment, SRD rats had obesity with increased abdominal circumference, hyperglycaemia, by dyslipidemia and hepatic triacylglycerol accumulation. These adverse effects were associated with oxidative stress and depressed lipid degradation in hepatic tissue. The SRD adverse effects were not observed in SDR-N rats. N-Acetylcysteine reduced the oxidative stress, enhancing glutathione-peroxidase activity, and normalizing lipid hydroperoxyde, reduced glutathione and superoxide dismutase in hepatic tissue of SRD-N rats. The beta-hydroxyacyl coenzyme-A dehydrogenase and citrate-synthase activities were increased in SRD-N rats, indicating enhanced lipid degradation in hepatic tissue as compared to SRD. SRD-N rats had reduced serum oxidative stress and diminished glucose, triacylglycerol, very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), oxidized low-density lipoprotein (alpha-LDL) and cholesterol/highdensity lipoprotein (HDL) ratio in relation to SRD. In conclusion, NAC offers promising therapeutic values in prevention of dyslipidemic profile and alleviation of hyperglycaemia in high-sucrose intake condition by improving antioxidant defences. N-Acetylcysteine had also effects preventing metabolic shifting in hepatic tissue, thus enhancing fat degradation and reducing body weight gain in conditions of excess sucrose intake. The application of this agent in food system via exogenous addition may be feasible and beneficial for antioxidant protection. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Polygalacturonases are part of the group of enzymes involved in pectin degradation. The aim of this work was to investigate some of the factors affecting polygalacturonase production by an Aspergillus giganteus strain and to characterize this pectinolytic activity. Several carbon sources, both pure substances and natural substrates, were tested in standing cultures, and the best results were obtained with orange bagasse and purified citrus pectin. on citrus pectin as sole carbon source, the highest extracellular activity (9.5 U/ml and 40.6 U/mg protein) was obtained in 4.5-day-old cultures shaken at 120 rpm, pH 3.5 and 30 degrees C, while on orange bagasse, the highest extracellular activity (48.5 U/ml and 78.3 U/mg protein) was obtained in 3.5-day-old cultures shaken at 120 rpm, pH 6.0 and 30 degrees C. Optimal polygalacturonase activity was observed in assays conducted at pH 5.5-6.5 and 55-60 degrees C. The activity showed good thermal stability, with half-lives of 90 and 30 min when incubated at 55 and 60 degrees C, respectively. High stability was observed from pH 4.5 to 8.5; more than 90% of the activity remained after 24 h in this pH range.


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A number of attempts have been made to obtain a clear definition of biological stress. However, in spite of the efforts, some controversies on the concept of plant stress remain. The current versions are centered either on the cause (stress factor) or on the effect (stress response) of environmental stress. The objective of this study was to contribute to the definition of stress, using a hierarchical approach. Thus, we have performed an analysis of the most usual stress concepts and tested the relevance of considering different observation scales in a study on plant response to water deficit. Seedlings of Eucalyptus grandis were grown in vitro at water potentials ranging from -0.16 to -0.6 MPa, and evaluated according to growth and biochemical parameters. Data were analyzed through principal component analysis (PCA), which pointed to a hierarchical organization in plant responses to environmental disturbances. Growth parameters (height and dry weight) are more sensitive to water deficit than biochemical ones (sugars, proline, and protein), suggesting that higher hierarchical levels were more sensitive to environmental constraints than lower hierarchical ones. We suggest that before considering an environmental fluctuation as stressful, it is necessary to take into account different levels of plant response, and that the evaluation of the effects of environmental disturbances on an organism depends on the observation scale being used. Hence, a more appropriate stress concept should consider the hierarchical organization of the biological systems, not only for a more adequate theoretical approach, but also for the improvement of practical studies on plants under stress.


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The organic fraction of urban solid residues disposed of in sanitary landfills during the decomposition yields biogas and leachate, which are sources of pollution. Leachate is a resultant liquid from the decomposition of substances contained in solid residues and it contains in its composition organic and inorganic substances. Literature shows an increase in the use of thermoanalytical techniques to study the samples with environmental interest, this way thermogravimetry is used in this research. Thermogravimetric studies (TG curves) carried out on leachate and residues shows similarities in the thermal behavior, although presenting complex composition. Residue samples were collected from landfills, composting plants, sewage treatment stations, leachate, which after treatment, were submitted for thermal analysis. Kinetic parameters were determined using the Flynn-Wall-Ozawa method. In this case they show little divergence between the kinetic parameter that can be attributed to different decomposition reaction and presence of organic compounds in different phases of the decomposition with structures modified during degradation process and also due to experimental conditions of analysis.


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Plant extracts are some of the most attractive sources of new drugs and have shown promising results for the treatment of gastric ulcers. Several folk medicinal plants and herbs have been used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, including gastric ulcers. Mammea americana L. (Guttiferae) fruit is very common in the diet of the population of northern South America. Our research interest in this plant arose because of its potential medicinal value as a tonic and against stomachache, as used in folk medicine. In this paper we evaluated three different extracts (ethanolic/EtOH, methanolic/MeOH and dichloromethane/DCM) obtained from M. americana L., for their ability to protect the gastric mucosa against injuries caused by necrotizing agents (0.3 M HCI/60% EtOH), hypothermic restraint stress, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID, indomethacin) and pylorus ligation. In the HCI/EtOH-induced gastriculcer model, EtOH and DCM extracts demonstrated significant inhibition of the ulcerative lesion index by 54% (12.0 +/- 2.6 mm) and 86% (3.7 +/- 1.8 mm), respectively, in relation to the control value (26.0 +/- 1.4 mm) (p < 0.000 1). In the NSAID/cholinomimetic-induced lesion model, both EtOH and DCM extracts showed antiulcerogenic effects with significant reduction in the damage to these gastric lesions of 36% (8.3 +/- 2.0 mm) and 42% (7.5 +/- 1.4 mm), respectively, as compared to the control group (13.0 +/- 0.9 mm) (p < 0.0001). In the gastric ulcer induced by hypothermic-restraint stress, both extracts also showed significant activity, and inhibited the gastric lesion index by 58% and 75%, respectively. The EtOH and DCM extracts also changed gastric juice parameters as well as those of cimetidine, decreased gastric acid secretion significantly (p < 0.0001), increased pH values and promoted reduced acid output (p < 0.0001). In all gastric-ulcer-induced models, MeOH extract did not show any significant antiulcerogenic activity, nor did it change gastric-juice parameters (p > 0.05). The results suggest that EtOH and DCM extracts obtained from M. americana possess excellent antisecretory and/or gastrotective effect in all gastric ulcer models. These results suggest that the antiulcerogenic compound(s) present in M. americana may be clustered in the apolar fraction, which will be investigated by our group for the probable mechanisms of action. (c) 2004 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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During the winding process of HTS coils the tapes of Bi-2223 are subjected to the influence of bending strain, axial strain, compressive force and torsional deformation resulting in I-c degradation. In the literature the effects of the individual strain components are separately analyzed in spite of during coil winding and energizing the strain-stress effects are combined. In this work using commercial tapes of Bi-2223 Ag/AgMg with and without stainless steel reinforcement several samples were wound on cylindrical FRP G-10 holder in which different combined strains are applied. Measurements of I - V characteristic curves are done to determine the degree of critical current degradation and the operational limits. The results are compared with the I, values of short samples and other specimens subjected to deformation generated by loading types such as tensile and bending strain.


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Thermal decomposition kinetics of solid rocket propellants based on hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene-HTPB binder was studied by applying the Arrhenius and Flynn-Wall-Ozawa's methods. The thermal decomposition data of the propellant samples were analyzed by thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG) at different heating rates in the temperature range of 300-1200 K. TG curves showed that the thermal degradation occurred in three main stages regardless of the plasticizer (DOA) raw material, the partial HTPB/IPDI binder and the total ammonium perchlorate decompositions. The kinetic parameters E-a (activation energy) and A (pre-exponential factor) and the compensation parameter (S-p) were determined. The apparent activation energies obtained from different methods showed a very good agreement.


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Drimys angustifolia Miers. (Winteraceae) is a Brazilian medicinal plant used as analgesic, antiulcer and anti-inflammatory without studies to assure its efficacy and safety Leaf and stem bark extracts were evaluated to determine the antiulcer, analgesic, antiinflammatory and antioxidant activities. Preliminary toxic effects and qualitative phytochemical profile were also performed. The antiulcer activity was detected in both extracts. Administration of the leaf extract at 250 mg/kg inhibited total lesion area by 76.50% (p < 0.01 in ethanol/HCl method), while carbenoxolone at 250 mg/kg reduced lesions by 69.48%. Stem bark extract (250 mg/kg) inhibited lesion by 81.42%, while carbenoxolone by 74.10%. Similar effects were observed in the ethanol-induced ulcer method, but no activity was observed in piroxican model. The effects involve nitric oxide in gastric protection, since the L-NAME treatment reversed the protection given by the extracts. Antioxidant effects suggest an involvement against oxidative stress. In the pain (writhing, tail-flick and hot-plate tests) and inflammation (carrageenan-induced paw edema) models, the extracts did not present any effect. The phytochemical studies demonstrated that both extracts contain flavonoids, saponins, glycosilated triterpenoids, fixed acids, cyanogenic glycosides, quinones, tannins, xanthone and steroidal aglycones. Toxicological studies showed that the extracts are safe at the effective antiulcer doses. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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A photocatalyst based on CuO/SiO2 was prepared, and evaluated for the degradation of methylene blue in aqueous medium. The photocatalyst was obtained by calcination method of copper salt, in the presence of silica. The characterization by XRD, FTIR, and TPR techniques confirmed the formation of CuO as active phase. SEM studies showed CuO deposited on the surface of SiO2. By ESI-MS, it was demonstrated that the degradation of methylene blue occurs through successive hydroxylations. Photodegradation assays showed that CuO/SiO2 was efficient for degradation, and that the material worked better in the presence of UV light.


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There is an increasing need for more accurate prognostic and predictive markers in veterinary oncology because of an increasing number of treatment options, the increased financial costs associated with treatment, and the emotional stress experienced by owners in association with the disease and its treatment. Numerous studies have evaluated potential prognostic and predictive markers for veterinary neoplastic diseases, but there are no established guidelines or standards for the conduct and reporting of prognostic studies in veterinary medicine. This lack of standardization has made the evaluation and comparison of studies difficult. Most important, translating these results to clinical applications is problematic. To address this issue, the American College of Veterinary Pathologists' Oncology Committee organized an initiative to establish guidelines for the conduct and reporting of prognostic studies in veterinary oncology. The goal of this initiative is to increase the quality and standardization of veterinary prognostic studies to facilitate independent evaluation, validation, comparison, and implementation of study results. This article represents a consensus statement on the conduct and reporting of prognostic studies in veterinary oncology from veterinary pathologists and oncologists from around the world. These guidelines should be considered a recommendation based on the current state of knowledge in the field, and they will need to be continually reevaluated and revised as the field of veterinary oncology continues to progress. As mentioned, these guidelines were developed through an initiative of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists' Oncology Committee, and they have been reviewed and endorsed by the World Small Animal Veterinary Association.


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Many studies have assessed the process of forest degradation in the Brazilian Amazon using remote sensing approaches to estimate the extent and impact by selective logging and forest fires on tropical rain forest. However, only a few have estimated the combined impacts of those anthropogenic activities. We conducted a detailed analysis of selective logging and forest fire impacts on natural forests in the southern Brazilian Amazon state of Mato Grosso, one of the key logging centers in the country. To achieve this goal a 13-year series of annual Landsat images (1992-2004) was used to test different remote sensing techniques for measuring the extent of selective logging and forest fires, and to estimate their impact and interaction with other land use types occurring in the study region. Forest canopy regeneration following these disturbances was also assessed. Field measurements and visual observations were conducted to validate remote sensing techniques. Our results indicated that the Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index aerosol free (MSAVI(af)) is a reliable estimator of fractional coverage under both clear sky and under smoky conditions in this study region. During the period of analysis, selective logging was responsible for disturbing the largest proportion (31%) of natural forest in the study area, immediately followed by deforestation (29%). Altogether, forest disturbances by selective logging and forest fires affected approximately 40% of the study site area. Once disturbed by selective logging activities, forests became more susceptible to fire in the study site. However, our results showed that fires may also occur in undisturbed forests. This indicates that there are further factors that may increase forest fire susceptibility in the study area. Those factors need to be better understood. Although selective logging affected the largest amount of natural forest in the study period, 35% and 28% of the observed losses of forest canopy cover were due to forest fire and selective logging combined and to forest fire only, respectively. Moreover, forest areas degraded by selective logging and forest fire is an addition to outright deforestation estimates and has yet to be accounted for by land use and land cover change assessments in tropical regions. Assuming that this observed trend of land use and land cover conversion continues, we predict that there will be no undisturbed forests remaining by 2011 in this study site. Finally, we estimated that 70% of the total forest area disturbed by logging and fire had sufficiently recovered to become undetectable using satellite data in 2004. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We evaluated the growth and development of the medicinal species Pothomorphe umbellata ( L.) Miq. under different shade levels ( full sun and 30, 50, and 70 % shade, marked as I(100), I(70), I(50), and I(30), respectively) and their effects on gas exchange and activities of antioxidant enzymes. Photosynthetically active radiation varied from 1 254 mu mol m(-2) s(-1) at I(100) to 285 mu mol m(-2) s(-1) at I(30). Stomatal conductance, net photosynthetic rate, and relative chlorophyll (Chl) content were maximal in I(70) plants. Plants grown under I(100) produced leaves with lower Chl content and signs of chlorosis and necrosis. These symptoms indicated Chl degradation induced by the generation of reactive oxygen species. Stress related antioxidant enzyme activities ( Mn-SOD, Fe-SOD, and Cu/Zn-SOD) were highest in I(100) plants, whereas catalase activity was the lowest. Hence P. umbellata is a shade species ( sciophyte), a feature that should be considered in reforestation programs or in field plantings for production of medicinal constituents.