145 resultados para Preferência do paciente
For an adequate management program of urban ants, knowledge on their biology is required, with the aim of detecting and exploring their vulnerabilities. This type of information has been used in the manufacture of baits, which must show, among other characteristics, attractiveness to several species to be considered efficient and economically viable. Therefore, the present study was aimed to evaluate in the laboratory the attractiveness of sweet and fatty substances to Camponotus vittatus, trying to find which substances would be more efficient to be introduced as the attractive component in baits. Five colonies, 68 sweet substances and 23 fatty substances were utilized in the laboratory trials. The most attractive sweet and fatty substances, were, respectively, 75% demerara sugar and vegetable fat. When substances of both natures were tested together, sweet substances presented slightly higher attractive indexes than oily substances.
The feeding nonpreference of Plutella xylostella (L.) larvae was tested in regard to the cauliflower genotypes Barcelona, Verona, Piracicaba Precoce, Sharon, Silver Streak (hybrids) and Teresopolis Gigante (cultivar). Choice and no-choice tests were carried out at the laboratories of the Departamento de Fitossanidade, FCAV/UNESP, Jaboticabal, state of São Paulo, Brazil, to study attractiveness and dry mass consumption by 1st-instar (just hatched) and 4th-instar larvae for 24 hours. No significant difference was found for attractiveness in choice and no-choice tests, for both 1st-and 4th-instar larvae. The consumption of dry mass in both tests, with 1st-and 4th-instar larvae, showed a significant difference between genotypes only for 1st-instar larvae, the hybrid Silver Streak being the most consumed (3.72 mg) by P. xylostella larvae. The cauliflower genotypes tested presented no variation in attractiveness for 1st-instar (just hatched) and 4th-instar larvae and did not present nonpreference feeding resistance for P. xylostella larvae.
Feeding preference of adults of Metriona elatior Klug (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae) for different hybrids of Solanum melogena Linnaeus (Solanaceae). Metriona elatior Klug is a potential biocontrol agent for Solanum viarum Dunal (tropical soda apple), because larvae and adults feed on its leaves and this species shows a low dispersion rate. Specificity plays a major role in the feasibility of an organism as a biological control agent, especially in the inundative strategy. The feeding preference of M. elatior adults was evaluated to 14 eggplant (Solanum melogena Linnaeus) hybrids. Mass rearing was carried out under lab conditions, with the insect feeding directly on S. viarum leaves. The study started with dual and multiple choice tests in 24 and 48 hour feeding times, by offering leaf disks in Petri dish conditions. Survival and leaf consumption analysis were performed in newly adults in tropical soda apple and eggplant leaves kept turgid by immersing the petioles in water. The leaf area was measured before and after four days of insect exposure. M. elatior showed higher feeding preference, survival and consumption of the weed species, especially in comparison with the hybrid Ryoma. The highest feeding preference among the eggplant hybrids was observed in 'Minikuro Kowishiki'.
Background and Objectives - Successful cadaver kidney transplantation relies on a fast procedure. Patients with chronic renal failure may present with a delayed gastric emptying making it critical a fast tracheal intubation and airway maintenance. Rocuronium a recently introduced nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker with a fast onset. The aim of this study was to evaluate onset time and duration of rocuronium effects in patients undergoing renal transplantation. Methods - Sixty patients were allocated into two groups of 30: Group R (GR) = patients undergoing renal transplantation and Group N (GN) = patients with normal renal function. All patients were premedicated with oral midazolam (15 mg) and anesthesia was induced with 30 μg.kg-1 alfentanil, 0.3 mg.kg-1 etomidate and 0.6 mg.kg-1 rocuronium injected through a central venous catheter. neuromuscular block was monitored by acceleromyography in the ulnar nerve pathway. The following parameters were evaluated: time between administration of rocuronium and first twitch reduction to 5% after supra-maximal stimulation (T1) (onset time = OT); time for first twitch to return to 25% (clinical duration = R25); time elapsed between 25% and 75% recovery of first twitch (relaxation recovery time = R25-75). Heart rate (HR) and mean blood pressure (MBP) were recorded in 6 moments. Results - Median OT was 31 sec. in GR and 47 sec. in GN. Median R25 was 51.5 min in GR and 33.5 min in GN. Median R25-75 was 28 min in GR and 20 min in GN. MBP and HR were higher in GR. Tracheal intubation conditions were excellent for most patients in both groups. Conclusions - These results open the possibility of 0.6 mg.kg-1 rocuronium being injected through a central venous catheter when a faster onset is needed. Due to wide differences in individual responses, monitoring of neuromuscular block is recommended.
Tests were carried out to evaluate resistance of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to Diabrotica speciosa (Ger.) with the genotypes Goiano Precoce, Jalo Precoce, PR 95105146, PR 95105142 (Andean domestication center, AN), Emgopa 201 Ouro and IAPAR 57 (Middle American domestication center, MA). The experiments were conducted in 1998 and 1999, at the farm of UNESP-FCAV, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. The genotypes were planted in pots and 20 day-old leaflets were collected and foliar disks were cut of for the test. Two trials, a no-choice test and a free-choice test, were set up in BOD. In free-choice test, two disks of each genotype were kept in a 140-mm-diameter petri dish (total of 12 disks), where 12 adults were confined. In no-choice test, two disks of one genotype and two insects were placed in a 60-mm-diameter petri dish. A field experiment was conducted when 400 adults of D. speciosa were released. Fifteen leaflets per plot were collected 30 days after planting and the leaf area consumption was evaluated. A no-choice experiment was carried out with 20 day-old genotypes protected in individual cages and infested by 10 adults, for 72h. The MA genotypes were the most preferred on feeding tests conducted at BOD, field and individual cages, while the AN genotypes were less eaten.
We studied feeding habits of four fish species in two watershed at APA - Área de Proteção Ambiental (Area of Environmental Protection) in São Pedro and Analândia, State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Feeding Preference Degree (FPD) was used to demonstrate the importance of each food item for the species of both basins. Feeding habits of both species of lambari was variable. The allochtonous items such as insects, autochtonous items, and vegetal material were very important, characterizing omnivory. The bagre (Rhamdia quelen) fed mainly on insects at the Jacaré-pepira Basin and also on fishes at the Corumbataí basin. The cascudo Hypostomus strigaticeps ingested autochtonous vegetal material and sediments at both basins.
Background: To assess satisfaction with the weekly transdermal contraceptive patch, compared to the previous contraceptive method. Adhesion, cycle control, safety and efficacy were secondary outcomes. Methods: A multicenter, open label, descriptive study. Subjects received the weekly transdermal contraceptive patch for 6 cycles. At the baseline and after the 1 st, 3 rd and 6 th cycles, satisfaction with the method was assessed. The contraceptive efficacy was assessed by the Pearl Index and by life table analysis. Results: An ITT analysis was performed with 494 subjects. At the endpoint, 95.3% of women were satisfied with the patch compared to the previous method; 59.5%, 58.0% and 63.2% of women reported improvement in the physical and emotional well-being, and pre-menstrual symptoms, respectively. Pre-menstrual symptoms frequency decreased from 85.0% (CI 95%: 80.8-87.4%) to 55.0% (CI 95%: 49.9-66.0%). There was a significant increase in hemoglobin levels, and also a significant decrease in total serum cholesterol and tryglicerides.. There were no significant adverse events. The adjusted Pearl Index was 1.1 pregnancies per 100 women-years. Conclusions: The weekly contraceptive transdermal patch is a safe and effective method, and there was a high rate of satisfaction with its use among brazilian women. The patch was associated to a good cycle control, with easiness of use, improvement in the physical and emotional well-being and improvement in the premenstrual symptoms and lipid profile. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora. Todos os direitos reservados.
The patient with anophthalmia may present feelings of inferiority and rejection. Knowing his/her needs and expectations contribute to a better technical intervention. Purpose: To elaborate a questionnaire of the psychosocial profile of the patient with anophthalmia with indication of ocular prosthesis. Methods: An exploratory research was used to elaborate the questionnaire, by means of a guided interview followed by writing down what was said by the interviewees, who were adult patients of the Bucco-Maxillo-Facial Prosthesis Center of FOSJC - UNESP. The guided interview was made up of 14 items directly related to the future outline of the profile. Each item of the interview resulted in questions of the questionnaire, which was pretested twice before reaching its final version. Results: The patients reported, in the exploratory research, unpleasant feelings with the loss of the eye; relationship shyness; expectations regarding surgery and prosthesis use; a wish to receive explanations and to hold their opinion about the treatment. The questionnaire of the psychosocial profile of the patient with anophthalmia with indication of ocular prosthesis is, therefore, made of 43 questions divided into 5 blocks in order to aid the comprehension of the inquired aspects and to facilitate both the computation of data and discussion, and also to improve the selection of questions according to the objective of the researcher or professional. Conclusions: It was concluded that the questionnaire was viable, can be used in full or by selecting blocks and provide a panorama of the patient's history related to the problem he/she faces, from the loss of the ocular globe to the confection of the prosthesis.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Psoas muscle abscess is a rare complication of epidural analgesia. The adequate approach to this complication is fundamental for a good resolution. The objective of this report was to discuss the diagnosis and treatment of psoas muscle abscess. CASE REPORT: A female patient, 65 years old, with neuropathic pain in the lower limbs, difficult to control with systemic drugs. The patient was treated with epidural opioid and local anesthetic as an alternate treatment. Twenty days after the continuous epidural administration, the patient complained of lumbar pain, headache, and fever. A CT scan of the pelvis showed an abscess of the psoas muscle, thus, closed drainage and antibiotics were indicated. CONCLUSIONS: An adequate, continuous supervision of the patient is necessary when an epidural catheter is placed, and it should continue after its removal. © Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2007.
Female broiler breeder productivity is based on the principles of thermal comfort that are directly related with the microclimate inside the housing. This research had the objective of monitoring the behavior of female broiler breeders, using the technology of radio-frequency, injectable transponders and readers in different existing microclimates inside a small scale distorted housing model. Eight birds with electronic identification were used. Three readers were used, in three different points inside the model: on the floor of the nest, in the passage besides the lateral wall and below the water facility. Dry bulb (DBT), wet bulb (WBT) and black globe (BGT) temperature were measured continuously. The results point out a distinct behavioral pattern of the birds regarding the environment exposition during the experiment. Three probabilistic models of behavior were developed from the recorded data: probabilistic model for the passage use: FP = 1.10 - 0.244 ln(DBT), probabilistic model for the water facility use: FB = 0.398 + 0.00866(DBT), and probabilistic model for the nest use: FN = 2.22 - 0.272 DBT + 0,011 DBT 2 - 0.000144 DBT 3.
Acute myelopathy are characterized by spinal cord dysfunction, developing sensitive, motor and autonomic signs and symptons. Since they are relatively rare, there are some difficulties to early diagnosis and to the beginning of the treatment. So, literature was reviewed to describe the main aetiologies of acute non compressive myelopathy: 1) demyelinating diseases; 2) systemic disease; 3) parainfectious; 4) delayed radiation myelopathy; 5) vascular myelopathy; 6) idiopatic and 7) vitamin B12 deficiency. Besides, we suggest an algorithm to initial approach of these patients and further aethiologic investigation. © Copyright Morelra Jr. Editora.