78 resultados para Segurança de trânsito - Brasil


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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The current article aims to update the discussion on the South American context making use of the theory of Regional Security Regional Complexes (RSC). It begins with a theoretical discussion, based on Buzan and Wæver's work. It then presents the hypothesis that, differently from what is assumed in the literature, the South American RSC is not a standard one, but a centred one, in which the centre is not a global power. An empirical analysis follows, showing that Brazil possesses the necessary resources, and has presented some cogent political initiatives, such as the creation of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) and its Defense Council (SDC), but in other moments has been reluctant take a leadership role in South America. The analysis concludes that, regarding its configuration, the South American RSC corroborates the authors' hypothesis and that Brazil should consolidate its role at the centre of such a complex.


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This work aims to identify the main motivations and difficulties faced by Brazilian companies to obtain ISO 9001 certification. The key quality management practices that provide support to this certification and the relationship with other types of systems, such as ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) and OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System), were also investigated. A survey research was conducted with 191 companies. The main motivations for implementing ISO 9001 are the following: internal organization improvement, production efficiency increase, and brand reliability improvement. Employee resistance was the greatest challenge found during the implementation process. On the other hand, the main benefits identified were: quality processes improvement and increased employee awareness of quality. The results reveal that the most common quality programs and tools used are: 5S, brainstorming, and Ishikawa diagram, while the least common are SERVQUAL and QFD.


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Brazil’s transition from a political and legal system to a democracy was accompanied by numerous legal and institutional reforms. In a context of struggle towards a broad political participation in public policies and risen criticism towards state actions, the extent and effects of these reforms have not been sufficiently deep to impact the problems and redefine the agenda. The main goal of this academic research is to understand the resistance to change and new paradigms that define the broad agenda of public safety.


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The colection História Nova do Brasil, produced and published in the early 1960s by a group of intellectuals of the Instituto Superior de Estudos Brasileiros (ISEB), has become a field of discussion and debate among military and the left after 1964. Accused of promoting communist subversion, the collection had a new methodology to analyze the history of Brazil, with marxist approach. For this and other reasons, copies were seized by military agencies and the authors were indicted in military investigations, accused of violating the National Security Law.


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Identificar as famílias que apresentem estoque e que façam uso de medicamentos, bem como avaliar as condições de armazenamento, segurança e uso desses produtos pelos usuários. O estudo foi conduzido em um município do estado de São Paulo e realizado com usuários cadastrados na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) localizada no bairro Jardim das Hortências (uma das dez unidades de ESF que o município possui), que conta com 1132 domicílios cadastrados. Para a seleção da amostra foi realizado sorteio aleatório estratificado (134 domicílios, IC 95%). Para a coleta, realizada durante o primeiro semestre de 2011, os usuários dos domicílios selecionados foram entrevistados aplicando-se um formulário semi-estruturado. Participaram do estudo 118 (88,0%) domicílios, dos quais 112 (95,0%) possuíam medicamentos, que eram estocados em lugares inseguros ou inadequados em 75,4% destes. A automedicação – tanto com Medicamentos Isentos de Prescrição (MIP), quanto com Medicamentos Sujeitos a Prescrição (MSP) e aqueles Sujeitos a Controle Especial (SCE) – era prática comum em 46 (47,4%) domicílios. Falta de identificação e segurança nos medicamentos armazenados foi observada em 60 (53,6%) domicílios. A maioria dos domicílios possui estoque de medicamentos (feito de forma inadequada ou insegura) e/ou apresenta especialidades com falta de identificação e segurança, o que pode levar a intoxicações ou inefetividade terapêutica. A Assistência Farmacêutica, no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), carece de iniciativas sociais com ações voltadas ao usuário de medicamentos, deficiência que pode ser sanada pela presença do farmacêutico, essencial para a promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos (URM), nas unidades da ESF, que, por meio da Atenção Farmacêutica, pode: identificar, corrigir e prevenir problemas (reais e potenciais) relacionados a medicamentos, os quais podem estar associados com agravos a saúde


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Pipelines are linear construction that intersect several environments, requiring integration of environmental and technical aspects in its various elaboration steps. Environmental impact assessment if made to integrate the environmental information to enable environmental characterization, possibility identify previously fragilities of environment what contributes to the safety forecast of the significant impacts. These studies shall consider superimpose of the elements and the worsening of critical situations that already exists. In this way, meet and analyse informations about the environmental impact assessment, constructive aspects related to pipelines transport and get environmental impact studies of the case studies, providing the student a critical vision for the discussion of the apropiate balance between description and analysis, methodological rigour and the interface between construction and the environmente with inserts. Performing the critical analysis of methodologies and applied criteria for the environmental diagnosis and impact identification, search improve the methodologies for elaboration of environmental impact studies for linear construction, particulary pipelines, minin conflicts and giving security for the license process. Await provide subsidy to direction data collection, for choosing environmental indicator and for the prognosis and indentification of impacts.


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O captopril foi o primeiro agente desenvolvido para o tratamento da hipertensão, doença que acomete grande parte da população adulta mundial, a qual requer cuidados especiais quanto à farmacoterapia e ajuste de doses. Assim sendo, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de comprimidos de captopril 50 mg comercializados no Brasil através da realização da equivalência farmacêutica entre duas marcas de comprimidos não revestidos de captopril 50 mg (um genérico G e um similar S) em relação ao medicamento referência (R) Capoten® Bristol Myers Squibb 50 mg, utilizando os requisitos descritos na monografia individual do fármaco da Farmacopeia Brasileira e da Farmacopeia Americana. Medicamentos referência são produtos inovadores, cuja eficácia, segurança e qualidade foram comprovadas cientificamente; os chamados similares são os que contêm as mesmas substâncias ativas, mesma concentração, forma farmacêutica, via de administração, posologia e indicação terapêutica do medicamento de referência e são identificados por nome comercial ou por sua marca; os medicamentos genéricos são intercambiáveis com o produto referência e, geralmente, são produzido após a expiração ou renúncia da proteção patentária do mesmo, ele deve ser designado pela DCB (Denominação Comum Brasileira) ou, na ausência desta, pela DCI (Denominação Comum Internacional). Os dois medicamentos analisados, medicamento similar e medicamento genérico, apresentaram resultados satisfatórios quanto à determinação de peso médio, resistência mecânica e tempo de desintegração dos comprimidos, identificação, doseamento, limite de dissulfeto de captopril, uniformidade de doses unitárias, teste de dissolução e perfil de dissolução do fármaco, com relação ao seu medicamento referência correspondente, ou seja, estes são equivalentes farmacêuticos e apresentam qualidade... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Food poisoning can cause infection on its consumers by the presence of pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus. Therefore, it is important to check its quality, which can be affected by many factors. The sanitary quality of foods can be assessed by thermotolerant coliform. Since food safety is a matter of great concern, this study aimed to evaluate the hygienic sanitary conditions of samples of ice cream and desserts marketed in the city of Botucatu, by determining the most probable number (MPN) of thermotolerant coliform, identification and enumeration of coagulase positive staphylococci and verification of classical enterotoxin production by strains of S. aureus and also for detecting the presence of Salmonella sp. Among the ice cream analyzed, 56.3% were unfit for consumption and between the creamy desserts, the percentage of unfit samples was 33.3%. Coagulase positive Staphylococcus and Salmonella were not found in the samples. It is then an inadequacy in handling and / or storage conditions in a considerable number of samples, indicating need for improvement in the conditions of preparation


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The questions involving environment and society have been increasingly considered into account when companies make business decisions. However many of them have not yet incorporated sustainability effectively in their business plan, sometimes performing only a few external actions and outside their area of expertise. The concept of corporate sustainability is within this context, and therefore the practice of companies consider, the environmental and social issues into their strategies, along with economic issues. This work has as main objective to identify what are the key indicators and related practices of the concept of corporate sustainability that has been introduced in companies on environmental reference of a certain sector of the Brazilian economy. The sector that was chosen is electric power, having enormous significance both in economy, society and environment. The results indicate that the main practice are in the areas of energy efficiency, security and good relationship with its key business stakeholders