88 resultados para Soil layer


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work addresses the erosion caused by rain, describing their steps and factors that most influence the intensity and volume of transported material. The work presents the Universal Soil Loss Equation that quantifies the erosion, with the influence of different factors that affect it. The following notes the occurrence of this process in cutting slopes. They suffer with removal of the vegetation and surface soil layer, making them even more susceptible to this process. In this way it's necessary a protection model for the slopes. Some protection methods are presents with their main features, advantages and disadvantages, implementation process, especially to survey the approximate cost of each method and their application restrictions


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Corn cultivation is part of crop rotation used by irrigation farmers from the southwestern region of São Paulo state, Brazil, who use no-tillage soil management as a kind of sustainable use of soil. The effect of this conservative practice on physical and hydrical properties of the soil, root development and corn crop yield compared to the conventional management was the objective of this work. The experiment was held at the Buriti-Mirim Farm, Angatuba, SP, Brazil, using an irrigated area with a center pivot system and two types of soil management: conventional and no-tillage systems. Although the no-tillage management had higher soil density and less water availability, no significant difference was found for both management systems concerning soil resistance to penetration, root development and crop yield. In both systems of soil management, 90% of roots were concentrated in the first 0-20cm of soil layer.


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A compactação é um dos fatores mais agravantes para a qualidade do solo, porém o seu efeito na comunidade e atividade enzimática microbiana não tem sido suficientemente estudado. Seis níveis de compactação foram obtidos pela passagem de tratores com diferentes pesos em um Latossolo Vermelho, e a densidade final foi medida. Amostras de solo foram coletadas nas profundidades de 0-10 e 10-20 cm, após a colheita do milho. O efeito da compactação foi evidente em todos os parâmetros estudados, mas nem sempre foi significativo. A contagem das bactérias totais reduziu significativamente em 22-30 %, e a das nitrificantes, em 38-41 %, no solo com maior densidade em relação ao controle. Contudo, a população de fungos aumentou de 55 a 86 %, e a das bactérias desnitrificantes, de 49 a 53 %. A atividade da desidrogenase diminuiu de 20 a 34 %; a da urease, de 44 a 46 %; e a da fosfatase, de 26 a 28 %. O conteúdo de matéria orgânica e o pH do solo diminuíram na camada 0-0,10 em relação à de 0,10-0,20 m e influíram possivelmente na redução das contagens microbianas exceto das bactérias desnitrificantes, e na atividade das enzimas, menos a da urease. Esses resultados indicam que a compactação do solo teve influência na comunidade de microrganismos aeróbios e na sua atividade. Esse efeito pode alterar a ciclagem de nutrientes e diminuir a produção da planta.


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Soil acidity is one of the most important factors limiting agricultural production in the tropics. For this reason, the objective of this research work was to evaluate the effects of soil liming on the performance of carambola (Averrhoa carambola) trees. The experiment took place at the Citrus Experimental Station in Bebedouro, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The soil was a Typic Haplustox (V = 26% at the 0- to 20-cm layer) between August 1999 and July 2003. The following doses of limestone were employed: 0, 1.85, 3.71, 5.56, and 7.41 t ha(-1). During 40 months after the experiment was set up, soil chemical attributes were periodically examined. For a period of 2 years, the trees had their leaves analyzed for micro-and macronutrients; their trunk diameter, height, and crown volume measured; and the production of fruits determined. Liming improved in evaluated chemical attributes of the soil: pH, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), BS, V, and hydrogen and aluminium (H + At) from the upper 60 cm of soil when the samples were taken from both the line and between the lines of plants. In the leaves, the levels of Ca and Mg also increased. The highest fruit yields were observed when soil base saturations reached 45% on the lines and 50% between the lines, as well as when foliar levels of 8.0 g of Ca and 4.7 a of Mg per kilogram of leaves were attained.


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A soil sample was taken from the top 0-20cm at Jaboticabal county, São Paulo State, Brazil, air dried, sieved to 5mm, and placed into pots (2700g per pot). Sewage sludge was air-dried, ground to 2mm, and thoroughly mixed to the top 0-10cm soil of each pot, which were irrigated with distilled water in a total volume equivalent to the last 30years average rainfall in the region. Sorghum was sowed 120days after sewage sludge incorporation and then the irrigation was made according to the plants' requirement. When the plants were about 10 cm high, they were thinned to two per pot. Soil samples (0-10, 10-20, and 20-30 cm depth) were obtained immediately after the incorporation of sewage sludge and at 30, 60, 120, and 170 days after, air dried, sieved to 2 mm and analyzed for organic matter (OM), pH (0,01 mol L-1 CaCl2), extractable P (resin), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg), amylase and cellulase activity. Sewage sludge increased soil OM, pH, extractable phosphorus (P), K. Ca. amylase and cellulase activity, especially at the rate 16 t ha(-1). Organic matter, extractable P, K, Ca, Mg. and amylase activity were higher in the top 0-10cm, while pH was higher in the 20-30cm layer. Amylase activity was not affected by sampling depth. Organic matter, pH, extractable P. K, Ca, and Mg decreased during the experimental period. Amylase activity decreased until sorghum was sowed and increased afterwards. Cellulase activity increased until 90 days after sewage sludge application and then decreased. Sewage sludge used in the experiment should already contain some amylase activity or a substance that was a soil enzyme activator and also a substance that was an inhibitor of soil cellulase inhibitor. Sonic of the plant nutrients contained in sewage sludge, mainly P, did not migrate down the soil column. an indication that sewage sludge should be incorporated into the soil to improve nutrient bioavailability. Sorghum roots increased amylase activity but did not affect cellulase activity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os resíduos vegetais das culturas, ao se decomporem, alteram os atributos químicos do solo e, como consequência, influenciam a produtividade das culturas em sucessão. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os atributos químicos do solo e a produtividade das culturas de soja, milho e arroz, cultivadas no verão, em sucessão a culturas de inverno em semeadura direta. O experimento foi realizado em Jaboticabal-SP (48 ° 18 ' 58 '' W e 21 ° 15 ' 22 '' S), em um Latossolo Vermelho eutrófico. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, no esquema em faixas, com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela combinação de quatro sequências de culturas de verão (monoculturas de milho e soja e rotações soja/milho e arroz/feijão/algodão) com sete culturas de inverno (milho, girassol, nabo forrageiro, milheto, guandu, sorgo e crotalária). Os cultivos iniciaram-se em 2002. Após o manejo das culturas de inverno e antes da semeadura das culturas de verão do ano agrícola 2006/2007, foram coletadas amostras de solo nas camadas de 0-2,5; 2,5-5,0; 5-10; 10-20; e 20-30 cm. Nas amostras de solo, foram determinados: teores de matéria orgânica, pH, teores de P (resina), K, Ca e Mg trocáveis e acidez potencial (H + Al). As sequências de verão rotação soja/milho e milho em monocultura proporcionaram no solo menores teores de matéria orgânica na camada de 0-10 cm e de P do solo na camada de 0-20 cm. Na sequência de verão arroz/feijão/algodão, maiores teores de K foram proporcionados pelas culturas de inverno crotalária e nabo forrageiro, na camada de 0-10 cm, e milheto, na de 0-2,5 cm. Crotalária, milheto, nabo forrageiro e sorgo, cultivados no inverno, proporcionaram maiores teores de matéria orgânica no solo na camada de 0-30 cm. Maiores teores de P no solo foram proporcionados pela crotalária, na camada de 0-2,5 cm, e pelo nabo forrageiro, na de 0-5 cm. Maiores produtividades de soja, como monocultura de verão, foram obtidas após nabo forrageiro e crotalária e, quando em rotação com milho no verão, após nabo forrageiro, crotalária e milheto. Maiores produtividades de milho foram obtidas após nabo forrageiro, milheto e guandu, e menor produtividade de arroz foi obtida após sorgo.


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The increased availability of soil water is important for the management of non-irrigated orange orchards. The objective of this study was to evaluate the availability of soil water in a Haplorthox (Rhodic Ferralsol) under different tillage systems used for orchard plantation, mulch management and rootstocks in a "Pera" orange orchard in northwest Parana, Brazil. An experiment in a split-split-plot design was established in 2002, in an area cultivated with Brachiaria brizantha grass in which three tillage systems (no tillage, conventional tillage and strip-tillage) were used for orchard plantation. This grass was mowed twice a year between the rows, representing two mulch managements in the split plots (no mulching and mulching in the plant rows). The split-split-plots were represented by two rootstocks ("Rangpur" lime and "Cleopatra" mandarin). The soil water content in the plant rows was evaluated in the 0-20 cm layer in 2007 and at 0-20 and 20-40 cm in 2008-2009. The effect of soil tillage systems prior to implantation of orange orchards on soil water availability was less pronounced than mulching and the rootstocks. The soil water availability was lower when "Pera" orange trees were grafted on "Cleopatra" mandarin than on "Rangpur" lime rootstocks. Mulching had a positive influence on soil water availability in the sandy surface layer (020 cm) and sandy clay loam subsurface (20-40 cm) of the soil in the spring. The production of B. brizantha between the rows and residue disposal in the plant rows as mulch increased water availability to the "Pera" orange trees.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)