117 resultados para Schistosomiasis japonica


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Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a seletividade de herbicidas aplicados nas gramas Santo Agostinho (Stenotaphrum secundatum) e Esmeralda (Zoysia japonica) em condições de campo. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. As gramas foram cortadas a 3 cm de altura e, em seguida, foram feitas as aplicações dos herbicidas. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: testemunha sem aplicação, fluazifop-p-butil (125 g ha-1), sethoxydim+óleo mineral (276 g ha-1 + 0,5% v v-1 de Assist), bispyribac-sodium (25 g ha-1), chlorimuron-ethyl (15 g ha-1), ethoxysulfuron (150 g ha-1), halosulfuron (112,5 g ha-1), iodosulfuron-methyl (10 g ha-1), metsulfuron-methyl (2,4 g ha-1), nicosulfuron (125 g ha-1), pyrithiobac-sodium (140 g ha-1), trifloxysulfuron-sodium (22,5 g ha-1), 2,4-D (720 g ha-1), quinclorac (375 g ha-1), atrazina (1.250 g ha-1), bentazon (600 g ha-1), linuron (1.350 g ha-1), fomesafen (187,5 g ha-1), lactofen (120 g ha-1), oxadiazon (600 g ha-1) e oxyfluorfen (720 g ha-1). Os herbicidas que apresentaram potencial de seletividade para o gramado de S. secundatum foram: os inibidores da ALS chlorimuron-ethyl, ethoxysulfuron, halosulfuron, iodosulfuron-methyl e metsulfuron-methyl, o mimetizador de auxina 2,4-D, os inibidores do fotossistema II atrazina e bentazon, bem como os inibidores da Protox fomesafen, lactofen e o oxadiazon. Para o gramado de Z. japonica, os herbicidas que apresentaram potencial de seletividade foram: os inibidores da ALS chlorimuron-ethyl, ethoxysulfuron, halosulfuron, metsulfuron-methyl e nicosulfuron, os mimetizadores de auxina 2,4-D e quinclorac, os inibidores do fotossistema II atrazina e bentazon, além dos inibidores da Protox fomesafen, lactofen e o oxadiazon.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A intensidade da cor verde da folha pode ser alternativa para estimar a concentração de N na planta, devido à relação entre o teor de clorofila e o de N no tecido foliar. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar índices da cor verde da grama esmeralda obtidos da análise da imagem digital e pelo uso do clorofilômetro para predizer o estado nutricional em N fornecido pelo lodo de esgoto. O experimento foi instalado e desenvolvido em uma propriedade comercial de grama esmeralda, localizada na cidade de Itapetininga (SP). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e cinco doses de lodo de esgoto: 0, 10, 20, 30 e 40 Mg ha-1, base seca. As doses de lodo aplicadas correspondem a 100, 200, 300 e 400 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio disponível. Foram avaliadas as concentrações de N e a intensidade de coloração verde da folha pelo uso do clorofilômetro (ICV) e por meio da análise da imagem digital (G, H e ICVE) aos 45, 105 e 165 dias após a aplicação do lodo. Os valores de intensidade obtidos foram correlacionados com a concentração de N na lâmina foliar e com a taxa de cobertura do solo determinada nas mesmas épocas. A aplicação de doses de lodo de esgoto proporcionou aumento dos índices de cor verde e da concentração de N nas folhas da grama esmeralda. A concentração de N na lâmina foliar pode auxiliar a adubação nitrogenada em cobertura, pois proporcionou altas correlações com a taxa de cobertura do solo. O matiz (H) obtido com a imagem digital e a intensidade de cor verde da folha (ICV) obtida com o clorofilômetro correlacionaram-se com a concentração de N e com a taxa de cobertura do solo e, dessa forma, podem servir como índices na recomendação da adubação nitrogenada.


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DNA analysis by molecular techniques has significantly expanded the perspectives of the study and understanding of genetic variability in molluscs that ere vectors of schistosomiasis. In tire present study, the genetic variability of susceptible and resistant B. tenagophila strains to S. mansoni infection was investigated using amplification of their genomic DNA by RAPD-PCR. The products were analyzed by PAGE and stained with silver. The results showed pdymorphism between tested strains with four different primers. We found two bonds of 1,900 and 3,420 bp that were characteristic of the susceptible strains with primer 2. The primers 9 end 10 identified a single polymorphic bond that was also characteristic of (3,136 and 5,041 bp, respectively) susceptible snails. Two polymorphic bonds were detected by primer 15: one with 1 800 bp was characteristic of the resistant strain and the other with 1,700 do in the susceptible one. These results provide additional evidence showing that the RAPD-PCR technique is adequate for the study of polymorphisms in intermediate hosts snails of S. mansoni. The obtained results are expected to expend the knowledge about the genetic variability of the snails and to permit the future identification of genomic sequences specifically related to the resistance/susceptibility of Biompholario to the larval forms of S. mansoni.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Praziquantel (PZQ) is effective against all known species of Schistosomes that infect humans. The failure of mass treatment of schistosomiasis has been attributed to the fact that therapy is not sufficiently long-lasting. This effect may be due to the low bioavailability of PZQ that has a low hydrosolubility and fast metabolism. Liposomes have been used to prolong drug levels. reduce the side effects, direct drugs to specific sites and increase bioavailability after administration. The aim of this work was to study the effect of phosphatidylcholine (PC)-containing liposomes to vehiculate PZQ to improve the treatment of schistosomiasis. The in vitro Study was carried out using Schistosoma mansoni parasites recovered by perfusion from the hepatic portal system of infected mice. Suspensions of liposomes with PZQ and free PZQ were administered p.o. in mice after 14 days of infection. The effect of both preparations in vitro on S. mansoni culture was similar. In the in vivo test, PZQ-liposomes caused a decrease in amounts of eggs and parasites. Liposomes improve the antischistosomal activity of praziquantel. This can be used as a starting point to investigate alternative administration routes or dosage forms and to examine the mechanism of intestinal absorption of PRZ © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Recently, World Health Organization ( WHO) and Medicins San Frontieres (MSF) proposed a classification of diseases as global, neglected and extremely neglected. Global diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular and mental (CNS) diseases represent the targets of the majority of the R&D efforts of pharmaceutical companies. Neglected diseases affect millions of people in the world yet existing drug therapy is limited and often inappropriate. Furthermore, extremely neglected diseases affect people living under miserable conditions who barely have access to the bare necessities for survival. Most of these diseases are excluded from the goals of the R&D programs in the pharmaceutical industry and therefore fall outside the pharmaceutical market. About 14 million people, mainly in developing countries, die each year from infectious diseases. From 1975 to 1999, 1393 new drugs were approved yet only 1% were for the treatment of neglected diseases [ 3]. These numbers have not changed until now, so in those countries there is an urgent need for the design and synthesis of new drugs and in this area the prodrug approach is a very interesting field. It provides, among other effects, activity improvements and toxicity decreases for current and new drugs, improving market availability. It is worth noting that it is essential in drug design to save time and money, and prodrug approaches can be considered of high interest in this respect. The present review covers 20 years of research on the design of prodrugs for the treatment of neglected and extremely neglected diseases such as Chagas' disease ( American trypanosomiasis), sleeping sickness ( African trypanosomiasis), malaria, sickle cell disease, tuberculosis, leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis.


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We compared saline (S) and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) extracts from Taenia solium (homologous species - HO) and Taenia crassiceps (heterologous species - HE) metacestodes in order to detect Ige by ELISA and immunoblot assay (IBA) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for the diagnosis of human neurocysticercosis (NC). CSF samples were obtained from 93 patients. of these, 40 had NC, five had a diagnosis of probable NC, nine had central nervous system schistosomiasis or strongyloidiasis and 39 had other neurological alterations. Samples were analysed by ELISA and the results were compared with IBA in all samples with confirmed and probable NC diagnosis, in all samples with other central nervous system parasitic infection, and in 10 of those with another neurological alterations. ELISA sensitivity was 100%, 85%, 95% and 87.5% for the S-HO, S-HE, SDS-HO and SDS-HE extracts, respectively, and ELISA specificity was 100% for S-HO, S-HE, SDS-HO extracts and 97.9% for SDS-HE antigen. Immunodominant peptides detected by IBA were, by decreasing percentage of recognition: 64-68 and 45 kDa for S-HO; 108-114, 92-95, 64-68, 83 and 88 kDa for S-HE; 64-68, 108-114, 77 and 86 kDa for SDS-HO; and 108-114, 88 and 92-95 kDa for SDS-HE. Overall the homologous antigenic extracts showed higher sensitivity than the heterologous extracts in the diagnosis of NC in CSF samples. The heterologous extracts contained most of the immunodominant peptides presented in the homologous extracts, which are recognized by Ige antibodies in CSF samples.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de duas doses de trinexapac-ethyl sobre a morfologia das espécies de gramas São Carlos (Axonopus compressus), Batatais (Paspalum notatum), Santo Agostinho (Stenotaphrum secundatum) e Esmeralda (Zoysia japonica). Os gramados foram cortados à altura de 3 cm no início do experimento e 20 dias depois. Após cada corte, foram realizadas duas aplicações sequenciais de trinexapac-ethyl nas doses de 56,5 + 56,5 e 113,0 + 113,0 g ha-1 , além de uma testemunha sem aplicação, para cada espécie avaliada. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. A redução do crescimento foi avaliada por meio da altura das plantas. Semanalmente, o número e altura de inflorescências foram avaliados por amostragem, realizada em 0,25 m² no centro das parcelas; no final do experimento, avaliou-se a massa seca total. A aplicação do trinexapac-ethyl retardou o crescimento vegetativo e a emissão das inflorescências, assim como não provocou danos aparentes nos gramados. O uso do trinexapac-ethyl nos gramados avaliados pode reduzir a necessidade de cortes em até 55 dias após a segunda aplicação.


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Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRTase) is an essential gene of the parasite Schistosoma mansoni and it is well conserved in its hosts (mouse and human) at the protein but not at the RNA level. This feature prompted us to assess RNA interference (RNAi) to combat schistosomiasis. Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) were Produced against HGPRTase, injected in infected mice and the number of worms was counted six days after injection. The total number of parasites was reduced by approximately 27% after treatment. RT-PCR analyzes showed a significant reduction in parasite target mRNA but not in host's homologue. The use of low doses of molecules did not oversaturate si- or miRNA pathways as mice survival rates were not affected by siRNAs. This is the first successful in vivo demonstration of a RNAi-based treatment against schistosomiasis. We believe that improvements in molecule delivery and an increase on siRNA dose could rapidly eliminate parasite. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aiming at evaluating the influence of cyclic temperatures on the performance and egg quality of Japanese quails an experiment was carried out with 480 birds after egg production peak. Birds were housed in a bioclimatic chamber with automatic temperature control that contained two rooms, one maintained at thermoneutral temperature (21 ºC) and the other adjusted for the tested cyclic temperatures (24, 27, 30, 33 and 36 ºC at a time). Each room had a battery of five floors and ten cages, with a capacity of 24 birds per cage, totaling 240 birds per battery. Birds were fed iso-nutritious and iso-caloric diets. Data obtained under the tested cyclic temperatures were compared with those obtained under thermoneutral temperature. At the end of each experimental period (14 days) performance and egg quality parameters were evaluated. A completely randomized experimental design with two treatments (thermoneutral temperature and tested temperature) and ten replicates of 24 birds each. Cyclic increases of 27 ºC and higher in environmental temperature negatively affected bird performance, with reduced feed intake and consequent reductions in egg weight and mass. A cyclic increase of the environmental temperature to 36 ºC reduced the percentage of saleable eggs and egg production.


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The parasite Schistosoma mansoni lacks the de novo pathway for purine biosynthesis and depends on salvage pathways for its purine requirements. Schistosomiasis is endemic in 76 countries and territories and amongst the parasitic diseases ranks second after malaria in terms of social and economic impact and public health importance. The PNP is an attractive target for drug design and it has been submitted to extensive structure-based design. The atomic coordinates of the complex of human PNP with inosine were used as template for starting the modeling of PNP from S. mansoni complexed with inosine. Here we describe the model for the complex SmPNP-inosine and correlate the structure with differences in the affinity for inosine presented by human and S. mansoni PNPs. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)