59 resultados para Renato Jardim


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A vida nas grandes cidades distancia cada vez mais o ser humano e a natureza, e a necessidade de parques e áreas verdes dentro das grandes zonas urbanas nunca foi tão evidente. Nesse cenário, o papel dos jardins botânicos deixa de ser meramente científico, para assumir também um lado mais voltado à educação ambiental. Vários exemplos espalhados pelo mundo, inclusive no Brasil, confirmam esta afirmação. A proposta de um Jardim Botânico para Paranapiacaba, famosa pela frequente neblina, se deve ao fato de ser ela uma vila histórica, cravada no que ainda resta da Mata Atlântica, em São Paulo. Seu conjunto arquitetônico de edificações em estilo inglês – no qual se destacam a reconstituição da estação ferroviária, utilizada atualmente para o turismo ferroviário, bem como seu original relógio londrino – e o entroncamento ferroviário são dos mais significativos exemplos da arquitetura e da engenharia ferroviária inglesa dos fins do século XIX. Por isso, Imagem 1 – O relógio Johnnie Walker Benson foi construído em Londres no século 19 e é o símbolo da Vila de Paranapiacaba Foto: Henrique Granado, disponível em: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/24325448 Jardim Botânico em Paranapiacaba 7 em 1987, a vila foi tombada pelo Patrimônio Estadual (CONDEPHAAT); em 2000, pelo World Monument Fund, como Tesouro Cultural Mundial; em 2002, pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional – IPHAN e, em 2003, pelo Patrimônio Municipal (COMDEPHAAPASA). Apesar de o local carecer de investimentos em uma série de segmentos, é viável um projeto que alie a preservação da mata nativa com o turismo ecológico crescente na região. Assim, um Jardim Botânico em Paranapiacaba é um projeto viável e o objetivo deste trabalho


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever a estrutura fitossociológica do estrato herbáceo, de diferentes manchas que definem o mosaico da vegetação de um trecho do Ribeirão Claro e seu afluente Jardim Bandeirantes, analisando a diversidade das comunidades no tempo e no espaço, a dominância e a distribuição das espécies, estabelecendo relações com variáveis ambientais edáficas (umidade, pH e teor de matéria orgânica) e microclimáticas (luminosidade, cobertura de dossel e declividade), a fim de estudar a estrutura, composição e os processos sucessionais desta fitocenose. Foram definidas 13 manchas de vegetação como foco de estudo, em cada uma foram dispostas 6 parcelas de 5x5m perfazendo uma extensão de 30 m perpendicularmente ao rio. No interior das parcelas foram levantadas todas as formas de vida vegetais abaixo de 1,5m de altura, aplicando-se um método de avaliação de cobertura (método do toque), onde a amostragem foi realizada em intervalos de 0,5m. Os indivíduos foram amostrados com indicação do seu hábito e classificação taxonômica. As quantificações foram realizadas tanto no período chuvoso quanto no período seco, com a finalidade de entender a dinâmica sazonal dessa comunidade. A comunidade estudada apresentou variação em sua composição e estrutura no que se refere às estações seca e chuvosa. Os parâmetros ambientais analisados mostraram uma heterogeneidade física nas fisionomias descritas, o que pode estar contribuindo para a diferenciação na distribuição das espécies amostradas em cada fisionomia. Com base no inventário realizado, envolvendo a vegetação marginal do trecho estudado do Ribeirão Claro e seu tributário Jardim Bandeirantes, em duas estações distintas, os dados mostraram maiores variações da cobertura herbácea nas fitocenoses em estágios sucessionais mais avançados... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This research reffers to a study of case about Jardim Cherveson district, in which was mensured the quality of life of the resident population. The term quality of life has a dificult definition, because include a lot of variables objectives and subjectives, however, we can say that good quality of life depends on health condition of the individual. To assess the quality of life of the residents on district were verified the diseases of higher occurrence, identifing if the same were caused by the condition of local urban infrastructure and still the treatment of the Unidade Básica de Saúde in the study area


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper discusses urban space focusing on the housing sector, the capitalist reproduction and some changes occurring in that space as a result of the dynamics of the real estate sector and interests of financial agents, developers and urban land owners/speculators. The changes imposed to cities value abstract spaces over concrete ones, showing the unbalance between the interests of agents, who have in view the market, and those of dwellers, who live daily in such areas. Based on these reflections, a case study was carried out in the Jardim Letícia neighborhood in Leme city (state of São Paulo) in order to understand the space production and reproduction in that area, analyze some of the main problems faced by local people, and identify some agents involved in the process.


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Urban space occupation occurs in an extremely disordered way. Political, economical and social aspects converge to create a problem that affects mostly poor people who are impelled to occupy areas where social and environmental problems are likely to emerge. Floods, landslides and different forms of pollution have more effects on the most vulnerable groups. In many cases, actions taken by the government legitimate this structure and reinforce its reproduction. This work seeks to confirm both that poor people are vulnerable to social and environmental problems resulting from inappropriate urban solid waste disposal and that the local government contributes to this situation. It is assumed that the issue is related first to the government’s disregard for poor people who live in unhealthy places and, second, to the inability of such people to demand for better living conditions. In this study, a waste disposal area within Jardim Graminha neighborhood in Leme (São Paulo) was selected to be analyzed by means of systematic observation. The study clearly shows that poor people living near that area where different types of garbage are disposed are vulnerable and the government does not control the situation. It is also pointed out that governmental intervention and the use of political and technical tools are necessary for planning and managing the area to mitigate these problems and to decrease poor people’s social and environmental vulnerability.


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Patients with primary malignant brain tumor endure several motor and cognitive dysfunctions, demanding the presence of a caregiver even more because the time necessary for their assistance increases considerably. Usually this task is performed by a family relative, whose activities include taking care of the patient’s personal hygiene, escorting them to medical appointments, managing their money and performing their housework. All of this overwhelms the caregiver both physical and psychologically. This bibliographic research intends to analyze the role in which a caregiver plays in the quality of life of those kinds of patients, the complications of such task, the caregivers’ needs and the daily life of those terminal patients. It was used CAPES, PubMed and Google Academic databases for researching articles related to family caregivers who assisted adult patients with primary malignant brain tumor. The study concluded that being a caregiver of patients in such conditions harms one’s quality of life, with consequences such as stress, insomnia, financial problems and lack of social support. Theirs needs include: having someone to talk to about the matter, attending programs for reducing stress and increasing their knowledge about the disease. In advanced phases of the condition, the patient shows great mobility problems, aphasia and regular seizures, which end up overwhelming the caregiver. The level of quality of life found was above other types of cancer’s caregivers. Therefore, they represent a group with special needs, which should be especially handled by health professionals.


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The association of Helicobacter pylori with different gastric diseases has been continuously discussed in the literature, whereas the last 20 years a large body of publications was intended to characterize the ecological niches and habitats of this pathogen being the mouth a possible habitat for that rod. The present study aimed to discuss the occurrence of this organism as part of the supplemental or transient microbiota of the mouth. Thus, an extensive review of literature covering the period 1990-2014 was carried out with different databases, yielding 5024 articles discussing transmission and occurrence of H. pylori, in English or Portuguese. Articles were selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and data were tabulated and analyzed. Despite the significant heterogeneity of the literature, it was found this microaerophilic has a worldwide distribution, even in the mouth, which behaves as a reservoir for gastric reinfection. The role of oral hygiene and periodontal disease in the distribution of this microorganism remains unclear, but most studies support the hypothesis that oral biofilms and inflammation of periodontium may facilitate the installation of this pathogen in the mouth. Studies suggest that this microorganism could collaborate as a predisposing factor for oral cancer.


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Adolescence is a period of physical, biological and psychological changes as well as its time for reflection of the perspectives and social functions that are not defined yet. In addition to the characteristics of this period also included the family and socio-economic aspects such as parental separation, domestic violence, poverty, among others, yielding often, insecurity and confusion feelings, contributing to the case of depression in many cases, each increasingly recurrent and early at this stage in human development. The present study, thus, aimed to investigate the indicators of risk and vulnerability in adolescents to depression, especially those in social context, highlighting the social representation of the same against the disorder, since these guiding this research, the indication of factors contributing influence the etiology of depression in this period. Be consulted on the basis of VHL-PSI, articles related to depression in adolescence, published between the years 2004 to 2014. Observe that adolescents with negative perception of the social context in which the live, are more likely to develop depression, highlighting the importance of healthy social and family relationships for mental health.


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Osseointegrated implants have specific nature distinguish them from natural teeth making them more susceptible to the efforts generated by mastication. The absence of periodontal ligament, which absorbs the masticatory forces and allows the movement of the teeth interfere with the reception of occlusal loads and therefore the predictability of implants. In the boneimplant interface did not occur the phenomena of dissipation of impact, even the movement induced. Thus, during planning and installation of implant prosthesis, the type and characteristics of occlusal pattern adopted should be established with criteria to be no grounds for future failures. In this regard we highlight the occlusal overload generated by several reasons like the presence of premature contacts, interference during motion excursive, deleterious habits and inappropriate extensions on cantilevers. Thus, the objective is to provide a review of the literature regarding the importance of occlusion in oral rehabilitation with implants. Factors to be considered in establishing a favorable occlusion, consistent with prostheses on implants will be described


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In part I of this article, the factors related to the establishment of a favourable occlusion for the implant prosthodontics as well as its real importance in this kind of rehabilitation were showed up. However, it is known that the occlusal characteristics adopted in implant prosthodontics show specific patterns which must be different between each other in accordance to the type of prosthesis installed. The objective of the second part of this work is to present to the reader, by a literature review, those characteristics, justifying the reason because they must be associated to specific kind of prosthesis for favor the treatment established.


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This work consists of making an intervention project in the urban periphery to ease the socio-spatial segregation and modify an area by the guidelines that were established in the Final Work Undergraduate II, thus a continuation of the entire study ever conducted on the Jardim Kantian Itapeva-SP. The study site is an example of socio-spatial segregation, due to lack of government interventions before the actions of real estate agents. Forcing a portion of the lower income population to occupy the same space with the existence of possible spaces to be occupied near the downtown area. The intervention connects the new with the existing, creating a unique space, which the new does not exclude the other portion of the population, but complements, thus contributing to improving the urban environment and, consequently, of people's lives