116 resultados para Ratio bias effect
The thermal dependence of the zero-bias conductance for the single electron transistor is the target of two independent renormalization-group approaches, both based on the spin-degenerate Anderson impurity model. The first approach, an analytical derivation, maps the Kondo-regime conductance onto the universal conductance function for the particle-hole symmetric model. Linear, the mapping is parametrized by the Kondo temperature and the charge in the Kondo cloud. The second approach, a numerical renormalization-group computation of the conductance as a function the temperature and applied gate voltages offers a comprehensive view of zero-bias charge transport through the device. The first approach is exact in the Kondo regime; the second, essentially exact throughout the parametric space of the model. For illustrative purposes, conductance curves resulting from the two approaches are compared.
Amino acids are well metabolized by Streptomyces clavuligerus during the production of clavulanic acid using glycerol as main carbon and energy source. However, only a few amino acids such as arginine and ornithine are favorable for CA biosynthesis. The aim of this work was to optimize the glycerol:ornithine molar ratio in the feed medium containing only these compounds to maximize CA production in continuous cultivation. A minimum number of experiments were performed by means of a simple two-level full-factorial central composite design to investigate the combined effect of glycerol and ornithine feeding on the CA concentration during the intermittent and continuous process in shake-flasks. Statistical analysis of the experimental data using the response surface methodology showed that a glycerol-to-ornithine molar ratio of approximately 40:1 in the feed medium resulted in the highest CA concentration when fermentation was stopped. Under these optimized conditions, in bench-scale fermentor runs, the CA concentration reached more than double the concentration obtained in shake-flasks runs. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The anodic behaviour of cast Ti-Mo alloys, having different Mo contents (6-20 wt.%), was investigated in acidic and neutral aerated aqueous solutions. All sample showed a valve-metal behaviour, owing to formation and thickening of barrier-type anodic oxides displaying interference colours Growth kinetics. of passive films is influenced by both anodizing electrolyte and composition of the starting alloy. This last parameter was found to change also the solid-state properties of the films, explored by photoelectrochemical and impedance spectroscopy experiments. Thicker films (U(f) = 8 V/MSE) grown on alloys richer in Mo showed more resistive character and a photocurrent sign inversion under negative bias, that revealed an insulating character, whereas corresponding films grown on alloys with lower Mo content, as well as thinner films, behaved as n-type semiconductors. Results are discussed in terms of formation of a mixed Ti-Mo oxide phase. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Undoped and indium-doped Zinc oxide (ZnO) solid films were deposited by the pyrosol process at 450 degrees C on glass substrates From solutions where In/Zn ratio was 2, 5, and 10 at.%. Electrical measurements performed at room temperature show that the addition of indium changes the resistance of the films. The resistivities of doped films are less than non-doped ZnO films by one to two orders of magnitude depending on the dopant concentration in the solution. Preferential orientation of the films with the c-axis perpendicular to the substrate was detected by X-ray diffraction and polarized extended X-ray absorption fine structures measurements at the Zn K edge. This orientation depends on the indium concentration in the starting solution. The most textured films were obtained for solutions where In/Zn ratio was 2 and 5 at.%. When In/Zn = 10 at.%, the films had a nearly random orientation of crystallites. Evidence of the incorporation of indium in the ZnO lattice was obtained from extended X-ray absorption fine structures at the In and Zn K edges. The structural analysis of the least resistive film (Zn/In = 5 at.%) shows that In substitutes Zn in the wurtzite structure. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
At the present time, much attention is being paid to antioxidant substances because many pathological conditions are associated with oxidative stress. The purpose of the present study was to discover the potency of saponin (2-phenyl-benzopyrane), a soybean flavonoid, with respect to its hypoglycaemic and hypolipidaemic action, and the association of these effects with oxidative stress. Male Wistar rats were divided into two groups (n = 6): control group and saponin-treated group (60 mg/kg) during 30 days. Saponin had no effects on glucose tolerance. Although no changes had been observed in low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, saponin-treated animals had increased low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol/triacylglycerol ratio and decreased triacylglycerol, very low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and total/high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol ratio than the control group. Saponin-treated rats showed lower lipid hydroperoxide than control rats, indicating decreased potential to atherosclerosis. No alterations were observed in antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, while lipid hydroperoxide were decreased in saponin-treated rats. In conclusion, the beneficial effects of saponin on serum lipids were related to a direct saponin antioxidant activity.
Digestibility of diets based on corn and soybean meal or soybeans treated by roasting or extrusion, with or without an enzyme supplementation, was measured by true (Sibbald) methods, by analysis of excreta, and by analysis of ileal digesta. Only analysis of ileal digesta was able to consistently measure differences between soybean and enzyme treatments in the digestibility of CP, starch, fat, and ME. The amino acid (AA) digestibility of the diets was measured by analysis of the ileal contents. Whereas enzyme supplementation improved overall CP digestibility by 2.9%, this improvement was not equal for all AA. of the AA most important for broilers fed corn-soybean diets, the digestibilities of Lys, Met, and Arg were not improved or not improved significantly by the enzyme supplementation; however, that of Val was improved by 2.3% and that of Thr was improved by 3.0%. A performance trial demonstrated that enzyme supplementation with equal diet formulation improved BW and the feed conversion ratio by 1.9 and 2.2%, respectively. A second performance trial compared standard diet formulations with formulations using enzyme supplementation and energy levels that were reduced by the amount of improvement provided by the inclusion of enzyme in the first performance trial. No difference was seen between treatments, showing that the improvement of nutrient utilization brought about by enzyme supplementation completely compensated for the reduced energy content. Whereas enzyme supplementation should allow a reduction in CP formulation as well, individual AA were not improved equally by supplementation and should also be balanced.
The ultrasound stimulated and oxalic acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) was studied by means of a heat flux calorimetric method as a function of the initial water/TMOS molar ratio (r) ranging from 2 to 10. The method is based on the time recording of the hydrolysis exothermic heat peak. which takes place in acidulated heterogeneous water-TMOS mixtures under ultrasonic stimulation, accounting for the instantaneous hydrolysis rate. The hydrolysis rate increases from zero up to a maximum value during the heterogeneous step of the process and then diminishes naturally according to the reactant consumption. The total hydrolyzed quantity was found to be slightly increasing with r. The immiscibility gap of the TMOS- water system in the presence of the hydrolysis products has been inferred from the evaluation of the reacted quantity during the heterogeneous step of the reaction and it has been represented in a ternary diagram in the studied r-range.
The effects of chemical pretreatment and air drying temperature on drying kinetics, shrinkage, density and rehydration ratio of grapes were determined at various moisture contents. It was observed that the chemical pretreatment employed - a solution of 2% CaCO3 with 0 to 3% ethyl oleate - increased considerably the drying rate. It was established that the shrinkage increased with drying temperature between 40 to 80 degrees C and decreased with increasing concentration of ethyl oleate in the chemical pretreatment solution.
3,4,4'-trichlorocarbanilide (TCC) was rested as a new method of bacterial growth control for S. cerevisiae alcoholic fermentations of diluted high test molasses (HTM). Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was tested to determine the necessary concentration of TCC to control bacterial growth. The fed-batch alcoholic fermentation process was used with cell recycle similar to industrial conditions and Lactobacillus fermentum CCT 1407 was mixed in the first inoculum to grow with the yeast. Yeast extract was added into the must to stimulate bacterial growth. The best results of TCC's MIC to bacterial growth of Lactobacillus fermentum and Leuconostoc mesenteroides (< 0.125-1.0 mu g/ml) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (16 mu g/ml) occurred when it was combined with sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) in a 1: 4 TCC/SDS ratio (wt/wt) in distilled water solution. 1.8 g/l TCC entrapped in calcium alginate added to the must with yeast extract inhibited the growth of Lactobacillus fermentum CCT 1407 maintaining a controlled acidity, higher yeast viability and up to 20.8% of improvement in the average of alcoholic efficiency. Addition of 0.075 g/l TCC entrapped in calcium alginate and 1.67 mg/l SDS in the wort with yeast extract (0-5.0 g/l), inhibited and controlled the extensive bacterial contamination for 19 cycles of fermentation. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd.
Pechini's method was used to prepare lead titanate zirconate with Zr/Ti ratio equal to 53/47. X-ray diffraction data revealed the presence of a rhombohedral phase, rich in zirconium, due to difference in carbonate stabilities, in PZT ceramics calcined at 600 degrees C. Infrared spectroscopy presented COO- bonds in the 1400 cm(-1) region, which disappeared after calcining at 700 degrees C. Seeds with rhombohedral (PZT 57/43) or tetragonal structure (PZT 45/55) were added to the precursor. The microstructure was differentially influenced by the nature of seed particles. Rhombohedral nuclei promoted preferential crystallization of lead zirconate. This heterogeneity directly reflected on values of k(p) and d(33). (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Limited and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved.
This study evaluated the influence of the cementation length of glass fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) on the fatigue resistance of bovine teeth restored with an adhesively cemented FRC. Thirty roots of single-rooted bovine teeth were allocated to 3 groups (n = 10), according to the ratio of crown length/root length (post cementation length): group 1 = 2/3, group 2 = 1/2, and group 3 = 1/1. The roots were prepared, the fiber posts (FRC Postec Plus) were cemented, and the specimens were submitted to 2 million mechanical cycles. After fatigue testing, a score was given based on the number of fatigue cycles until fracture, and data were submitted to statistical analysis. All specimens were resistant to fatigue. Taking into account the methodology and results of this study, the evaluated fiber posts can be cemented based on the ratio of crown/root at 1/1. Further clinical studies must be conducted to verify this ratio.
Electrical properties of Er-doped SnO2 thin films obtained by sol-gel-dip-coating technique were measured. When compared to undoped tin dioxide, rare-earth doped films present much higher resistivity, indicating that Er3+ presents an acceptor-like character into the matrix, which leads to a high degree of electric charge compensation. Current-voltage characteristics, measured above room temperature for Er-doped films, lead to non-linear behavior and two conduction regimes. In the lower electric field range the conduction is dominated by Schottky emission over the grain boundary potential barrier, which presents an average value of 0.85 eV. Increasing the applied bias, a second regime of conduction is observed, since the Poole-Frenkel coulombic barrier lowering becomes a significant effect. The obtained activation energy for ionization is 0.67 eV. (C) 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
The effect of lead excess on the pyrochlore-type formation in Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3 (PMN) powders has been investigated. The polymeric precursor method was used in the synthesis of the columbite in association to the partial oxalate method to synthesize the PMN powder samples. Structure refinement of the columbite precursor and PMN powders was carried out using the Rietveld method. The quantitative phase analysis showed that the amount of perovskite phase is not affected by PbO excess, but a great excess drives the pyrochlore-type formation so that 3 wt.% of PbO causes the predominance of Mg-containing pyrochlore phase. Using the refined data obtained from the Rietveld refinement, the compositional fluctuation in the perovskite phase was calculated from Nb/Mg ratio values and Pb occupation factor. Mg inclusion occurs concomitant with Ph one into PMN perovskite phase and this effect is directed by PbO excess during powder synthesis. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.