57 resultados para Streams of short text


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Short implants are increasingly used, but there is doubt about their performance being similar to that of regular implants. The aim of this study was to compare the mechanical stability of short implants vs. regular implants placed in the edentulous posterior mandible. Twenty-three patients received a total of 48 short implants (5 × 5.5 mm and 5 × 7 mm) and 42 regular implants (4 × 10 mm and 4 × 11.5 mm) in the posterior mandible. Patients who received short implants had <10 mm of bone height measured from the bone crest to the outer wall of the mandibular canal. Resonance frequency analysis (RFA) was performed at time intervals T0 (immediately after implant placement), T1 (after 15 days), T2 (after 30 days), T3 (after 60 days), and T4 (after 90 days). The survival rate after 90 days was 87.5% for the short implants and 100% for regular implants (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between the implants in time intervals T1, T2, T3, and T4. In T0, the RFA values of 5 × 5.5 implants were higher than values of 5 × 7 and 4 × 11.5 implants (P < 0.05). A total of six short implants that were placed in four patients were lost (three of 5 × 5.5 mm and three of 5 × 7 mm). Three lost implants started with high ISQ values, which progressively decreased. The other three lost implants started with a slightly lower ISQ value, which rose and then began to fall. Survival rate of short implants after 90 days was lower than that of regular implants. However, short implants may be considered a reasonable alternative for rehabilitation of severely resorbed mandibles with reduced height, to avoid performing bone reconstruction before implant placement. Patients need to be aware of the reduced survival rate compared with regular implants before implant placement to avoid disappointments.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to analyze the stress distribution of short implants supporting single unit or splinted crowns by the photo-elasticity method. Four photo-elastic models were produced: A (3.75×7mm); B (3.75×7mm, 3.75×7mm and 3.75×7mm); C (3.75×10mm, 3.75×7mm and 3.75×7mm); D (3.75×13mm, 3.75×7mm and 3.75×7mm). The prostheses were made with Ni-Cr alloy. A load of 100N in the axial and oblique directions was applied, totaling 380 applications, individually capturing their images in each model. The data were randomized and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by 2 examiners. The oblique loading was significantly more damaging. The increase in length was favorable for stress distribution (p<0.05). The splinting was beneficial for the transmission of stresses mainly (p<0.05). The splinting of the crowns, as well as increasing the length of the first implant and axial loading was most beneficial in the stress distribution. Short splinted implants behaved better than single unit implants. Increasing of the length of the first implant significantly improved the stress distribution in all analyzed situations.


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We use a series expansion method introduced recently by Rickman and Phillpot (Phys. Rev. Lett. 1991, 66, 349) to study the temperature dependent conformational properties of short ionized polyelectrolyte chains in ionic solutions by conducting simulations at a single temperature. The charged beads located at the sites of a cubic lattice interact through screened Coulombic interactions. It is shown that this method provides results that correlate with other Monte Carlo simulations, performed over a range of temperatures, where conformational transitions induced by thermal and screening effects occur. It is also shown that the method can be used successfully when the potential is weakly dependent on temperature. © 1994 American Chemical Society.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Kinetics of short-range ordering (SRO) in Ag with 21, 23 and 28 at% Zn is investigated by residual resistometry during isochronal and isothermal heat treatment for different states of post-deformation defect annealing after cold-rolling to about 30 and 60% thickness reduction. Resistivity changes due to pure ordering can be separated from the as-measured total resistivity change which includes defect annealing. Although the initial state of SRO of the as-rolled material can be estimated to be comparably low, for as-rolled and partially annealed states by appropriate thermal treatment evolution of SRO is achieved which corresponds quite well to that of recrystallized samples. It is observed, however, that quenched-in surplus vacancies contribute considerably to the ordering process for the recrystallized state and that this contribution is still increased by the grain growth during the final stage of annealing. It therefore turns out that SRO-kinetics under equilibrium vacancy conditions can be better observed in a state of post-deformation annealing, for which deformation induced point defects are annealed-out, but a relatively high dislocation density is still present to act as a vacancy sink. Copyright (C) 1996 Acta Metallurgica Inc.


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Microhabitat distribution was investigated in five populations of Characeae (two of Chara guairensis, two of Nitella subglomerata and one of Nitella sp.) to determine the distributional patterns, the morphometric and reproductive adaptations to varying environmental conditions and niche width on a scale of few centimeters. Variations in physical variables revealed some general trends of microhabitat distribution for the Characeae populations studied, with occurrence under the following conditions: slow and narrow current velocities; substrata predominantly composed of small particle size (sand-clay); variable and generally low depths. In terms of morphological adaptations, we found some general patterns: plants with longer whorl branchlets also had longer internodes in all populations studied, whereas longer plants had also thicker axis. The former were generally associated with higher biomass (percent cover). Few correlations of morphological characters were observed with environmental variables (e.g. plant length with irradiance: negative in two populations and positive in one population). Despite the general patterns of occurrence mentioned above, our results also indicated that each population differed in its responses to environmental variables and had particular morphological and reproductive adaptations. The Characean populations occurred under a narrower range of microhabitat conditions than other macroalgae from lotic habitats, particularly lower current velocity (6.7-9.8 cm s(-1)) and a more specific substratum type (sand-clay). Niche width values (0.60-0.99) of the Characeae populations studied indicate a high degree of habitat specialization and are among the highest yet found in lotic macroalgae. The relatively narrow variations in microhabitat conditions and high niche widths here reported for Characean populations, suggest a lower tolerance to variations in current velocity, depth, irradiance and substratum type. These characteristics probably explain the relatively restricted distribution of Characeae species in streams of S (a) over tildeo Paulo State with low frequency of records in most regions.


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The fishes of the present study were collected in the headwater streams of the Sorocaba, Paranapanema and Ribeira de Iguape river basins during the dry period in 2010. A total of 2892 fishes, grouped in 53 species, were captured. The composition of the ichthyofauna captured in the streams of Sorocaba and Paranapanema river basin was greatly similar. On the other hand, the fish fauna of the streams of Ribeira de Iguape river basin were quite different from the ones captured in the others basins, with the occurrence of endangered species (Isbrueckerichthys epakmos and I. duseni) and exotic species (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus). The previous list of fish for the Sorocaba river basin increased with the addition of seven species of Characiformes, one Gymnotiformes and four Siluriformes. © 2012 Check List and Authors.


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Neste estudo, padrões de tamanho do corpo de Phanocerus clavicornis Sharp, 1882 (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Larainae) foram investigados ao longo de um gradiente de variação de velocidade da corrente em córregos de baixa ordem da Mata Atlântica. Especificamente, buscou-se testar a hipótese de que a distribuição de larvas de P. clavicornis com diferentes tamanhos corpóreos respondem às variações na velocidade da corrente em córregos. As coletas das larvas foram realizadas com um amostrador de Surber durante dois períodos amostrais, definidos pelo regime de chuvas: agosto - estação seca e fevereiro - estação chuvosa. Possíveis diferenças nas medidas de tamanho do corpo foram testadas através de uma análise de variância (ANOVA). Os resultados daANOVAindicaram para todas as medidas das larvas coletadas nos córregos de primeira ordem (largura da cabeça, largura do protórax e comprimento total do corpo) encontramos diferenças significativas, indicando uma variação morfométrica com as mudanças das condições hidráulicas, onde as larvas menores foram associadas aos períodos de maior precipitação. No entanto, em córregos maiores (3a ordem), os eventos de chuva tiveram menor impacto no tamanho dos indivíduos, com a ocorrência de larvas com diferentes tamanhos. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que os espaços intersticiais são importantes para a proteção das larvas contra a velocidade da corrente e que as populações de P. clavicornis possuem alta plasticidade, sendo uma característica fundamental para a ocupação desta espécie em ambientes instáveis. Esses resultados são importantes para a compreensão da história de vida e características comportamentais da espécie, que permitem persistir em córregos ao longo de gradiente de perturbação do fluxo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The study of short implants is relevant to the biomechanics of dental implants, and research on crown increase has implications for the daily clinic. The aim of this study was to analyze the biomechanical interactions of a singular implant-supported prosthesis of different crown heights under vertical and oblique force, using the 3-D finite element method. Six 3-D models were designed with Invesalius 3.0, Rhinoceros 3D 4.0, and Solidworks 2010 software. Each model was constructed with a mandibular segment of bone block, including an implant supporting a screwed metal-ceramic crown. The crown height was set at 10, 12.5, and 15 mm. The applied force was 200 N (axial) and 100 N (oblique). We performed an ANOVA statistical test and Tukey tests; p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The increase of crown height did not influence the stress distribution on screw prosthetic (p > 0.05) under axial load. However, crown heights of 12.5 and 15 mm caused statistically significant damage to the stress distribution of screws and to the cortical bone (p <0.001) under oblique load. High crown to implant (C/I) ratio harmed microstrain distribution on bone tissue under axial and oblique loads (p < 0.001). Crown increase was a possible deleterious factor to the screws and to the different regions of bone tissue. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.