82 resultados para Permanent promotion


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This work aims to present the design and the evaluation of a standard multi-pole machine with permanent magnets inserted in the rotor by two different geometrical forms: aligned and skewed magnets. The design (new analytical method) was based on a standard 250 W three phase 12-pole induction motor (squirrel cage rotor type), beginning with the original stator constructive data to calculate the magnetic flux density to determine the permanent magnets. In the development of the work, a simple and modular rotor was built reusing the original 12-pole stator (concentrated windings). The machine was evaluated in a laboratory for the purpose of checking the quantity and quality of energy produced with the machine operating as a generator and its start, torque, and performance working as a motor. In conclusion, the modular skewed magnet is an option for electrical machines, for the generation of a reasonable quality, in the context of decentralized generation and a motor with high torque and low energetic consumption.


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The purpose of this case report was to describe the successful long-term conservative management of a root-fractured permanent maxillary right central incisor in an 8-year-old patient. After the initial approach of splinting the traumatized tooth, the patient was followed on a regular basis for 15 years. Clinically, the crown of the root-fractured incisor showed no displacement or discoloration, and thermal tests suggested pulp vitality over the follow-up period. Radiographically, an increase in the diastasis was observed between the apical and coronal fragments due to both the growth of the alveolar process and the healing with interposition of hard and soft tissue between the fragments and confirmed with computed tomography scan in the 15-year follow-up appointment. (Pediatr Dent 2012;34:156-8) Received June 21, 2010 vertical bar Lost Revision August 18, 2010 vertical bar Accepted August 27, 2010


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Pulpal and periodontal tissues of immature incisors of 10 dogs were radiographically and histopathologically evaluated immediately, 7, 15, 30 and 60 days after experimental intrusion induced by mechanical blows. Forty upper central and mesial lateral incisors showing incomplete root formation on radiographs were submitted to intrusive force. After the observation periods, the dogs were killed, two at a time. The hemi-maxilas were removed and processed for histopathologic examination. The traumatized teeth showed accelerated apical formation with reduced radicular length. Pulpal vitality was maintained and the subjacent tissues did not present irreversible changes. All traumatized teeth re-erupted spontaneously.


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Objective: To determine the prevalence and severity of caries in 3-12-year-old children in three districts of the city of Araraquara, Design: An epidemiological survey was carried out by trained and calibrated examiners in 1995 and 1996, using the WHO diagnostic criteria. Setting: Two districts, Araraquara and Vila Xavier had been fluoridated since 1963 and one, Gavião Peixoto, since 1994. Subjects: The study included 1,191 children from Araraquara, 653 from Vila Xavier and 652 from Gavião Peixoto. Outcome measures: Prevalence of caries, dmft, dmfs, DMFT and DMFS indices. Results: Results showed moderate caries experience in all three districts. Differences between districts in relation to fluoridation history were particularly obvious in primary teeth. In 3-4-year-old children, one third of those in Araraquara and Vila Xavier had some caries experience compared to 58% in Gavião Peixoto. In permanent teeth, 20% or less of the mean DMFT was made up of untreated decay in Araraquara and Vila Xavier whereas in Gaviao Peixoto it made up between 50 and 57% of values in 7-12-year-old children. Conclusions: The prevalence and severity of caries was lower in dentitions of children from the districts fluoridated since 1963. Improvements are likely in the future in Gaviao Peixoto as the benefit of fluoridation continues but additional means of promoting oral health are needed in all three districts.


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Frieseomelitta varia worker bees do not lay eggs even when living in queenless colonies, a condition that favors ovary development and oviposition in the majority of highly social bees. The permanent sterility of these worker bees was initially attributed to a failure in ovary morphogenesis and differentiation. Using transmission electron microscopy we found that at the beginning of the pupal phase the ovaries of F. varia workers are formed by four ovarioles, each of them composed of 1) a terminal filament at the apex of the ovarioles, containing juxtaposed and irregularly shaped cells, 2) a germarium with clusters of cystocytes and prefollicular cells showing long cytoplasmic projections that envelop the cystocyte clusters, 3) fusiform interfollicular and basal stalk precursor cells, and 4) globular, irregularly contoured basal cells with large nuclei. However, during the pupal phase an accentuated and progressive process of cell death takes place in the ovarioles. The dying cells are characterized by large membrane bodies, electron-dense apoptotic bodies, vacuoles, vesiculation, secondary lysosomes, enlarged rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae, swollen mitochondria, pycnotic nuclei, masses of chromatin adjacent to the convoluted nuclear envelope, and nucleoli showing signs of fragmentation. Cell death continues in ovarioles even after the emergence of the workers. Once they become nurse bees, the ovaries have become transformed into a cell mass in which structurally organized ovarioles can no longer be identified. In F. varia workers, ovariole cell death most certainly is part of the program of caste differentiation.


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A case report of the treatment of permanent incisors with crown and root fractures is presented. A radiolucent lesion at the fracture lines was treated with calcium hydroxide in the coronal fragments for 18 months. Clinically, the teeth became firm and the radiographic results after 2 years showed healing of the lesion and hard tissue filling in the space at the fracture lines. © Munksgaard, 2001.


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A high rate of root exposure and consequently the exposure of the furcation area is usually observed in multirooted teeth. In maxillary molar teeth, this fact may endanger the three existent furcations (buccal, mesial and distal), causing serious problems. In this research, distance measures from the buccal furcation to the mesial (F1M) and distal (F1D) surfaces of the mesio-buccal and disto-buccal roots; from the mesial furcation to the buccal (F2B) and palatal (F2P) surfaces of the mesio-buccal and palatal roots and from the distal furcation to the buccal (F3B) and palatal (F3P) surfaces of the disto-buccal and palatal roots, respectively were established. One hundred maxillary first molar teeth were used, 50 of the right and 50 of the left side. Reference marks and demarcations were determined on the furcations and also on the root surfaces involved in the measures. We concluded that these measurements are important because they may effectivelly contribute to diagnosis, prevention and treatment of periodontal problems.


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The purpose of this study was to show anatomical variations in permanent maxillary molars. Two clinical cases of four-rooted maxillary molars and a macroscopic study of an extracted tooth, showing a five-rooted maxillary molar, are presented.


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Restorative dentistry has been increasingly concerned with preservation of the dental structure. For that reason, ultraconservative cavity preparations have been performed with air abrasion systems. The aim of this study was to present treatment options for the occlusal surface of first permanent molars with employment of the conventional method and the air abrasion system for accomplishment of the cavity preparation and a composite occlusal matrix for an accurate reproduction of the tooth surface.


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A method was developed using the multi-element graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry technique for the direct and simultaneous determination of As, Cu, and Pb in Brazilian sugar cane spirit (cachaça) samples. Also employed was the end-capped transversely heated graphite atomizer (THGA) with platforms pre-treated with W permanent modifier and co-injection of Pd/Mg(N03)2. Pyrolysis and atomization temperature curves were established in a cachaça medium (1+1; v/v) containing 0.2% (v/v) HN03 and spiked with 20 μg L-1 As and Pb and 200 μg L-1Cu. The effect of the concentration of major elements usually present in cachaça matrices (Ca, Mg, Na, and K) and ethanol on the absorbance of As, Cu, and Pb was investigated. Analytical working solutions of As, Cu, and Pb were prepared in 10% (v/v) ethanol plus 5.0 mg L-1 Ca, Mg, Na, and K. Acidified to 0.2% (v/v) HNO3, these solutions were suitable to build calibration curves by matrix matching. The proposed method was applied to the simultaneous determination of As, Cu, and Pb in commercial sugar cane spirits. The characteristic mass for the simultaneous determination was 16 pg As, 119 pg Cu, and 28 pg Pb. The pretreated tube lifetime was about 450 firings. The limit of detection (LOD) was 0.6 μg L-1As, 9.2 μg L-1 Cu, and 0.3 μg L-1Pb. The found concentrations varied from 0.81 to 4.28 μg L-1As, 0.28 to 382 mg L-1 Cu and 0.82 to 518 μg L-1 Pb. The recoveries of the spiked samples varied from 94-112% (As), 97-111% (Cu), and 95-101% (Pb). The relative standard deviation (n=12) was 6.9%, 7.4%, and 7.7% for As, Cu, and Pb, respectively, present in a sample at 0.87 μgL-1, 0.81 mgL-1, and 38.9 μgL-1concentrations.


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Electric propulsion is now a succeful method for primary propulsion of deep space long duration missions and for geosyncronous satellite attitude control. Closed Drift Thruster, so called Hall Thruster or SPT (Stationary Plasma Thruster), was primarily conceived in USSR (the ancient Soviet Union) and, since then, it has been developed by space agencies, space research institutes and industries in several countries such as France, USA, Israel, Russian Federation and Brazil. In this work we present the main features of the Permanent Magnet Hall Thruster (PMHT) developed at the Plasma Laboratory of the University of Brasilia. The idea of using an array of permanent magnets, instead of an electromagnet, to produce a radial magnetic field inside the plasma channel of the thruster is very significant. It allows the development of a Hall Thruster with power consumption low enough to be used in small and medium size satellites. Description of a new vacuum chamber used to test the second prototype of the PMHT (PHALL II) will be given. PHALL II has an aluminum plasma chamber and is smaller with 15 cm diameter and will contain rare earth magnets. We will show plasma density and temperature space profiles inside and outside the thruster channel. Ion temperature measurements based on Doppler broadening of spectral lines and ion energy measurements are also shown. Based on the measured plasma parameters we constructed an aptitude figure of the PMHT. It contains the specific impulse, total thrust, propellant flow rate and power consumption necessary for orbit raising of satellites. Based on previous studies of geosyncronous satellite orbit positioning we perform numerical simulations of satellite orbit raising from an altitude of 700 km to 36000 km using a PMHT operating in the 100 mN - 500 mN thrust range. In order to perform these calculations integration techniques were used. The main simulation paraters were orbit raising time, fuel mass, total satellite mass, thrust and exaust velocity. We conclude comparing our results with results obtainned with known space missions performed with Hall Thrusters. © 2008 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the overjet and overbite behavior during eruption of the upper permanent incisors. Fourth-eight plaster casts of 16 patients from ages 6-13 years were appraised longitudinally. It was found that the overjet remains constant, starting at the eruption of the upper permanent central incisors until eruption of the upper permanent canine teeth, while the overbite increases after eruption of the upper permanent lateral incisors and remains constant with the eruption of the canine teeth.


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This paper describes the design and development of a high input power-factor (HPF) AC to AC converter for naval applications using Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG). The proposed converter comprises an isolated three-phase uncontrolled multipulse rectification stage directly connected to a single-phase inverter stage, without the use of DC to DC intermediary stage, resulting in more simplicity for the overall circuitry, assuring robustness, reliability and reduced costs. Furthermore, the multipulse rectifier stage is capable to provide high power factor and input currents with low total harmonic distortion (THD). The output voltage of the PMG varies from 260V rms (220 Hz) to 380V rms (360 Hz), depending on load conditions. The output single-phase inverter stage was designed to operate with wide range of DC bus voltage, maintaining 120V rms, 60 Hz output. Measured total harmonic distortion for the AC output voltage represents less than 2%, at 3.6kW nominal linear load. © 2010 IEEE.


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Developmental disturbances of permanent teeth can result from trauma to primary teeth because of the proximity of the root of the primary teeth to their permanent successors. We describe the case of a 14-month-old boy who was referred to the baby clinic of the School of Dentistry, Universidad Estadual Paulista, Araçatuba, Brazil, after sustaining a severe trauma that led to intrusion of the right primary central incisor. Radiographic examination 4 years after the trauma showed a developing morphological change in the germ of the permanent successor. On eruption of the permanent central incisor, a crown malformation along with enamel hypoplasia was observed. We concludethat radiographic follow-up is indicated after trauma to monitor possible sequelae in the permanent successors even before their eruption. © 2011 Canadian Dental Association.


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Aim: This study evaluated the prevalence of the chewing side preference (CSP) in the deciduous, mixed and permanent dentitions. Materials and methods: Three-hundred subjects were divided in three groups (n = 100): Group 1 - children with deciduous dentition; group 2-children with mixed dentition; group 3 - subjects with permanent dentition. The CSP was determined using a direct method (visual observation) developed by McDonnell et al. (2004). Descriptive statistic was used to observe the prevalence of CSP. The Pearson's Chi-square was used to investigate signicant associations between gender, presence of CSP and preferred side (right/left). Results and conclusion: Eighty-seven percent of group 1 had a CSP. Eighty-two percent of group 2 had a CSP. Seventy-six percent of group 3 had a CSP. There was no statistically significant association between presence of CSP and gender in all groups. There was no statistically significant association between preferred side (right/left) and gender in all groups. Clinical significance: There is a higher prevalence of subjects in deciduous, mixed and permanent dentition that presented chewing side preference. The early diagnosis of the presence of chewing side preference can prevent the unilateral chewing pattern with prophylactic therapy applied to the first teeth (deciduous).