189 resultados para Self-consistent field theory


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We demonstrate that the generating functionals for two-dimensional models with two real scalar fields, one interacting with an external electromagnetic field and the other with coupling terms but without external fields, can be reduced to the case of the free-particle propagator when quasistatic solutions for this theory are used. © 1991 The American Physical Society.


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This paper investigates the usefulness of the generator coordinate method (GCM) for treating the dynamics of a reaction coordinate coupled to a bath of harmonic degrees of freedom. Models for the unimolecular dissociation and isomerization process (proton transfer) are analyzed. The GCM results, presented in analytical form, provide a very good description and are compared to other methods Like the basis set method and multiconfiguration time dependent self-consistent field. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(98)50934-8].


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Binding energy differences of mirror nuclei for A = 15, 17, 27, 29, 31, 33, 39 and 41 are calculated in the framework of relativistic deformed mean-field theory. To fully include the effects of the polarization of the nuclear core due to the extra particle or hole, the spatial components of the vector meson fields and the photon are taken into account in a self-consistent manner. The calculated binding energy differences are systematically smaller than the experimental values and lend support to the existency of the Okamoto-Nolen-Schiffer anomaly found decades ago in nonrelativistic calculations, For the majority of the nuclei studied, however, the results are such that the anomaly is significantly smaller than the one obtained within state-of-the-art nonrelativistic calculations.


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Intramolecular proton transfer from oxygen to nitrogen atoms in the alpha-alanine amino acid has been studied by ab initio methods at the HF/6-31G*, HF/6-31 ++ G** and MP2/6-31 ++ G** levels of calculation including the solvent effects by means of self-consistent reaction field theory. An analysis of the results based on the natural bond orbital charges shows that the transition structure presents an imbalance in the sense that the charge shift lags behind the proton transfer and that the bond formation is always in advance with respect to the bond cleavage. All calculation levels show that the barrier height associated with the conformational change on alpha-alanine is larger than the proton transfer process. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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B3LYP/6-31 + + G** and MP2/6-31 + + G** calculations have been carried out to study six tautomers of the nucleic acid base cytosine in aqueous media. Solvent effects have been analyzed using the self-consistent reaction field theory with two continuum methods. Relative stabilities and optimized geometries have been calculated for the tautomers and compared with experimental data. The present results show the importance of electrostatic solvent effects in determining observable properties of the cytosine tautomers. The amino-oxo form (C1) is the most abundant tautomer in aqueous media while the other amino-oxo form (C4) is the most energetically favored when solvent effects are included. These results can be justified by the larger values of the dipole moments for both C1 and C4 tautomers. Theoretical and experimental results of the harmonic vibrational frequencies and rotational constants show good agreement. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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B3LYP/6-31++G** calculations to study seven tautomers of 5-methylcytosine in aqueous media have been carried out. Optimized geometries and relative stabilities for the different tautomers have been calculated in the gas phase, including interaction with two discrete water molecules and taking into account the solvent effects by using the self-consistent reaction field theory. The role of specific and bulk contributions of solvent effect on the observable properties of the 5-methylcytosine is clarified. The amino-oxo form is the most abundant tautomer in aqueous media. A reaction pathway connecting amino-oxo and amino-hydroxy forms along the corresponding transition structures has been characterized. Good agreement between theoretical and available experimental results of harmonic vibration frequencies is found. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We show that multitrace interactions can be consistently incorporated into an extended AdS conformal field theory (CFT) prescription involving the inclusion of generalized boundary conditions and a modified Legendre transform prescription. We find new and consistent results by considering a self-contained formulation which relates the quantization of the bulk theory to the AdS/CFT correspondence and the perturbation at the boundary by double-trace interactions. We show that there exist particular double-trace perturbations for which irregular modes are allowed to propagate as well as the regular ones. We perform a detailed analysis of many different possible situations, for both minimally and nonminimally coupled cases. In all situations, we make use of a new constraint which is found by requiring consistency. In the particular nonminimally coupled case, the natural extension of the Gibbons-Hawking surface term is generated.


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The Gamow-Teller resonance in Pb-208 is discussed in the context of a self-consistent RPA, based on the relativistic mean field theory. We inquire on the possibility of substituting the phenomenological Landau-Migdal force by a microscopic nucleon-nucleon interaction, generated from the rho-nucleon tensor coupling. The effect of this coupling turns out to be very small when the short range correlations are not taken into account, but too large when these correlations are simulated by the simple extraction of the contact terms from the resulting nucleon-nucleon interaction. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We construct static and time-dependent exact soliton solutions with nontrivial Hopf topological charge for a field theory in 3 + 1 dimensions with the target space being the two dimensional sphere S(2). The model considered is a reduction of the so-called extended Skyrme-Faddeev theory by the removal of the quadratic term in derivatives of the fields. The solutions are constructed using an ansatz based on the conformal and target space symmetries. The solutions are said self-dual because they solve first order differential equations which together with some conditions on the coupling constants, imply the second order equations of motion. The solutions belong to a sub-sector of the theory with an infinite number of local conserved currents. The equation for the profile function of the ansatz corresponds to the Bogomolny equation for the sine-Gordon model.


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The use of master actions to prove duality at quantum level becomes cumbersome if one of the dual fields interacts nonlinearly with other fields. This is the case of the theory considered here consisting of U(1) scalar fields coupled to a self-dual field through a linear and a quadratic term in the self-dual field. Integrating perturbatively over the scalar fields and deriving effective actions for the self-dual and the gauge field we are able to consistently neglect awkward extra terms generated via master action and establish quantum duality up to cubic terms in the coupling constant. The duality holds for the partition function and some correlation functions. The absence of ghosts imposes restrictions on the coupling with the scalar fields.


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Complex mass poles, or ghost poles, are present in the Hartree-Fock solution of the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the nucleon propagator in renormalizable models with Yukawa-type meson-nucleon couplings, as shown many years ago by Brown, Puff and Wilets (BPW), These ghosts violate basic theorems of quantum field theory and their origin is related to the ultraviolet behavior of the model interactions, Recently, Krein et.al, proved that the ghosts disappear when vertex corrections are included in a self-consistent way, softening the interaction sufficiently in the ultraviolet region. In previous studies of pi N scattering using ''dressed'' nucleon propagator and bare vertices, did by Nutt and Wilets in the 70's (NW), it was found that if these poles are explicitly included, the value of the isospin-even amplitude A((+)) is satisfied within 20% at threshold. The absence of a theoretical explanation for the ghosts and the lack of chiral symmetry in these previous studies led us to re-investigate the subject using the approach of the linear sigma-model and study the interplay of low-energy theorems for pi N scattering and ghost poles. For bare interaction vertices we find that ghosts are present in this model as well and that the A((+)) value is badly described, As a first approach to remove these complex poles, we dress the vertices with phenomenological form factors and a reasonable agreement with experiment is achieved, In order to fix the two cutoff parameters, we use the A((+)) value for the chiral limit (m(pi) --> 0) and the experimental value of the isoscalar scattering length, Finally, we test our model by calculating the phase shifts for the S waves and we find a good agreement at threshold. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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We perform a self-consistent relativistic RPA calculation for the isobaric analogue and Gamow-Teller resonances based on relativistic mean field theory results for the ground states of 48Ca, 90Zr and 208Pb. We use the parameter set NL1 for the σ, ω and ρ mesons, and experimental values for the pion and nucleon. An extra parameter, related to the intensity of the contact term in the pion-exchange interaction, is crucial to reproduce the latter resonances. © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A combined theoretical and experimental study to elucidate the molecular mechanism for the Grob fragmentation of different (N-halo)-2-amino cyclocarboxylates with the nitrogen atom in exocyclic position: (N-Cl)-2-amino cyclopropanecarboxylate (1), (N-Cl)-2-amino cyclobutanecarboxylate (2), (N-Cl)-2-amino cyclopentanecarboxylate (3) and (N-Cl)-2-amino cyclohexanecarboxylate (4), and the corresponding acyclic compounds, (N-Cl)-2-amino isobutyric acid (A), (N-Cl)-2-amino butyric acid (B), has been carried out. The kinetics of decomposition for these compounds and related bromine derivatives were experimentally determined by conventional and stopped-flow UV spectrophotometry. The reaction products have been analyzed by GC and spectrophotometry. Theoretical analysis is based in the localization of stationary points (reactants and transition structures) on the potential energy surface. Calculations were carried out at B3LYP/6-31+G* and MP2/6-31+G* computing methods in the gas phase, while solvent effects have been included by means the self-consistent reaction field theory, PCM continuum model, at MP2/6-31+G* and MP4/6-31+G*//MP2/6-31+G* calculation levels. Based on both experimental and theoretical results, the different Grob fragmentation processes show a global synchronicity index close to 0.9, corresponding to a nearly concerted process. At the TSs, the N-Cl bond breaking is more advanced than the C-C cleavage process. An antiperiplanar configuration of these bonds is reached at the TSs, and this geometrical arrangement is the key factor governing the decomposition. In the case of 1 and 2 the ring strain prevents this spatial disposition, leading to a larger value of the activation barrier. Natural population analysis shows that the polarization of the N-Cl and C-C bonds along the bond-breaking process can be considered the driving force for the decomposition and that a negative charge flows from the carboxylate group to the chlorine atom to assist the reaction pathway. A comparison of theoretical and experimental results shows the relevance of calculation level and the inclusion of solvent effects for determining accurate unimolecular rate coefficients for the decomposition process. © 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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