54 resultados para Peasant movements
In this article the social trajectory of a land occupation participant, an encamped woman (Edesmaria) who is a member of an extended landless family, is closely examined in order to demonstrate the inner workings of what is called 'the world of land occupations' in Brazil. Through a native expression (encampment time), it is demonstrated that nowadays, for some individuals, involvement in land occupations and landless workers' movements represents not just an opportunity to claim a parcel of land, but, even more importantly, a chance for social mobility and recognition. In this sense, encampment time is a social code and, as such, it not only quantifies the amount of time spent in a given encampment, but it is also a marker of prestige and status as well as a principle that organises and orders social relations in the land occupation world.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Given that the auditory system is rather well developed at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy, it is likely that couplings between acoustics and motor activity can be integrated as early as at the beginning of postnatal life. The aim of the present mini-review was to summarize and discuss studies on early auditory-motor integration, focusing particularly on upper-limb movements (one of the most crucial means to interact with the environment) in association with auditory stimuli, to develop further understanding of their significance with regard to early infant development. Many studies have investigated the relationship between various infant behaviors (e.g., sucking, visual fixation, head turning) and auditory stimuli, and established that human infants can be observed displaying couplings between action and environmental sensory stimulation already from just after birth, clearly indicating a propensity for intentional behavior. Surprisingly few studies, however, have investigated the associations between upper-limb movements and different auditory stimuli in newborns and young infants, infants born at risk for developmental disorders/delays in particular. Findings from studies of early auditory-motor interaction support that the developing integration of sensory and motor systems is a fundamental part of the process guiding the development of goal-directed action in infancy, of great importance for continued motor, perceptual, and cognitive development. At-risk infants (e.g., those born preterm) may display increasing central auditory processing disorders, negatively affecting early sensorymotor integration, and resulting in long-term consequences on gesturing, language development, and social communication. Consequently, there is a need for more studies on such implications.
The struggle for land is not a recent theme in Brazilian history. Since colonization, people have fought and resisted against oppression and injustice in the countryside, as can be evidenced by the highwaymen, peasant leagues and the war of Canudos. More recently, the struggle for land and agrarian reform can be evidenced by the struggles of the MST, CONTAG, CPT and other movements. For these movements, denominated as socioterritorial movements, land/territory is an essential condition for their existence and for the maintenance of their territoriality. The present paper examines the geography of socioterritorial moviments: the construction of the concept of socioterritorial movements and their forms of action and scales of actuation in the period 2000 to 2012, focusing on the movements that have been most active. These movements are studied through as analysis of data of the Land Struggle Data Base (Banco de Dados da Luta pela Terra –DATALUTA), print and digital media reports and a bibliographic survey of the literature. The action of socioterritorial movements can be studied through the forms of land occupations and demonstrations in the countryside which are the principal means of the struggle against large landholders, agribusiness and the State. These actions question the model of development which privileges agribusiness and, as such, are viewed by some as a hindrance to the development of the country. Over the years, the number of socioterritorial moviments, and their actions have oscillated due to a series of factors, such as repression (criminalization of members and violence against them), policies adopted by Brazilian governments and the contradictions inherent in very process of the spacialization of the struggle for land. These actions can be analyzed according to the scale of the struggle of the movements – municipal, micro-regional, state, macro-regional, and national
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The trapezius muscle (superior, middle and inferior portions) was analyzed in 20 volunteers. The electromyographic tests were carried out using a four-channel TECA TE 2-7 electromyograph with surface- and single coaxial needle electrodes. In abduction, adduction and flexion-extension, the 3 portions show increasing and decreasing activity, respectively, from the beginning until the end of these movements. In hyperextension, the 3 portions show increasing activity from the beginning until the end of the movement, with greater participation of the middle portion. Significant differences were not observed in the electromyographic profile of the trapezius, using surface and needle electrodes.
The objective of this study is to analyze the simultaneity of the actions of the three portions of the trapezius (superior portion = TS; middle portion = TM and inferior portion = TI) in elevation, lowering, retraction and protraction of the shoulders. The electromyographic tests were carried out in 20 volunteers using a 4-channel TECA TE 2-7 electromyograph and surface and single coaxial needle electrodes. The electromyographs, obtained with the two types of electrodes, show that in elevation and lowering of the shoulders, TS and TM present increasing and decreasing activity, respectively, from the beginning until the end of these movements. In retraction of the shoulders, TM and TI present increasing activity from the beginning to the end of the movement. In protraction, TS, TM and TI do not show any activity.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Saccadic eye movements have been shown to affect posture by decreasing the magnitude of body sway in young adults. However, there is no evidence of how the search for visual information that occurs during eye movements affects postural control in older adults. The purpose of the present study was to determine the influence of saccadic eye movements on postural control in older adults while they stood on 2 different bases of support. Twelve older adults stood upright in 70-s trials under 2 stance conditions (wide and narrow) and 3 gaze conditions (fixation, saccadic eye movements at 0.5 Hz, and saccadic eye movements at 1.1 Hz). Head and trunk sway amplitude and mean sway frequency were measured in both the anterior/posterior (AP) and medial/lateral (ML) directions. The results showed that the amplitude of body sway was reduced during saccades compared with fixation, as previously observed in young adults. However, older adults exhibited similar sway amplitude and frequency in the AP direction under the wide and narrow stance conditions, which is different from observations in young adults, who display larger sway in a narrow stance compared with a wide stance while performing saccades. These results suggest that although older adults are affected by saccadic eye movements by a decrease in the amplitude of body sway, as observed in young adults, they present a more rigid postural control strategy that does not allow larger sway during a more challenging stance condition.