165 resultados para SUBBASE GRANULAR


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Prostatic differentiation during embryogenesis and its further homeostatic state maintenance during adult life depend on androgens. Dihydrotestosterone, which is synthesized from testosterone by 5alpha-reductase (5alpha-r), is the active molecule triggering androgen action within the prostate. In the present work, we examined the effects of 5alpha-reductase inhibition by finasteride in the ventral prostate (VP) of the adult gerbil, employing histochemical and electron microscopy techniques to demonstrate the morphological and organizational changes of the organ. After 10 days of finasteride treatment at a dose of 100 mg/kg/day, the prostatic complex (VP and dorsolateral prostate) absolute weight was reduced to about 18%. The epithelial cells became short and cuboidal, with less secretory blebs and reduced acid phosphatase activity. The luminal sectional area diminished, suggestive of decreased secretory activity. The stromal/epithelial ratio increased, the stroma becoming thicker but less cellular. There was a striking accumulation of collagen fibrils, which was accompanied by an increase in deposits of amorphous granular material adjacent to the basal lamina and in the clefts between smooth muscle cells (SMC). Additionally, the periacinar smooth muscle became loosely packed. Some SMC were atrophic and showed a denser array of the cytoskeleton, whereas other SMC had a highly irregular outline with numerous spine-like projections. The present data indicate that 5alpha-r inhibition causes epithelial and stromal changes by affecting intra-prostatic hormone levels. These alterations are probably the result of an imbalance of the homeostatic interaction between the epithelium and the underlying stroma.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate alterations in the surface roughness and micromorphology of human enamel submitted to three prophylaxis methods. Sixty-nine caries-free molars with exposed labial surfaces were divided into three groups. Group I was treated with a rotary instrument set at a low speed, rubber clip and a mixture of water and pumice; group II with a rotary instrument set at a low speed, rubber cup and prophylaxis paste Herjos-F (Vigodent S/A Industria e Comercio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); and group III with sodium bicarbonate spray Profi II Ceramic (Dabi A dante Indtistrias Medico Odontologicas Ltda, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil). All procedures were performed by the same operator for 10 s, and samples were rinsed and stored in distilled water. Pre and post-treatment surface evaluation was completed using a surface profilometer (Perthometer S8P Marh, Perthen, Germany) in 54 samples. In addition, the other samples were coated with gold and examined in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results of this study were statistically analyzed with the paired t-test (Student), the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Dunn (5%) test. The sodium bicarbonate spray led to significantly rougher surfaces than the pumice paste. The use of prophylaxis paste showed no statistically significant difference when compared with the other methods. Based on SEM analysis, the sodium bicarbonate spray presented an irregular surface with granular material and erosions. Based on this study, it can be concluded that there was an increased enamel stuface roughness when teeth were treated with sodium bicarbonate spray when compared with teeth treated with pumice paste.


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Methylamine and sulfate are compounds commonly found in wastewaters. This study aimed to determine the methanogenic potential of anaerobic reactors containing these compounds and to correlate it with their microbial communities. Batch experiments were performed at different methylamine/sulfate ratios of 0.71, 1.26 and 2.18 (with respect to mass concentration). Control and experimental runs were inoculated with fragmented granular sludge. The maximum specific methane formation rates were approximately 2.3 mmol CH4 L-1 g TVS-1 day-1 for all conditions containing methylamine, regardless of sulfate addition. At the end of the experiment, total ammonium-N and methane formation were proportional to the initial concentrations of methylamine. In the presence of methylamine and sulfate, Firmicutes (46%), Deferribacteres (13%) and Proteobacteria (12%) were the predominant phyla of the Bacteria domain, while Spirochaetes (40%), Deferribacteres (17%) and Bacteroidetes (16%) predominated in the presence of methylamine only. There was no competition for methylamine between sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogenic archaea.


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Ca(Zr0.05Ti0.95)O-3 (CZT) thin films were grown on Pt(1 1 1)/Ti/SiO2/Si(1 0 0) substrates by the soft chemical method. The films were deposited from spin-coating technique and annealed at 928 K for 4 h under oxygen atmosphere. CZT films present orthorhombic structure with a crack free and granular microstructure. Atomic force microscopy and field-emission scanning electron microscopy showed that CZT present grains with about 47 nm and thickness about 450 nm. Dielectric constant and dielectric loss of the films was approximately 210 at 100 kHz and 0.032 at 1 MHz. The Au/CZT/Pt capacitor shows a hysteresis loop with remnant polarization of 2.5 mu C/cm(2), and coercive field of 18 kV/cm, at an applied voltage of 6 V. The leakage current density was about 4.6 x 10(-8) A/cm(2) at 3 V. Dielectric constant-voltage curve is located at zero bias field suggesting the absence of internal electric fields. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Foram realizados estudos para avaliar a microestrutura, a dureza e a resistência à corrosão do titânio comercialmente puro-Ti c.p. soldado por laser e utilizado na confecção de prótese sobre implantes. Verificou-se que na soldagem a laser a microestrutura apresentou três regiões distintas: o cordão de solda, a zona afetada pelo calor - ZAC e o metal base. O Ti c.p. possui microestrutura granular, a microestrutura do cordão de solda é mais refinada e de maior dureza do que o metal base. A ZAC obtida por este processo de soldagem foi relativamente pequena quando comparada com o processo de soldagem por brasagem. Os ensaios eletroquímicos mostraram que a região da solda apresentou menor resistência à corrosão em meio de NaCl 0,15 molL-1 à temperatura ambiente.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar um sistema de solos, evidenciando a propriedades que possam esclarecer sua dinâmica e contribuir para a definição de critérios que condicionem a aptidão destes solos como receptores de efluentes. Trata-se de uma área experimental de estudos, contígua à Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto do município de Lins (SP), onde o efluente é gerado a partir do tratamento de esgoto por sistema de lagoas de estabilização. Os solos, situados ao longo de uma vertente com ligeira inclinação, foram caracterizados por meio de análises, morfológica, granulométrica, química, mineralógica e micromorfológica, realizadas em amostras coletadas em cinco trincheiras em toposseqüência. Os solos são desenvolvidos a partir dos sedimentos arenosos da Formação Adamantina (Grupo Bauru) e constituem um sistema Latossolo - Argissolo onde a transição Bw - Bt ocorre lateralmente do topo para a base da vertente. Foram identificadas três fases pedogenéticas nesta associação de solos. A primeira, argiluviação e adensamento de partículas, responsável pela formação dos horizontes texturais, foi superposta pelos processos de latossolização e hidromorfismo, atuantes na dinâmica atual destes solos. Análises micromorfológicas mostraram tratar-se de solos com intensa porosidade, caracterizada pelo empilhamento dos grãos do esqueleto quartzoso amplamente predominante e pelo arranjo entre os microagregados granulares. A permeabilidade é ainda favorecida pela intensa ação da mesofauna. Os solos são distróficos e compostos por caulinita e óxidos de Fe na fração argilosa. Por constituírem um sistema frágil, a disposição de quaisquer tipos de resíduos nestes solos requer o monitoramento constante de suas propriedades, tanto para a manutenção, quanto para a recuperação da qualidade desta cobertura pedológica.


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Para realização do estudo microscópico das glândulas anexas à uretra masculina, foram utilizadas duas capivaras (Hydrochoerus hydrocaeris), adultas, das quais foram coletados fragmentos das glândulas genitais acessórias, imersos em solução fixadora de Bouin e lavados cuidadosamente em álcool de 70% ao absoluto. A seguir foram submetidos aos processos histológicos de rotina e corados pelos métodos de Hematoxilina/Eosina e Tricrômico de Masson. Os resultados morfológicos encontrados foram: o ducto deferente possui um espessamento da parede, onde a luz permanece inalterada e sem presença de epitélio granular. A glândula vesicular possui um epitélio secretor do tipo pseudoestratificado colunar. A glândula prostática possui mucosa com pregueamentos altos e ramificados, revestido por epitélio pseudoestratificado cilíndrico. Machos de capivaras possuem glândulas vesiculares e próstata como glândulas uretrais. No material examinado não foi identificado epitélio secretor correspondente a glândula bulbouretral e morfologicamente assemelha-se aos outros histricomorfos.


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A filtração em múltiplas etapas (FiME) se apresenta como uma alternativa para realizar o tratamento de água de comunidades de pequeno porte, entretanto, a eficiência quanto à remoção de cor verdadeira associada ao carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD) ou às substâncias húmicas, tem sido questionada ou relatada como baixa. A presente pesquisa avaliou a remoção de substâncias húmicas na FiME com pré-oxidação, com ozônio e peróxido de hidrogênio, utilizando para essa avaliação parâmetros indiretos como cor verdadeira, absorvância UV (254 nm) e COD. Foram realizados cinco ensaios, utilizando quatro filtros lentos, sendo dois com camada de carvão ativado granular (CAG). Foram ensaiadas várias alternativas de pré-oxidação com ozônio e peróxido de hidrogênio. Foram obtidos bons resultados, tendo como principal conclusão que os filtros lentos com CAG, precedidos de oxidação com ozônio e depois peróxido de hidrogênio, apresentaram remoção média de cor verdadeira de 64%, mas que o peróxido de hidrogênio afeta o desenvolvimento da camada biológica, interferindo no desenvolvimento da perda de carga, na remoção de turbidez, na remoção de coliformes e na remoção de substâncias húmicas.


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Ferroelectric Pb1-xCaxTiO3 (x = 0.24) thin films were formed on a Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate by the polymeric precursor method using the dip-coating technique for their deposition. Characterization of the films bq X-ray diffraction showed a perovskite single phase with a tetragonal structure after annealing at 700 degreesC. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) analyses showed that the film had a smooth and crack-free surface with low surface roughness. In addition, the PCT thin film had a granular structure with an 80 nm grain size. The thickness of the films observed by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is 550 nm and there is a good adhesion between the film and substrate. For the electrical measurements metal-ferroelectric-metal of the type capacitors were obtained, where the thin films showed good dielectric and ferroelectric properties. The dielectric constant and dissipation factor at 1 kHz and measured at room temperature were found to be 457 and 0.03. respectively. The remanent polarization and coercive field for the: deposited films were P-r = 17 muC/cm(2) and E-c = 75 kV/cm, respectively. Moreover. The 550-nm-thick film showed a current density in the order of 10(-8) A/cm(2) at the applied voltage of 2 V. The high values of the thin film's dielectric properties are attributed to its excellent microstructural quality and the chemical homogeneity obtained by the polymeric precursor method. (C) 2001 Elsevier science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The mechanisms of material removal and the interactions among scratches performed in ceramic materials were investigated using acoustic emission signals, and scanning electron microscopy, in scratching experiments. Several testing conditions were used to produce different types of removing mechanism on a glass as well as on a polycrystalline alumina sample composed by heterogeneous grain size. It is known that the material removing process on a polycrystalline ceramic involves intergranular microfracture and grain dislodgement, unlike the chipping produced by the extension of lateral cracks in non-granular materials, such as glass. Distinct settings for velocities, loads, and two types of diamond indenter were tested. The material removal was carried out by three different methods of scratching: single passes, repeated overlapping passes, and parallel scratches. As a general result, there was a clear relationship between the acoustic emission signals and the damage intensity occurred in the material removal. More specifically, there were differences in the acoustic emission signal levels in the scratches made on the alumina and on the glass owing to the material removal mechanisms associated with the structure of these materials. A gradual increase in the acoustic emission levels was observed when the number of repeated passes was increased as a result of the damage accumulation process followed by severe material removal. It was also noticed that the acoustic emission signals were capable of reflecting the interactions between two parallel scratches.


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The purpose of this study was to examine in rats the histologic alterations of the submandibular glands and testicles induced by soy diets and zinc deficients diet. The zinc deficiency produced testicles alterations including seminiferous tubulus atrophy, germinative epithelium degeneration, spermatogenesis alterations and a significant atrophy of the submandibular glands which presented no much delimitated acines. The soy diet without complementations also compromised the spermatogenesis by showing seminiferous tubulus atrophied and a reduction of the germinative epithelium. The soy diet complemented by saline and vitaminic mixtures didn't produced testicles alterations but its induced in the submandibular glands a hypertrophy of the ductal component mainly in relation to the granular component.