92 resultados para SHELLS


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This study is the first assessment of mollusk fossil assemblages relative to the compositional fidelity of modern mollusk living and death assemblages. It also shows that the sedimentary record can provide information on the original, non-human-impacted, freshwater malacofauna biodiversity, based on Late Pleistocene shells. The fossil mollusk assemblage from the Touro Passo Formation (Pleistocene-Holocene) was compared to living and death assemblages of the Touro Passo River, southern Brazil, revealing little resemblance between fossil and live-dead species composition. Although the living and death assemblages agree closely in richness, species composition, and species relative abundances (both proportional and rank), the fossil assemblage differs significantly from both modern assemblages in most of these measures. The fossil assemblage is dominated by the native endemic corbiculid bivalve Cyanocyclas limosa and the gastropod Heleobia aff. bertoniana. These are absent in the living assemblages, and both living and death assemblages are dominated by the alien Asiatic corbiculid C. fluminea, which is absent in the fossil assemblage. The fossil assemblage also contains, overall, a higher proportional abundance of relatively thick-shelled species, suggesting a genuine bias against the thinner- and smaller-shelled species. Our results suggest that contemporary environmental changes, such as the introduction of some alien freshwater mollusk species, together with post-burial taphonomic processes, are the main factors leading to the poor fidelity of the fossil assemblage studied. Hence, the taxonomic composition of the Late Pleistocene mollusks from the Touro Passo Formation probably would show greater similarity to present-day assemblages wherever the mollusk biodiversity is not disturbed by human activities.


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Analysis of the taphonomic signatures of a well preserved, silicifled coquina (Pinzonella neotropica assemblage) from the Camaquã outcrop, upper part of the Corumbataí Formation (Late Permian), in the Rio Claro region, state of Sáo Paulo, allowed interpretation of processes involved in its origin as related to high energy events (storms). The coquina occurs as a lenticular body, 2-11 cm thick and extending laterally for about 120 m. Basal contact of the coquina is sharp and erosive. Its upper contact is sharp. The concentration is dominated by pelecypods including the shallow burrowers (Pinzonella neotropica, Jacquesia brasiliensis), intermediate burrower (Pyramus anceps) and semi-infaunal forms (Naiadopsis lamellosus). All these species are suspension feeders. Besides sand-sized or even smaller shell fragments, there occur disarticulated, complete shells which are commonly abraded but do not show any signs of bioerosion or incrustation. In vertical side view, the shells are mainly convex-up, nested or stacked, while in plan-view they show random orientation. Multiple discontinuous grading is visible. These taphonomic signatures suggest that the origin of the skeletal accumulation is related to high energy events (possibly storm flows) in a proximal environment. The amalgamated nature of the Camaquã coquina records several episodes of erosion and deposition.


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Taphonomic analysis of pelecypod concentration in the part of the Teresina Formation (Passa Dois Group), Tiaraju region, State of Rio Grande do Sul, indicates its origins as due to high energy events (storms). The fauna include shallow-burrowing suspensivorous species, associated with this byssate semi-infauna species. Several taphonomic characteristics indicate that the fossiliferous assemblage was subject to little selective processes during transportation. These are: predominance of disarticulated valves (although articulated valves are frequent) and perpendicular, oblique, concordant and nested arrangement of bioclasts in the sedimentary matrix. Absence of fragmentation, bioerosion and incrustation of the bioclasts, suggest fast burial of shells due to high sedimentation rate events. Diagenetic features, indicate that the fossils were later submitted to refossilization and mixing with other non-coeval bioclasts, resulting in some degree of time-averaging.


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The feeding activity along the day cycle and the time consumed for extracellular digestion were evaluated in the portunids C. ornatus and C. danae. Swimming crabs were obtained from trawling in Ubatuba bay, São Paulo, Brazil, during both the rainy and dry seasons. In each season, daily scheduled samples were taken at dawn (±6 h), noon (±12 h), dusk (±18 h) and midnight (±24 h). All individuals were dissected and the degree of stomach replenishment was recorded. In order to estimate the time elapsed for extracellular digestion, crabs were fed, and groups were dissected at 30 min intervals to check the conditions of their stomachs. In general, both species show a higher feeding activity during periods of lower light intensity, as evidenced by an increased percentage of full stomachs in dusk and midnight samples. The obtained results support higher feeding activity at night in these species and indicate short time for extracellular digestion, not exceeding 8 h. Nevertheless, full stomachs were recorded in all sampling schedules. In this case, it should be considered that elimination of certain food items such as fish bones, mollusk shells and carapace fragments of crustaceans could take more time than other items. Additionally, some crab species could require a cycle of cell replacement in the midgut gland epithelium until they can take their next meal.


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The effects of time averaging on the fossil record of soft-substrate marine faunas have been investigated in great detail, but the temporal resolution of epibiont assemblages has been inferred only from limited-duration deployment experiments. Individually dated shells provide insight into the temporal resolution of epibiont assemblages and the taphonomic history of their hosts over decades to centuries. Epibiont abundance and richness were evaluated for 86 dated valves of the rhynchonelliform brachiopod Bouchardia rosea collected from the inner shelf. Maximum abundance occurred on shells less than 400 yr old, and maximum diversity was attained within a century. Taphonomic evidence does not support models of live-host colonization, net accumulation, or erasure of epibionts over time. Encrustation appears to have occurred during a brief interval between host death and burial, with no evidence of significant recolonization of exhumed shells. Epibiont assemblages of individually dated shells preserve ecological snapshots, despite host-shell time averaging, and may record long-term ecological changes or anthropogenic environmental changes. Unless the ages of individual shells are directly estimated, however, pooling shells of different ages artificially reduces the temporal resolution of their encrusting assemblages to that of their hosts, an artifact of analytical time averaging. © 2006 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.


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The objective of the present study was to characterize the spatial distribution and shell utilization of three hermit crab species in the estuarine-bay complex of São Vicente, São Paulo State, Brazil. Monthly samples were done throughout two years, in the non-consolidated sub-littoral at the estuarine-bay complex. The environmental factors, such as temperature, salinity and depth, were measured every month. The three hermit crab species, Clibanarius vittatus, Loxopagurus loxochelis and Isocheles sawayai, were captured utilizing shells from six gastropods species; 92.7% of the hermit crabs utilized Stramonita haemastoma. The results suggest a strong correlation between hermit crabs spatial distribution and salinity, which was considered the main environmental factor limiting their distribution in the estuary. I. sawayai was the only species present in all transects sampled; C. vittatus was captured only in regions with low salinity and L. loxochelis occurred only in high salinity waters.


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The necessity of adapting the standardized fan models to conditions of higher temperature has emerged due to the growth of concerning referring to the consequences of the gas expelling after the Mont Blanc tunnel accident in Italy and France, where even though, with 100 fans in operation, 41 people died. However, since then, the defied solutions have pointed to aerodynamic disadvantages or have seemed nonappropriate in these conditions. The objective of this work is to present an alternative to the market standard fans considering a new technology in constructing blades. This new technology introduces the use of the stainless steel AISI 409 due to its good adaptation to temperatures higher than 400°C, particularly exposed to temperatures of gas exhaust from tunnels in fire situation. Furthermore, it presents a very good resistance to corrosion and posterior welding and pressing, due to its alloyed elements. The innovation is centered in the process of a deep drawing of metallic shells and posterior welding, in order to keep the ideal aerodynamic superficies for the fan ideal performance. On the other hand, the finite element method, through the elasto-plastic software COSMOS permitted the verification of the thickness and structural stability of the blade in relation to the aerodynamic efforts established in the project. In addition, it is not advisable the fabrication of blades with variable localized thickness not even, non-uniform ones, due to the verified concentration of tensions and the difficulties observed in the forming. In this way, this study recommends the construction of blades with uniform variations of thickness. © 2007 Springer.


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Twenty-two 14C datings were performed at the central sector of the Paraná coast to define Holocene regressive barrier evolution. The barrier Pleistocene substratum was ascribed an age between 40 400 and 30 000 yr BP, but it can also represent the penultimate sea level highstand during marine isotope stage 5e. The Holocene barrier samples provided ages between 8542-8279 and 2987-2751 cal yr BP, and showed at least six age inversions that were related to age differences between in situ or low-distance transported shells or trunk fragments, and high-distance transported vegetal debris, wood fragments and organic matter samples. The regressive Holocene barrier age was 4402-4135 cal yr BP near the base, and 2987-2751 cal yr BP near the top. Most of the vegetal remains were transported by ebb tidal currents from the estuaries to the inner shelf below wave base level during the mid-Holocene highstand; they were transported onshore by storm waves and littoral currents during the sea level lowering after the sea level maximum, and were deposited mainly as middle shoreface swaley cross-stratification facies. © 2008.


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Shells of Bouchardia rosea (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonelliformea) are abundant in Late Holocene death assemblages of the Ubatuba Bight, Brazil, SW Atlantic. This genus is also known from multiple localities in the Cenozoic fossil record of South America. A total of 1211 valves of B. rosea, 2086 shells of sympatric bivalve mollusks (14 nearshore localities ranging in depth from 0 to 30 m), 80 shells of Bouchardia zitteli, San Julián Formation, Paleogene, Argentina, and 135 shells of Bouchardia transplatina, Camacho Formation, Neogene, Uruguay were examined for bioerosion traces. All examined bouchardiid shells represent shallow-water, subtropical marine settings. Out of 1211 brachiopod shells of B. rosea, 1201 represent dead individuals. A total of 149 dead specimens displayed polychaete traces (Caulostrepsis). Live polychaetes were found inside Caulostrepsis borings in 10 life-collected brachiopods, indicating a syn-vivo interaction (Caulostrepsis traces in dead shells of B. rosea were always empty). The long and coiled peristomial palps, large chaetae on both sides of the 5th segment, and flanged pygidium found in the polychaetes are characteristic of the polychaete genus Polydora (Spionidae). The fact that 100% of the Caulostrepsis found in living brachiopods were still inhabited by the trace-making spionids, whereas none was found in dead hosts, implies active biotic interaction between the two living organisms rather than colonization of dead brachiopod shells. The absence of blisters, the lack of valve/site stereotypy, and the fact that tubes open only externally are all suggestive of a commensal relationship. These data document a new host group (bouchardiid rhynchonelliform brachiopods) with which spionids can interact (interestingly, spionid-infested sympatric bivalves have not been found in the study area despite extensive sampling). The syn-vivo interaction indicates that substantial bioerosion may occur when the host is alive. Thus, the presence of such bioerosion traces on fossil shells need not imply a prolonged post-mortem exposure of shells on the sea floor. Also, none of the Paleogene and Neogene Bouchardia species included any ichnological evidence for spionid infestation. This indicates that the Spionidae/ Bouchardia association may be geologically young, although the lack of older records may also reflect limited sampling and/or taphonomic biases.


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During a recent inspection in the Paleontological Collection of the Institute of Geosciences, University of São Paulo, we have identifi ed some specimens of undescribed mollusk bivalves. These called our attention for the following reasons: a) all specimens are internal molds of conjugated and closed articulated valves, some of them presenting fragments of silicifi ed shells; b) all internal molds have similar general shape and internal characters, representing specimens of the same taxon; c) the internal molds and silicifi ed valves are well preserved, including fragile structures, which are hardly preserved, such as the internal mold of the external ligament and muscle scars; d) and equally important, according to the labels of all specimens, they were collected from rocks of the Passa Dois Group (Permian), Serrinha Member of the Rio do Rasto Formation. Although who collected the shells and the precise geographic location of the specimens are still unknown, the detailed study of these fossils brings us to the conclusion that they are morphologically distinct from any heretofore published genus of the endemic fauna of bivalves from Passa Dois Group. Based in its general shape, hinge structure and muscles scars, the new form can be classifi ed under the Family Megadesmidae Vokes, 1967, the most diverse group of Permian bivalves of the Paraná Basin. The specimens are referred as Beurlenella elongatella new gen. and sp. The shell shape and taphonomy indicate that this bivalve was a shallow, rapid, active burrower, suspension feeder, probably preserved in situ, in event deposits.


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In this study, the occurrence of Othonella araguaiana Mendes, a rare bivalve species is reported for the fi rst time in the Pinzonella illusa biozone, Middle Permian Corumbataí Formation, in the State of São Paulo. This species was originally described in coeval rocks of the Estrada Nova Formation (= Corumbataí) from the Alto Araguaia and Alto Garças regions, State of Mato Grosso. The specimens of O. araguaiana were found in the base of a bioclastic sandstone bed, a proximal tempestite, in the middle of the Corumbataí Formation, in the city of Rio Claro, São Paulo State. The silicifi ed shells and internal molds are well preserved, showing impressions of muscle scars and other internal anatomic characters (e.g., hinge), never illustrated by previous authors. In his original description, Mendes (1963) called attention to the similarity between O. araguaiana and Terraia aequilateralis, a common veneroid of the Corumbataí Formation. Conversely, Runnegar and Newell (1971) suggested that O. araguaiana belongs to Megadesmidae, being a junior synonym of Plesiocyprinella carinata (the commonest megadesmid of the Passa Dois Group). Our study indicates that O. araguaiana is indeed a megadesmid, but is distinct from the P. carinata. The new occurrence of O. araguaiana demonstrates that a) the paleobiogeographic distribution of this species is wider than previously thought (that it was restricted to the northern part of Paraná Basin, Mato Grosso State); b) the molluscan fauna of the Corumbataí Formation (P. illusa biozone) in the State of São Paulo is more diverse and dominated by megadesmids; and c) the composition of the molluscan fauna of the Corumbataí Formation in Alto Garças, State of Mato Grosso, is essentially the same as that of the P. illusa biozone of the eastern margin of the Paraná Basin.


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Analyses of mineral density in tibias and femurs of breeder ostriches had been carried on six couples 5-7 years old. During 8 weeks, 3 couples had been fed with ration of reproduction (T1) and other 3 couples with ration of maintenance (T2). It was possible to verify that the egg production was not affected by the diets, as well as the quality of egg shells. However the quality of the bones was worse for the birds fed of T2.


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We describe the nests and nesting behaviour of six little-known birds from south-central Minas Gerais, Brazil: Red-and-white Crake Laterallus leucopyrrhus (closed/ovoid/base nest with shells of white eggs), White-throated Woodcreeper Xiphocolaptes albicollis (cavity/without-tunnel/simple/platform nest with two immaculate white eggs), Southern Bristle Tyrant Phylloscartes eximius (closed/globular/lateral nest), Sharp-tailed Tyrant Culicivora caudacuta (high cup/lateral nest with three cream-coloured eggs), White-rumped Monjita Xolmis velatus (low cup/base nest with two immaculate white eggs) and Hellmayr's Pipit Anthus hellmayri (low cup/base nest with three pale brown eggs spotted dark brown).


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Ba(Zr0.75Ti0.25)O3 (BZT-75/25) powders were synthesized by the polymeric precursor method. Samples were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinement, X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) techniques. Their electronic structures were evaluated by first-principle quantum mechanical calculations based on density functional theory at the B3LYP level. Their optical properties were investigated by ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) measurements at room temperature. XRD patterns and Rietveld refinement data indicate that the samples have a cubic structure. XANES spectra confirm the presence of pyramidal [TiO5] clusters and octahedral [TiO6] clusters in the disordered BZT-75/25 powders. EXAFS spectra indicate distortion of Ti-O and Ti-O-Ti bonds the first and second coordination shells, respectively. UV-Vis absorption spectra confirm the presence of different optical bandgap values and the band structure indicates an indirect bandgap for this material. The density of states demonstrates that intermediate energy levels occur between the valence band (VB) and the conduction band (CB). These electronic levels are due to the predominance of 4d orbitals of Zr atoms in relation to 3d orbitals of Ti atoms in the CB, while the VB is dominated by 2p orbitals related to O atoms. There was good correlation between the experimental and theoretical optical bandgap values. When excited at 482 nm at room temperature, BZT-75/25 powder treated at 500 C for 2 h exhibited broad and intense PL emission with a maximum at 578 nm in the yellow region. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Knowledge of the most essential nutrients for plant growth facilitates the efficient handling of its nutrition, especially when they are grown on a substrate supported by fertigation. The objective of this study was to determine the accumulation of nutrients in net melon grown on a substrate and understand the relationship between mineral nutrition and plant growth. The Fantasy hybrid was cultivated in pots containing a substrate consisting of a mixture of sand and peanut shells (ratio, 1:1). Determination of nutrient accumulation was performed in 6 seasons. The substrate was chemically characterized before and after cultivation. Harvesting occurred 78 days after transplantation, resulting in an average yield of 70,120 kg·ha-1. Substrate analysis showed a small increase in nutrient levels by the end of cultivation. The order of nutrient accumulation was as follows: N>Ca>K>P>Mg>S>B> Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu.