72 resultados para Riscos ergonômicos
O geógrafo Lutiane Queiroz de Almeida analisa neste livro os riscos e vulnerabilidades socioambientais para tentar compreender as inter-relações entre vulnerabilidades sociais e exposição aos riscos naturais, como as inundações urbanas. Como estudo de caso, analisa a bacia do rio Maranguapinho, na Região Metropolitana de Fortaleza, que além de ocupar territórios da capital cearense, se estende pelos municípios de Caucaia, Maracanaú e Maranguape. Recorrendo ao cruzamento de uma multiplicidade de dados, parte levantada por ele próprio, referentes a pluviometria, topografia, evolução de ocupação urbana, demografia, renda e educação, entre outros, Almeida criou e aplicou ao espaço analisado um Índice de Vulnerabilidade Socioambiental. Sustentado por inúmeros mapas e tabelas, o trabalho, que serve de modelo para o estudo de outras áreas urbanas do país, demonstra que os espaços com maior exposição aos riscos de inundação são aqueles que detêm os mais altos indicadores de vulnerabilidade social.
O livro apresenta os resultados mais relevantes das atividades realizadas dentro do Programa de Pesquisa sobre Mudanças Climáticas Globais, patrocinado pela Fapesp e relacionado a estudos de impactos, vulnerabilidades e variabilidades nas mudanças do clima no estado de São Paulo e região sudeste do Brasil. Tais experiências têm sido discutidas e desenvolvidas com grupos de pesquisa de Portugal, que dão ao trabalho um caráter mais abrangente e internacional. O Brasil vem estudando já há algum tempo impactos das mudanças no clima que possam servir como base para estratégias de adaptação e para análises de vulnerabilidade diante das ameaças climáticas. O projeto da Fapesp tem, especificamente, a missão de produzir estudos de detecção e traçar cenários climáticos futuros, com metodologias que possam ser aplicadas em todo o Brasil. Essa metodologia leva em conta uma combinação de dados do clima (observações e projeções derivadas de modelos climáticos) com base em informações ambientais, geográficas, geofísicas e sociais. A ênfase está nos extremos climáticos e nos seus impactos sobre os recursos hídricos, assim como no planejamento com vista a minimizar os desastres naturais de origem meteorológica, que de alguns anos para cá têm se disseminado pelo país
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS
The increasing concerns about the health and safety is significantly changing the costeffective management of labor, also becoming an important tool in the pursuit of quality. In this context the present work makes a studyin a steel mill, to determine an action plan with the goal of reducing the risk of injury during handling and setting up bearings in a workshop of rolling mill rolls. The study is structured through the Method of Analysis and Troubleshooting, and quality tools. The definition of the action plan has brought lowcost measures that seek to solve the problem, eliminating the possibility of fatality or inability to employees
O presente trabalho teve o intuito de resgatar o fenômeno ocorrido em agosto de 1986, no município de Cajamar, onde ocorreu o primeiro caso de formação de dolinas de subsidência e colapso no Brasil em área urbana. Mostra-se assim, através de interpretações da Fisiologia da Paisagem do local atingido, o modo que a cidade se reorganizou após o impacto, tanto na questão ambiental, como nas questões sociais e urbanas, através de entrevistas, relatando o modo de vida e as condições que se encontram a população e o local atingido neste episódio, sendo constatada então, a estabilidade do solo na área em questão
The porcine activity is characterized by its great pollution capacity, generally produce loads of waste that usually are released in superficial water or soil without concern for the consequences to the environment. With this in mind, this study aimed to adjust the porcine production to the protection of water resources, in particular, Ribeirão dos Pinheirinhos in the town of Torrinha (SP), through inventory and diagnosis of the environmental impacts already present and environmental hazards linked to the activity in question. To achieve the proposed objectives, the productions of porcine on the studied area were raised and georeferenced, viewed and analyzed according to the technical and scientific literature. The production visited showed to be at odds with the protection of water resources due to lack of technical criteria in the development of treatment systems and waste handling, indiscriminate use of effluent and waste in the fertilization of crops and the lack of knowledge of producers on the influence of porcine waste into the environment. Based on these results, were set guidelines for action in the environmental awareness of farmers, to stimulate voluntary and conscious initiatives of environmental conservation in the direction of settlement of the activity.
For a long time, humankind has lived together with flooding, and lately, those events have grown enormously, in particular, in the urban areas from lots of Brazilian cities. The flooding has been causing uncountable disadvantages to population and to the cities. The present paper aimed to study, through a bibliographic review, the risks and natural disasters caused by those events. Trying to approach their causes and effects under a systemic view it emphasized the landscape point.
O Brasil caracteriza-se pela pluralidade cultural e religiosa. Muitas religiões, como a Umbanda, o Candomblé e o Espiritismo, utilizam plantas em rituais ou com o intuito de combater doenças. No combate das doenças, as plantas medicinais são utilizadas com base no conhecimento tradicional, muitas vezes distorcido pela sociedade moderna. Portanto, há um risco inerente nesta prática, pois o efeito das plantas medicinais está relacionado à presença de substâncias químicas, geralmente metabólitos secundários, as quais exercem ação farmacológica de forma análoga aos fármacos sintéticos, bem como podem produzir reações adversas ou intoxicação. Além disso, o uso adequado das plantas medicinais envolve conhecimento sobre seu cultivo, colheita/coleta, modo de preparo, posologia e indicação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o uso de plantas medicinais por comunidades religiosas e avaliar o risco de sua utilização com base em evidências científicas. Concluiu-se no trabalho que a maioria das plantas utilizadas está de acordo, totalmente, ou em parte com as indicações de uso na medicina popular ou respaldadas por estudos científicos. Porém, algumas das plantas medicinais utilizadas apresentam alta toxicidade e a indicação de uso de algumas outras, não condiz com estudos científicos ou uso na medicina popular
This paper consists in the evaluation of the exposure rate to ionizing radiation to which professionals working in surgical procedures which require radiological examinations are subjected. Were initially performed real-time readings of exposure rate within four distinct operating rooms during the execution of four surgical procedures that made use of fluoroscopy equipment (including three orthopedic surgeries, one in the shoulder, one in the arm, another for deployment of metal pin in the leg region, and a fourth for vascular procedure); in these surgeries were used ionization chamber detector and an electrometer. In order to check the values achieved, was made a re-evaluation of the distribution of the rate of exposure to radiation, from the surgical procedures, now with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). For this, thirty TLDs were distributed in the operating rooms, arranged in points of interest as occupation by professionals. The TLDs were prepared for thirty consecutive days, after which they were removed and replaced with new dosimeters not exposed yet. The dosimeters were subjected to reading of the rate of exposure; this procedure was repeated for four months without interruption. The quantification of the results sought primarily to convert the rate of exposure for equivalent dose rate, both in measurements with ionization chamber as in measurements with TLDs, in order to highlight the presence of the biological effect of ionizing radiation for comparisons within scientific context. Then, the results were plotted to establish the relationship between the values of equivalent dose and the distance to the central axis of the x -ray source, confirming the inverse square law for distance. Finally, the values were associated with the maximum limit recommended by the legislation for occupationally exposed individuals. The methodology for the analysis and quantification of the data in this work aims at implementing a work plan that meets ...
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
The dentist has been suggested as a professional vulnerable to labor risks mainly related to working posture. This study examined the application of ergonomics principles during the dental attendances made by university student of the last period of the Araçatuba Dental University. Twenty-four attendants were photographed and the images were digitally analyzed for the verification of 10 requirements that determine a healthy labor posture, defined by the project ISO Standard / TC 106/SC 6 N 411. It was observed that 50% of items from the check list obtained higher percentages of negative replies. The students had greater difficulties as to the correct position of the angle between the upper and lower leg when sitting, the ideal adjustment of the light focus reflector in the field of work and the patient positioning. It was concluded that the dental attendances were held without compliance with the ergonomic requirements. The greatest difficulties regarding the work posture were the sitting posture, the light beam and the patient positioning. Students need better guidance about ergonomic principles and requirements, which should occur at any time of life, but earliest they are installed, greater the benefits, assimilation and incorporation of adequate working postures will be. We need a reform that addresses all sectors of the dental system, so that learning and application of ergonomics in dentistry become effective, efficient and effective.
Natural sciences have an enormous status in public opinion. Their achievements, which become known mostly by means of technology, give to them social credibility, unconditional support and positive social expectances. Further, their social images, generated by the success of their products, tend to lead people to develop only favorable ideas about scientists and about how science works, which are even more reinforced in the schools. By another side, the history of science has been allowed us to comprehend the internal and external social relations concerning to science, showing it as a field of disputes, interests and contradictions as many other fields which comprise human relations. Therefore, the objective of this text is to present social elements of the construction and impacts of natural science, aiming at putting in evidence the importance of the social studies of the scientific world for the courses of education of science teachers.
This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the load carried by students in primary and secondary schools, state Vespasian /MG, and quantify the percentage established between backpack weight and body mass of these young people carry every day. The study included 916 students of both genders. Ages ranged from 10-19 years. 541 students (59.06%) carried the load backpack ranging from 10.02 to 33.43% of his body mass. Students with younger age, female students and those who opted for the backpack model designed dorsal attachment tended to carry a load higher than 10% of his body weight. 224 (24.45%) students complain of back pain and shoulder. It was concluded that the cargo is inadequate from the point of view of biomechanics and ergonomics, especially for younger individuals and females, since they are in growth phase, and this exposes them to an overhead increased risk of spinal injuries, with consequent repercussions in adulthood.