126 resultados para Preservação e Conservação de Documentos
One of the ways of Geography is the study of the relationship between man and space, so that the question of the preservation of the environment and yours attributes is increasingly standing out in society. The State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade is a conservation of sustainable use, so with this category aims to reconcile nature conservation with sustainable use of a portion of its resources, and a place that has many direct and indirect benefits to the interconnected environment . Therefore, the object of study is the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, highlighting its Public Use Area. This work has as main objective to measure the importance of the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, in the view of visitors, and present some key aspects of the unit in relation to its attractions. Thus, we seek the appreciation of the history of the city of Rio Claro and qualities of the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade
Observa-se como estratégia mundial para a conservação da biodiversidade a criação de unidades de conservação. No Brasil, especificamente no Estado de São Paulo, devido a intensa degradação da Mata Atlântica, verifica-se a criação de unidades de proteção integral, a fim de se preservar de modo restrito os recursos naturais que ainda lhe restam. Na cidade de Ribeirão Preto, uma região com alto desempenho agrícola e intensa expansão urbana, constata-se a presença de uma Estação Ecológica (EERP), fragmento florestal de 154,16 ha, altamente isolado e fragmentado. Assim, a EERP e sua zona de amortecimento (ZA) vêm sendo fortemente pressionada pela expansão urbana e agrícola da região, comprometendo a sua integridade ecossistêmica. Dentre os impactos negativos gerados destacam-se: alta especulação imobiliária e o intenso cultivo de monoculturas, que contribuem para a degradação do solo nas regiões do entorno. A fim de se reduzir tais impactos, o presente trabalho buscou apresentar um prognóstico de planejamento ambiental para a ZA da EERP, a qual se encontra altamente impactada, segundo os critérios definidos por Ranieri (2004). Desse modo, criou-se cenários ideais para a preservação dos recursos naturais do local
Ribeira Valley, a region covered by the last continues area of the Atlantic Rain Forest in São Paulo State, in Brazil, is thus a preservation law and environmental control target, is now configurated as locus where emerge conflicts concerning economic and agricultural activities, particularly in places where befall public policies recognizing territorial rights – quilombo remnants, indigenous lands and sustainable development settlings. The research’s aim is to understand, considering each of these contexts, if and how a conservationist focus is assumed as a value and a strategy, connected to etnicity and traditionality, in order to actualize these social spaces.
This paper has as an objetive to present the survey outcomes on the railroad heritage listed by CONDEPHAAT (identification, state of conservation and public politics of use). In one hand, since the 1960s has been formulated the concept of industrial heritage, it would consider the relevance of this concept for the railroad heritage. In the other hand, it is also necessary to understand the concepts that have guided the tipping process of this organ for decades. Anyway, this is to assess the extent to these new concepts of heritage has guided the actions of the São Paulo State Council
One of the greatest challenges for the agricultural system is to establish agricultural production combined with the conservation of genetic resources, mainly aiming to protect the Permanent Preservation Areas. In this context, mulungu ( Erythrina velutina Willd), among other native species, has been suffering with anthropogenic pressures in various ecosystems, causing reductions in its genetic basis. This work aims to identify ecological and genetic population parameters as indicators of sustainability in two natural populations of mulungu, located in riparian forest, in the state of Sergipe, and to assess the tendency to their sustainability, aiming genetic conservation of the species. The matrix of Pressure-State-Impact/Effect-Response (PEI/ER) was used with the selection of 13 indicators, from the use of RAPDmolecular markers and biochemical (enzymes) markers in populations, in order to present them as relevant information to measure progress as for sustainability and conservation ofmulungu. The studied populations presented low tendency to sustainability, requiring strategies to change this status.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
The city of Lençóis Paulista has a great part of its agricultural land cultivated by sugar cane and reforestation of eucalyptus and pine trees. In the county there are industries that exploit energy extracted from energy cogeneration. The city of Lençóis Paulista, in recent years, has been demonstrating considerable levels of economic and social growth with the industries that are working with sugarcane and eucalyptus mainly responsible. However, the expansion of agricultural land in many cases does not take into consideration the permanent preservation areas that are protected by the law. The APP's are of fundamental importance in the management and conservation of the environment preserving the natural plants and wildlife, and also preventing erosion and the silting of drainage networks. This objective of this study was to diagnose land use, analyze if Permanent Preservation Areas are regulated to the Brazilian Forestry Code (1965) and also diagnose areas of conflict. In relation to the use and occupation of land, the research has shown how the land is divided (agricultural crops and urban zones), and highlighted areas of conflict with the Permanent Preservation Areas. All of the information is contained in maps using Geographic Information Systems. However, it has become clear that environmental laws are not respected as much in urban areas as they are in rural areas. The PPA's are virtually nonexistent, thus creating damage to the environment and local population.
Diagnóstico de conflitos em áreas de preservação permanente na bacia do Rio Capivara - Botucatu (SP)
The permanent preservation areas (PPA) established by Brazilian law are there to protect the natural environment. With the expansion of space occupied by man and development of economic activities in these areas were engaged in conflicts characterized PPA, where the use is other than the natural vegetation. According to these paradigms work aims to raise these conflict areas in the River Basin Capivara, Botucatu (SP) with the help of GIS Ilwis 3.4, topographic maps of IBGE and satellite images CBERS 2B. The map was generated from PPA in the GIS by distance calculation in relation to drainage, springs and break line on Cuesta de Botucatu. The classes of land use and natural vegetation were determined by interpretation of satellite images and field visits to check their veracity. With the cutting of the map of land use and natural vegetation in relation to PPA unit it was determined that the total 44,63% PPA is in conflict occupied by pasture, forest plantation, orange, annual crops, farms and irrigated rice project in lowland. This diagnostic characterizes the degradation of the environment and highlights the need to harmonize the economic and urban development with the preservation of the environment to ensure sustainability of the region.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The soil resistance to penetration and shear can be used as indicators of soil compaction and to indicate the susceptibility of a soil to erosion. The objective of this study was to quantify and compare the impact provided by different land uses in a haplic cambissol in areas of permanent preservation, from the soil resistance to penetration and shear. The experimental area was located in an area of permanent preservation, the sub-basin of the Ribeira Iguape River - SP, with different land uses: banana cultivation - CBAN, degraded pasture - PDEG, silvopastoral system - MPIS and native forest - MNAT. The test for resistance to penetration was accomplished with a digital penetrometer compaction of manual effort, to a depth of 40 cm. The soil shear strength was determined by Vane Test at a depth between 0 and 5 cm. The degraded pasture was similar to native forest, with less resistance to penetration. The banana cultivation and silvopastoral system were the land uses with the highest resistance to penetration, bringing serious risk of erosion in areas of permanent preservation. The soil under native forest had lower shear strength. The cultivation of bananas, degraded pasture and silvopastoral system were the land uses with higher shear strength of soil, indicating that the use of these soils in areas of permanent preservation is promoting the same compression.
Acompanhou-se o desenvolvimento dos processos da salga em salmoura saturada (salga úmida) e salga seca de filés de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) e avaliaram-se algumas características indicativas de qualidade do produto durante a estocagem. Os processos foram acompanhados por 156 horas na salga úmida e por 96 horas na salga seca, e os filés salgados foram estocados, respectivamente, por 60 e 45 dias à temperatura ambiente. Os teores máximos de cloreto nos filés (14%) foram atingidos com 72 horas na salga úmida e com 36 horas na salga seca. Os filés de tilápia salgados em salmoura mantiveram as características próprias do produto por um período de 45 dias, e os submetidos à salga seca apresentaram baixo teor de umidade (6%) e alta concentração de extrato etéreo (4,6%). Recomenda-se somente o processo de salga em salmoura saturada como forma de conservação dos filés de tilápia-do-nilo.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do tipo de preparo (rodelas e metades) e da temperatura de armazenamento (3ºC, 6ºC e 9ºC) na conservação de produto minimamente processado de abacaxi-'Pérola'. Os frutos, depois de selecionados, lavados e desinfectados com cloro, foram armazenados por 12 horas a 10ºC, antes de serem processados sob condições higiênicas, embalados em contentores de polietileno tereftalatado (rodelas) ou bandeja de isopor recoberta com filme de cloreto de polivinila esticável (metades) e armazenados por até 12 dias. Os produtos foram avaliados quanto à evolução da atmosfera interna na embalagem, respiração, quantidade de suco drenado e evolução da massa fresca e da aparência. Foram testadas, durante o período de armazenamento, a aceitabilidade pelos consumidores, no início do experimento e enquanto a aparência e a análise microbiológica permitiram. A presença de bactérias mesofílicas e coliformes totais e fecais foi avaliada a cada três dias. Durante o armazenamento, a porcentagem de O2 nas embalagens apresentou decréscimo, enquanto a de CO2 aumentou até 20% para as metades e até 1,86% para as rodelas. A intensidade dos cortes no preparo teve influência direta na respiração, assim como nas perdas de suco e de massa fresca. A temperatura influenciou na respiração e foi fator limitante à vida de prateleira do produto, pois os produtos armazenados a 9ºC, conservaram-se por 6 dias, enquanto os mantidos a 3ºC e 6ºC, por até 9 dias.
O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar o efeito de combinações de inseticidas e de fungicidas sobre a conservação de sementes de milho durante o armazenamento. Os tratamentos aplicados e respectivas doses, para 1000kg de sementes, foram os seguintes: 1) testemunha; 2) anilina (936mL); 3) anilina (936mL) + Thiabendazole (120g) + Dicarboximida (187,5g) + Pirimifos- methyl (6,25mL) + Deltamethrin (0,75mL); 4) anilina (936mL) + Thiabendazole (240g) + Dicarboximida (375,0g) + Pirimifos- methyl (12,50mL) + Deltamethrin (1,50mL); 5) anilina (936mL) + Thiabendazole (480g) + Dicarboximida (750,0g)+ Pirimifos- methyl (25,00mL) + Deltamethrin (3,00mL); 6) anilina (936mL) + Thiabendazole (960g) + Dicarboximida (1500,0g) + Pirimifos- methyl (50,00mL) + Deltamethrin (6,00mL). As sementes foram analisadas quanto ao teor de água, germinação e vigor (testes de envelhecimento acelerado e de frio com solo) aos 0, 6, 9 e 12 meses de armazenamento. Os dados obtidos permitiram concluir que os tratamentos químicos aplicados tendem, com o aumento das dosagens, a gerar efeitos latentes, desfavoráveis ao desempenho das sementes, intensificados com o prolongamento do período de armazenamento.